Nightmares Alive

Yes...but it is the basis for those feelings, while developed in our braons, where do they go if theyre host is truely ....heartless?
Cross hit him in the head."they stuck right there...That's only a metaphor dork."He laughed."I really don't care what happens to you anymore or what you do to yourself....but i got to keep this one promise so i'm not letting you get away with this..."
Rune wispers:why not? Why dont you want to see the light? To become stronger...i can teach you things that very few now, inferno*a buildong bursts into flames*quench*it stops burning without any smoke* just two words, and i risked amd saved hundreds, but there is more to it then meets the eye..noo this is just the simplest magic i know..join me, and we will become the two greatest warriors the universe has ever seen....or dont, and seal one of our fates*his skin turns into blue colored dark elf metal and ,he smiles*rune:choose wisely, because ive got more than one energy feuling me, and even if you win...youd be obliterating the universe by releasing the king of hell upon existance
Cross,with a smile,snapped his fingers and Rune changed to normal unable to go back."Didn't see that coming did you?...."
Rune: you cannot limit what i truely am*his skin turns an even darker blue and he smiles wickedly* its like trying to make my usual form somthing different, because i dont have just one true have over 10..
"Duh.."And that form had failed too,turning him back to normal."Do you really think i'd just swing at you when i had an opening and just miss?...I know what you are thanks to..."He smiled."A little blood sample lets say,from a certain someone's heart before i left..."He licked his lips.
*rune looks at him*your the one arent you? You killed my race*anger burns in his eyes and energy cracks in the air around him, the ground begins to break apart from the power building up*rune:you killed my patents..mey race*lighning comes from his body and hits the ground cracking solid rock*
But his form could not change,Cross stared at him,his smile had gone and with a stern voice he said."No...I have never been or see your home or planet.I have no reason to mindlessly kill people who have done no wrong to me unlike someone...I my be on the "crazy" side of the universe but I know how to control my actions with thoughts...Like how would i feel if someone just came in and took out my home with one blow and then took out the homes around mine were many other people that did no wrong live...I am not like you...And with all that you "say" that has happened to you i would have thought you'd be better than this.making sure this cycle did not continue...But I was so wrong to think that...wasn't i?.."
Rune: my people wherent mindlessly killed, they where a race of conqerors...someone payed the ledendary warrior to kill them......*his brain finally makes the connection that his heart was only a figurehead for his emotions...all the pain comes flooding back and he turns around now seeing the wrong in what he has done*rune: j-just kill me, ok? I will never be able to show myself anywhere again without them hating me as a evil horrible person...i used to be hated foor no good reason...but now theres a real reason...and ill never live what ive done today down no matter how many times i save this world...
Cross slapped him upside the head and smiled gently."There you are...That's not true,now if you just leave all these people like this then yea of course they'll hate you...But if you help with the magic you used back in the forest and i explain that you were having a missing brain function somewhere,i'm sure you and them will be fine.Then it can go back to the whacked out group that no one could ever piece together!"He laughed.
Rune: o-okay....give me a bit though...i need to be alone*he runs to his cottage and opens the door, he walks to his room amd he hugs a pillow crying*rune: im so could i have been such a fool...
The monster had now began helping out what he could,even though he scared people more,it got them away from the danger and it seemed like the people thought the monster did it all and never knew Rune.

Cross instructed the monster as they began cleaning a bit at a time with some help from some of the men that weren't scared.A few of them even knew Cross,or at least heard of him and he had no idea how.
*rune comes back to help, during the cleanup rune trys to move a 20 thoulsand pound slab of metal by himself, he slips and it falls over on him*rune from under metal: i am very ticked off rite now...very much indeed
"Ah...Hey big guy!"Cross yelled to the monster and pointed at Rune,already over there.

The monster stared at it but did nothing.

Cross sighed."I know you don't like him for what he tried to do to you,but come on...I forgave him,so i know you can..."

The monster reacted down and lifted the metal off of Rune,Cross stood above him looking down."You good?"He smiled.
*rune smiled and held out a metal dog statue* complete darkness and i sculpt better than in the.light*he turns the huge metal slab into a small brick to move it easier*ok here goes nothin!*he throws the brick at the place where there piling all the suff and transforms it back at the last second it landing with a huge crash*not alteration skills are still at my best*i look at a few broken buildings*easy, hi-niem *two symbold blaze in front of me and the buildings repair themselves, a few people give him stunned looks* what? Yall actin like you havent heard of wizards...
Raven stood up and flew to Rune and cross she had lost all energy from the fish and wasn't in the mood to fangirl anymore. Her whole expressions where but blank again she crouched by Rune and held out the heart to him then pointed where it needed to be,"here...."she said softly monotone. Raven tucked her wings back under her cape unseen she then looked around at what was going on and the people,"...... Cross is cool"she thought but didn't gaze at him like before she just played it off and looked at Rune an patted his head,"dieing is never an option"she said monotone.
Eran ran over, his body completely drenched in whoever's blood. He obviously did not stay put and had some fun. He watched the scene in a short distance and did a half smile. He lashed his tail lalazily and yawned.

(just decided he would have a tail. It looks like a long cord with a scythe shape at the end xD )
Cross sighed but with a smile as he looked around,they had gotten half of the work done...In one of the kingdoms...But Cross was having fun so it didn't bother him."Come on,we'll take over there!"He yelled up to the monster so it could hear,and as Cross walked on the monster wasn't far behind.

( xD haha my character isn't fully "Out there" yet X3 And since i just had to do a small info thing about him i didn't write much of anything about him hehe)
Damian was off in the forest, somewhere. He fled after Raven and everyone else got distracted. He was alone, having left Baltimore and Holly to good care at a Tavern he had found. He was sitting in a tree, eyes closed, but still alert to sound.
"I'm not as stupid as I look," Eran lashed his tail again, but this time in arrogance. He grinned and gave a bow," Your majesty," he stood straight again and gave him a cheeky look.
(What happened agter I left?)

Damian could see the others from his view. Not too far away. He opened his eyes and remained silent. He watched them, grateful he left.
Cross laughed as he continued to walk where he was going."Stay out of trouble brat..."

The monster looked and waved at the boy as he followed Cross.

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