New to RpNation


Hello to one and all.

I have been into gaming and fandom for a long time, on and off. I am looking for an online opportunity to find games to join, do some roleplaying and character creation, and some fandom activity around the stuff I like. I'm looking for other people who like the same stuff I like. I am also looking for a place where I can create and run a game of my own. I would even settle for a freeform game to do what I've always wanted, to create, world-build, roleplay and write all I want.

I want to get situated here and ask questions about the forums, the game genres and game systems, and what all stuff is going on here. I'd like to read what anyone wants to say, discuss what's being taled about, and look around and learn.
Welcome to RPN! Other more helpful users will come by with helpful links and info. Until then, I may be able to answer some questions.

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