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Multiple Settings Newbie looking for a partner


... Truthfully, I don't know where to start.

Well, I guess I should introduce myself first. Hiya! My name is Alessandra, and it's very nice to meet whoever's reading this. I have only started entering the world of roleplay this year. I reside in Australia, where I will continue to live until the completion of my studies. If everything goes to plan - I have a few months to do whatever I want before I enter college next year. That being said, I am looking for a roleplay partner! Hopefully not just for the christmas holidays, but long term as well. It's very hard for my small brain to fathom so many partners at once, and I would like to stick to one at a time.

Typically I write about the 1930s in the Prohibition era when all the mafia gangs were blowing up. So as you can tell I am in favour of the action and mystery roleplays.
However, I am looking to branch out and write more romance. It's always been an area that I've been trying to improve on, but writing solo can be a drag and it probably would be better if I had someone to actually connect with.

And yes, I am a female so I would like for my partner to be male.

Just to give you an insight of what I would like for the length of posts to be, I tend to write a minimum of 800 words. There is no bragging there, just that I've been accustomed to write that long now after forcing myself to put in more detail into what I write. I don't care if you think your vocabulary is poor or great, as long as your grammar and spelling is somewhat clear to understand. I know a lot of people put rules when they're looking for a partner, but honestly the only rule I want both of us to agree on is "have fun".

I really don't know how this works, but comment below if you would like to join me?
If you're still looking for a partner I'd love to do some romance stuff. I'm also a fellow Aussie, so we'd have the same time zone

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