

The Rotten Fruit

--- A Miz and Pineapple Production ---

You live in a world, where a man may tend to his crops by day, but by night, feeds on the flesh of the unsuspecting. Where ghouls rise and never stay dead, Gargantuan Spiders create armies, and demons invade. In this universe, Day and Night are different worlds. One is sanctuary to the innocent, and the Other, an epoch of horrors.

Not all of you are still humans, some of you even benefit from this darkness, but all of you fear it. Your world is divided now, amongst the human civilization that prays to the light and mystical magic, and the horrific vampire Counts, spider Matriarchs and unworldly Monstrosities from beyond that claim you all to be their victims.

In reality, you were one of many, regardless of your race, who lived in a County, ruled by a recently slain Vampire Count who claimed you all to be his own. However, even with his death, peace and salvation does not come to your home, instead your small County becomes a battlefield. As all of the County’s vampiric barons have arisen to the claim of Count or Countess. This means only more peril, as they all raise their own undead armies of Ghouls and bounded Hemokin. How long will it last? No one is quite sure, but it will likely continue until there is only one vampire remaining. What does it mean for you, a free body who resides in this County? The Vampires will come for you. They need soldiers, and an army, they will lay waste to your villages and towns, all throughout the County, until nothing remains. You need to get out.

However, hope is not a diminished in this world. Many speak of a treasure, one that could potentially save not just your County, but all of humanity from the night. Some claim that there exists a sword, forged of burning light, a sword once wielded by an Angel, that could slay a Vampire in one cleave. Others claim the treasure is actually a sundial, one which can control very time itself, allowing the user to change the day and night as they see fit. Perhaps the most unusual myth is the claims that there exists a Sun Well, which waters are said to reverse the effects of Vampirism, and allow a Vampire to return Human once more.

Now you must put your differences aside, Hemokin, Broodling, Lycan, Mutant, Voidling, and Human alike. You must put your traits to good use, and claim victory over the undead night...

The Races

Nightfall has several races that are playable, all of which are custom made for the roleplay. In Nightfall, each race was once originally human sometime in their past. That doesn’t mean your character had to be born human, but that all races act like humans and have histories that are bounded with Human society.


Harbingers of Light

Humans are the most common race in the world. Human society lives in constant fear of the night. Their individuals typically prefer to function during the day. A theocracy, Humanity has been united worldwide by a powerful church bureaucracy, whose clerical magic is often times the only thing protecting human settlements from destruction from imposing vampires or other horrors. Humans are industrious, using magic and alchemy in ways unseen before, allowing them to communicate and travel vast distances through trains, hot air balloons and TeleClair networksm just to list examples. Humanity’s tireless efforts in magic and their powerful belief in the light, gives them a fighting chance against the monstrosities that await them when night falls.


Moon Clan

Lycan are a race of individuals who are human by day but beast by night. Cursed with the disease of Lycanthropy, Lycans can either be born or created through three methods: afflicted by the curse of lycanthropy (Which has been lost in time); afflicted by the disease of lycanthropy (carried by all lycans); or born from a lycan mother. Four species of Lycan exist: the Tribal WereBears, that live in the forests; the Nomadic WereWolves, that live in frigid poles and tundra; the Savage WereBats, that live in Jungles; and the WereRats, that live amongst human cities.


Children of Bolnov

Mutants are a race that also transform during the night. All Mutants originate back to a small village two centuries ago, where a Mad Alchemist who wished to recreate Lycanthropy, used toxic gases to turn human villagers into Mutants. Mutants change at night, becoming a polar opposite of their typical self. A smart but weak man will become strong but dum. It also works in the reverse, a strong man becomes smart. That change is forced onto them once night falls and the moon rises.


Blood Children

Hemokins are a race of revived humans that have been resurrected through a blood ritual by a powerful vampire. A notch above the average ghoul, Hemokins are living creatures are controlled by their creating vampire and are a primary unit in any Count’s army. It is only when their vampire master becomes killed do Hemokins gain free will becoming “Unbounded Hemonkins” (All players are Unbounded Hemokins). Hemokins, because of their similar blood., have many abilities and weakness that are similar to Vampires. However an unbounded Hemokin’s worst fear is to be killed by a Vampire and resurrected into servitude once more.


Spider Born

Broodlings are a race of spider-like humanoids. They are created by what is called a Matriarch, the mother spider. This is a gargantuan spider whose words are so sweet she can lure men and woman to willingly serve her to become a broodling. Broodlings are her children and treated with love and compassion. The matriarch will have her broodlings fight and wage wars with other Matriarchs. A broodling shares a telepathic link with it’s Matriarch, until one of them dies. A broodling whose matriarch has died becomes a stray, with no mother. (All player characters are strays)


Void Remnants

Voidlings are a race of magically infused humans. These come into being from a cataclysm known as a ‘Void Nova’ - which is where a mage pushes his magics to such a limit causing a massive explosion of Chaos Energy (The essence of all magic). It was long believed that these novas simply killed all who were exposed to it, leaving behind a massive ‘Void Zone’. (A globe of pure blackness). However, recently These Voidlings have emerged from these Void Zones, showing that these nova’s do not kill a person, only changing them drastically.


Day & Night: This is a world where day and night are vastly different from each other. As such, the game world will probably feel very different as well, thematically, and mechanically. Many of the races change drastically at night, having many changes to them, and how you interact with NPC’s and the world in general will be different from day to night.

Teamspeak: This game is a Chat based game, which will be hosted over our Teamspeak server. Thanks to a wonderful addon, we will be able to roll dice with ease in the Teamspeak client. This means that once you open Teamspeak you are ready to play! Almost...

Google Docs: As typical of me, I use Google Documents to keep track of all the player characters. We all share one spreadsheet, which I already layed out and prepared. This way, everyone can see each others character if they become curious, and I can find each and every character easily and without hassle. this does mean you will need a Google account however...

Game System: This game will be running off of AD&D 2nd Edition. However, it’s a modified system. As you would guess, all of the races are customized, and many of the monsters are as well. I almost am fairly lenient with rules, and enjoy to improvise where needed to make the game a funner. Also do not fret, I am very open and accepting of new players, and will help you create your character and help you get a hold of the game mechanics as we go. Don’t fear though, it’s pretty simple.

Classes: There are no 'traditional' classes in this game - instead you are able to create any class you so choose through a system. you can be an illusion casting, backstabbing, shape-shifter. Or you can just be a mage. But, the more powers you give yourself, the longer it will take to level up! This should allow you to have far more freedom for your character.
Yes. But I don't know anything about the rules so I'll need a rulebook hookup or similar.

But aside from that, while true, print yes.
First session when rather well, this game is hosted at 1:00 PM EST (-5:00) and at 6:00 PM GMT (0:00) on Wednesday. So if this game interests you, that's when it is hosted!

I welcome anyone who wishes to play to join us, no knowledge of the system needed, in any way - everyone currently playing doesn't have knowledge of the system, so you would fit right in! :)

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