New to this, and looking for fandom rper


New Member
Hello! Im new to this whole role play thing with a stranger on a forum, I'm looking for partners that are into fandom romance rps like Smite (ChronosxThanatos, NuWaxSusano'o, NemesisxBellona), Overwatch (Soldier76xReaper, WidowmakerxTracer), Devil May Cry (DantexNero).

I'm even willing to try out Rps with Ocs from games like Guild Wars 2 or anything listed before! I'm willing to try anything!

One of my biggest fears for this is that sometimes my mind can get kind of dark and morbid, i really don't want to scare anyone away! So let me know if its something you're okay with or not! and i didn't see any rules about that when I was looking but please let me know if gore and stuff isn't allowed either!
Hiiiii! I think there's actually a different forum where you can post this kind of thing. ^_^ ;

Welcome to RPN!
Welcome! *tosses confetti around* Gore is allowed, as long as it isn't excessively graphic.

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