Nightmares Alive


Senior Member
The skies shone a ghoulish purple, smoking grey, and wind whistled ominously. The black trees reached out gnarled fingers and blood-tipped thorns to grab people in the paths wake. Shrieks and screeches could be heard every direction.

Lya was in mortal peril she ran through the forest, suddenly she was caught by something, she screamed, but nothing came out, the noise caught in her throat and completely unwilling to be set freed. She struggled uselessly against claws that dug deep into the flesh of her neck, causing drips of blood to pool down its slope from the punctures.

And so this was the world of her deepest darkest nightmares, come to life. Staying alive won't be an easy task, dear survivors.
Lya heard footsteps coming, but the creature still held it's claws at her throat. She screamed, a blood curdling cry for help tinged with mortal fear. She could feel the wet drips of blood staining her clothes, a sinister laugh escaped the creature whos form was hidden in a thick black veil of smoke. She continued to struggle. "Help me! Help me somebody" she called. Dark ravens started to roost upon the trees, their beady eyes glued to her flesh, hoping for her death. She grew weary of blood loss as it continued to dribble down her neck.
[Name: Damian Yuligna

Age: 17

Personality: Damian is quite shy, indeed. He has horrible trust issues from a horrific past. Abusive parents, being bullied in school, and being kicked out of his house at 14. It'll take a while for him to warm up to you, but when he does, he is witty, charming, and sarcastic. He is very loyal to the death.

Appearance: View attachment 7708]

Damian awoke in a place he had never ben. It was quite dark. He heard blood curdling screams coming from the distance and he hid behind a tree. "H-Hello?" He called out. Where was he?
Cross heard screaming and ran towards where he heard it,not thinking what it was that could be causing it."Hello!?"He yelled out trying to see if anyone would reply.
Damian peeked from around the tree and s aw Cross. He didn't say anything, but followed him from a distance to see where the screams are coming from.
Cross stopped where he was and sighed and he looked around and listened,he didn't hear anything."Great...."He scratched the back of his head,trying to think of the direction where he heard the first scream now that he was all turned around.
Damian jumped behind another tree. No use in having to talk to anyone, right? He watched Cross from behind the branches, hidden.
Cross felt like he was being watched and it was very uncomfortable,He looked around to see if anyone was there.
Cross heard the squeak and turned to where it came from."Come out now!..."His voice had a slight irritated sound to it as he faced Damian.
Damian stayed where he was, remaining silent. He reassured himself in his mind, ​It's okay, It's okay. He doesn't know where you are.
(May I join~?)

Name: Eran Frost

Age: 15

Personality: quiet and denies fear. Doesn't talk to just anyone.

Info: A strange boy who grew up in the woods. He stays in the shadows and is a small tsundere (gets upset and frustrated when embaressed) he has a slight bloodlust but is generally a nice guy. He has unusual "animal" instincts that come in handy. He also acts like an animal and has an extreme fear of fire.

"I have I feeling I should be the one asking the questions..Like Why are you following me!?"Cross said,now obviously irritated at the one he had found snooping around.
Eran leaped across.tge branches. His eyes gleamed a powerful feeling of thrill. He saw two people and decided to watch the action. Eran's feet kicked the air as he sat on a branch. He watched for a little bit, licking the corner of his mouth viciously.

(oh ya some might say Eran is kind of a psycho xD )
Cross heard branches moving and looked off to where he heard it at the corner of his eye,making sure that the brat he had found wouldn't take off on him.

He had that feeling someone was staring at him again and he sighed.
Eran snickered a silent laugh. His soft jacket swaying at the cold breeze. He enjoyed his jacket. It kept him hidden and warm. Eran decided.he wanted to follow these interesting characters. He got up on his knees, getting ready to move again.
Cross didn't see anything,but that didn't make the feeling go away.

People following you,creepy noises and screams coming out of no where,and the feeling of you being watched never goes away,He already liked this place and the smile on his face proved it.But the brat in front of him he didn't,which was a problem for Cross.
Eran also smiled. This man -slightly older than himself- was very interesting. It has been so many years until someone enjoyed this place as much as he did. Eran was still wary about this stranger, though. He was about to move, but the branch suddenly snapped under his weight. He landed straight on his bottom and snarled loudly a word most people wouldn't understand. His bright eyes suddenly became wide as he sat in shock.
Name:runeofflame, but rune for short(he doest know his last name as his family fied when he wasan infant, along with all of his people)

personality:he is very shy around anyone he likes but is depressed to the point of suicide(due to being a 1600 uear old wizard who hasnt even had his first kiss) he is caring and his feelings are easily hurt

Info: he is from another planet wich was destroyed by a super powerful bounty hunter named madara, his mother was the god of chaos of the planet and his father the god of the underworld( as his planet is gone he is not immortal/near invincible anymore, but the power to turn his own body into true silver(super rare and strong metal) or dark elf metal(perhaps the strongest thing in the universe) make him very hard to kill while severely draining him

Weapon: a dark elf blade he summons named 'star splitter', with a second form of supernova(a reaper scythe that glows red ) both of them have powers true to their names

looks:view adventurers wanted horn of moran if u want to see what he looks like

Age: he looks around 16 but is about 1600

*rune runs through the forest, he knows he has to get away, the accountor is back! He has to get away, he stumbles and falls on his face when he finally emerges from the forest(in a clearing or wutever)*accountor: your own powers have become too much, you must pay the price*the accountor waves his hand and rune is racked with an icy pain, he screams and rolls on the ground*rune: SOMEONE HELP!

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