System/Mechanics Newbie to Dice Rping Considering Using It For Romance Plot


One Thousand Club
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So, I've been thinking about possibly searching for a 1x1 rp partner for a romance plot.

The basic plot would be two characters who don't know each other that well deciding to travel together in a foreign country, and deciding to not plan their trip and instead relying on flipping a coin (or something similar to determine their decisions, and along the way they would inevitably fall in love.

However, I have no experience with dice rps (on rpnation or otherwise) and I'd love advice as to which system would suit best (or even if a simple dice roll would work?). I feel like this could be a cool idea, but I'm not quite sure how to put it into practice.
I think short of finding some smaller/more obscure kind of system out there you'd probably have to make a system yourself (or with your partner). That being said from the sounds of it, it doesn't seem like your idea would require anything complex. You could just have a literal coin flip. Alternatively, you could spice it up a bit like, rolling a d8 and:

1 or 2 - Heads
3 or 4 - Tails
5 - Something interrupts
6 - Coin is snatched by something
7 - Coin falls somewhere
8 - Reroll, if you roll 8 again the coin lands on the side

Personally I think a romantic comedy with dice rolling could be a fun idea, letting the dice decide the hijinks and what happens.

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