New York's Gifted.


Filthy Casual
Don't forget to +watch this thread. We'll probably discuss arc ideas here.
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@Bea Delaine Your character is accepted.

@shadowdude505 Your character is accepted.

@Noyeh Okay, first of all, your character can't be a homunculus. From what I can understand, changing that back to human that would change absolutely nothing. The powers are fine, but the necklace that makes him hard to notice could just be changed into a second power.
Sweet :P

This needed alittle more diversity since we are playing in the United States.
Hey I'm a little curious about how beneficial the "gifts" have to be? Like can the powers be really really horrible?
Anyone want to form partnerships at that time or shall we just go with the flow and be anonymous to one another? <( °2°)>
I couldn't possibly agree more!

Speaking of which, do you think our characters could get along? o_O
Its hard to say. Your characters very well constructed and i could see some ways they could disagree or be incompadable, but think of mine as a very happy, sporadic, but useful person. Like if your character has an issue or gets irritated, she doesnt have enough of a temper to argue. At the same time, yours seems he might get unpredictable with his mood and mine could be annoying and set him off? I dont know yet.
I definitely think we should bypass some of the "walking into each other" part since, from my experience, everyone wants the other guy to initiate the encounter.

Also, @Mrgrudge, your character's accepted.
Urg... I'd agree on parts concerning the two's personalities.

While taking in the information available I realized two likely relationships: 'Quarrelling older brother-little sister' or 'protagonist and antagonist'.
Yes. They might work.

I wont jump on the boat yet, after all we have a couple of days and I am intregued by the what these 'factions' are.
Thesmashbro said:
@Bea Delaine In a day or two.

*loud sigh*
I have school and a job. and Dragon Ball Xenoverse

Y'all can post now. Just have you character do whatever (pretend that there's a club for the Gifted if you want to) and I'll make a post to start an arc later.
Sounds like me; the only difference would be the location and that I play civilization5 and Tf2

Okay so we start by having our characters do whatever? I thought you'd have to lead since you were the one who made the thread.
The way I see it, most character's aren't going to interact with my characters anyway so you guys can just post with your characters. Nothing is going to happen yet, just have your characters interact.

@SweetCat2319 Both your characters are accepted.

@Jaeger BLU Accepted.

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