Nightmares Alive

Damian heard growls and two houndsarrived in front of him. "Ssshhh..." He whispered and knelt down and stuck his hand out. The hounds sniffed his hand and let Damian pet them.
*rune climbs up a tree to get a vantage point on his surroundings, he looks around and only sees iforest*rune:dang..
"Yes..."Cross rubbed his finger across the blood that was still on Eran and brought it up to his nose,he sniffed it and then licked it off into his mouth.Then a great big smile crossed his face as his eyes turned a slight dark red."Thought so.Dang....I let a good catch get away..."
Damian sat with the hounds, one was a pillow and the other was a blanket. They seemed to like him. He wondered if Cross knew he got away. He shrugged off the idea that he knew and continued talking to the hounds, taking in their disinct patterns. One was striped against red fur with green, and the other had blue and white spots against black fur. Z"You're Baltimore," He named the striped one, "And you're Holly." He named the spotted one. Baltimore made a content sound and Holly licked Damian's face.
Cross looked at Eran,still smiling."i just learned something very interesting about that sneaky little brat that left just a second ago...And about those hounds you took care of."
(You can.)

Baltimore heard something and him and Holly sat up in a guarding position around Damian. "Do you hear something?" Damian asked.
Raven fell out of the tree above Damian and rubbed her head she had a black expression and she looked at him,".......sorry"she said monotone and stood up. Her caramel eyes looked the boy infront of her up and down,"....... sorry"she repeated yet again in monotone she then adjusted her hoody and dusted off her cape then it closed around her as though to sheild wandering eyes.
Baltimore growled and Damian hushed him. "Ssshhh..." He looked at Raven and his eyes widened. "Uh, hello."
*rune jumps down from the tree not noticing how high he was, he lands his feet buckling under him and he falls on his arse, he looks around and nobody is near*rune: owowow! That hurt!
Cross laughed at the impatient boy."Seems like someone wants to know what i found."He looked at Rune when he heard him come down.
Raven blinked,"......Animals"she said softly and barely heard in her monotone voice her expression was blank but that was nothing new to her."can i pet it......?"She asked her eyes where still as soft and tender as always basically she was living life without emotion she thought it was to much work to smile or laugh or cry but she loved graveyards death blood hatered deadly animals that could bite her hand off if she touched them and darkness.
Cross was getting a kick out of this kid."There connected...And i mean in a good way,like friends....And now i want to know why and how."He smiled."So many interesting and fun people..."
"And how would you know that by taking your hand, touching my face, and licking the very blood that came from my face?" He growled in a low tone. This guy was really pushing his buttons.
"that's what I'm hopeing"Raven said and stuck out her hand. Most people wouldv'e been frightened by her being that her eyes weren't full of fears or hope but rather just anticipation and excitement although it showed no where else she then touched Holly hoping for the bite she was hoping it would be long and she wouldn't have a hand anymore but then she jolted hearing something it was in a bush she walked over and saw a bone it was abandoned,"what is this doing here?"she asked curiously although it didn't show anywhere on her face or body but just her voice.
Holly was going to bite Ra ven, but Damian stopped her. "Uhhh, we should be going." He gathered Baltimore and Holly and headed back to where Cross was. "I'm baaack~" He announced.
*rune sits there, he lets his soul and heart harden trying to cut off his emotions , he csnt keep up his happy act much longer and he knows it*(btw aki i think u can hav more thn one char)

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