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Multiple Settings Nightie's Search! (full for now, thanks)

Starry Night Smol

Tiny adventure bean
About me

If you've happened upon this thread, welcome! This particular Starry Night Smol is in the mood for a few 1 x 1 roleplays to pass the time. Some things you may want to know about your potential new rp partner:

☆☆ As the name says, I am indeed Starry Night Smol. Though I go by Star, Night, Nighty, Ronbon, or any other nickname you wish to call me.

☆☆ I am 25!

☆☆ My Timezone? Uh... Arizona. Like, MST, but without daylight savings time cuz we're weird. I don't mind what timezone you're from though; I'm flexible~.

☆☆ I am currently working full time and finishing up college, so I may not be on as often as I'd like to be, and there are times where I just come online to chitchat. Those are usually the days where life sucks or my brain is fried. I'm the most easily accessible through Discord. If we become RP Partners and you have a discord I'll pm you my discord name.

☆☆ Guys, gals, non-binary pals, I've rpd as varying genders and have no preference as to which gender I play. That being said, it all depends on how many roleplays I will have going on and how many characters of a given gender I have in other rps (I like to balance 'em out, ya know).

☆☆ I'm ok with pretty much whatever pairing if the rp we do is a romantically involved rp. I'm also ok with just slice of life/best friend/family rps, too.

☆☆ My characters are usually original ones of my making. I try to steer clear of playing canon characters in any series because I don't always think that I would fulfill the role they have already been given within my writing! You are completely free to use a canon from a series or whatever! Just don't expect me to do so for the entire roleplay. I might have a canon pop in from time to time, depending on the era of a series based rp. (An example, I've done a HTTYD NextGen RP and had Hiccup come in from time to time to talk to the recruits)

☆☆ I am fine playing more than one character in a roleplay. In group rps that I do from time to time, I've had a max of about 10 all at once. That is a bit overkill for a 1 x 1 rp, I figure, but if you wanna double or triple up I can take it on!

☆☆ I roleplay through the threads, no PM rps for me, thanks~. This is for the simple purpose of archiving the events of our characters. Much easier to go back and reference things. Also, I usually format my responses to be pretty posts and/or use colors. Current paragraph average is anywhere between one to four paragraphs (not including starting a new one for one line of dialogue). It depends on how well my brain is working at the time. You can expect proper spelling and punctuation as long as my keyboard keys don't stick!

☆☆ There are times where I will go a very very very VERY long time without posting, and I will apologize in advanced for that. Usually it is due to school or work catching up with me and I find myself swamped in stuff D8 Then, there are times when writer's block is cruel. All I can come up with is a line or two, and I do not want to post a measly two sentences, as it is not fair to you! But fear not! We can always brainstorm together to get the rp going again. If you feel the need or want to you can message me if you are wondering the status on our rp. I will give you an honest opinion: Whether I am stuck, busy, or have lost interest. I will do my damndest not to abandon our rp.
☆☆ If there is anything else you wish to know, please let me know! ☆☆
What I'm Lookin' For

♩♪♫♬ Creativity and collaboration! Let's put some life into those characters! That said, we still need to follow the Terms of Service here at RP Nation. I'm ok with mature content but not explicit shenanigans here.

♩♪♫♬ Decent spelling and grammar. Trust me, words are hard, I agree. But if I'm going to post with my best spelling and grammar (unless a character is speaking in some weird accent) then please do the same~.

♩♪♫♬ As far as posting format goes: the only thing I ask from you is an image of your character (If you can't find an image to your liking or have no artistic skills, hit me up! I can point you in the direction of some cool resources, or doodle your chara!). If you wanna go all-out and pretty your posts with quotes, color, and a bunch of other stuff, that's fine by me too!

♩♪♫♬ No one liners. I promise I won't give them to you, so please do the same for me. I request a decent response as far as length goes; maybe a paragraph at the very least. Long posts don't scare me as I tend to mirror what's been given, so if you like walls of text, we'll get along just fine :>

♩♪♫♬ Patience. There will be those days where I am not posting. If you wanna know why, message me via pm, or, if we're friends, I might add you on discord to DM each other. I'll tell ya what's up, promise! ^^

♩♪♫♬ Post as often as you can, too! I'll be posting as often as I can as well, and I understand life is busy. If you could give me a heads up for any upcoming craziness (holidays, finals week, etc.) That'd be super swell. And if at any moment you no longer want to roleplay, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS tell me. I don't wanna be waiting on a reply that will never come, darlings. I promise I will not get mad or be sad. If you find yourself no longer interested in the roleplay, I prefer an honest answer and we can part ways as friends.

♩♪♫♬ When contacting me, include the following: Name, age if you're comfortable, and what plots/pairings you have in mind. The plots/pairings can be from the lists below or some suggestions you have. Note: If you are wanting a specific plot or pairing from the list below, please include which role you wish to take in the pairing.

♩♪♫♬ Not so bad, was it? ♬♫♪♩
Basic Pairing Ideas?

These are pairings that we can come up with a plot together! If something strikes you, please let me know, along with which role you'd like to do!

Legend: If any of the pairings have a symbol by them, here's what they mean:

♥ = craving~. more hearts means I crave it a lot!
✘ = not feeling it right now / have too many rps with this genre

______ x ______

✐School settings: High School or College Level
young teacher x student (college level only - age difference of no more than 10 years)
popular student x outcast student
teacher x teacher

╂━ Medieval
royalty x royalty
royalty x thief or kidnapper ♥♥
royalty x peasant
royalty x pirate of any rank
royalty x knight ♥♥♥♥♥

knight x knight ♥♥♥
knight x peasant
knight x thief ♥♥♥
knight x enemy

pirate x pirate
captain x first mate♥♥♥
captain x royalty

thief x thief in same guild ♥
thief x opposing group thief

❁ Fantasy

human x fairy
human x wizard/witch ♥♥
human x dragon
human x werewolf (NOT like twilight) ♥♥♥♥
human x vampire (NOT like twilight) ♥♥♥♥
human x animal shifter ♥♥♥♥
human x demon

demon x demon
demon x angel

werewolf x werewolf from other pack

wizard/witch x wizard/witch

dragon x dragon

animal shifter x animal shifter

☆ Series based: all will be in the setting of the series, but with our own original characters. I will just list of Animes/TV Shows/ Books/ Games

Teen Titans
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Legend of Korra
Harry Potter
Inkheart trilogy
Harvest Moon
Steven Universe
How to Train Your Dragon
Sherlock Holmes (books, not movie/tv series - I haven't watched enough to know enough D: )


These are plots based off some of the pairing suggestions above. If one of these strikes you then we can work off something. Or if you want to do it, but wanna change a few things I am totally fine with that!

Midnight Cafe​
There's a small cafe on the corner of Maple Street called the Night Owl Cafe. Wierd name, considering it's only open during the day... or so it seems. For you see, when this cafe closes at 3pm, it's only because the owner takes a quick rest before getting it ready for their night time guests; any and all magical mages and wizards and witches, and the like. The owner of the Night Owl is in need of some extra help, considering the Cafe is getting a bit bigger... but what they're not ready for is the human person who comes looking for a job at the cafe.... When the human finds out about the magic, will they be able to keep it a secret?

How to Train Your Dragon; next generation​
Many many years later upon the Isle of Berk, the dragons and vikings had learned to coexist peacefully. Some dragons still live with the purest of bloodline; i.e, the Terrible Terror, Monstrous Nightmare, Hideous Zippleback, Gronkle, Nadder, and of course the Nightfury. But other breed have recently surfaced, some being a mix of different dragons, and some, only thought to have appeared in dreams.

Well, the Heir to Hiccup's Viking tribe now gets to start their adventure in dragon capturing and training. These Viking Teens have to actually catch a wild dragon, become friends with it, and teach it to obey their commands. Catching a dragon is hard enough, but getting it to listen without being charbroiled? Extra tricky. Who knows? Perhaps a couple of fiery beasts and some heavy duty survival camp will do the trick!

In the land of Everafter, lives the characters we've heard of in our most treasured fairy tales. Well, the good ones anyways. For the full title of the land is Happily Everafter, but most just call it Everafter for short. Far off is the land where the antagonists and enemies of all good folk live; Grimmoire. Any and all who were deemed as the villain of a story have resided there as long as fairy tales existed.

Now, people who reside in either land carry a Title. The title of they were given in their fairy tale. With each generation, that title is handed down, and sometimes altered to fit the new child to carry the name. For example, The title of Robin Hood may be changed to fit a female child by calling her Robyn Hoode. And so on and so forth, you get the idea, correct?

Well, in our story, one person from each side discovers the other deep within the forest that divides the two. The other is wary of one, neither trusting what the other says. After all, they're the enemy right? Maybe. But soon they keep running into eachother in the forest, most of the time, on purpose. They find that the other one isn't as bad as their land tells them, and maybe they develop feelings for eachother. We'll see how their tales begin with the timeless phrase to begin all stories.... "Once Upon A Time...."

Seaward Secrets​
A young royal has never dreamed of having such a life of luxury. They're completely sick of it, actually. The royal's bedroom window looks out to the sea, and every day, the young royal dreams of sailing on the ocean blue. Well, one day, their parents inform them that they are betrothed to a person almost twice their age, with lots of wealth, but an absolutely horrid temper and treatment of others.

Not wanting any part in it, the young royal decides to run away and join a sailing ship. They have to disguise themselves as an able-bodied sailor, and keep up the charade in front of everyone, at least until they make port far away from the land of their betrothed counterpart as possible. During the royal's escape and as they searched for a ship to sign on to, the young royal unwittingly signs onto a pirate ship. The captain is a notorious pirate who was said to strike terror into everyone, including their crew. At least, that's what the legends say.

What becomes of our young royal as the ship sails on toward adventure? Will the notorious pirate captain gain a soft spot for this sailor who clearly knows absolutely nothing about life at sea? Or will the captain grow impatient and sentence them to life below deck as a prisoner?

Two Different Worlds​
The Academy of Rozinna; Two different, elite campuses. One harbors the magic casters; Spells and enchantments galore. The other houses the transformers; The people who can morph into animals. They're kept apart, mainly because of their abilities. But also, because both sides have had deep dislikes for each other. Everything was competition. Well, on the eve of the Grand Winter Festival, A morpher catches the eye of a caster, and the two come to a grand competition of powers. Which, under the School's code; is forbidden upon this night. The two are sentenced to detentions together, consisting much of groundskeeping, cleaning, and essentially doing whatever tasks are needed for the academy. As their detentions progress together, they begin to respect the other, and perhaps regard each other as a friend....

Part of a pack​
A lone werewolf left their pack who lived deep in the mountains. A human is isolated from most other people, be it by their own choice or not. They are truly kindhearted in nature, but have few, if any friends. The werewolf has moved to the city, in hopes of escaping the pack life. They encounter this nice human and feel wary. Why would someone go out of their way to help others?

The Royal and the Guard​
Long ago, in the kingdom of Dwyndrr, there lived two children. They were orphans, but good friends. Living in the streets and always looking out for each other. That is, until the day that one of them discovered they had magical abilities. The one with powers accidentally levelled a house with their abilities. The king, seeing this child with great potential, adopted them as their own, leaving the other one alone and without their friend.

Years have passed. That lone orphan is now a guard for hire, and little do they know that they're about to get hired on as the guard of the Royal Heir to Dwyndrr; Their best friend, whom they've been searching for all these years. The worst part is: the Royal doesn't even remember them. The Royal has honed their magic, unbeknownst to their father, in order to escape the castle and to see the world. But with the unknown threat of a dark, sinister being, how will the Heir's father even let anyone take eyes off the heir long enough to escape? Will the guard tell the heir who they used to be? Will the heir finally remember that poor orphaned friend? Time will only tell.

Anything else? PM Me! I don't bite!

With that I'm gonna put a pause on 1x1 apps for now y'all! If I free up more time or lose a few I might pick up a couple more

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