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Fantasy Nightingale Hall of Champions (LORE)



This is my loudest bork
From magic descriptions to country and Nightingale history to a character's heirlooms, all LORE goes here

Magic is defined as:
  1. The use of means (such as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces
  2. Magic rites or incantations
  3. An extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source

Magic is the essence of nature and will. It can cause the user to do extraordinary things in and to the world around them. Every spell falls into one or more of these types, never breaking the category of magic it is in. Magic is supplied by mana and learning to utilize it effectively is not for the faint of heart. At absolute minimum, the most basic spell (which is to generate a small ball of light), from someone with an average affinity for magic (who has never even attempted to cast a spell before), requires a week of study. Fortunately, unless you're looking to go into another element, type, or level or magic, it tends to build off each other. Only 2 magic elements can be studied at a time, else the conflicting philosophies will prevent the learning of ANY magic

Categories of Magic
There are 5 categories of magic
  • Natural
  • Moral
  • Spiritual- Also known as Arcane
  • Divine
  • Neutral

Natural Magic

Natural is just that. Elements that naturally occur on earth, whose resources are naturally explained phenomena and who's generation is part of the Earth's normal operation and vital to life on the Earth. The mana for these magics are governed by sleeping Ancient Gods. Fire, Earth, Water, and Air are the most basic elements of magic, the primary colors so to speak. Every other element of Natural Magic, such as Ice, Thunder, Nature (Grass), etc., are a mixture of 2 of these elements

Thunder, Plasma, Explosion, Smoke- Fire and Air
Dust, Sand- Earth and Air
Mist, Vapor, Ice- Water and Air
Steam, Oil, Lava- Fire and Water
Ice, Mud, Swamp, Nature (Grass)- Water and Earth
Metal- Earth and Fire

Fire is all about Passion. The bright flame symbolizes the raw, unfiltered emotions that consumes the person's thoughts and drive at that moment. This is why anger is always associated with Fire. Anger is the greatest element of Passion that fuels fire. However, passion is a hell of a thing, and it can get into a person's mind, leading them down the path of self-destruction and is constantly seen as the berserker of magic. Lots of power, bad judgement. Those extreme fanboys who get angry at anyone who criticizes their idol? They would make GREAT fire mages.

Air is all about calmness and being free. Stress is not their strong suit, nor is being restricted. This means that Air is the most versatile of the natural elements and has the most ways to go advanced, as well as some overlap in how to go advanced, but is the weakest alone. Also, the emphasis on calmness and free-spirited unrestricted thought makes it the gateway to things like Spiritual or Divine magics. However, this means that who make fantastic Wind Mages can be very indecisive and the free-spirited more often than not affects their ability to use the Moral Magics to the point where Wind Mages only ever use Holy/Light magic when it's gained from a God.

To really make effective use of Air, one MUST take on another element or study it into the Advanced Wind Spells, as it'll allow you to manipulate the temperature of the wind (fire/ice) what goes in the wind (Earth) and the physical properties of the wind (such as slashing enhancements gained by Physical or Thauma magic).

Earth is about tradition, strength, and perseverance. Earth is mostly unmoving and unchanging, just like ancient traditions. They embrace the past and embrace the Earth's essence in its most natural and primal form. This makes those who embrace Earth Magic embrace the traditional values that have long held people together, as well as weather the storms through any situation and value both physical and mental strength to not let anyone or anything tell them they're wrong. However, this leads to extreme stubbornness and an irrational fear of change. Even though Earth is the strongest in raw strength and has excellent defensive capabilities, it's also the least versatile. It can't really be captured in Tech like other elements or adapted for use in many ways outside of magic.

Water is all about flexibility and going with the flow. This means, like Air, it's a gateway magic that also needs another magic to really make the most effective use of it. Water is what every being on earth needs to live. A week max without water can kill you as opposed to upwards of a month without food. Water is in food, blood, and just about every other liquid on the planet. Users of Water magic are among the most all-around in terms of skill. It's not all cool sailing, however, as this means they suffer from a higher level of indecisiveness than Wind, but on a more manipulative scale. They seem to be TOO willing to change and try new things, leading to fluctuating morality. They must always remember that being that mentally flexible is not always a good thing

Moral Magics

Moral Magics are just that. Magic that's defined by someone's morality and how well they stick to it. Despite what people seem to think, this is NOT a case of good morals vs bad morals. The tired misconception of Light is good and Dark is bad hurts both sides of implementing these magics. There is no such thing as it's all subjective. It's more of the reasoning behind the morals they have and how they view life, as well as their values and goals in life. Unlike with Natural magics, where your morals and values only help or hinder your ability to learn it, the Moral Magics are DEFINED by it. If you can't seem to stick to the moral path you walk, the very magic itself will be much weaker if not all around disabled. There are only 2 Moral Magics and they are both strong and weak against each other


Light Magic, also called White or Holy Magic, is all about compassion, empathy, and upholding life no matter the cost. Every living being has good in them.........That's the motto of the Light Magic. This is typically where doctors, teachers, and clergy all shine. It takes a lot of optimism to look at the brighter side of things even when it seems like there is non. This is also why Light Magic is always associated with Religion, though they really have no actual relation. Religion is all about giving up control to a higher power and that power loves all, so respect all and you will have a good life. However..........this is also where things can go awry with no solution to solve it besides a mass change in mentality. If it can be interpreted by that higher power that they don't like something, it can justify ANY heinous action against it. Yes, every living being has good in them, but if the masses are better off without them, it's all justified, right?

Light Magic is more about Protecting Life (Defense), and Preserving Life (healing) than actually fighting. They don't hold a lot of offensive capabilities, but the few attacks they do have are DEVASTATING especially to its antithesis, Dark Magic

Dark Magic, also known as Black or Shadow Magic, is all about the individual person, and gaining strength to the struggle. While Light tends to deny and prevent a struggle, Dark believes in philosophies like "no pain, no gain" or "survival of the fittest." This doesn't mean they're apathetic. It just means they see the value in a struggle instead of trying to prevent any and every hardship. This is where Counselors, Drill Sergeants, and Therapists shine. You can't have a testimony without a test. Growth isn't a team effort. It's a personal effort. They're more realistic in how they view things BECAUSE of that struggle. Of course, it's not all so good. Despite the fact that Dark is typically VERY misconstrued, some of it reigns true. Dark Magic can be bred without actually overcoming the adversity. Even though this means that the magic will be much weaker, it's still immensely strong. Lone Wolves, those whose struggles deepened hatred or knocked out their regard or life isn't terribly uncommon. These people though will NEVER be as strong as the person who looks around in their lowest and darkest moment and realizes that there is nowhere to go but up and that grudges are for the weak, and drags the shadows of their past with them just to realize where they came from and how thankful they are to no long be controlled by the bad things in their past

Spiritual Magics
Spiritual Magics are about how they view the sources of power and how they get their inspiration to keep going on or gaining control of these sources of power. It's the Ph.D of magics. To master it can take a lifetime, and mortal users may achieve immortality in the process (not always though). There are 2 forms of Spiritual Magics and they have no inter-interaction or any elemental weaknesses.

Aether- Requires Advanced Fire and Earth
Fig- Requires Advanced Air and Water

Aether, also known as Creation believes that the sources of power are all contained in external sources beyond your control. It states that everything a person makes contains a bit of that person's power and essence and seeks to control it. Everything that has been created out of something has energy within it. The most common type of Aether Magic is Dimensional Pockets and Summoning Inanimate Objects and Magic creatures. Getting and storing things from another dimension for use or future use. Aether requires advanced knowledge in the forces of Fire and Earth, the more tangible of the 4 elements. This is so advanced that it goes into Celestial, and Pure Energy Manipulations. At its most extreme, it can go into Spacial manipulations and creating new body parts to replace lost ones

Aether is unstable in that it not only takes a LOT of mana and time to cast most of these spells with Forbidden Words of Power being a requirement, but that, if disturbed during casting, it can kill both the user and everything around it or suck it into a black hole

Fig Magic, who's name was changed in recent times to Mystic, believes that any source of power is contained within the person and that through achieving personal and interpersonal synchronization, they can do things far beyond the normal forces of the world. Arcane is a mastery knowledge of the more abstract concepts of magic. As such, a mastery of both Water and Air are required. Arcane Magic is a true symbiosis of Body, Soul, and its interaction with Magic. If ANY of these are off, then good luck trying to learn these magic. Arcane Magics deal in things like Psionics, Psychics, Mind Control through mental, emotional, and memory manipulation, and Teleportation. At its most extreme, it can go into Soul Capturing and the subsequent Revival, Time Healing, and Time Manipulation.

Like with Aether Magic, this magic is HIGHLY unstable, where a mis-cast or ANY sort of deficiency that makes the spell operate under 100% effectiveness, even 99.99999999%, can kill people or break someone's mind for good. All of these require lots of Forbidden Words of Power and in the case of Mental, Emotional or Memory Manipulation, requires a higher understanding of a person, usually gained by the use of other powerful spells.

Neutral Magic

Neutral Magic is for those who have no or little affinity for magic, or for those who feel like the basics are all you need. They hone these spells to perfection and use these to augment their own skills instead of depend on them like dedicated magic study tends to do. There is a dedicated study of them, but it's all about practicality in battle, not about any sort of specific path. These magics don't use any other element mentioned to a high effectiveness. It's just enough of another element to get by. The most common example is Spellblade, which is applying an element in one's weapon to take advantage of a weakness in an enemy. This is the most all-around in magic, with no weaknesses, but no real strengths either. There are 2 elements of Neutral Magic spells

  • Physical
  • Thauma

Physical Magic is just that. Magic that deals in altering, augmenting, or weakening the physical properties of something or someone. Weight, Speed, Strength, Reflexes, Material, and Durability are the most common examples of the uses of Physical Magic. Advanced enough Physical Magic can go into the realm of Alchemical changing of areas, personal gravity and vectors of movement to close gaps or keep someone away. It's not uncommon to see Runic Magic either, which is runes drawn on items that makes it somewhat easier for those with little magic to use spells in battle, though these spells are bare bones of a spell and as such are about 50%-75% the strength of a casted spell and never exceed the Apprentice Level Spells

Thauma is Miracles. This magic is amplifying natural phenomena. Sound Magic, Summoning Non-Magic animals, Communicating with animals, Sensory spells (sight, hearing, touch, etc.), and higher understanding of other cultures through language spells and knowledge of items via appraisal spells, breathing underwater, etc. are the most common practical uses of Thauma Magic. As mentioned before, Spellblade is the most common battle use for Thaumaturgy. Advanced enough Thaumaturgy can go into the realm of applying Light and Dark enchantments, re-equipping mid-battle, and gaining an intermediate understanding of all 4 natural elements

Void is the antithesis of Magic that focuses on returning magic and mana back to the Earth. The void is the place where people go when they don't go to heaven or hell. It's basically purgatory. Void Magic is all about Anti-Magic. Void Magic's sole purpose is to cancel out not only Life and Death, but Magic in general. This is why many many places may have Anti-Magic for protection, such as castles, forts, and every other plain than earth. It keeps almost everyone from just going in and out at will. The catch is that this magic is the ONLY magic a user can wield unlike the others. It's a subsection of Thaumaturgy that has its own path to walk down.
Ari Waesmor


: Ari Waesmor
Aliases: The Black Assassin; The Shadow Ranger
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Bow and Blade Ranger; Assassin

: Bisexual
High Concept: A fabulously flamboyant, flower-loving, feline preferring assassin who'd kill you before the charming hypnosis wears off
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ari Waesmor hailed from Ravinnia, a leader of the powerful group called the Ravinnian Crusaders and a notorious assassin known as the Shadow Ranger. Ravinnia in its history had 2 tyrant kings, one that went mad after making a deal with the Ancient God of Chaos, Amos. Ari helped take down King Leon and Amos and in the king's place stepped the Ancient God that defeated him, Amos's brother Alreos. However, since Alreos absorbed Amos's essence, he became corrupted as well. After a 5 year hiatus after Amos's downfall, Ari was called back by the former leader of the group, Arabelle Leighton. With the group back together, the Crusaders took down Alreos and his army at its capital city.

7 years later, a member of the group, the half-elf Bailey O'Connor hailing from Faylen had issues between Orcs and Elves and it culminated into a full-blown war after an elven traitor provoked the failure of the peace talks. Ari was employed to lead the sky forces while Bailey led the ground forces. The battle kicked on as a surprise attack from the orcs right after midnight while Ari was moving back to Faylen to retrieve much needed supplies for the troops. With nothing but torches and light magic, Bailey's ground forces were struggling to hold back the FAR physically stronger orcs. Ari returned on his airship and managed to wreak enough havoc to begin a counter attack

However, the battle would hit its peak as they were all fighting on sanctified land in the place known simply as death valley, becoming such due to a dragon dying a cruel death, betrayed by King Leon while he was in power and corrupted by Amos. This dragon's death turned it into the Titan of Death named Semala. Ari led the way against this beast, but it only grew stronger and stronger the more damage they did to it. When everything else seemed lost, his wife, the former leader of the Crusaders got called on by her divine ancestry to put an end to the fight. She chose to do so at the cost of her own life and it ended the battle and re-purified the lands, ending the curse of Semala

Ari, racked with grief and being done with this level of adventure work, decided to travel the world and work as a teacher, leaving behind his lavish manor. King Richard (of Ishion) heard of his entrance into the country and decided to have him join the Nightingales due to his amazing exploits in Ravinnia. Ari was assigned as one of the trainers to the Nightingale Trainee Guilds

Weapons & Armor
  • Light (usually female) Leather Armor
  • Iliad- A nature Bow
  • Snake Scale Knife- Throwing knives that easily catalyzes Poison Magic and can be summoned
  • Summer Love- A beautiful short sword used in close range that grants him the Familiar Misty




Items & Personal Belongings: Tons and tons of money
Skills & Abilities:
  • Disguise
  • Charmer
  • Expert Archer
  • Expert Potion/Poison maker

Spells & Magic:
  • Advanced Thauma Magic- General Magic that takes advantage of Natural Phenomena and has minor aspects of every other magic type. He gets his signature spell, Stillpiercer, from here
  • Advanced Poison Magic- His bread and butter magic
  • Summon Familiar- 2 of his weapons have familiars in them. He can summon them to his will

  • Can't swim and stays away from water that can't be waded in
  • Taking his weaponry will unsummon his familiar

FLUFF (Optional)
  • Horticulture
  • Playing Flute and Piano
  • Spending time with Elaina (and TRYING to spend time with Noah)
  • Getting into moral arguments with Elaina about killing people
  • Cooking
  • Crossdressing (which he can pull off masterfully)
Quote\s: "I kicked your ass. You have 4 choices: Life, Limb, Money or Property. Don't let me choose for you."


Name: Misty
Age: ???, but very young
Gender: Female
Skills & Abilities:
Undying loyalty to Ari as his Familiar

Spells & Magic:
  • Wind Magic
  • Transformation- She can grow into a massive form and shrink into her small form
Weaknesses: Fire
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Alison Foster
"If Master Waesmor calls me in, your day will only get worse."​


Name: Alison Foster
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Knight; Rogue

: Bisexual
High Concept: The Waesmor Maid of Maids.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relatives: N/A
Organizations\Affiliations: The Ravinnian Crusaders; The Nightingales

Alison got her start as the Waesmor Maid. She worked with the now legendary Ari Waesmor in raising his kids in his absence and housing upkeep. She's assisted in raising all 4 of his kids: Elaina, Noah, and the Demigod Twins Willow and Ryan. To be the most effective maid in as many aspects possible, Ari put her through incredibly grueling training. Combat, Language, General Education, Magic, Hand to Hand, and many others.

She was really nothing more than a nanny and bodyguard to the kids until the coming Orc/Elf Skirmish, where she assisted Faylen Elven soldiers on the frontlines, utilizing her skills to protect Ari's blind wife and late Ravinnian Crusader leader, Arabelle Leighton (Waesmor) with her life. While scared shitless, her skills proved to be of great asset to the Faylen Army, even though Arabelle ended up sacrificing herself to defeat the Titan of Death, Semala.

Afterwards, she kept travelling with Ari to raise his Demigod Twins with him and when Ari became a Nightingale, she was threatened with being separated from her master and his kids, so she fought her way in to become a Nightingale herself. To this day, she's still training hard and her work with the Demigod Twins is almost complete, as they are 16 now.


Weapons & Armor:
  • Knight's Armor - This armor is enchanted with heavy wind magic to feel like she's wearing nothing, so it doesn't restrict her movement at all, as well as flame and ice runes to heat or cool her based on her body's needs. This allows her to be in her armor in extreme heat or cold without issue
  • Rogue Armor- Light Leather Armor also enchanted with Wind Magic. This one is enchanted with Protection Magic to increase its resilience. This alternates with her Knight's armor. She doesn't wear both
  • Throwing Knives- She can use these for close-mid distance attacks
  • Arondite- A blade forged by a renowned bladesmith as a gift from Ari for her dedication. It's enchanted to allow it to hit any being
  • Golden Ire- A powerful mace used to smash heads in. Has retractable spikes
  • Daggers- Only as a last resort, when both her blade and mace are unusable



Items & Personal Belongings:

Pretty much everything pictured here

Skills & Abilities:
  • Advanced Swordsman- She's trained by the best of the best in swordplay for a decade, she's FANTASTIC with her melee weaponry.
  • Expert Hand to Hand- Even without her blade, she's quite capable of handling herself against much physically stronger enemies impeccable technique and training
  • Advanced Disguises- Being taught by Ari himself, Alison knows how to change her appearance with ease
  • Multiple Languages- Alison is trained in 3 languages: English, Elvish, and Latin
  • Parenting Skills- She's raising Ari's 2 demigod twins. It takes immense skill, patience, endurance, and love to do this without complaint
  • Expert Survivalist- Alison can survive in pretty much any environment, armed or unarmed

Spells & Magic:
  • Advanced Thauma
    • Stealth Magic
    • Cloaking Magic
  • Intermediate Physical
    • Body Morph Magic- She can change simple things about her body. Bust Size, Height with a margin of ± 5 inches, Hair Color, Eye Color, and just a bit of her skin tone
    • Equipment Summoning- She can summon her equipment to her will. This is mostly to get her stuff out of her bag in a battle. If it's not in the bag, she can't summon it
  • Spell Book- She has a tome that she can use in battle. By reciting the words and injecting her mana, she can cast the spell

Up Close- Alison is a swordswoman with only 1 way (as of right now) to do any ranged attack. She depends almost completely on her sword skills
Human physiology- She is a normal human. Thus, she lives, fights, and dies like one.
Ryan and Willow Waesmor- Ari's kids are her kids. If they were ever in danger, she'd protect them at the cost of her own life
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Nightingale Guild Origins

The Nightingales got their start some 100 years ago by a man known as the Old Dawn General. His name was Sir Joseph Watson. He wielded a Rapier, Spellblade arts and very little else. He led the Ishrion Army in multiple battles against the country of Kains, Stokkstor and Olench to assist Ravinnia in their operations. In some big but preventable losses, Watson realized that some vital things were missing. Advanced Support and a Special Operations team to take out targets of opportunity in strategically conquered land. He started what was known as the Nightingales, named by the Sword he bestowed on his Granddaughter before switching to his signature Rapier.

While unauthorized in his actions, these mysterious mercenaries proved to be just the push Ishrion needed to take down heavily fortified Archers Nest, Siege Engine strongholds, Cannon and Mortar Pits, and Air Support Wyvern Nests. By crippling the enemy's ability to attack on multiple fronts while destroying their big guns, Ishrion pushed through and won the battle and, soon after, the war.

After the War with Kains, Sir Joseph retired at age 65 to take the helm of the Nightingale Guildmaster. They were officially honored as a Royal Guild and Watson himself given multiple Medals of Honor for his service. After then, he gathered what mercenaries were left and what soldiers wanted to come along after they served their years and gave them additional training to improve themselves in combat, diplomacy, and espionage, as well as First Aid. As time went on and more people joined, he split up the many different jobs to not put too much on one person unless they really wanted to and allow them to further themselves in one or two skills as much as possible.

To this day, even after Watson had long passed, his legacy lives on through the Order of the Nightingales. His Mythical Rarity Rapier was buried along with his body on an unmarked grave. Some say his body was where the current Nightingale HQ was built over and that his body lie in the sanctified sparring grounds in the Nightingale Courtyard.
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The Tyranny of King Leon Valerian (Ravinnian History)

King Leon Valerian was once a benevolent king, who held and always held Ravinnia's best interest in his heart and mind. However, he ended up selling his soul to the Ancient God of Chaos named Amos. Who woke up this Ancient God? Unknown. Valerian's intentions for selling his soul? Unknown. His end goal while a vessel of Amos? Genocide. Genocide of any non-human or human-like (like elves). Anything less human than say a dwarf was in danger of merciless slaughter. It was part of a powerful campaign to Manifest Destiny the entirety of Ravinnia as human territory. Orcs? Draconians? Furries? Half-lings? Tieflings? Angels? Demons? Doesn't matter, neither does your gender or age. At best you can hide or leave the country. During the campaign, the most notable and infamous killing was a benevolent Ice Dragon named Semala, who was revered by humans for her good will and protection from lethal icy conditions in the winter. This killing was one of the powder keg events that set off his lover, Arabelle Leighton, to put an end to him and his Tyranny.

Arabelle had quite the journey ahead of her, going up against a powerful king. She couldn't do it alone, so she enlisted the help of a few people
  • Ari Waesmor- An archer/assassin who only joined because she offered pay alongside an equal cut of the loot
  • Tyr O'Connor- A bard warrior who joined as a matter of vengence against King Valerian
  • Bailey Hall- A clairvoyant all-around fighter and former slave who initially worked for King Valerian as a spy
They set out to Toron and encountered many hardships due to King Valerian's knowing everything they do due to Bailey updating him on everything. Ari, being inherently untrusting, quickly found out with a royal fighting stance being the powder keg. In a quick encounter, Ari injected her with an immensely powerful and forbidden poison later revealed to be named Hala-Hala, a black poison with only one known cure to which only Ari himself had. With that, he blackmailed her for her life to get her to help. The group went to Toron, recruiting anyone who wanted to help, took down his guards and then confronted him. When pushed, Amos revealed himself. Looking into the face of an Ancient God, it was incredibly powerful, FAR too powerful for them to take on alone. Amos easily pushed them back to a place called the Well, where they had to go find another Ancient God with the help of a weaker deity named Argon. When they awakened this Ancient God named Alreos, who was revealed to be Amos's brother, Alreos agreed to take Amos and his demon army down

In an epic battle between 2 Ancient Gods, Alreos prevailed with ease, destroying Amos and absorbing his soul as well as distributing it amongst his army. Alreos stepped up to take the throne in his brother's wake as an apology of sorts. With a vow to serve the people and a sense of justice tempered over thousands and thousands of years, Alreos seemed to be a no-brainer.

When all was said and done, the group got incredible loot and gifts from Alreos and Tyr, who had fallen in love with Bailey during their adventure, married her. The group then split, everyone going their separate ways. Ari going off and living up to the name of the lethal assassin the Shadow Ranger. Tyr deployed to another war on the frontlines while Bailey, who gave birth, raised their son. Arabelle Leighton, who was the leader, resumed her life with her now purified lover, King Valerian, who had stepped down from the throne after all the events that happened while he was possessed.
The Cloud Maze

Epicenter Tower


  • Epicenter- The center of the clouds, where all the clouds revolve around. Here, you're safe from almost every weather effect (since there are no clouds above you)
  • Epicenter Monolith- The giant nail-like rock formation that penetrates the center of the land formation. This supplies all the magic needed to conduct the Cloud Maze
  • Cumulo Temple- The temple at the very top of the Epicenter Monolith and an anti-magic zone. When all testers reach the temple, the test concludes and everyone is sent back to the Training Room.
  • Anti Magic Zone- A zone where any active magic is dispelled and unable to be cast
  • Host- The one conducting the test
  • Tester- The one taking the test
  • Runes- Rocks engraved with magic properties. These can be constant passive or 1 time use activated effects. After the magic inside is used, the rock needs to be recharged


The Maze is exactly that.............a maze in the clouds. It's only available in cloudy days and gets deadly when a storm is coming, meaning those clouds could flash ignite someone if Lightning were to travel through it. On clear-cloudy days, it'll require testers to jump from cloud to cloud, while on overcast days, it's almost like a constant walking surface. On days with not enough viable (non cirrus) clouds, the cloud maze is NOT available. The Cloud Maze is a fairly high level maze that can ONLY be tackled as a group. There are too many intricacies that will prevent one person from traversing it and succeeding.

You're traversing the clouds as 37,000 feet, being kept alive with nothing more than fire runes keeping you warm, wind magic keeping air in the lungs, and Thauma Magic allowing you to walk on the clouds. Upon Death, the tester is sent to a holding area and can't return until the next monolith is found. You go in with no more than 5 items, with armor not counted and 1 weapon not counted (shields count as weapons). If they're over their limit upon arriving, ALL equipment, including armor and weapons disappear.


  • The thicker the cloud, the better. Cirrus clouds, which are thin and whispy are like old wooden bridges. You may fall through at any time.
  • The Greyer clouds are more stable, but storm clouds can be equally dangerous as Cirrus Clouds. While the clouds will always seem white since you're on top of them, scouts only can see if the clouds are greyer.
  • Try to not get caught inside the clouds as it's insanely cold. Too cold for the fire runes to keep you alive if you stay in too long (about 5 minutes)
  • Since the clouds move, it's easy to get motion sickness. It's best to have a medic on hand to prevent and heal motion sickness

The Host and Epicenter Tower
The host controls cloud movements and the weather from the tower in the center. Regardless of the conditions the host decides to set, the tower is a safe zone and the epicenter which holds the tower is safe from everything but arcing lightning from cloud to cloud. Cumulo Temple sits atop a large rock formation that looks like it pierces the floating landscape. The rock formation is actually a giant monolith that supplies the magic required to conduct the Cloud Maze. The temple in the center is an anti-magic zone and the finishing location of the cloud maze

Land formations
The land formation in the epicenter consists of variable walkable and life sustaining terrain, from plains to mountains and everything in between. Plains, deserts, mountains, forests, rainforests, lakes. One will expect to encounter hostile creatures specific to these biomes and these creatures are summoned creatures from the Cumulo Temple and the Epicenter Monolith. The creatures are fairly natural to their earth counterparts. If they're nonhostile on earth, they are nonhostile here. However, there are magic variants which are usually hostile and can cast magic and attack the party (just like on earth)

Important Class Jobs

  • Mage- Keep Runes supplied with magic. If they run out of the fire rune, they freeze to death immediately. If it runs out of Wind Magic, they'll suffocate pretty fast. If it runs out of Thauma Magic, they'll fall through the clouds to their deaths. With that in mind, it's best for the mage to pack extra mana potions as they'll likely be transferring magic from themselves to the team's rune stones.
  • Scout- The scout checks for dangerous clouds and hostile creatures both within the clouds and on the land formations when they arrive in the Epicenter. They can go across Cirrus Clouds
  • Brawler and Knight- They're the driving force in taking on hostile creatures. They can also shatter obstacles preventing them from moving forward.
  • Rogue- Rogues have to work from the shadows, so to speak. They may have to go acquire materials that would help in discovering the secrets to the Cloud Maze. This could involve going across Cirrus Clouds, which they can do.
  • Tamers- If a tamer or summoner could somehow train a sky creature, they could do anything up to riding said creature. Magic prevents them from going within a certain distance to the land formation.
  • Medics- Medics are important in keeping the group alive and free from Motion Sickness

Common Obstacles and encounters
  • Stepping Stones- Can only be traversed by Rogues due to their light weight and agility. If another tries to traverse them, they'll fall and won't reappear. This could cut off advancement or a return.
  • Revival Scrolls- Brings back dead testers. Can only be activated by Medics
  • Magic Gates- Highly important Recharge Zones that completely refills the runes and mana of the entire party. They can only be activated by mages
  • Dragons- Tamers can communicate with Dragons and, as long as no one in the party tries to attack them, they won't be hostile. They'll usually ask for tribute before helping the party
  • Injured Creatures- Can only be healed by medics. When healed, they will help the party as loyalty to the MEDIC. It'll take a tamer to actually talk to them though. Otherwise it'll be like talking to a dog. You won't know what they're saying.
  • Unhelpful People- In the maze are people generated by the host. They COULD help the party, but may not. They may require tribute. If they absolutely will not though, a Knight or a Brawler could intimidate them.
  • Hidden Zones- These consist of items to help the party ranging from potions to weapons to relics to use. These places can only be discovered by Scouts

The Final Assault
Upon reaching the Epicenter, one will come up against the host himself from the tower. The Host will be able to attack from Cumulo Temple and cast spells within the epicenter. This ranges from moving the land and detached rocks to directly offensive spells. If the host has access to ranged weaponry, they can attack the party from Cumulo Temple. As soon as they reach the epicenter, they're within range of Cumulo Temple's spells. From here, things get easier to traverse, but much harder to survive as you're likely to be bombarded by magic and attacks. From Cumulo Temple, all is seen except for perhaps the forest areas.
Next is the Epicenter Monolith, which must be climbed. Somewhere in the maze is climbing gear that's needed to climb the rocks with ease. You don't NEED the gear to climb Epicenter Monolith, but your chances of failure are high, where a falling death is more likely the higher you go. The host can't attack directly while testers are climbing, but can intervene by environmental spells that make it harder to climb. This is probably the easiest part of the Maze
Last is getting to Cumulo Temple, where you have to fight the guardian. By getting into the temple, the guardian disappears so it's not required to defeat the guardian.
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