Night Caller ((group rp version))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Doll-Divine-Creation-tall.jpg.2c0cb833ec2378ea6cbbd5228f034fe5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54561" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Doll-Divine-Creation-tall.jpg.2c0cb833ec2378ea6cbbd5228f034fe5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/MyStyle.jpg.863e2ae4f94dcfcb1712e2a42dd92288.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54562" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/MyStyle.jpg.863e2ae4f94dcfcb1712e2a42dd92288.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> -My character/ human& dragon forms

Name: Dawn Widow



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Name- Katlyn

Gender- Female

Age- 8


Personality- She is a happy and bubbly little girl and she always wants to make new friends!

Bio- She is just a normal little girl who lives in the village I guess...

Likes- Flowers and sunshine and happy shit xD

Dislikes- Darkness and nightmares

Other- Not much I guess
(I'll just follow Golden's CS Skeleton.)

Name: April

Age: 18


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/shalin_by_hanamico-d7x4oe5_kindlephoto-74204533.jpg.3ae21a8979dabcb2fad16db934fa2644.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/shalin_by_hanamico-d7x4oe5_kindlephoto-74204533.jpg.3ae21a8979dabcb2fad16db934fa2644.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Wise and quiet. April is a woodland creature, though she is actually a human with the features of a rabbit. She is fast and kind, and is often peaceful and passive.

Bio: April is a guardian of the forest just south of a small village. She was born into a human family, but when old enough left for the forest to take understanding of her true self, a rabbit. Not being feared by villagers, she is a common face in the village and often seen as a hero since she is able to keep hostile animals away.

Likes: Quiet places, sunny weather, strawberries.

Dislikes: Noisy places, rain and lighting, people cutting down trees/and or any other thing in nature.

Other: Although she has rabbit features, this doesn't mean she is capable of magic. She is human.



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Name: Sir Bennett Wolfe

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf


Normal- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/uploadfromtaptalk1432951305592.jpg.01ccda637aa5b558c3651c5b1f9316e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/uploadfromtaptalk1432951305592.jpg.01ccda637aa5b558c3651c5b1f9316e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wolf-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/uploadfromtaptalk1432951334129.jpg.506c2874e6d9cf38831a5fff6aaab3d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/uploadfromtaptalk1432951334129.jpg.506c2874e6d9cf38831a5fff6aaab3d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Broad shouldered, well muscled, tall (6'4). Chiseled jaw with striking and prominent cheekbones. Ruggedly handsome, with stubble highlighting his features. Dark, chestnut hair. His eyes are an unusal liquid amber, which when he feels a strong emotion (Anger, happiness, passion etc) or transforms, turn a bright, golden yellow. Tattoo of a paw on his chest, a few other random tattoos dotted over him such as his wrists, collar bone etc.

Personality: A cold, harsh man, whom has been in one too many battles for him to forget. Bennett seems extremely bipolar, usually holding many conflicting emotions about situations past and present. He is a man of action and usually follows hunches and sudden impulses wherever these spontaneous actions may lead, a deal of improvising makes him an opponent to beat, with unpredictable reactions, physical and emotional. He prefers to fight and work alone, being a solitary man at heart, making him most uncomfortable in social situations which requires his immediate attention. He is remarkably a good leader, with a charismatic and smooth way of coaching people on, yet is bad with one on one social interactions, although his downfall is being extremely irritable and hot headed in some situations.

Bio: A soldier at heart, Bennetts father was a knight before him, so was his father before him, and so on. He was born with a sword in his hand, always seeking adventure and a good fight, although his mother frequently expressed her discomfort at having her son be a soldier, even a knight at that. But one fateful day, helping rid the townspeople of a werewolf brute, he became infected. His father disowned him, saying a monster couldn't be his son. He was stripped of his family name, and thrown out. But he proved his father wrong. Proved them all wrong. He fought for the injustice he had gained, for the unfortunate curse which lay on his shoulders. He fought for purity, although it would be doubted he could regain the humanity he'd lost. He became a fierce man, of blood and steel. Accepted the wolf which lay within him, and became a prideful man. His long heritage didn't give him an identity, his strong, stubborn self did. A sad sob story for some, yet for him, a tapestry to be proud of.

Weapon: A well forged steel sword sheathed on his hip, a mixture of light chainmail and plated armour, with a wolfs head decorating the front chest plate. He has another dagger hidden within his boot. Prefers not to wear a helmet, as he feels it restricts him. His causal clothes, consist of a white tunic, hide trousers and black leather boots.



-Good ale


-Interesting conversation.



-The nickname 'Mutt'


-Strong perfume (Makes his nose itchy, eventually occurs sneezing)

Other: Weakness to Silver, a Knight Commander.



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Personality- She is a happy and bubbly little girl and she always wants to make new friends!

Bio- She is just a normal little girl who lives in the village I guess...

Likes- Flowers and sunshine and happy shit xD

Dislikes- Darkness and nightmares

Other- Not much I guess
Name- Marth Flames

Gender- Male

Age- 9


Personality-very timid to certian people, very sad from recent events but acts happy

Bio- his home was decimated. being alone at his age he's been traveling to find a home or someone to talk to...

Likes-swords science

Dislikes- fighting/yelling

Other-he's a elf human dragon cat wolf person. kinda a shapeshifter but he was born all those breeds and can turn into them all when in certian moods until he harnesses the power to change freely.

Name- Alex

Gender- Male

Age- 18


Personality-entergetic smart caring strong a joker.

Bio- he walked out of his house when he was 15 and went into the woods. he learned he left his village in time as it had been burned to the ground.

Likes-logic (sometimes) hanging with girls, the forest

Dislikes- jackasses

Other-he's a elf wolf dragon person. kinda a shapeshifter but he was born all 3 of those breeds and can turn into them freely.
GoldenCharizard4 said:
Name- Marth Flames
Gender- Male

Age- 9


Personality-very timid to certian people, very sad from recent events but acts happy

Bio- his home was decimated. being alone at his age he's been traveling to find a home or someone to talk to...

Likes-swords science

Dislikes- fighting/yelling

Other-he's a elf human dragon cat wolf person. kinda a shapeshifter but he was born all those breeds and can turn into them all when in certian moods until he harnesses the power to change freely.

Name- Alex

Gender- Male

Age- 18


Personality-entergetic smart caring strong a joker.

Bio- he walked out of his house when he was 15 and went into the woods. he learned he left his village in time as it had been burned to the ground.

Likes-logic (sometimes) hanging with girls, the forest

Dislikes- jackasses

Other-he's a elf wolf dragon person. kinda a shapeshifter but he was born all 3 of those breeds and can turn into them freely.
GoldenWolf said:
Zeke "The Treacherous"

  • black_knight_rauru_by_cuervoman-d5ptbd9.png

    Name: Zeke

    Age: 19

    Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

    Height/Weight: 6'2/150 Ib

    Occupation?: Anti-knight, or Dark knight

    Species: Half Shadow Lord/ half Human


    Dark Energy Manipulation

    Shadow manipulation


    Zeke's life has been all a roller coaster, starting off from the beginning when his parents were killed in a home fire, leaving him a orphan at the age of 5. After this, he was adopted and raised by one of the best knights from his home town; learning the way of the sword at a remarkable pace. By the age of 13, he was fully trained to be a knight and off to battle, winning battle after battle.

    Then came the second hill he fell down in his life, the raid on an abandoned village, overran with monsters and demons. Many died during that raid, it took all they had to just get to the center of the town and find the shadow lord that was controlling them, Tenax. It was a ferocious battle but when it came to the end, Zeke and the rest of his brothers were successful; sealing the creature into Zeke's sword. The plan was to head back to the town and give the sword to the holy church to prevent the demon from ever breaking loose, but Zeke, now 15, was tempted by Tenax to instead give a fake sword and take the real one for himself, starting him down the path of corruption.

    The Shadow lord's power, and influence, started to slowly seep into Zeke, transforming both his mind and his body, giving him his powers and half shadow lord status. It started to show as he started to betray the knights even further, and when they found out about what happened; he was shunned and ran out of the village, forever destined to walk the earth alone and commit his crimes for 2 years straight. Killing thousands of innocents, and guilty, alike, destroying and plundering villages, practically making himself one of the most wanted men alive, a reward fit to make anyone a king. He was given the name,
    The Treacherous" by the world for his deeds, becoming a fearsome image that puts fear into even the most hardened of criminals.

    This all changed though when he meet Mia, a sick and injured girl running from a mob. He, having what little control over his own mind and body he had left, saved the girl from the mob; by killing them of course, started him on the path to redemption. He took Mia in and protected her as they traveled the world, slowly redeeming himself, until finally he was able to mentally defeat Tenax's control, freeing himself and reversing the role.

    Now he taps into Tenax's power, giving him not only amazing powers, but a badass look. Zeke is slowly learning how to interact with people again, but it is taking time, as he still gets violent urges to slaughter people. On top of this, he has complete memory of what he did in the past, and so has to try and atone for his crimes. It is rough though as he is constantly putting his morality in risk, and if it tips, it may give Tenax an opportunity to try once more. And during this time, Tenax lays in the sword, plotting his revenge on the boy for his.


Mia Aswerlath

  • 383.+HurtAnimeGirl.jpg

    Name: Mia Aswerlath

    Age: 16

    Sexual orientation: Bisexual

    Height/Weight: 5'3/100 IB

    Species: Half Siren/ half Human


    Voice control: She has the ability to use her voice for many things, like a sire it can sound amazingly beautiful and help sooth, heal, or persuade people, or it can be destructive and painful.


    Mia was born and raised in a small town near the mountains, her mother being a siren and her father being human, she was raised by her parents until they were lynched, as there village did not support inter-species marriage, let alone non humans. So she was an orphan, hiding her powers from the world to the best of her ability, and lead a pretty ok life, until convicted to being a "Witch." She was ran out of town by a mob, almost dying in the process and getting pretty injured, if it wasn't for Zeke she would have probably died. He took her in and cared for her until she was healed and left, Mia trailing behind as she had no life back in her home town and no where else to go; also she wanted to somehow repay the stranger. So the two traveled for now a year, she learning more about him and the outside world, freely able to be herself as they went from village to village; helping Zeke to atone for his sins.

Federoff said:
Zeke "The Treacherous"

  • black_knight_rauru_by_cuervoman-d5ptbd9.png

    Name: Zeke

    Age: 19

    Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

    Height/Weight: 6'2/150 Ib

    Occupation?: Anti-knight, or Dark knight

    Species: Half Shadow Lord/ half Human


    Dark Energy Manipulation

    Shadow manipulation


    Zeke's life has been all a roller coaster, starting off from the beginning when his parents were killed in a home fire, leaving him a orphan at the age of 5. After this, he was adopted and raised by one of the best knights from his home town; learning the way of the sword at a remarkable pace. By the age of 13, he was fully trained to be a knight and off to battle, winning battle after battle.

    Then came the second hill he fell down in his life, the raid on an abandoned village, overran with monsters and demons. Many died during that raid, it took all they had to just get to the center of the town and find the shadow lord that was controlling them, Tenax. It was a ferocious battle but when it came to the end, Zeke and the rest of his brothers were successful; sealing the creature into Zeke's sword. The plan was to head back to the town and give the sword to the holy church to prevent the demon from ever breaking loose, but Zeke, now 15, was tempted by Tenax to instead give a fake sword and take the real one for himself, starting him down the path of corruption.

    The Shadow lord's power, and influence, started to slowly seep into Zeke, transforming both his mind and his body, giving him his powers and half shadow lord status. It started to show as he started to betray the knights even further, and when they found out about what happened; he was shunned and ran out of the village, forever destined to walk the earth alone and commit his crimes for 2 years straight. Killing thousands of innocents, and guilty, alike, destroying and plundering villages, practically making himself one of the most wanted men alive, a reward fit to make anyone a king. He was given the name,
    The Treacherous" by the world for his deeds, becoming a fearsome image that puts fear into even the most hardened of criminals.

    This all changed though when he meet Mia, a sick and injured girl running from a mob. He, having what little control over his own mind and body he had left, saved the girl from the mob; by killing them of course, started him on the path to redemption. He took Mia in and protected her as they traveled the world, slowly redeeming himself, until finally he was able to mentally defeat Tenax's control, freeing himself and reversing the role.

    Now he taps into Tenax's power, giving him not only amazing powers, but a badass look. Zeke is slowly learning how to interact with people again, but it is taking time, as he still gets violent urges to slaughter people. On top of this, he has complete memory of what he did in the past, and so has to try and atone for his crimes. It is rough though as he is constantly putting his morality in risk, and if it tips, it may give Tenax an opportunity to try once more. And during this time, Tenax lays in the sword, plotting his revenge on the boy for his.


Mia Aswerlath

  • 383.+HurtAnimeGirl.jpg

    Name: Mia Aswerlath

    Age: 16

    Sexual orientation: Bisexual

    Height/Weight: 5'3/100 IB

    Species: Half Siren/ half Human


    Voice control: She has the ability to use her voice for many things, like a sire it can sound amazingly beautiful and help sooth, heal, or persuade people, or it can be destructive and painful.


    Mia was born and raised in a small town near the mountains, her mother being a siren and her father being human, she was raised by her parents until they were lynched, as there village did not support inter-species marriage, let alone non humans. So she was an orphan, hiding her powers from the world to the best of her ability, and lead a pretty ok life, until convicted to being a "Witch." She was ran out of town by a mob, almost dying in the process and getting pretty injured, if it wasn't for Zeke she would have probably died. He took her in and cared for her until she was healed and left, Mia trailing behind as she had no life back in her home town and no where else to go; also she wanted to somehow repay the stranger. So the two traveled for now a year, she learning more about him and the outside world, freely able to be herself as they went from village to village; helping Zeke to atone for his sins.

Character Sheet

Name: Anthony Wildheart

Nickname: None at the moment.

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Job: Adventurer

Species: Half Elf Half Human

Looks: Messy Brown hair and Emerald green eyes. Tall and muscular. Always wears something that is the color green. ((picture attached))

Weapon: Proficient with Swords and all types of Magic.

Powers: All types of magic. Geokinesis, Aerokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Cyrokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Botanokinesis, and Telekinesis.

Weaknesses: When he feels something is right, he goes for it without hesitation. Stubborn and hard to talk out of things.

Personality: Outgoing and kind. He is very loyal to his friends and will protect them with his life. Loves animals and nature.

Bio: Anthony began a strong connection with nature at a young age, as he was left in the forest by his two rebellious parents. . Growing up in the forest, he began to learn extremely effective Earth and Plant magic at a young age. Soon enough, he became a master of Nature magic. He left the forest when he was 16 years old, seeking more magic training. He studied the sword and magic for the next 4 years, becoming a master at both. Now he is an adventurer who does jobs and quests for people.

Family: Left in the wild at a young age. Does not know his parents.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/606ee3469bc4d2f08bb4d6249f4e9cc2.jpg.3c97289e8470f6dcab5b14b0e9d6052c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54725" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/606ee3469bc4d2f08bb4d6249f4e9cc2.jpg.3c97289e8470f6dcab5b14b0e9d6052c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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JVSbeast said:
Character Sheet
Name: Anthony Wildheart

Nickname: None at the moment.

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Job: Adventurer

Species: Half Elf Half Human

Looks: Messy Brown hair and Emerald green eyes. Tall and muscular. Always wears something that is the color green. ((picture attached))

Weapon: Proficient with Swords and all types of Magic.

Powers: All types of magic. Geokinesis, Aerokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Cyrokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Botanokinesis, and Telekinesis.

Weaknesses: When he feels something is right, he goes for it without hesitation. Stubborn and hard to talk out of things.

Personality: Outgoing and kind. He is very loyal to his friends and will protect them with his life. Loves animals and nature.

Bio: Anthony began a strong connection with nature at a young age, as he was left in the forest by his two rebellious parents. . Growing up in the forest, he began to learn extremely effective Earth and Plant magic at a young age. Soon enough, he became a master of Nature magic. He left the forest when he was 16 years old, seeking more magic training. He studied the sword and magic for the next 4 years, becoming a master at both. Now he is an adventurer who does jobs and quests for people.

Family: Left in the wild at a young age. Does not know his parents.
Accepted ^^
Name: Juliett

Age: 125

Type: Werewolf

Appearance: 25 year old. Shoulder length dirt blonde hair that she spends a lot of time sweeping out of her eyes. She was born in Ireland, but its been a long time since she set foot on that god forsaken rock. She stands at 5'6". Her eyes are brown and moody.

Personality: Juliett hasn't been home in a very long time. She's been on the run since she killed her own family in an accident her first night as a werewolf. She has a tendency for violence, even now, 100 years later. She is constantly on the move, never settling in one place, never having a real home. She is moody and grim, preferring solitude than company. She is pretty, to say the least, but she has never accepted nor pursued any form of romance. She is clever and very good at survival, though she is growing tired of the lonesome way she lives.


steevenajj said:
Your RPs are interesting may i join? @chewy91
Of course you can ^^


Greenhunter said:
Name: Juliett
Age: 125

Type: Werewolf

Appearance: 25 year old. Shoulder length dirt blonde hair that she spends a lot of time sweeping out of her eyes. She was born in Ireland, but its been a long time since she set foot on that god forsaken rock. She stands at 5'6". Her eyes are brown and moody.

Personality: Juliett hasn't been home in a very long time. She's been on the run since she killed her own family in an accident her first night as a werewolf. She has a tendency for violence, even now, 100 years later. She is constantly on the move, never settling in one place, never having a real home. She is moody and grim, preferring solitude than company. She is pretty, to say the least, but she has never accepted nor pursued any form of romance. She is clever and very good at survival, though she is growing tired of the lonesome way she lives.

Name: Tania FrostBurn ( The Crystal Maiden).

Age: 27.

Species: Wood Elf.

Sex Orientation: Heterosexual.

Gender: Female.

Alignment: Neutral.

Element: Water Mage (Frost).


  • Winter.
  • Her puppy Archie.
  • Using a staff.


  • Summer.(warmth)
  • Fire mages.
  • Using hand magic.
  • Loss in anything.

Personality: Tania might be affectionate, but when hatred fills her she will bring living hell. Tania is an attractive lady, that helped her become self-confident. Speechscraft has helped her build fast bonds with people nearby. Tania is a loner, unless someone enters into her life.

Tania has blonde hair and bright blue eyes. At Tania's birth adeformation occured to her body, some might find it attractive and some monstrous. Her deformation occurs when she uses her magic.

Deformation Appearance:
Tania levitates off the floor and turns hard and blue as ice, but stillflexible. During this form her magic is usually stronger and uncontrollable.

Bio: Tania was born in the coldest region of IceWrack, but her family were foreigners, they are WoodElves not SnowElves. when she was born it was too cold that she got frost burnt. The development of powers and her deformation occured at that time. Her parents Aurora and Jack were executed with the accusation of witch craft, but they werent practicing magic it was Tania.

Anything you'd like to add: Tania has a sapphire gem on her forehead, the reason was unkown for its placing there. During some fights Tania might prefer a weapon which is a bow. She conjures a frost bow and creates frost arrows. She hastrained to be a Frost MarksWoman.
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steevenajj said:
Name: Tania FrostBurn ( The Crystal Maiden).
Age: 27.

Species: Wood Elf.

Sex Orientation: Heterosexual.

Gender: Female.

Alignment: Neutral.

Element: Water Mage (Frost).


  • Winter.
  • Her puppy Archie.
  • Using a staff.


  • Summer.(warmth)
  • Fire mages.
  • Using hand magic.
  • Loss in anything.

Personality: Tania might be affectionate, but when hatred fills her she will bring living hell. Tania is an attractive lady, that helped her become self-confident. Speechscraft has helped her build fast bonds with people nearby. Tania is a loner, unless someone enters into her life.

Tania has blonde hair and bright blue eyes. At Tania's birth adeformation occured to her body, some might find it attractive and some monstrous. Her deformation occurs when she uses her magic.

Deformation Appearance:
Tania levitates off the floor and turns hard and blue as ice, but stillflexible. During this form her magic is usually stronger and uncontrollable.

Bio: Tania was born in the coldest region of IceWrack, but her family were foreigners, they are WoodElves not SnowElves. when she was born it was too cold that she got frost burnt. The development of powers and her deformation occured at that time. Her parents Aurora and Jack were executed with the accusation of witch craft, but they werent practicing magic it was Tania.

Anything you'd like to add: Tania has a sapphire gem on her forehead, the reason was unkown for its placing there. During some fights Tania might prefer a weapon which is a bow. She conjures a frost bow and creates frost arrows. She hastrained to be a Frost MarksWoman.
Accepted ^^
Name: Surahgol

Age: 62,709 (fully matured Ziz. They grow slightly bigger every 70 years.)

Gender: Male

Species: Surahgol is a creature known as Ziz that are highly intelligent, often proving to be more intelligent than even humans and other species. They are avian and very similar to birds, except they are far larger, being on par with most dragons in terms of size and have the ability to fly, as well as extremely keen eyesight, able to see far places clearly when another will only see something blurry. Their feathers are very colourful, though the colour and patterns vary. Though most mistake them for griffins since they are bird-like and have four legs, they are more like a cross between birds of prey and felines/reptiles/dragons. Almost all the Ziz are very skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to magic and due to their longevity, they can spend many hundreds of years honin their skills further, though most of the time their physical strength alone is great enough to deal with most foes. Their feathers also hold magical properties and are rumored to be able to extends one's lifetime, which is why they are considered very valuable and are hunted. To avoid being hunted and captured, most of them have developed shape-shifting to switch between human and Ziz forms.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.85cb2a8280225b2c9f66ce3f123bd934.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.85cb2a8280225b2c9f66ce3f123bd934.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.2a58350284f46f63306245961ec6f235.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.2a58350284f46f63306245961ec6f235.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.3848d066c961e527fabd1f9a75c9ab53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.3848d066c961e527fabd1f9a75c9ab53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.52eecb5e4dfcfdcbd9d4bf71eaa0dfb9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54882" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.52eecb5e4dfcfdcbd9d4bf71eaa0dfb9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: Surahgol is almost pitch black save for two stripes along his back that are green and four similar stripes of the same colour on his legs.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.be8256967ae8c37416ed43b231216277.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.be8256967ae8c37416ed43b231216277.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.63df81744d35da9f335e1976cfdd912e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.63df81744d35da9f335e1976cfdd912e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Surahgol tends to be cruel and sometimes quite selfish, destroying entire villages just for their cattle or other animals, and sometimes for the villagers themselves whenever he's hungry, though he isn't as bad as he seems and can be quite kind or friendly, though this mainly depends on his mood.


-Wind/Air manipulation

-Weather manipulation, able to change the weather to make it very windy and/or cloudy, create small (about the size of a full grown elephant at most) tornados, and even create a hurricane, though this is usually very tiring and he does not do this often as he usually thinks it's a useless ability, except for the small tornados which he has found extremely useful.


-Fire breathing

-Resistance to heat/cold and immune to fire

Bio: Surahgol is one of the older Ziz, being more experienced than most Ziz currently alive, though there may be some far older than Surahgol that have reached sizes that make them appear to be small, moving mountains. He is responsible for destroying many villages and towns and for several large fires, though not much else is known since he is quite elusive.

Other: N/A

@chewy91 could you add the name of your character? It would be pretty helpful I think.



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Verdas said:
Name: Surahgol
Age: 62,709 (fully matured Ziz. They grow slightly bigger every 70 years.)

Gender: Male

Species: Surahgol is a creature known as Ziz that are highly intelligent, often proving to be more intelligent than even humans and other species. They are avian and very similar to birds, except they are far larger, being on par with most dragons in terms of size and have the ability to fly, as well as extremely keen eyesight, able to see far places clearly when another will only see something blurry. Their feathers are very colourful, though the colour and patterns vary. Though most mistake them for griffins since they are bird-like and have four legs, they are more like a cross between birds of prey and felines/reptiles/dragons. Almost all the Ziz are very skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to magic and due to their longevity, they can spend many hundreds of years honin their skills further, though most of the time their physical strength alone is great enough to deal with most foes. Their feathers also hold magical properties and are rumored to be able to extends one's lifetime, which is why they are considered very valuable and are hunted. To avoid being hunted and captured, most of them have developed shape-shifting to switch between human and Ziz forms.

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Appearance: Surahgol is almost pitch black save for two stripes along his back that are green and four similar stripes of the same colour on his legs.

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Personality: Surahgol tends to be cruel and sometimes quite selfish, destroying entire villages just for their cattle or other animals, and sometimes for the villagers themselves whenever he's hungry, though he isn't as bad as he seems and can be quite kind or friendly, though this mainly depends on his mood.


-Wind/Air manipulation

-Weather manipulation, able to change the weather to make it very windy and/or cloudy, create small (about the size of a full grown elephant at most) tornados, and even create a hurricane, though this is usually very tiring and he does not do this often as he usually thinks it's a useless ability, except for the small tornados which he has found extremely useful.


-Fire breathing

-Resistance to heat/cold and immune to fire

Bio: Surahgol is one of the older Ziz, being more experienced than most Ziz currently alive, though there may be some far older than Surahgol that have reached sizes that make them appear to be small, moving mountains. He is responsible for destroying many villages and towns and for several large fires, though not much else is known since he is quite elusive.

Other: N/A

@chewy91 could you add the name of your character? It would be pretty helpful I think.
Accepted and yes sorry ill add it after i send this.

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