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Next Generation

"You don't think they would kill you either way, with the way they speak, if you lose your eyes you will have no value," Kumi replied shaking her head.
"Then I have no choice. .then to kill them all" he sighs. "We should leave the village and stay In the Sand Village, Im sure Nartuo And Gaara are best friends" he says smiling. "It's Too dangerous to stay here in the leaf" Zero added.

"No let Kumi stay behind, its you their after, Sasuke will train Kumi while your away" Sakuto Added.
Kumi sighed, she liked Zero's idea better, but she knew Sakuto was right.

"We can't kill them all, we can't wipe out two whole clans, that would weaken this village, make it vulnerable. "
"Zero, are you gonna be safe on your own out of the village for 3 days" sakuto asked.

"I survived three months before, I think ill do fine" zero said smiling softly.
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Kumi sighed, her eyes falling to her lap. Once again she felt that it was unfair that they had to go through what they were going through. It wasn't like taking am mission where one had to protect someone or kill someone. No, they were going to have to kill their own family, their own blood.

"Plan B is our only option Zero"
"The only option thats non-lethal I can think off is putting our fathers under a genjutsu to make them change their minds" Zero sighed." Just destroying their lab wouldn't help, they've probably build other secret labs or have some from orochimaru" Zero added looking out the window. "As of now we know I'm the only one they want, they want to take my eyes and my powers and fuse it within you to create a being more powerful than the sage of 6 paths himself, In order to protect the village and my friends and loved ones I will do what ever it takes" he said determaned.

"But how will you know your new power will be enough?" Sakuto asked.

"The secret weapon of the Mangekyo Sharingan is the Susanoo, With the eternal Mangekyo if one has enough hatred in their heart they can call upon the Perfect Susanno,with power so destructive just swinging the sword alone could cut mountains in half" Zero explained. "I have more than enough hatred for both clans for doing this to us" he added.
"Zero, we both know that a genjutsu won't be enough, they will have to die. Hopefully they will be the only two," Kumi said with a sigh as she laid back down and curled up. She closed her eyes, she was still tired, she could even say exhausted.

"You also know that I will have to kill my father. If you were to kill him, that would only give the people of my clan that stand behind him, a martyr," Kumi added a moment later with a long yawn.
"I know, and to be honest, even with the Perfect Susanoo, A strong air palm at the right moment could cripple me" he added. "but you should wait till I return to start the attack" Zero said walking over to you.
"Sasuke is suppose to start training me. I will probably wait until I have a better hold over my abilities before I attack," Kumi stated simply, her voice sluggish and slurred from her exhausted.
Zero walked over till he was standing over Kumi and leaned over, cupped her face and kissed her deeply. "I shall return in 3 days at max, Ill be safe and I'll come back with new eyes and powers" he says whispering and Sakuto blushed and was in shock and just watched, then grinned muttering. "Called it.."
Zero had dissapeared leaving the village, Sakuto standing guard untill Sasuke returned. "So shall we begin training?" Sasuke asked. ((Should we time skip?))
Kumi had trained hard while Zero was gone, though she still hadn't mastered her eyes, still she felt that it wouldn't be long before she had.
After the 3 days, Zero finally felt the power and connection in his eyes. "guess its time to return" he said to himself as he got up, the guards in the sand village looked at him. "Are you returning?" they asked. "Yes, I am, I believe its time I Go back" He replied.

"Atleast tell the Kaze..." The guard said.

"No, I'm heading now, He'll Realize im gone." Zero said as he teliported heading back to the leaf.
Kumi hadn't fully mastered her eyes, but she had developed them greatly. She knew it wouldn't take her long to master them at all. The strain it took to use them had already lessoned a great amount. Still, she didn't know if it would be enough, she would have to kill her father, and he would be a strong opponent.
Zero was running through the forest hurrying back to the leaf to meet his freinds again still keeping the bandages on his eyes so only his friends could first see his new and improved eyes. "It's just going to take a few hours since now I know the shortcut" Zero spoke to himself

Later on the other side near the village, Uchiha and the other Clan members were gathered to set an Ambush to hopfully catch Zero off guard but what they didn't know is that they were underestimating him.
Kumi was in the middle of training with Sasuke, he was pushing her hard. She stopped for a moment to breath, her body was aching, but she wouldn't stop, she needed to master her eyes to be any good to anyone in the battle that would soon occur.
Zero was getting closer to the village senseing several chakra levels ahead.

"heh, trying to ambush me are you" he grinned muttering under his breath before pulling out 3 explosive kunai throwing it infront of the ambush to cause a massive explosion with dust and debree hiding Zero as he unshethed his new sword silently and swiftly killing everyone involved in the ambush before the smoke and dust cleared dead ninja are in trees and on the ground and Zero proceeds to the Gates,

"Hmph, not even worth using my new power on" he sighed.
Kumi could sense a large amount of chakra approaching the village. She knew it had to be Zero returning. It was sooner than she had expected, and quiet frankly, sooner than she had hoped.
Zero continued through the gates the bandages still around his eyes as he heads to his house and brushes his teeth, shower and put the bandages back on so he could surprise Kumi with his new eyes. Zero then left his house feeling for Sasuke's and Kumi's chakra, once spotted he walked to that general direction.
Sasuke and Kumi were training hard, even Sasuke was breaking a sweat. Both Kumi and Sasuke had their legendary eyes activated. It was clear by the way she was handling herself with Sasuke that her mastery over her tenseigan had grown considerably. They both threw deadly moves back and forth, it was clear, even with just the sparring between the two they could clearly kill anyone who didn't have such Dojutsu.
After about 10 minutes of walking, Zero noticed Kumi and Sasuke taking a quick break, Using it to his advantage, Zero decided to sneak up behind Kumi and wrap his arms slowly around her, Sasuke didn't say anything but kept looking up at the sky as Zero whispered in her ear. "I missed you so much" Zero said.
Kumi leaned back heavily against Zero.

"You are early," She stated simply, her voice holding tones of happiness, frustration, and exhaustion.
"Well my eyes healed..plus there was an ambush at the gates of the village, he sat infront of you beggining to undo the bandages. "I havent takenn them off yet because I wanted you to be the first to see my new eyes. "he said blushing as he continued unwinding the bandages.

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