

New Member
I was just wondering if there was any advice for some one who has never role played before. Like how detailed should I be in responses or perhaps how to create a character, or even how to respond should it be like first person or third or whatever.

Sincerely Yours, Revenant

"I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curb" The Joker
Roleplay - How to Roleplay!

Site - How to Find (and recruit for) a RP

Roleplay - Meeting Post Requirements (With an Interesting Post)

Tutorial - Grey's Learning Annex

Here are some good tutorials.

But otherwise my best advice is to just put yourself out there. Look through the Interest checks ( under Roleplays | - Best Roleplay Forum ) to see if there are any ideas that catch your attention.

If your very new you might start with 1x1s ( 1x1 Interest Checks )until you get a bit more comfortable as that way your working with just one other person and it's easier to work at your particular comfort level.
RPN is pretty big, which can be confusing, but it also means there's something for everyone. You can be as detailed or as simple as you want. You can use whatever tense and point of view you want! You just need to find roleplays that are conducive to your preferences~.

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