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Next Generation

"Still, I am not ready, and now they know you are here, it will make things occur much quicker than anticipated," Kumi replied as she watched.
As the bandages fell his black eyes changed to his new Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/shisui__s_eternal_mangekyou_sharingan_by_hatesh-d5mdnzw.gif.11cd2498d46a5657bc4e48bd70491280.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58808" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/shisui__s_eternal_mangekyou_sharingan_by_hatesh-d5mdnzw.gif.11cd2498d46a5657bc4e48bd70491280.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"pretty cool dont you think?" he said giggling realizing they were so close to each others faces from Zero leaning in so Kumi could stare into his eyes to see how amazing they look.



  • shisui__s_eternal_mangekyou_sharingan_by_hatesh-d5mdnzw.gif
    6.4 KB · Views: 6
Kumi examined Zero's eyes with her own glowing eyes, her tenseigan still active.

"Hmm," She spoke as she continued to examine his eyes up close. They were different than the last time she had seen his eyes. Of course she had seen Zero's eyes change many times as he grew stronger.
he leaned in and kissed her forehead giggling. "Anyway wheres Sakuto, Has he been slacking off?" Zero asks laughing abit deactiving his sharingan.
"Not here, it is dangerous for him to be too close when Sasuke and myself are training," Kumi said as she sat back creating space beetween them, She looked up at the sky, she had really hoped to have her eyes mastered, but she was comforted by the fact that they were close.
he smild and while sasuke wasnt looking Zero kissed Kumi deeply yet passionatly holding her close to him then slowly pulled away smiling then whispered. "I really missed you while I was gone" he said smiling abit.
Kumi leaned her forehead again Zero's.

"I missed you too," She whispered, her eyes closed as she put her head on Zero's shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. She let her body weigh heavily against his. She was exhausted.
he held Kumi tightly cuddling her as she laid against him. "It's only 3 days and you've become so strong" he smiles. "You truly are an amazing shinobi" Zero smiled whispering in Kumi's ear as they rested against the tree, Zero activated partial Susanoo to protect them both seeing they were going to lay there for awhile. "How are you feeling" Zero whispered giving her a massage then wrapping his arm around her stomach.
"Like I could sleep for days. I have barely had any sleep at all. Sasuke has been pushing me, there hasn't been much time for sleep," Kumi replied not moving. She wished that she would wake up and everything that was happening would have just been a bad nightmare.

"How many of our clan do you think we will have to kill Zero?"
he sighs. " Hopfully none at all but considering I was ambushed on the way here...atleast a few hundred." he said as he kissed her forehead. Then the echo's of what the one uchiha said:

"you were just a tool created to be sacrificed...your main task was to obtain the Sharingan, get the eternal, have your eyes removed, to have senju blood injected to fuel it to turn it into the rinnegan and fuse it with the ultimate being"

"Zero was and still is nothing but a tool! Created in a lab with the sole purpose of being discarded away for later YOUR NOTHING BUT AN EXPERAMENT!!"

"Stand back Kumi..Zero is our only target..he is the key to your perfection"

His mind kept pondering on the thought til he begain to mutter. "key....perfection...ultimate being...." he muttered without even realizing it.


The sentence kept poisioning his mind he clencehd his fist till it bleed. Having thought of what the uchiha said, he realized what his purpose would've been. To be preped to be killed then have his power infused with Kumi to create the ultimate weapon for war. But Zero wasn't going to let that happen. They will become one...but by his terms...the terms of his feelings for her. Zero used his non-bloody hand to hold one of Kumi's hand.

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