Nightmares Alive

Eran's brain fizzed with electricity,"What? But I want to know!" He cried. He loved knowing secrets. They gave him quite a thrill. Eran clenched his fists and leaned in on Cross, very very wanting to know this so-called secret.
Cross turned his attention away from the Eran which he was having so much fun with, and turned to Damian.Whispering under his breath."Looks like I'm lucky..."
"A secret!" Eran exclaimed," A big hush-hush secret!" He threw his arms in the air and pointed to Cross,"He was about to say it!" Eran's eyes became twinkly and turned his attention back to Cross.
*rune turns to a tree and smashes his own head into it, he only is mildly hurt so he does it again making a light thwap as his head hits*rune wispers: just kill me now
Raven blinked she began walking threw the trees again she wasn't good at it but she liked pain she fell out of a tree. She then fell with a squeril on her head and some leaves inher hair as her hoody fell down she looked down. Her face was again blank as she looked at the boy she had landed on it was Cross,"sorry"she said and slowly got off then looked at the squeril who hissed at her and ran off,"wait.......... come back"she said monotone then walked after it she stopped and blinked looking around,"sorry"she said again to Cross hoping she didn't make an enime.
Eran raised an eyebrow. Why was this man laughing? He guessed the secret was TOO hush-hush... Eran looked back at the hounds that Damien brought back and sighed. He took off his claws and put them back in his hidden jacket pocket. He knelt down to the hounds' level and said quietky," Sorry I killed a bunch of you guys.." He stood again,"Things can get out of control sometimes for me,"
*rune hits his head harder againsf the tree this time small gash opening in his head, he falls to the grounddizzy and passes out*
Cross was confused,he was in such a good mood then all of a sudden a girl fell from the sky.And out of all the people she could have landed on,it was him.He jumped up to his feet and looked at the girl."What the heck?..."
*rune wakes up and the gash has closed, he sighs still havong the memories of 1600 years of being lonely...he just wanted to die or forget it all...but he couldnt
"what... the.... heck"Raven repeated then blinked,"oh.... I fell on you...... then you want to know why........ I don't know......"she said montone then patted his head,"your not dead yet its okay.... and I'm not heavy"she said then looked around,"are you okay?"she asked looking back at Cross with a blank expression.
Cross just stared at this strange girl,Then he started thinking...This strange girl,The psycho crazy guy,hound boy,and the dude tryin' to kill himself...."Oh gees..."
"oh.......... Your......I never got you name...."Raven said,"My names Raven..... are you all okay?"she asked then yawned she looked around and fixed her cape.
*rune gets up and looks around, he saw no DECENT place to stay in the entire forestm he knew thst if he slept in the open hed awake to a hound eating him* rune: looks like ill have to make my own house*he slashes down a square of trees forming a clearing, he then using his magic bag he brings out a few hundred thoulsand gems, binding the gems he creates a two story cottage made of gems*rune: thatll do
"Damian." Damian said and whispered to Cross, "Don't mind her, she wants to kill herself andloves 'blood and hatered'." He said.
Raven shot a glare she hated when people thought she was suicidal it was the only thing that made her want to punch someone,"I am NOT! suicidal!"she snarled in Damian's face then looked away. A girl glomped Raven giggling and smiled,"Rave! I found food!"she said then glared at the guys,"rape?"she questioned pouting a bit.

(sorry if its not okay for me to add the second girl neh~)

Name: Jem Glowel


Apperence:View attachment 7732
N*rune smiled at his own handywork, he wasnt bad, creating a cottage out of gems with so little effort, he conjured up a glowing ball of light and sent it rocketing into the skyand then made it explode like fireworks not caring if anyone saw it, he was proud of his was the only thing people respected him about*33
"because pain shows the reality of things"Raven snarled her glare was intense then Jem laughed,"okay okay calm down"she said andpushed her to sit down,"look i caught some fishies!"she said and gave her a cooked fish. Raven went back to her blank expression and ate the fish. Jem smiled patted her head then looked at the boys and blocked Raven,"no rape"she said softly.(XDDDDD)
*rune hung a large sign outsode the cottage as it had plenty of rooms and he had little need for more than one room and a kitchen, the sign reading 'rooms open, free stay' he sat down in the living room with a large ancient looking book and started reafing waiting for someone to bother with him, rwminding himself multiple times not to get his hopes up*

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