Nightmares Alive

*growls at cross, my last cloudy thought is to revert,my muscles shrink my tail claws and wings dissapear and my skin turns normal again*rune: keep your foghts away from my house*he goes back intonhis house and locks the door again*
Raven glared at Rune and pushed him down to the ground so he wouldn't get in Crosses way,"hush!"she yelled at him and sat on him covering his mouth.
*rune knocks er off him not caring in the least and goes into his house , henputs a protective barrier around it so nobody will desturb him and nobody can destroy his house again* rune mutters after he closes the door:damn people, i should just let the king out and let him rip them all to shreads
Cross stared at this "scene"...."What a strange little girl...."

The monster stood up and Cross flew up with it,his scythe was stuck in one of it's ear and he up right in front of it.

Cross smiled."Heh....Hi..."
*rune fell asleep but almosr immediatly woke up, a emptness filles him, one that used to be pain was gone replaced with an empty feeling, and he liked it much better*rune: maybe ill break the wizard law, who caees? None of them ever cared about my life*a wicked smile creeps up on his face*rune wispers: oh the rules i can break just today...and the souls to devour*he licks his lips*
Cross got chills down his neck,and he knew these weren't from the monster...

The monster raised it's hand and grabbed Cross by the back of his shirt and pulled him off.Then looked at him as it kinda messed with him,seeing what he was.

Cross just hit the hand away that was messing with him with his scythe."Back off!"then,he slipped through his shirt,losing his grip on his weapon.he fell to the ground right on his back and his scythe landing less than 3 inches away from his face."...Ow..."
*rune storms out of his house and flys to the nearest town, he looks down on the xitizens*rune: poor poor pitiful people...alll about to die, but they deserve it...for ive saved them many times and never even been thanked*he rains huge blasts of fire into the town obliterateing it in seconds, the souls flowing into him*rune:delicious....purely delicious(rune is now at a standpoint betewwn good and evil....and honestly i am starting to like the idea of a heartless evil strange as it is0.0)
Cross put a thumb up."Yea...peachy..."He sat up,a few pops from his back as he did and he looked up at the monster which hat his shirt held right in front of him.

the monster was looking down at him,first seeing him as a threat,but now since he helped it saw him more as a friend.

Cross grabbed his shirt back and slipped it on,looking up at the monster."So that's how you work...Huh,was hoping you'd be more deadly but oh well..."He stood up,pulling his scythe out of the ground.
Raven blinked looking at Cross she blushed deeply and smiled slightly,"a thumbs up.... Even that was cool"she thought. Raven then stood up watching Cross to see what he would do next.
(-.- oh dear god,he's stuck with a fan....)

Cross changed his scythe back to his necklace and climbed up the monster into it's mouth,at least that's what he thought it was.And tried to get up to it's eyes,took him a bit but he made it and stared at it."What do you want?..."

The monster did nothing as he was climbing and simply growled when he asked.
*a single old woman walks up to him and asks for directions, he cuts her in two and smiles evily*rune: i like this...i really do...the freedom...the power...the destruction...the blood...i have no compassion or pity now...for it was never shown to me....i will no longer show it*with the snap of his fingers the towns nursery explodes, he then wipes the city off the map with one big explosion*
Raven heard the explosions an glared she looked bak at Cross then looked down."ah maybe a break of fangirling...... He wouldn't mind"she said then flew ingot he house without Rune knowing she grabbed his heart and put it in her bag then quickly ran out and sighed breathing hard,"I hate work...."she mumbled then looked at the heart and frowned,"even for someone like me always enjoying the worst parts of life.... This.... This is something I can't handle...."she said then hd the heart and began walking away to look for Cross again she spotted him and blushed deeply,"c-cool"she said.(yes! xD complet fangirl mode)
( xD Oh Gees.)

Cross heard the explosion and knew exactly who it was.He looked at the monster and demanded."Pay me back for I did and help me!..."

The monster seemed a bit surprised,and without another word from Cross,it began to head towards the explosion.

Cross looked back at the two brats(Eran and Damian)."be right back!Don't go anywhere!"He smiled and sat on the top of the monsters head.
*rune smiles as he stabs a young boy with his sword*rune: may your spirit rest in the fields of punishment*he twists his sword and the boy dies , that making 3 towns destroyed....he spotted the kingdom of kess in the distance*rune: ohh....those fools kept me from seeing tara before she was killed*he conjires a large green ball of fire and throws it at the city, a slowly burning flame engulfs the castle and kills the occupants slowly*rune: peerrfeccttttttttt
All of a sudden,Rune gets whack on the side of the head sending him flying.Cross smiled."Knock some sense into you yet!?"

The monster stood a bit away,still coming
*rune turned to cross smiling, helicks some blood off his lips*rune: who is the one who needs to have sense kmocked into them, you or i? The one who has yet to see the truth or the one that knows, humanity doesnt desurve to survive?*he laughs wickedly*
"Trust me,I've known the "truth"...I just didn't turn it into hate."He held his scythe and pointed it at Rune."Unlike someone apparently..."
Rune: i used to be under a weight of sadness and dispair....but now that my mind is clear of the foolishness of my heart i see that destruction is the awnser....hate, no....destruction...yessssss*he pulls out his sword, star splitter*rune wispers:supernova*his sword turns into its supernova form and he smiles wickedly*true the humans will die, it isnt fair to them i know....but was it fair my race died?!?! NO! being fair or kind or nice only leads to loosing yourself!
Cross laughed."And why do you think I'm this way?...Fair is a made up word in my world."His smiled faded."but i never cared in the first place.And don't think your the only one who's lost there race!"He swung his blade across sending a shock wave towards Rune.
*rune stops it with supernova and sends a blast of pure heat at cross*rune: i saw my parents die in front of me! I saw my own world ripped apart in one explosion! Ive been kind to tthse foolish humans for 1600 years! But what do i get?! Hatred and rejection! They dont deserve to conrinue existing! Ife learned only one thing matters now! And that is power! If your not powerful your weak and you will be destroyed by the powerful! And if tou are powerful you survive!
Cross had appeared behind him with his blade ready to swing."Then you are of no interest to me anymore...."He smiled and sliced Right through Rune from behind,But there was no wound.
Rune:and i learned this by givinf up such a small thing*he moves his shirt so the hole where his hearr used to be * all it cost...was my unnecisary emotions, love, care, compassion, sadness,fear and pain

(Ish confuzzled, why is there no wound?)*rune smiles* very well done....but im not really here*suddenly the image dissapears and rune is behind cross* rune wispers in his ear:im over here

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