Nightingale - Notes/Maps


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Day 1 complete! You've unlocked..... the first floor map!



Red = exits

Black = lockable doors

Blue = bathing/water rooms

Green = stairwell

Gray = rubble
Doo doo-doo doo! A new thing!

Introduction to the Mystic Arts" by R. N. Founder



This book has all you'll need to know about the strange, magical abilities possessed by some of the more seasoned members of the Brood.

Most of these abilities, with some exceptions, can be learned with enough practice and dedication, just like any skill. Some of these skills however the practitioner is born with, or they may be born with the a very basic level of ability that can be polished with the help of another member.

Brood members that are considered masters of one or multiple mystic arts are known as "mystics". Mastering an art takes time though, varied depending on the art, and some arts can't be learned without a basic amount of natural talent. It's unclear whether or not these skills can be learned by those who have yet to have been accepted into the Brood.

The art of transmitting thoughts in the form of words, images, and so on.

Difficulty: Very high

Subtly influencing thoughts, emotions, and behavior using music as a conduit.

Difficulty: Medium

The ability to placate and aid the reparation of a sick or injured party by manipulating pain signals from the brain.

Difficulty: Low

The rare hereditary ability to transform one's form into that of their neanderthal predecessors for short periods of time, invoking ancient strength and bloodlust.

Difficulty: Low (note : easy to master, but cannot be learned from an outside party)

The learned art of predicting the future and seeing the unseen through divinatory practices.

Difficulty: Medium

The practitioner temporarily shuts off their pain impulse and reaches a heightened point of intense focus.

Difficulty: High

The ability to sap energy and temporarily borrow the birthrite abilities from a second party.

Difficulty: High
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we interrupt your regular adventuring for this informative brochure!


yeah! everyone loves brochures! look at this happy stockphoto model family enjoying this brochure. you too can have the joys of new information in the form of a four-fold piece of paper. except i didn't actually make a brochure for this so you'll just have to imagine this is one


Dhalion's tips and tricks for getting your wings

The blooding ritual is the final step of Brood initiation as well as an important milestone as you enter the second phase of your life. Once completed you can begin on the road from wingless to winged. The wait may test your patience, but you'll find it's well worth it! Depending on your donor, it may take anywhere from a few weeks to several months for your wings to develop fully. Blood potency is only part of it though. There are a number of factors that may determine just when your wing day comes, and as of yet we have no definite way to determine it. Average wait length is about four to five months. In the meantime, here are some warning signs to look out for.

The upside

  • Increased strength: You should notice this side effect almost immediately upon being blooded, and it only gets better from here on out!
  • Faster healing: Minor injuries are a thing of the past. You may also notice a loss of minor human ailments such as morning fatigue, seasonal allergies, stress symptoms, regular menstrual pains*, etc.
  • Heightened mystic abilities: In nearly all cases those already undergoing specialized training found their natural abilities boosted as they neared their wing day.
  • Heightened understanding
  • Feelings of peace and oneness with the universe
  • Spells of euphoria

The downside

  • Rapidly increased metabolism: You may notice a drastic increase in appetite, especially as you near and immediately after your transition, and an intolerance for certain foods and substances.
  • Altered sleep patterns: Each situation is unique, but some find that this shift brings out their more nocturnal tendencies.
  • Mild eye irritation
  • Itching and reddening of the skin
  • Hot flashes
  • *Loss of fertility
  • Bizarre cravings

  • Restlessness, spells of irrational anger, and other related psychological symptoms

  • Extreme back pain

  • Lack of regard toward human life

If you are experiencing any of the bolded symptoms, visit the infirmary immediately, as these might be signs that your due date is nearing. If you have concerns that your wings are coming in too early or too late, please arrange a group visit with your doctor (me!) and your donor at your earliest convenience.

Be advised that these symptoms will often prevail after your wings have already emerged. The advised wait period is twenty-four hours, or more if symptoms prove to be especially resilient. I recommend that you arrange for a (Brood) friend to be with you for emotional support when your wings emerge, preferably one who has already experienced this transition.

Remember, while wing day is an important milestone in any Brood member's life. The transition process itself is not marked by this change alone. Everything you experience on the path to full transformation is a part of becoming your new self, your true self.

Consultation and counseling is available upon request. Have a nice day!

(This informational pamphlet has been appraised and approved by Nightingale. All rights reserved.)
a comprehensive list of jobs within the framework of the Nest


- Maintenance: Consists mainly of basic repairs and odd jobs around the Nest. Most young Brood start out with this, mostly because it doesn't require wings and allows them to explore the Nest more freely, plus some special access privileges.

- Scouts: Allows flyers and non-flyers alike and is commonly split into two teams. One team scouts locations, places that can be used as safe landing places for flyers away from home and places where easy prey is abundant, and marks them with a white wing so that they can be found later. The second team scouts new recruits and is generally more well-respected. Any recruit scouting team should have at least one member who is adept in Siren Song techniques on hand during all trips.

- Hunters: This position is restricted to flyers, particularly those with some decent street-smarts who can hold their own in a scrape. Should be willing to do recon, work in a team, and get their hands dirty. Very dirty.

- Gatherers: These Brood are in charge of gathering supplies and fledgling-food through whatever means they see fit. Also should be able to make negotiations with the Broods various contacts.

- Carions: An exclusive team of hunters who deal solely in retrieving Brood who have severed ties with the Nest without permission or betrayed their kin in some way. They are chosen for their unique ability to do everything the hunters do, all while bringing their target back alive.

- Mystics: Those who are gifted with and/or invested in studying the mystical abilities which only the Brood possess. Respected by some, resented by others.

- Entertainers: Storytellers, singers, actors, poets, and so on. A certain founder has always had a deep appreciation of the arts, and those with these talents are allowed certain special privileges. It takes a lot of talent to get that level of appreciation though, and so entertainers are always vying for the attention of the higher ups, especially in stressful or uncertain times when their skills are needed most

- Guides: Wingless Brood who seek to get in good with their esteemed kin in the rafters by taking on the burdensome position of dealing with fledglings, particularly in slowly revealing select truths to them about the Brood.

- Gardeners: Accepts flyers and non-flyers. No prior experience is required but candidates must observe all safety regulations, and anyone caught growing foreign substances in the garden will be removed from the position immediately.

- Medic: There is only one medic. Those seeking to help out in the infirmary must refer to her.

- Dealers/smugglers: The dishonest, non-mandated work of smuggling in contraband goods (such as communication devices, which could tempt young Brood to abandon the Nest, intoxicants, narcotics, and other outside toxins). Anyone caught participating in this act is to be severely punished for endangering her fellow Brood.

- All other simple chores are shared by the younger Brood. Duties are doled out based on who is nearest at the time.

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