Nice to meet you all!


Too Many Thoughts
Hello, I am Anamnesis, a college sophomore with a long-held passion for writing, history and world building. I tend to keep mostly to the realm of OCs and OUs including a lot of high fantasy, but also have a love for alternate-history or alternate-future style universes as well as anything mythology based (especially Chinese and Roman mythology. Some Celtic, as well.)
I've been rping off and on since I was quite young, and kept up a love for writing in between. My other hobbies include music, gaming and watching questionable documentaries.
I am a paragraph/multi-para style writer who likes to focus on themes such as morality, culture, religion, philosophy and angst in my character design. Some of my greatest inspirations are Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Tolkien and Roy Khan.
Pleasure to meet you all. :)
Welcome to RPN!

It's a fun place and I hope you find a suitable rp for you really fast ^^

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