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Multiple Settings New Year, New Campaign!


A Friendly Thief
My first post got moved to Offsite Adds so I removed the sentence and reposted it

I hadn't had a roleplay I could really get invested into in a long time, so right now I'm focusing everything on plot. So, if you have a plot idea and think I'm a good fit for a role in it, feel free to reply here or PM me! As long as it's not in my disinterest I'll still read'n reply.

Post habits
  • I’m a very casual roleplayer.
    • I roleplay for fun, a good story, and to exercise some creativity.
  • I roleplay in lit third person format with an average post length of one to two paragraphs and the most usually being four.
    • I’m not big on minimum paragraph length (This is a hobby, not an essay) so as long as we both type what’s necessary to move the story along, we’re fine.
  • Only inquire if you are 20 or older
    • I prefer to roleplay with people around my own age.
  • I play characters of whichever gender and species I feel would excel in the role or setting the plot calls for.
    • Please don't post plots that would restrict my character choices when it would be unnecessary
      • ie: a setting with pirates that call for fxm when there's no actual plot reason why either of us need to be male or female (Note my dislike for romance heavy plots.) or a high fantasy setting where I can't be a talking rat when such a thing is a part of the established world.
  • I reply at least once per day with a possibility of more if I’m not busy or I’m very into the plot at the time.
    • For the very first post, don't expect a reply on the same day.
      • Don't take this as disinterest, it's just me wanting to make a good first impression
  • I'm pretty open to disturbing and distressing events and scenarios in the story
    • Please don't use this an excuse to add drama or be edgy.
      • Ie: Don't harass pet companion when the plot is slow or have them get shot or hit by the villain's car to show how evil the villian is. I'd rather just have them get lost in a cave, get some sort of hip injury or eat something they shouldn't have like how they would realistically go. Now just replace the word 'pet companion' with a character's name and it's a pretty good rule of thumb for what I mean.
  • I don't use character sheets or face claims
    • I prefer to find out about a character through the story like I would in a novel. The only thing I ask is a brief description of the character’s physical appearance.
Plot Interests:
Dark Fantasy; A more down to earth fantasy/urban fantasy story with some morbid and/or adult themes or events. (This is the genera I’m most accustomed to.)
Horror; Preferably cosmic horror or some surreal mystery
Crime Dramas; I’ve only roleplayed in fantasy settings up until this point. It’d be nice to experience how crazy the real world can get
Any combination of these; (wouldn't it be super cool to have a Dark fantasy crime drama?? Huh, huh?!)

Plot Disinterests:
Romance; Plots centered around a romance or relationship are not at all my thing. If characters within a story have a romance that’s fine, but the story must come first with no relationships between our characters pre-planned. I much prefer themes of extraordinary loyalty, powerful friendships and mending or building new families.
School/Academy settings
Fandoms; I don’t at all mind if you include characters from outside media into an original story, but they must be plausible within the world of the plot and distinguishable from their properties and original portrayal. Please don’t have them reference events out of the game. Don’t have me read the wiki for their franchise in order to understand what you're talking about. Like ever. Please?
Crime-Romance pls
Plots centered around a romance or relationship are not at all my thing. If characters within a story have a romance that’s fine, but the story must come first with no relationships between our characters pre-planned. I much prefer themes of extraordinary loyalty, powerful friendships and mending or building new families.
Hi there! I have a couple plots I think you might like if you're still looking for someone to write with! :D
I've really wanted to write a sort of, modern fantasy/buddy cop sort of plot, if you'd be interested? c:
Hi there! I have a couple plots I think you might like if you're still looking for someone to write with! :D
I've really wanted to write a sort of, modern fantasy/buddy cop sort of plot, if you'd be interested? c:

Sorry, I'm not too interested in a buddy cop plot. :) But I wouldn't mind hearing our other plot ideas
Criminals arriving in a new country, expelled criminals or something alike

That sounds really fun! I picture it as a fish out of water story. Getting accustomed to being in a foreign place, possibly getting into trouble and running from the law there too. Mabey pulling some kinda scheme back home from overseas.
That sounds really fun! I picture it as a fish out of water story. Getting accustomed to being in a foreign place, possibly getting into trouble and running from the law there too. Mabey pulling some kinda scheme back home from overseas.
Yes! Message me

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