Nightmares Alive

Jem jolted and sniffled her eyes watered up,"your kinda scary thats why....."she said softly as she fell down at his glare then then looked away,"let's go Raven"she said then looked at the rest of the guys,"these a lot of dudes here so it's not safe for us"she said."I can't I just ate"Raven said softly.
(srry went to walmart for a little bit)

Eran leaped back up to the trees. His home was getting populated quickly. And he didn't want to share his trees with anyone. He decided to observe from above.
*rune its there having finished his book, he makes a huge meal and has a ton left over, some dishes not even toutched and others with only a bite taken out, he puts a note on the table saying if your hungry to help yourself and goes to his room he prepares it for later on and then comes back to the living room discouraged that nobody had come he lays down on a coutch doing nothing*
Damian rolled his eyes and mentally told Baltimore to attack them. Apparently Baltimore heard him. And obeyed. Baltimore attacked Jem and Raven if you can't tell.
(WALMART?!?!?! I'm so jelly I've been dieing to go to walmart for art supplies cuz I live in brooklyn it's hard to find art supply shops so I either go to pennsillvania and stay over my aunts house or I go to queens counrty side I'm so jell Spirit)
Raven just sat there and kicked the animal to the ground,"you can hurt me but don't attack Jem"she said montone. Jem looked at the boy inthe trees,"I'm so leaving you Raven have fun!"she yelled and ran off she spotted the house and tilted her head she then walked inside peeking ever so slightly,"hello?"she asked in a soft voice. Raven looked at Damien,"....... It's small isn't it.....?"she asked montone yet again.

(lucky bish I wish I had wallmart I NEED one I run out of good sketch pad and prisma colors that I die!)
*rune knows the attack is happening and he moves faster than the eye can percieve to nlock the hound, his hands turn to true silver and he stands there stopping it with only his hands*rune: be a good dog and lay down*he knocks it over with he swipe of his foot*rune in a serious tone: i dont accept harming women, its disonorable*he glaresat damian*(not surs if kandy has already started fighting b4 i posted this)
(Ignore mah last post)*rune looks at jem and smiles*rune:well hello there, my name is runeofflame, but friends call me rune, will you do me the honor of telling me your name?
Cross sighed."Oi,not even five minutes and they start fighting...."He smiled."Nice."But then his smile faded as he got chills down his spine,and the feeling of him being watched again.But this was different,it wasn't eyes of a person...he looked around trying to find what he was feeling.
Raven looked Damien up and down then a smirk appeared on her lips,"It's definatly small......very small...."she said being a bit of apervert to get revenge.

Jem jolted and closed the door then opened it slightly again,"J-Jem...."she said softly and only had the door open enough to see a peak of the boy.
Damian stepped back to stand next to Cross. Holly stared at Damian, waiting for commands. "Be a nice girl." He told her in his mind.
Rune:well hello jem, are you in need of a place to stay? My door is always open to those who need a place to stay.. but heck it hasnt been long since i created this cottage...
Eran suddenly got bored he wanted to check on the girls. Especially the one they called "Jem". She didn't look very strong to him, but he might be wrong. Eran quickly caught their scent, being half-wild, and followed them to a small place that caught his curiousity.

(btw Eran is pronounced "Aaron")
Cross didn't pay attention,he couldn't help it.He knew something was there and he had to find it,with the feeling he had it was definitely not friendly.The expression on his face showed a bit of worry and that wasn't something normal for him.
Jem shook her head,"i-i......"she started she was now even more scared she had lost all curage without Raven.

Raven stuck her tongue out at Damien then slowly got up,"anyway.... what's your name?"she asked cross.
*rune smiled and chuckled to himself* rune: oh you sound so much like i did when i first entered the known lands, quite refreshing remembering the day before my adventueing began..
Jem quickly slammed the door so Rune wouldn't talk anymore she then jolted to see Eran and screamed going inside and hid behind the couch,"so many guys"she thought wondering if she should book it back to Raven or not.

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