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Multiple Settings New User Looking for RP Partner


New Member
Greetings! Please see the different sections of this post for my RP history and things I'm looking for in a partner.

About Me

I'm a 33 year old female living in the eastern portion of the United States. I'm new to RP Nation, but I am not new to rp. I began role playing online when I was in middle school. My rp experience first started with the game Neverwinter Nights, a D&D based computer game. At the time I also did forum rp. My preference for role playing these days is in the form of Discord or on MMOs that I play, but here is also fine. Besides writing, I like to spend my spare time on gaming in one form or another (D&D, MMOs, RPGs, Action, etc.) and drawing. I do work full time Monday thru Friday and only get a few hours of free time in the evenings before I have to get ready for the next day.

What I'm looking for

  • A steady poster - By this I mean that they post three times a week or more.
  • Clear communication - If you decide we don't vibe, you get bored, or just need a break just let me know. I hate being ghosted. You don't have to give me details of IRL stuff that prevents you from posting, but a "Hey, something came up IRL" would be nice.
  • Age - I don't particularly care for rping with minors so I would prefer that people who respond to this be 18+ but I can make exceptions on a case by case basis. It'll depend on what you want to rp.
  • Open minded - I prefer people be open minded when it comes to rp because it allows us to explore a variety of topics and makes things less rigid.


  • Pokemon:
    • Trainer x Trainer on a journey together. Don't have to use the usual starters and can be in any region. We could also make our own region for our own amusement. I'm flexible.
    • Trainer x Pokemon as the trainer slowly earns the trust of the pokemon
    • Mystery Dungeon style where all the characters are pokemon. If you don't know the Mystery Dungeon games but are curious, I'd love to tell you more about them to see if it piques an interest.
  • D&D
    • Custom Setting we work on together. I'm open to ideas and I have a lot of characters I haven't been able to do anything with because of failed campaigns and failed play by posts.
    • Forgotten Realms setting is also viable. OC x OC
  • Supernatural and Divinity
    • Werewolf x Werewolf
    • Werewolf x Human
    • Human x Demigod
    • Demigod x Demigod
    • Demon x Human
    • Angel x Human
    • Others: Just ask
  • Warcraft
    • Would be done with OC x OC
      • Aliance x Aliance
      • Aliance x Horde
      • Horde x Horde
      • In other words, I'm open
  • Final Fantasy
    • Would be OC x OC
  • Fire Emblem
    • I love these games and would love to explore a custom setting with the mechanics from the games. Would be OC x OC
  • Modern
    • Tell me what you have in mind for OCs
  • Sci-fi
    • Tell me what you have in mind for OCs
  • Star Wars
    • OC x OC set in the Old Republic era
  • Zoids
    • I loved the different series. Open to hear which series piques your interest. Would be OC x OC
  • Dragon Riders
    • I love the thought of a setting where Dragon Riders are a thing. I would love to do two riders OC x OC where they are going through the experience of getting their dragons together. Perhaps the dragons choose them, or perhaps they kidnapped wyrmlings and trained them themselves. Who can say.
    • I would also love to do a Dragon Rider with the Dragon. OC x OC


  1. I don't get a lot of sarcasm. Most of it goes over my head and just confuses me when it is used, and reading it in a post or DM makes it even less likely that I will get it. Use at the risk of confusing me and me needing clarification. Not saying you can't use it, just warning you that there will be miscommunication on my end if it is used.
  2. Jokes are a lot like sarcasm. I may or may not get it. My brain just works differently. If I do get it but don't find it funny, I'm sorry in advance.
  3. Reiteration: Not ghost friendly. Please give me a heads up if you are busy or you're just not feeling a connection.
  4. Politics or Religion are not my thing. Don't try to talk to me about them. I will shut it down immediately.
  5. Triggers are a very real thing. Be open and up front with your triggers if you have any and I will be up front and open about mine so that all these things can be avoided.
  6. Questions? Just ask.
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Hello, welcome to RP Nation. I think I've been here too long to also say I'm new, but I've been RPing for so long that this site feels like a very recent entry into my nerd portfolio. Also most of my RPs are in DMs so I exist here as a kind of a ghost.

I believe I meet all the requirements listed. As far as posting frequency, I'm a daily poster if you meet my enthusiasm. I'm a 38 year old female, and while I will be living in the PST timezone by this time next year, I'm currently on deployment in the GMT timezone. Don't worry about that, I'm still able to post almost daily. Keeps me sane.

I don't ordinarily RP fandoms because I tend to feel trapped by the parameters of a pre-made setting, but there are a few options in your settings that I have RPed in before and do crave to go back.

  • D&D
    • Many of my well-thought out characters have also died early deaths due to failed campaigns. I would love rejuvenate them, and D&D as a sandbox setting suits my tastes.
  • Supernatural Divinity
    • I'm not so much into werewolves, but I do like demons and angels. I am currently reading a book about vampires (Anne Rice) so that's where my mind is at right now.
  • Warcraft
    • Ah... I have so many characters in this setting. Long time player. I like my characters but I loathe Blizzard writing. We can improve on it though.
  • Final Fantasy
    • I have a few FFXIV characters I can definitely call on.
  • Dragon Riders
    • Now this one is fascinating. Have you heard of the Dragonriders of Pern? I also think dragonrider/dragon would be fun.
As far as your disclaimers:

Sarcasm - I don't use it often either. I'm mildly autistic and I often don't get it. I mean what I say and I say what I mean. I'm a slave to sincerity.
Ghosting - I don't do it. I find it unkind. I weather it when it happens to me, and I don't hold grudges, but I don't do it to others.
Politics or Religion - I will respect your boundaries, I don't think it makes for good conversation in the context of RP anyway.
Triggers - I have none, but tell me yours and I will be kind.

I think there is potential here!
  • D&D
    • Many of my well-thought out characters have also died early deaths due to failed campaigns. I would love rejuvenate them, and D&D as a sandbox setting suits my tastes.
  • Supernatural Divinity
    • I'm not so much into werewolves, but I do like demons and angels. I am currently reading a book about vampires (Anne Rice) so that's where my mind is at right now.
  • Warcraft
    • Ah... I have so many characters in this setting. Long time player. I like my characters but I loathe Blizzard writing. We can improve on it though.
  • Final Fantasy
    • I have a few FFXIV characters I can definitely call on.
  • Dragon Riders
    • Now this one is fascinating. Have you heard of the Dragonriders of Pern? I also think dragonrider/dragon would be fun.
As far as your disclaimers:

Sarcasm - I don't use it often either. I'm mildly autistic and I often don't get it. I mean what I say and I say what I mean. I'm a slave to sincerity.
Ghosting - I don't do it. I find it unkind. I weather it when it happens to me, and I don't hold grudges, but I don't do it to others.
Politics or Religion - I will respect your boundaries, I don't think it makes for good conversation in the context of RP anyway.
Triggers - I have none, but tell me yours and I will be kind.

I think there is potential here!
Thank you for the welcome! I would absolutely love to give this a go! DMs are fine with me if that is where you prefer to RP. I think I'll narrow it down to three and let you pick our final destination. Rating 1 to 3.

1. D&D
2. Dragon Riders (also I have tried to read the Dragonriders of Pern but failed multiple attempts to get into the books. Something about her writing style)
3, Warcraft

Which of these do you fancy most?

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