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Multiple Settings new years partner search! [ always open / literate ]

partnet search.png
In honor of the new year I have decided to create a brand new partner search!

I'll start with introducing myself. I am dev! I have been on this site for a little over two years over
the course of two accounts in total. Though, I have been writing and roleplaying for over four years! Over those
years my style has developed and is constantly developing but I am very proud of where I am at. I consider myself
literate/advanced. Don't let that scare you though! Most of my posts range from 2-9 paragraphs (there is really no
in between) but we will get to that later!
That being said, if you are interested in anything from this point on, shoot me a dm or reply to this and I will be sure

to get back to you as soon as possible!

now! before we get to plots and all that fun stuff I do have a few conditions and or rules
that are very important to me and whomever I end up writing with.
literacy : because I consider myself a literate/advanced writer I would appreciate someone who can keep
up with me and my writing. my posts can range from two paragraphs to a whopping ten paragraphs depending
on what we are writing about and what point we are at in our story. don't let this scare you away! i am not
someone who will openly decline anyone who isn't going to send me a trilogy for each reply (though, i wouldn't
reject that). i would love anywhere from 4-6 paragraphs at most. but, if you are constantly sending me nothing
to work off of, this will not work out.
grammar : this one isn't too big, because I am the QUEEN of grammar mistakes, but I feel as though it needs to be
said. I understand English is not everyone's first language! and that is more than okay! but, that being said, if I
cannot understand what you are trying to say, this will not work! I put a lot of time and effort (sometimes) into my
posts and try my best to catch any grammar mistakes and I would love if you did as well.
mature themes : because of the sites rules and my own preferences, scenes will ALWAYS fade to black. as well, I am
against in dept gore, drug use, and anything of that nature. if you have any questions or concerns you can always
let me know! and if you have any triggers or simply themes that you don't feel comfy discussing or writing about,
please let me know!!
frequency : surprisingly, I do have a life outside of this wonderful world of writing, crazy right? there will be days I
simply won't be on at all, and days that I will be on constantly. that being said, I do have days where I can't get
myself to write. I will always let you know if I am taking a mental health day or if I'm simply too busy to get on. I would
greatly appreciate it if you did the same! And if you lose interest, don't hesitate to let me know! we can go our separate ways or
figure out a way to make it more enjoyable.
characters and roles : I will be honest - I will not strictly play a male character. this is not because I am one of those people who only
play female for their own benefit, it is because I am trying my hardest to become better at playing a male character and feel it would
be unfair to my partner if I am unable to do so correctly. I prefer to double up, to give both participants an even chance of playing
their favourite type of character. now! I most usually put my heart and soul into my characters. I spend time finding face
claims, references, inspiration, pulling together an edit for them, perfecting them to exactly how I want them. I would love it if you did the
same! don't give me perfect characters, but also don't give me characters that are the living embodiment of sadness. give me someone
who is unique to our story and will stir up some drama once in awhile! as well, I use real people as face claims and would
prefer if you did as well!

now, onto interests! I have quite a few I have grown to love over the years and absolutely love writing about! all points
with a * are ones that I adore with my whole heart and prefer the most!
i do not quite like basing roleplays off of movies or books. i prefer to create original characters to pair with
premade or homemade plots!

• fluff *
• cliches
• drama *
• romance *
• slice of life *
• strong female leads *
• realistic/modern *
• badass characters
• anything apocalyptic
• supernatural/fantasy *
• anything that will make me cry *

• angel x demon
• demon x demon
• greek god x mortal
• greek god x greek god
• werewolf x human
• vampire x human
• witch x hunter
• guardian angel x human
I'm willing to try though my best is 2 paragraphs. If you can be patient with me, we might both can benefit
I would be interested in doing a supernatural/fantasy roleplay. All of your pairings seem like something I could do :)

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