New York's Gifted.


Filthy Casual
Character sheet:




Appearance: (Picture recommended, description accepted if necessary)

Background: (as long or short as you want)

Faction: (Criminal, Law enforcement, or Neutral) (Players just starting will always start neutral)

Powers: (Any power is acceptable, but restraint is advised)

Weaknesses: (Character flaws and/or power disadvantages)

Skills: (What your character excels at without powers)


Extra: (anything you'd like to add)
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Name: Riley Kade

Age: 23

Gender: Male



Background: Ever since school, Riley had been trying to become an actor. When he discovered that he was Gifted, he used his power to provide his own special effects. He soon discovered more uses for his power and would have a slight criminal record if he had ever been caught.

Faction: Neutral

Powers: Illusions

Weaknesses: As the power affects sight, sound, and smell, the illusions themselves are intangible and can't hurt anyone physically.

Skills: Acting.

Equipment: A pocket knife.

Extra: His favorite phrase is "Since when were you under the illusion that _____?"
Name: Arye Silvertongue (she gave it to herself and won't tell her real name)

Age: 14

Gender: female



Background: when she was young her parents abandoned her, so she grew up in a group home. She had never gotten along well with the other children, and often bended the rules or snuck out. When she turned 9, she decided to pack all her stuff (which wasn't much) and leave forever. She's been living on the streets ever since, stealing anything she needed.

Faction: neutral

Powers: She can gain slight control over people if they look into her eyes.

Weaknesses: moving vehicles, she's a sucker for animals of any kind.

Skills: She is quick and very observant, able to identify a situation quickly and decide whether she can run or fight.

Equipment: three throwing knifes with a scrap of blue cloth tied to each handle. A bag containing her personal belongings, and will get upset if anyone touches it.

Extra: Her powers actually work better on those who have weak minds and are easily persuaded.
Name: Raynie Lowe

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Background: since she was young, Raynie was a training gymnast. Being very fast and flexible, she was well on her way of acheiving this dream. However, one day during a meet, she found her ability when getting nervous before her event. She caught the building on fire, and being spooked, ran off while dozens parished. The police were unable to prove it Arson. She and her uncle of whom she lived with went to a location in new york where the case would not be brought back up.

Faction: Neutral

Powers: she controls heat, from mild change in temperature to focused blasts of electricity (which take more energy)

Weakness: she is reckless and not so smart. She also has to manage her energy because a large blast takes more than a temperature change.

Skills: she is strong, fast, fearless, and very energetic.

Equiptment: fire crackers as distractions, thin rope strung with conducting high temp wire.

Extra: she is most of the time very quick witted but not common sense or book smart. Her favorite activity is freerunning
Name: Tony Byron

Age: 22

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c205a9b3d_Animecooldudewithglasses.jpg.ba047c55bfb37fb22d50858f7b5ecae8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c205a9b3d_Animecooldudewithglasses.jpg.ba047c55bfb37fb22d50858f7b5ecae8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Tony was always good with computers, but it helped that his father worked for a large technology company. His father was Tony's early source of computer knowledge. He was seen as nerdy as he grew up, but fixing a jocks computer would usually end the teasing. He could find technical issues in computers and other electronic devices and fix them faster than other humans working in the electronics field could. He didn't discover the reason for this until he realized he had the power to manipulate technology. He's currently in college working on a computer science degree.

Faction: Neutral

Powers: Technology Manipulation.

Weaknesses: He can't manipulate living things.

Skills: Building computers, fixing computers, and dealing with technology.

Equipment: Laptop and cell phone.

Extra: His personalty is very casual and lighthearted. He's known to wisecrack from time to time. He loves playing videogames and arcade games.



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"Consider the world, actually. Never mind what I just said! Run!!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mzei4ov90z1tn6tvao1_500.gif.339904398e3d9a50e9df5b5d277ea011.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47659" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mzei4ov90z1tn6tvao1_500.gif.339904398e3d9a50e9df5b5d277ea011.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Noyeh 'Cika' Zhujiao






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/anime_boy__gas_mask_by_lkoizumil-d5lstvi.png.102d4dcbf1a2b562a3af5c0469b6ad80.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/anime_boy__gas_mask_by_lkoizumil-d5lstvi.png.102d4dcbf1a2b562a3af5c0469b6ad80.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Noyeh was abused as a child, his father (That's a shocker!) tried to break into Noyeh's power, disrupting it, pulling it out. Of course he was unsuccessful, so, the father grabbed a pistol, shot the boy. Unsuccessful again (Wow! That makes 2!) Noyeh had already pulled out a piece of iron, the iron consumed the bullet, than, Noyeh killed his father. Than killing the rest of his family to shut them up, Noyeh was alone, broken, hurt. (Literally! Burnt marks and cuts from a saw can still be seen on him!)




Anything to do with Iron, or just shifting his skin into Iron.


He's oblivious and often spaces out on important moments.


Fast, smart, and is not noticed.


A Gas Mask, and Thermal Goggles.


N/A (Might add something.)

(Is this okay? PM me or Tag me to tell me to add or fix anything.)



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Alexander Johan Büchner


Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: His physique is 'average' with exception of his densly muscled lower torso and leg limbs. He stands 6,4 ft: 195 cm tall and weighs between 180-190 pounds: 80-90 kgs. His skin color is a darkish brown color, his eyes are brown and lastly he has short dark brown hair. The man tends to wear glasses, casual shirts and jeans.

Background: He's from Germany, born and raised until 'recently'. He finished college and is now travelling around to see the world and gather whatever experience from it. He's been in New York City for over a year and had accidentally discovered his own supernatural powers.

Faction: Nuetral

Powers: Spawning. He spawns and or creates creatures from his blood He also shares a 'hivemind' with the creatures he makes so he would be able to give orders through telepathy/instinct and be able to 'see' what they are doing. He is litterally a 'one man army'.

Weaknesses: Think about it... He is limited by the amount of blood he has. He may be able to spawn dangerous creatures but all and all he stays as a normal human being.

Skills: Expresses himself artisticly through sketching and painting.

Equipment: He carries around art supplies with him almost where ever he goes, hell, he even has a folding chair strapped to his back - camping chiars were too small for him.

  • Accent: He has a slight problem with sounding the letter 'R' and 'Z', otherwise his English accent is more 'American' than it is Oxford English.

    Personality: Alexander is complex... As an artist should be. He's sane and insane. He's both predictable and unpredictable. He's sometimes slow and at times understanding.

    btw. He's a terrible roomate to have. Once he started living on his own he drasticly evolved into a cleaning devil in a matter of days. He would be like a naggy house-wife that would curse at anyone who didn't have proper mannerism.

    Food: He likes to cook his own dishes. Most dishes are potato based or seafood. The only food he accepts from the States would be that from oriental resturaunts or imbisses.

    He loves American junk food - do not underestimate the power of taste.

    Outdoor: Parkour and Diving... uh... He can't swim- not on the water's surface atleast.
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Name: Sistine Jade

Age: 20

Gender: Female



Background: Completely average, as she tells others. She discovered her Gift a few years ago and mostly used it or fun. During that time, she learned how to street-fight.

Faction: Neutral

Powers: Through spatial manipulation, she can teleport and flip dimensions to "defy" gravity.

Weaknesses: Her power can only affect herself.

Skills: Skating, parkour, and fighting.

Equipment: Rollerskates

Extra: She likes it when people call her "Sis."
Name: Allen C. August

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Appearance:View attachment 111417 5 foot 3 and bean pole thin

Background: Allen was born in the small Oklahoma town of Alderson. A place where everybody knew everybody and being a "freak" was strictly prohibited. It was the latter of these quirks that drove Allen from his home. He had accidently activated his power at the age of one while he was attempting to squeeze between the bars of his crib. It had been the most painful thing Al had ever experienced...but more pain was to come. The "gifted" were not welcome in Alderson...they were shunned...teased...beaten...killed. So Allen's parents did what any poor farmers would do in this situation. They hid him. They hid their baby boy from the world in fear of what would happen if he and his condition were discovered. He didn't speak to anyone besides his parents until he was seventeen...the night he snuck out. The first person he met was a boy about his age who was headed home from his job as a farm hand. The farm hand was nice enough to introduce Allen to his friends. After this it wasn't long until word of Allen's existence had spread throughout the small town of Alderson. The rumor mill did its job and soon Allen was mobbed by curious townies. They poked and prodded hoping learn of his origin. He didn't really mind the fact he actually enjoyed it a bit. Having so many people to interact with was so new to the sheltered boy and this inexplicable interest everybody had for him made him feel popular...liked. It was only a few days later that Allen came to understand why everyone wanted to know so much about him. His parents had urged him not to go but Al wanted to have fun with his friends. So he went out...he followed his friends to an abandoned farm on the edge of town. They had to squeeze under a fence to get he lives here. In new york. He pays the rent delivering chinese food and seems happy least to those who don't look very hard.

Faction: Neutral

Powers: The ability to slip in and out of his skin at will

Weaknesses: Well he tends to lose a lot of blood and is very susceptible to infection while yeah.

Skills: Allen has an astoundingly fast metabolism and is pretty good at knitting

Equipment: A light blue bicycle, with matching helmet, and a unopened pack of Camel Blue's

Extra: Allen has a minor allergic reaction if he eats rutabagas and enjoys listening to David Bowie

Sorry about this. I accidently deleted the pic in my original post and I can't manage to edit it back in so I'm just going to post it here hehehe...ehhhh.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c209021f7_Drawing(2).png.575b421b08703cec9320f4c0f20b19c6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c209021f7_Drawing(2).png.575b421b08703cec9320f4c0f20b19c6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Alec Griffin

Age: 21

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21308909_download(22).jpg.847dfa7006f992e08a9f1603d417e587.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21308909_download(22).jpg.847dfa7006f992e08a9f1603d417e587.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His hair is white and he has red eyes. He's an albino. He stands at 6'2".

Background: When he was born he was put up for adoption. His mother was poor and all alone and couldn't raise her son. He was taken in almost immediately by a kind Italian man. When he was 14 his mother came looking for him. He wanted nothing to do with her. As he grew older his gift grew. The man who had taken him in didn't reject him but instead researched everything he could and helped Alec through it. Alec moved to New York after University.

Faction: Neutral

Powers: Telekinesis.

Weaknesses: The larger the matter, the more energy it takes and the more Alec is weakened.

Skills: Alec is very smart at math and science.

Equipment: N/A

Extra: Alec is a player and always distracted by the opposite sex.


Name: Lilith Napoli

Age: 18

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/IMG_1386707972185.jpeg.9fdc49d9224debd6101be4717f51f36c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/IMG_1386707972185.jpeg.9fdc49d9224debd6101be4717f51f36c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Lilith was born in New York to a poor Italian family. Her father left when she was 3 and from then on it was just her and her mother. Her mother worked 3 full time jobs to keep them afloat so Lilith was left alone a lot. She discovered her gift alone and dealt with it alone, not wanting to add any stress on her mother. Her mother then got cancer when Lilith was 15. They couldn't afford the care that Lilith's mother needed. Lilith started to secretly heal her mother but it was only enough to prolong her mother's life. She died just recently and Lilith is horribly depressed.

Faction: Neutral


Weaknesses: She can't heal anything too serious, like cancer or a wound to the heart, she can only delay the inevitable.

Skills:She can paint, draw, and play the violin.

Equipment: She always carries an switchblade with her. It's New York and she's a girl. It's normal.

Extra: She has a hard time with trust.



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Name: Dante (after Dante's inferno, she keeps her real name to herself: Grace Cox)

Age: 26

Gender: Female

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/kris.jpg.8adae4f496b1673472354981b4c32757.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/kris.jpg.8adae4f496b1673472354981b4c32757.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Cox grew up in small town, America. Growing up and making her way through school, she was surrounded by extreme nobodies who didn't matter one bit in the grant scheme of things. Her worst fear was that she would never become anyone and just fade into obscurity like everyone she knew. So, in an effort to make a real change, she joined the marines at 19. They put her in road repair in Iraq, but it was anything but boring. Every pothole was filled with explosives. A lot of her friends died. One unfortunate day, there was an accident. People weren't following procedure, and didn't see the sniper on a nearby hill. The marine assessing the explosive was blown to pieces when the sniper shot the bomb. Chaos ensued. Iraqi citizens came out of nearly every building with guns and handheld weapons like machetes. In the adrenaline of the fight, Cox discovered flames shooting out of her hands. The unexpected personal advantage allowed her alone to survive the fight. She got a medal and after her mandatory 5 years, she went home and moved to New York. She was furious that even though she served and even received a metal, she seemed to make no difference. So she chose a different path. After a night of heavy drinking, she stumbled into a bank and, her ability strengthened with the high amounts of alcohol in her veins, robbed the bank. She's made her share of headlines with high profile murders, bank robberies, and full-out battles in the street with cops and gangs alike, all under the name she gave witnesses: Dante. What she finds most entertaining is that they cm still come up with rational explanations for fire shooting out of her hands.

Faction: Neutral

Powers: Pyrokinesis

Weaknesses: She has PTSD, so if there is a situation like the ones she faced as a marine, she breaks down.

Skills: She is really skilled with a rifle and a machine gun, she can more then handle herself in a firefight, she knows a lot about explosives, she is very physicality fit, basicly she has the skills of any well-trained marine.

Equipment: Sometimes she'll carry a M16, but if she's drunk she won't carry anything.



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Name: Ariel Cantrell

Age: 26

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/0_60d3b_9eab6e96_XL.jpg.fa9c962876f467cfc4a76354d449932c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48317" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/0_60d3b_9eab6e96_XL.jpg.fa9c962876f467cfc4a76354d449932c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Hair stays the same style as human pic; In feline form her white tigress ears stay where her human ears are.)

Background: Her family on her mother's side has a history of the gifted gene, but it usually skipped generations in a random way. She was born with the gifted gene and showed signs of her power from a young age. As she grew up she met people that liked her even though she had powers and people who didn't like her because she had powers; she didn't let the "haters" hold her down. When she was college-aged she went through New York's police academy. She's been a full fledged police officer since she was 21, giving her 5 years on the force.

Faction: Law enforcement

Powers: Feline physiology. Ariel can turn into a more feline form with cat-like eyes and ears. Fur appears on her lower arms and lower legs. Her fingernails become claw-like. She gains muscle mass. Her hair turns white and so is the fur. In her feline form she has enhanced agility, heightened senses, night vision, enhanced strength, and more stamina.

Weaknesses: She only has her powers in her feline form.

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, knows how to use fire arms, and running for a long period of time.

Equipment: Police uniform, badge and pistol.

Extra: As a police officer, she protects the gifted and non-gifted citizens.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/boxing_girl_by_negely-d6tup1f.jpg.a5a521f0b159a53cd8c7d65bb62cb95d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/boxing_girl_by_negely-d6tup1f.jpg.a5a521f0b159a53cd8c7d65bb62cb95d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/DollOC.jpg.c7515d855cdcfbb3167dcad9ba6279b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/DollOC.jpg.c7515d855cdcfbb3167dcad9ba6279b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Name ]

Nina Braxton

[ Age ]


[ Gender ]


[ Appearance ]

Nina, often get mistaken for a life size doll. She's 4'9 and weighs 96 lbs. She seems almost unrealistically perfect. Her hair doesn’t look naturally curled, but rather she wakes up every morning to curl her hair in perfect barrel curls, however it is natural. Her hair is also very thick and soft. Her bangs are a simple across the forehead fringe. You'll often see nina wearing odd barrettes, in the shape of hearts, stars, cats, pandas, crowns, or anything sparkly. Her body is also impossibly thin. She looks as though just one hug could break her. Her hands and feet have no meat on them and are super bony. Her arms and legs also seems thin.

Her face is also very flawless. Not a single blemish, freckle, or mole marks her face. Nina has a slender face that leads into a smooth small chin. Her cheeks are very full, always covered in a permanent blush. Her eyes are large and wide, the hazel color making it look as though she knows your deepest secret. She looks like she's always wearing eyeliner and lots of mascara, but her eyelashes are naturally full and dark. Her nose is a very cute button ski slope nose. Models would envy it. Her lips are also extremely small, and pink.

[ Background ]

Nina Braxton Was born three months early. She was extremely small and fragile. Her parents honestly didn't think she could live. However, after six months of living the decided she'd be okay. However, they didn't want to risk it and kept a close eye on her always. They treated her like a baby even when she was a teenager. It wasn't long until they realized she was gifted. However they kept this from the world, not wanting her to be taken away by anyone. They kept her in the house at all time and hired tutors for her rather than going to actual school. This boring dull life made Nina depressed and irritated. When she insisted on going to an actual University her parents wouldn't allow it, locking their perfect daughter in her room. They didnt take in account of her gift. Nina unleashed her anger on her parents using her powers, leaving them severely crippled. While they were unconscious Nina stole any and all cash she found from them ran away and is now living from motel to motel.

[ Faction ]

Neutral for now

[ Powers ]

Doll manipulation: This allows Nina to make doll's become life like. The dolls grow to be about half the size of a regular human and their strength, and speed increases. She controls them with her mind. ((Has mastered this gift))

Corpse Reanimation: This allows Nina to take dead bodies and make them come back to life. She can only reanimate 5 bodies at once. She can either control them with her mind or give them free will to fight on their own. She can only control them up to 45 minutes. ((Hasn't mastered this one yet))

[ Weaknesses ]

Character Weakness: Stronger people, Little kids, Darkness

Power Weakness: Not having dolls or dead bodies within a 25 miles radius, people with super human strength, robots, being tired

[ Skills ]

Nina has no fighting skills whatsoever due to being small and weak. However, she's greater at sewing and knitting, making all her own clothes. When she's in danger she uses her knitting or sewing needles to stab people.

[ Equipment ]

Knitting needles she keeps in her skirt waist band.

Sewing needles she keep behind her barrettes.

A doll that she considers to be her strongest.

[ Extra ]

Nina has a scar on her neck from where her feeding tube was when she was a baby that she keeps hidden with a choker.​



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Name: Isis "Bandersnatch" Irizzary

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Appearance: She's of Korean descent, with a slightly chubby build and an average height. Raven hair, green eyes, and a typically deadpan expression.

Background: One of the first Gifted to join NYPD's wetworks taskforce. She's considered to be their "secret weapon" against any particularly dangerous foes.

Faction: Law Enforcement

Powers: Pataphor Implementation- it's possible for herself to take herself out of "context" by constructing a metaphor about the world around her, and then instituting that as local reality. Ex: during a fight, she compares the combatants to pieces on a chess board. She can then enter the room where this game of chess is taking place, and begin manipulating the pawns herself. This manipulation corresponds to the in-context people she'd made the metaphor about. If she removes a piece from the board, the person she'd compared that piece to will cease existing.

Weaknesses: Isis must be in a meditative state to properly initialize a pataphor. If she looses concentration midway through usage of her ability, it's entirely possible for her to cease existing. Furthermore, it's also entirely possible for her pataphors to have unintended side-effects, which can easily be catastrophic.

Skills: She can knit pretty well. That's it.

Equipment: A bulletproof vest. Again, that's it.
Name: Beatrice Iscariot

Age: 18

Gender: Trans Female

Appearance: Beatrice is an exceptionally tall woman with a cocktail of ethnicities: her mother was half-Native American and half-Mexican, while her father hailed from India. She has a quite feminine build, and her head is shaven.

Background: The child of an infamous Gifted crime kingpin, Sibyl Iscariot, who lead several drug cartels South of the border, Beatrice was exiled from her homeland at the age of thirteen after her mother's assassination. At first, she was on the run, constantly evading hitmen from the rival gangs with the help of Maulimer Sanchez, her mother's right hand. After Maulimer himself was killed by the assassins, however, Beatrice vowed vengeance and planned to amass a following of her own to put an end to this fued.

Faction: Outlaw

Powers: Aerokinesis- the capacity to manipulate gasses with one's mind

Weaknesses: lncredibly arrogant and cocky. Cannot manipulate gasses which are non-contiguous to those which she's touching; i.e., the oxygen inside of a tank.

Skills: Proficiency with a crossbow, adept knowledge of chemistry.

Equipment: A bastardized scuba apparatus, several canisters of gas, a pressure-powered crossbow.

Extra: She almost constantly wears her rebreather mask to keep a constant flow of novacaine into her system, to mitigate the chronic pain of her sickle cell anemia.
Name: Alexi Darinski

Age: 26

Gender: Male



Alexi stands around 6,1 and has a very muscular and masculine bodybuild. He has a nice semi-tanned shade of skin and has heterochromia, one of his eyes being a nice crystal shade of blue the other being a mysterious and mystical shade of green, appealing to his charming personality at first glance, he has jet black hair that is usually not done up, having a natural appeal to it. He weighs around 92Kg.


Born in Russia to an impoverished family, his father under threat of being made redudundant and their family already having three of their family members lose their jobs, they went to migrated to America to seek a better life. His parents never found one, they were in the same conditions as before, the only upside being that their 3 children Alexi, Nikolai and Natalie could get a good education now. Alexi being the one to take the most of that oppertunity, going for all of the top grades, and recieving most of them. However the ones he didn't get he sure made up for later. He started his own weapons manafacturing company with the support of his Uncle Viktor who still lived in Russia but already had a weapons business of his own, the two establishing trading between their companies quite quickly. Alexi quickly found his new company to be a rather fruitful venture, he began selling weapons and ammunition to both sides of the Crime War in the city, supplying the NYPD with their ammunition and the various gangs with their guns.

He now lives in Midtown in a somewhat large apartment penthouse, nothing too fancy. But not quite average either. He works as a guns dealer for the criminal underworld and isn't afraid to use his powers publically. Using his civilian branded weapons company and government contracts to launder his illegal income.

Faction: Neutral

Powers: Physics/Gravity manipulation, can control the physics of objects and the gravity around them, IE being able to throw around large objects with his mind.

Weaknesses: Far too smart for his own good, over-confident, arrogant, prideful, easily offended.

Skills: Firearms and the control of his powers, having been in the know about them since the age of 10.

Equipment: His own completely silver Glock-18, with his intials on it. Blades inside his shoetips. EMP Watch.

Extra: He holds a rather sadistic and charismatic personality, this being his downfall in larger operations due to his willingness to see his enemies suffer. He constantly wears his signiture black waistcoat and suit.
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Name: Eliza Tyrant

Age: 14

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Nidy-2d-anime-girl.jpg.bd6325030f875affe5e50c1a15e6e18a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Nidy-2d-anime-girl.jpg.bd6325030f875affe5e50c1a15e6e18a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Eliza grew up in Hell's Kitchen with her parents. They were nice enough, but the street wasn't. A group of men, Bloodhound gang, attacked their household. They killed her father and almost (not sure if it's acceptable to post here, but) raped her and her mother. But Eliza struck out with her (at the time) unknown gift. Their bodies convulsed, the blood in their bodies taking control. They didn't last long after that. Even though Eliza saved her mother, she was labeled a freak and kicked out of the house, then and there. She lives in a homeless shelter now.

Faction: Neutral and wants to keep it that way.

Powers: The ability to control (not create) water.

Weaknesses: She's really weak.

Skills: Singing, drawing, writing

Equipment: Carries pepper-spray.

Extra: She lost her left eye, and has a glass one in there usually, but may wear a black eye patch.



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