[Next Gen. Creepypasta]- Lost in Time (Signups)


Care Bears... prepare to stare!


Creepypasta Institute has been the place for young Creepypastas to train and learn how to follow in their parent's footsteps. This generation of young pastas are the children of the most notorious killers, from Jeff the Killer to Slenderman. Young Liu Woods has found a magic book, when he cast a time spell he sent him and the students in his class back 19 years in time. Landing on the front porch of the Slender Mansion, the Students are met with their parents and are told the only way to go back to their own time, is to find a Time Talisman and Defeat Zalgo.


  • NO ONE LINERS. Please post at least a paragraph.
  • Violence is loved. I mean they are all killers after all. :P
  • Keep it PG-13. Romance is allowed though I don't see how that would work
  • Use proper grammar. If I see you using chat speak I will send Jeff out to gut you.
  • No Powerplaying, bunnying, one hits and godmodding.
  • Please try to keep the character's personalities. If playing as a cannon character.
  • You can have up to 4 characters, Ocs and Cannons.


Homicidal Liu


Jeff the Killer



Pirate Percy




Creepypasta Name:

Creepypasta Parent:

Age: (13-16)



Appearance: (Picture or Description)

Creepypasta (Bio):



Picture: (FAN ART ONLY)

Link to Creepypasta



Name: Nigel Walker

Creepypasta Name: Nigel Drowned

Creepypasta Parent: BEN Drowned

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: He isn't the most pleasant being to be around. He has a nasty attitude and a temper. He doesn't take taunts well and gets pissy when his weed is taken. He acts like a rabid animal at times and can be childish. He is much like his father in many ways. They both like to grind down someone's sanity before killing them. They both like video games and their domains are technology. He has a habit of hissing and that is normally how it is told he isn't to be messed with.

Creepypasta (Bio):

So you want to know how I ended up this way, interesting question. I suppose I should answer.

"You are going to be late for school boys!" Nigel's mother shouted. The sound of his half brother's footsteps passed Nigel's room. With a huff Nigel quickly got ready for another day at that hell hole called Sandy Sights High. He walked out his door and down the stairs. He walked into the kitchen and saw his mother, step father and step brother at the table.

They all stared at him and he knew what they where thinking, they had all made it clear before, he was a freak to them. He just grabbed a piece of toast and left without a word. His father was told to be a one night stand and was never seen again. Nigel sighed and sat at the bus stop. He never really talked to the other kids, he was kind of the loner.

He looked down at his feet and sighed. He felt the bench droop as someone sat beside him. He looked to see his half-brother and snorted "Why are you sitting here?" Nigel asked. His brother sneered "Mom, dad and me are going to the lake after school, we want you to come." this raised Nigel's suspicions, they never took him

After school he saw his mother's car at the front of the driveway sitting in the car was his mom, step brother and Step father. He sighed and got into the back of the car and they drove off. When they reached the river he was dragged out of the care. He shrugged his brother off and went to the far end of the river and sat in the shallow end of the water. Little did he know that this would be his last day alive. He looked over as his brother and parents set up.

He paid no mind to them and looked at the minnows nipping at his toes. He soon saw a shadow loom over him and he looked up at his brother. "Want to play a game bro." he said in an almost sinister voice. Before Nigel knew it he was plunged underwater. He struggled and gasped for air, calling for help but, not a soul came to his rescue. His mother paid no mind and read the magazine while his step father just laughed.

He was soon completely underwater, water entered his lungs and he felt faint. He soon just let go, not like anyone was going to help him. He didn't have much of a choice. He soon felt himself floating above his body and saw his brother draw a knife. He watched in horror as his eyes were cut out. "My eyes, he took my eyes." he said and growled. He watched as his parents packed up and he floated to his house. His brother was told he could have anything of his.

His brother chose his favorite came for the Game Cube "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess." he was livid and found himself going into the game. He watched as his brother started the game. "Not in my game." he laughed. He started to make the textures and music go crazy and when he had his brother freaked he started to mess with the diolouge. He made his new bloody and Elf like face appear and he sneered showing sharp teeth "Want to play a game, Alex?"

He watched his brother stare at the screen in horror. It was weeks when his former family left the house and the game behind. Nigel somehow found a way into the internet. He found himself trapped and bound in cyberspace. Until a man found him and freed him. Nigel looked at the man and he noticed he looked like an older version of himself

"Hello Nigel, my child." the man said. "Who are you?" he asked and looked at his new form floating. "I'm your father, I'm BEN, BEN drowned." he smiled and touched Nigel's face. It was then when Nigel knew he wasn't alone, he had his father now.


Name: Homicidal Liu (Liu Woods)

Link to Creepypasta:


Name: Pirate Percy

Link to Creepypasta:


Jane the Killer's son

Jeff the Killer's daughter

Eyeless Jack's Son

BEN Drowned's Son

The Psychologist's Son

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Name: Joey Goodworth

Creepypasta Name: Joey the Killer

Creepypasta Parent: Jane the Killer

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Joey is very quiet and sweet, and can be heard clearly despite having bandags over his mouth. Then he has a "breakthrough", so to speak, and believes that everyone and anyone is a threat and kiiiillllsssss

Appearance: (Picture or Description)

Creepypasta (Bio):

I like to think of my sorrowful life as the J.A.J.B.O.A.S.B better known as Jeff and Jane fight over a stupid boy.

It all started back when I was about 7. I remember my mom was cooking something while I was coloring on the dining room table. I heard a faint knocking on the window behind me and turned around, meeting with a mysterious girl waving at me. She had black eyes with curly hair and a girly smile, who just tilted her head and waved. I just waved back and went back to coloring, thinking nothing of it. That was the first time I saw Jane, and I didn't see Jeff or Jane again until I was 13. I was on the phone with my friend Mariah, listening to her ramble on about Kenny Yen and Micheal Frantiz. I was spacing off, staring at my ceiling and twirling the phone cord around my finger. Suddenly, the hallway light turned on, shining light through the bottom of my doorway. I was a bit curious, because my mom was working late and wouldn't be home until 3 AM. I threw open the door, only to find a trail of blood leading down the stairs. I froze. Someone was in my house and they were bleeding. I rushed to the phone in my room, picking it up and dialing 9-1-1. Nothing happened, so I came to the grim conclusion that the phone line was down. There was only one option. I had to go downstairs and run away before I got killed. I sneaked down the stairs, the blood squishing in between my bare toes. The kitchen light was on, and my heart rate grew. Do I go in, or make a run for it? Footsteps began approaching from the kitchen, and I run. I wiggle the doorknob, only to find it was somehow locked from the outside. "HOW THE HELL DOES THAT HAPPEN!?" I screamed, pulling desperately at the door, praying it would open. I felt a sharp sensation in my side, falling limp to my knees. A croaky voice whispered to me before I dazed off,

"Go to sleep."

When I finally came to, I was outside, hauled over someones shoulder. I wasnt sure where exactly we were, but all I knew was we were probably near people, so I should scream.

And I did.

I screamed and shouted and pounded on their back, clawing and scratching. "Let me go!" I finally yelped.

"You were mine." A feminine voice muttered, finishing with a cough. "Mine."

We entered an unfamiliar building, and I was thrown on to a table. It ached terribly.

"Don't go to sleep, you won't wake up." She whispered, dragging her knife across my lips. She dug deep, making a thick, open gash in the form of a smile. I sobbed loudly, attempting to sit up but being held down by this girl. She loomed over my face and I gasped, staring in to her eyes with fear. The black eyes, the black hair, the smile. I shuddered, blood dripping down my face. A door swung open, and loud stomps came toward us. The girl looked shocked. "He was my human, Jane! Leave!" He yelled, walking to me and touching my wound. I shouted in protest, but he didn't listen. They both argued a while and thrusted the knife toward each other as I blacked out, the lack of blood forcing me to slip in to unconsciousness. When I came to, I was in a hospital, bandages wound around walk of my head. There were no nurses to be found, heck, I didn't even have an IV. All there was was a letter that read:

"Sorry about last night, that was terribly uncalled for, was it not? Let's try again soon.


((implied that she joined zalgo and all that))
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Name: Jennifer (last name unknown), middle name Crimson

Creepypasta Name: Long Live, Jennifer

Creepypasta Parent: Jeff the Killer

Age: 15

Gender: female

Personality: Jennifer was always described as a creep, although many girls had secretly admired her ability to stay calm while being bullied. She was always quiet, but very nice when approached.


Creepypasta (Bio):

Hi...my name is Jennifer. If I were you, I probably wouldn't read this so I wouldn't blame you if you don't believe me. It all seems so far-fetched to the usual person. Despite my understanding of this fact, I have to see if someone will listen. If someone would have the patience to just stay. For those of you who are kind enough to stay, here is my story.

So I guess it all started when I was...I'm not sure, unfortunately. I was always told by my foster parents that when I was a newborn-- or around there-- I was found in an abandoned house by the police who were told that there was suspicious behavior in a house that hadn't been lived in for years. Supposedly, they saw a strange, pale man who appeared to have blood on his hoodie and face every time they saw him enter the home. They only got a quick glance at him every single time. The authorities thought that he was a cannibal or something silly like that. They would always check the house but he was never there, so they ended up not responding to the calls despite how genuinely scared the neighbors looked.

One call in particular caught their attention though. They saw the man again. The police said they would watch the house but while saying it, didn't really mean it. Until the people on the phone sounded frantic. "He was carrying something. A baby!" The police still were thinking it was a bit weird, but they shrugged it off. "Sorry, ma'am, we'll do our be--" Screams. There were screams on the other end of the phone call. They immediately transferred the call to the hospital and fire station, while running out the door. Instead of going into the house that called, they went into the house that was skeptical to them in the past. The one the guy was always seen in. They let the other authority figures go to the house that called. When they went in, they found me. Apparently that's house I got my name. Crimson. Because of the very dark blood that was streaming down my cheek. The adoption agency thought that was a bit inappropriate for me so they kept it my middle name, naming me Jennifer. The blood that was on my cheek was from what is now a scar, coming from my left eye in swirls.

That's all my foster parents ever told me. I always thought it was some weird messed up version of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" but who would tell a child that? Every time I went to a new foster parent's home, I was immediately taken out, never to see them again. I didn't understand until one time, I saw The Man enter. He had a white hoodie, with blood on it like in the story. I was five years old. I didn't think much of it at the time, but still a little frightened. He grinned at me so I immediately smiled back. Although I was scared, he had the widest grin I had ever seen and I always associated smiling with friendliness.

The Man walked upstairs to my umpteenth foster parent's room. About five minutes later he came down with a bloodied knife, silently. I felt bad because I thought he cut his finger or something on it. He came over to me and admired my scar that was on my cheek. He would then wipe off the blood from the knife and trail it down the scar's whirls. Since I was so young, I was only curious as to why he was doing that. It became a tradition between me and The Man. Every foster parent. Every house.

I don't understand why the police didn't lock me up. Instead the adopting agents sent me to homes that were full of bad people. People with intentions to harm. They were always killed. The police knew it wasn't by me which is why I was never taken in, I guess. But they still used it to their advantage after years of never being able to identify the The Man. I never talked to them when they asked me questions. I just stayed silent.

Finally, my current foster parents, at age fifteen, are the only ones who haven't gotten killed off within the first year of me living at their home. I'm kind of happy because I actually like them but I can't help but worry about The Man. I've always enjoyed his presence and the smile that people consider creepy. I actually found a story about him online but his behavior towards me and my foster homes were not anything like the man on the site.

I wonder if he's going to come for me this year. Maybe I can finally convince him to take me with him. That's always been in my dreams. He would come and I would follow him back to the mansion where a bunch of people were. I liked it there. It was more of a home than I will ever have.

Extension to the Story: How I got my name (Warning: possibly considered explicit)

So a week from today was the first time I had ever had any intentions on killing someone. I've always been kind of upset about being called a freak and a prude but I never reacted. Their words never affected me. I drowned them out and thought of the day I would finally go home. I thought about joining the circus but I don't know what my special talent would be. I guess I can cut myself without feeling pain. I always feel numb. My foster parents don't really like that I harm myself but they realized that they could either deal with it or send me away and apparently they 'love' me or something.

I don't know why but lately I've been obsessed with those bright red apples. That's basically the only thing I bring to school. People keep calling me Snow White but I don't get it. They say they wish I were her, only no one would kiss me. Still not understanding. A movie. That's it. I've never watched TV. Apparently it rots your brain and I don't have the desire to kill myself off before meeting The Man.

So back on track... recently I met this boy who was really nice to me. I didn't get attached at all, until yesterday. I had always kept myself distanced but... he just came up and kissed me randomly. I didn't object. It was my first actual crush.

Later that day though, after it lead on to something more...a girl came to my house. She was a girl I considered my friend. She was lead up to my room by my foster mother. I told her all about the amazing experience. She looked very happy while I was telling her about it but then her face fell. "Jennifer....there is something I have to tell you."

She told me about how the only reason he got to know me was because it was a dare. No one could ever approach me because I didn't really communicate with them well. So they dared this kid to get into my pants and then he would finally be accepted into their little popular group. I knew where I was going tonight. I sent my friend home, crying for the first time in my life. I didn't want to believe her. So I went to the boys house-- his name was Andrew, by the way. When I looked through his window, sure enough. It had to be true. Because there was the girl who was considered the most popular at our school. Sitting there on his lap, laughing and kissing. He got what he wanted. Popularity. He was going to soon realize that popularity doesn't help you survive in life.

I was glad I brought my kitchen knife. I stood there in the window until she finally noticed me. Natalie shrieked. I took a swift step away from the window, letting the shadows absorb me. "I saw some pervert at your window!" She yelled. Andrew looked bewildered. He opened the window and said, "Baby, I don't see anyone." She calmed down after a while. Soon, they went at it again. This time shutting off the lights just in case. Good, it's better this way.

I went in through the front door, knowing that his parents weren't home. "Mom?" I heard. I hid in the little walk in food cabinet. He walked through. He looked confused, I saw through the crack. I knocked three times on the little door. He shook his head and laughed. "Lizzy, I know that's you." Lizzy was his little sister. Realization dawned on his face. She wasn't supposed to be home. "I thought mom took you shopping." He said, opening the door. I grinned at him, stepping out. I kissed him, forcing him against the counter. "Hi baby. I thought I'd surprise you." He nodded nervously.

"Hi babe. Glad you did, I was getting lonely." I shook my head. I tilted my head to the side, feigning confusion. "I thought I heard someone else here. Surely you have company."

"Babe! I found the little outfit I wanted to show you!" I heard Natalie's annoying high pitched voice. I scowled, staring at him for a little bit longer. I turned around and pushed myself against him so he couldn't move, looking at Natalie. She stood there gaping at me.

"You guys are perfect for each other. You both have the same fate. Destiny, is that what they call it?" I smiled at her tightly. She nodded slowly, not understanding. I reached behind me with the kitchen knife they weren't aware of me having. I then stabbed Andrew. He yelled out in pain. Natalie looked horrified.

Long story short, I chased her down. She was a bit of a struggle due to her painful bony elbows but I finally was able to slice her neck. I left a small heart on the wall with her blood. Beautiful.

I then went back to find Andrew. He wasn't in the same place as before but he was pretty close. He was standing though, knife in hand. I advanced towards him, probably faster than he thought I would. I easily hit him again. But he jabbed at the air, so close to me that I backed away. I slipped on his blood which was seeping through his fingers from his side. I hit my head on the counter, woozy. I got up fast enough. I finally gave him the final blow.

I went home and got in the shower. The next day, the police came to my house asking questions. This time they were fully suspicious of me. My foster parents told them the stories and again, The Man was blamed for it. I realized I could kill so many people that have done me wrong. I wouldn't even be blamed-- as long as I was careful. I smiled at them and pulled my hair to the side. "Good luck." The only words I had said to the police. They left in haste.

Yesterday, my friend came over again. She accused me. No matter how much I denied it, she kept saying it. I know you killed them, you did. I know. Finally I told her. So she quietly asked me something that got my heart pumping hard. "Could you do me a favor?" I nodded. "Will you kill my step mother?" I shook my head furiously. "Please, Jennifer. You know what she does to me." She abused her. I know. So I did. I killed her. Every day, I would write about my killings. My foster parents thought I was just writing stories, they never read them though. Then I started getting comments. Questions. For me, on my stories. Then requests. So I would heed to their requests. I would kill the people they asked for me to kill. I would get thank you messages. Only they didn't say "Thank you." They said, "Long Live Jennifer."

((After writing all of that, I think I'm going to post it on creepypasta. xD Please don't steal it, I've been wanting to put a story on there for forever.)) 
(They aren't accepting submissions until September unfortunately. I'll have to wait)
(Thank you :3 I worried it'd be too short so I just closed my eyes, acted like I was her, and talked as if I was really explaining my life to someone I knew I could trust.)
Well @Little Sister you could play as an actual Creepypasta character, or if you want to play as a human it would have to have a good reason why he/she was in the Slender Mansion.
[Entry #1]

Name: Slenderman

Gender: Male


Creepypasta: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/The_Slender_Man


[Entry #2]

Name: Kristof Stein

Creepypasta Name: The Volunteer

Age: unknown

Gender: Male

Appearance: Average height, athletic build, dark clothing (hooded tops, baggy trousers) bald, multiple nazi tattoo's, stitches, sewn on skin and scars are located all over is body

Creepy History: Eduard Wirths was the Chief doctor for the infamous Nazi SS (SS-Standortarzt) at the Auschwitz concentration camp from September 1942 to January 1945. Thus, Wirths had formal responsibility for everything undertaken by the nearly 20 SS doctors who worked in the medical sections of Auschwitz between 1942–1945.

While working and experimenting for the nazis, Eduard was also ordered to look into the project Riese (Giant). The project idea was to create a base hidden from plain sight, that can be used for the extended research into the ultimate super-soldier. While waiting for the plans of the base to be built, Eduard worked on genetic and biological serums, drugs and even alteration of the human body with radiation.

Working on many soldiers and volunteers, Eduard came up with multiple different ideas on how to create the ideal super-soldier, but he knew that he only wanted one, the best.

One volunteer in particular stepped forward, Kristof Stein, a soldier at the time who worked as a highly trained and very deadly spy within the nazi SS.

Working for months Eduard created a final serum that was injected into Kristof's body, causing death in under a single minute. When Kristof was moved to the crematorium to be disposed of, the body inside the bag used, had disappeared.

Kristof was seen returning to the doctors quarters an hour later.

The serum used on Kristof stopped all his organs from working, but when he woke up, they worked greater than they ever had before. The serum combine with his blood cells taking them over and deteriorating ever last one minimizing any type of healing process while doing so. When Kristof lost a finger, he would stitch it back on and wait for days for the skin to reconnect itself, when he lost half an arm, he used smouldering tools to rejoin his bones and stitch back the skin until it healed. When his skin was burned and turned to ash, he killed a fellow soldier and used the skin for his own.

When his body was blown open and he lost his lower intestines, he killed another soldier and began refilling his body with the organs he lost.

More experiments were run on a number of different soldiers, some with injections more potent with those given to Kristof. Mysteriously the injections given to the other volunteer soldiers involved death but with no revival after which. Some just left the soldiers extensively ill over a period of days or even weeks.

It didn't take too long after which to realise that the syringes being used for the new volunteers were being swapped for fakes being filled with alternate chemicals and serums, all the while Kristof used stole each one and injected them into his own body becoming stronger and stronger.

Kristof was locked behind bars, upon which he broke out. He was confined in a maximum security prison base by the nazis themselves with walls of concrete and metal of up to a meter thick.

Kristof broke free two months later.

After being shot down by multiple soldiers, Kristof got back up and brutally murdered each one.

He walked away from Germany and traveled around killing anyone in his way, all the while looking for another organ or two, all the while becoming stronger, faster, and more silent as his rampage of pure carnage will never end.
Why has no one said anything more about this? Are you making the official role-play?


I'm waiting for more people to sign up, we should start today.(@Death Note)

Accepted @Piano Keys <3
Ohh! This looks cool! :D I wanted to do Slenderman, but he's taken. Is it possible if I could do Splendorman? xD if not I just go with Slenderdog, who follows you like a puppy :3

Name: Splendorman! :D


Link to Creepy Happypasta :D



(Thinking of making an OC charrie :D )
  • Name: Sophie Jones

    Age: 19 (about to be 20)


    CreepyPasta Name: White Rabbit

    Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.67a2d5a8cc8d52fb912ebaab8731539e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4949" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.67a2d5a8cc8d52fb912ebaab8731539e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Personality: If you were to question her friends and family of what type of person Sophie is they would reply with a sweet girl that enjoys to have fun with everyone. She is outgoing and strives to meet new people, showing her caring side but beneath the surface of an innocent rabbit hides the manipulativeness and ruthlessness of a wolf. Sophie doesn't get mad often but when she does the fuse burns till she reaches her breaking point where she will blow up on anyone in the vicinity.



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Name: Noah (Last Name Unknown)

Creepypasta Name: The Health Psychologist

Creepypasta Parent: Stephen (Psychologist)

Age: (13-16) 15

Gender: Male

Personality: When you first meet Noah, he seems very calm and sane. He is very curious and loves to analyze people. Noah enjoys learning about the human mind and its health. Sometimes he would ask questions and test your mind or anticipate your actions based on his observations. He would perform excruciating experiments on people to see how much pain they could endure until they snapped or what are certain chemical effects on the body. Sometimes the experiments occur in public under the peoples noses and unaware. At the sight of gore or blood, Noah begins to lose his mental stability. He relishes the look of pain on peoples faces and the crimson color of their blood. If your mind fascinates Noah, then that makes you a definite target.

Appearance: (Picture or Description) Noah has black hair that tends to become messy very easy. He has pale skin from sitting in front of his personal laptop and bags under his eyes. He wears glasses and is tall and lanky. Despite being skinny, he has a moderate amount of strength. When Noah starts to go insane, his eyes turn from a jet black to a dark crimson and he would often wear a sadistic crooked smile.

Creepypasta (Bio): Psychologist story on the Creepypasta wiki. Link: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Psychologist

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