Nightmares Alive

*rune knows she doesnt enjoy his company so he looks down sadly*rune mutters: sorry...if you need me ill be in my room*he quietly walks to his room and closes the door, he falls onto the bed and bueries his face in a pillow*rune: why does everyone hate me!*he silently crys in his pillow as he has done many nights*
Jem looked at Eran scaredly,"yes....."she admitted then covered her eyes so she couldn't see him,"but now your not"she said softly.

Raven blinked and yawned she looked around then back at Cross,"what are you looking for?"she asked confusedly tilting her head.
Eran smiled and said,"Open your eyes now!" Before Jem reacted, he took his hands and put them over his face. "See? I'm not scary anymore!" His voice was muffled by his own hands, covering his face.
Cross turned around to her and was about to say something but he froze,his eye's widened as he looked passed them,finding what he was looking for.All this time it had been in the opposite direction,it was in the trees around the same height as the ones it was standing by and it was just standing there staring right back at Cross.

(X3 here's the monster! hehehehe ( )(Just the monster XP))
(Now I'm scared....)

Raven blinked then turned around,"you scared bro?"she asked smirking then looked at the monster,"I wonder if you'd taste good on a plate"she said.

Jem blushed deeply looking at Eran,"I'm Jem....."she said softly and blushed.
Cross cover her mouth with his hand."Shut up..."He just stared at it and smiled."If you kill it i'll kill you...."
*rune pulls out a knife, he speaks a spell and plunfes the knife into his chest he takes it out and shoves his hand through and pulls out his heart, litterally half frozen and not beating*rune: i have no need for this now*he freezes it solod and puts it away in his closet, all the pain sadness and any other feelings draining out of him, he walks into the living room*rune: sorry but the cottage is now not open*he walks back into his toom and slams his door cracking it with his force*
Cross only gripped tighter,almost breaking her jaw.He looked at her,his eyes red once more and his top and bottom canine teeth had slightly sharpened."Easily...."He let go and looked back at the monster.

The monster walked out,with each step the entire area shook,it stopped once it hit the clearing.
(aw man rune u scarin me o~o)

"Eran," he said casually. He was about to grasp her hand until he noticed blood on his hand. Eran quickly rubbed it off on his jacket and shook her hand with a half smile.
(Well zthis iz the xourse rune takes his firsr nighr withouzt reason to keep his emotions, other than rage and hatred , otherwise he kills himself)
Jem blinked and smiled shaking it she had walked out completely frightened,"I wan-"she started then saw the monster and hid.

Raven smirked she enjoyed the pain she had got when he tightened his grip,"so realistic"she said she was now dazed about Cross her eyes locked on him and she smiled happily.
*after they leave i take down the sign and lock the door, no longer feeling the compasion to help others, as they never where greatful back*rune: why did i ever bother*he takes a sword and stabs it into the wall, making a hole in solid diamond* rune: stupid people and there ungreatful ways*he burns the food hed made and sits on the couch with anger swirling in his eyes*
Cross grabbed his cross necklace and it turned to his scythe,then he leaned on it."biggest one so far,wonder how to deal with it."He smiled.

The monster saw Cross with a weapon and began walking to him,the "house" was in the way but it didn't stop it from going straight through it.Smashing the parts it stepped on down.
*rune sees this dang monster deztroy his house and he pulls out star splitter, sending a bolt oflightning crashing into the creature* rune screams: hey medusa! You just made a big damn mistake!*the ground bursts insto flame around him and he walks tward the monster each step the inferno of fire growing*
The monster had no effect and paid no attention to Rune,he just continued to walk to Cross and the ones behind him.

Cross sighed."Great,now he'll ruin everything thanks to that stupid house in the way..."he grabbed his scythe and watched Rune carefully with a smile."At least he can be the test rat..."
*rune charges at the creature his sword glowing a beight dazzling gold he slashes the creature down its back with what should be a small blow, a glowing line appears througn the creatures middle*rune: you just got split*the creature explodes into twoo huge balls of fire like a star being split in half somthing flows into rune and he smiles*rune: a delicious soul...*he turns around and with the wave of his hand the house if fixed, he opens the door and walks inside then closes and locks it*
The monster had pulled it's self back together in the short time Rune had looked away and whacked him with it's hand,sending him straight through the house.It made a deep moaning growl and continued on with walking.

Cross slightly laughed at this."Well,that's not good..."He wanted to kill this thing himself,but now he didn't want it was very interesting to him.
Raven watched the guy then Cross,"both so cool"she thought but she dazed more at Cross,"dangerous and painfully realistic"she thought smirking happily.
*rune looks back at the thing anger filling his eyes and his dragon side cominf out*rune in a deep and evil soundinf dragon voice: big mistake*runes muscles bulge ripping his shirt and wings appear on his back his skin turning to green scales and his hands grow huge claws, also he sprouts a long tail*rune: i will enjoy this.....i havent eaten somthing this size in years*he breaths a huge stream of blistering fire at the crearure*
Before the fire hit a large hole formed in the middle of the creature,letting the fire go right through not even touching the creature.Instead the flame went to the forest,burning down most of the trees in it's path.

Cross yelled."Watch it lizard breath!!"He ran off towards Rune and the monster.
Raven got up and sprouted wings an flew to watch the fight without getting hurt,"cute~"she said smirking at Cross then looked at Rune and jolted,"c-creepy even for me"she muttered.
*rune growled deeply the ground vibrateing under him he screeched and felt commands coming from his special ability the cloudy thoughts' jump and dive bomb' he jumped and smashed down on the greatures back the impact knocking it off its feet'bite' he bites the creatures neck hard sinking his teeth deep'throw' he swung the creature over his head and threw it into a large rock about 40 yards away(like to see nfl do a field goal like that!)*
Cross stopped running as the creature flew over him he used his scythe to hook it and drag it down so it wouldn't hit the rock."Some pain in my but you turned out to be..."He looked at Rune.

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