New to here... Not to roleplaying! (plots)


New Member
Hey there, as the title states this is my first venture on RpN but I'm a roleplayer from way back when. I've had a recent 2 year break from roleplaying and writing in general. I'm desperate to change that! I really want to get back into writing my novels but find the time I've spent silent has dulled my creative drive and I would love to roleplay again to get back into the groove and possibly even come up with some new ideas for my current stories.

The plots I have listed are my favorites, they are the ones I'd love to see finished one day if not published. That said I'm prepared to convert them to roleplays to get some outside perspective and fresh twists. Of course any writer who helps me finish my creations whether in inspiration or ideas will be mentioned and thanked.

Now, as a writer I expect from myself and you decent grammar and post lengths. I understand length might drop the more intense a fight scene or dialogue may get but I enjoy well rounded characters that grow and detailed scenes and settings. I have been known to write many paragraphs but rarely will I drop below two.

I expect us both to be able to add to the story and plot, I don't play leader - follower unless there is a specific moment or scene in my plot or your plot that the creator wants to go a certain way.

I prefer maining a female character. That being said I double, quadruple, quintuple... as side characters are required in most great roleplays and stories. I'm perfectly capable of role playing as a male and have done so on many occasions.

At the moment I do not do M x M pairings, I may do a F x F pairing at a stretch. This has nothing to do with my likes, I fully support the LGBT community and recognize myself as bisexual. I just prefer writing hetero romance pairings.

I sometimes will find the perfect picture for a character or scene... sometimes I will draw said picture - this is not common. And while I do not mind if you use a reference picture I expect you to be able to describe your character well in written word when required within a story.

These plots are not all I'm willing to do, I'm willing to brainstorm a plot or be introduced to one of your own. I love anything with an element of fantasy, supernatural, action... and I'm no pushover when it comes to good gore, horror and violence. I find a lot of successful (especially long term) roleplays require a hefty dose of action, violence, drama and romance to keep it interesting.

Still reading? Kudos to you!

I'm happy to chat ooc and will only bite gently... promise!

These plots are only brief overviews, if you'd like to know more please send me a message!

The part of the pairing I'd like to main I've colored in blue.

  • Everyone Has Secrets... But can they keep them?

No they can't...

Just like that, her hand met his and she realized just how much trouble she was in.

Her gifts had never brought her anything but hardships, since she was a little girl trouble had courted her and so far she had survived it. With plenty of brushes with the law and trips behind bars - supplemented with a problem with alcohol and substance abuse she'd loathe to admit - life had really got her by the proverbial balls this time. When a certain high ranking officer too smart for his own good catches on to the secret 'gifts' she’s kept from the world for years he knows just how to manipulate her record to force her into accepting a job for him that her circumstances make her perfect for.

Her target is suspected of multiple murder charges and now a kidnapping of a missing politicians son, to name a few. But her target is a very wealthy, very connected man who while they (the authorities) know that he is some how involved with an emerging underground organization dabbling in multiple illegal avenues have been unable to come up with a shred of concrete proof. No credible witness seems out of his reach as they either clam up – or shut up permanently. No rank of the government seems untouched by his influence. The officer paints a picture of a monster and she has no reason not to believe him... that is until her gifts tell her more is going on then meets the eye after just one touch.

-- The pairing is of course the undercover gifted woman and underworld boss, with side characters including but not limited to his body guards, the officer that made her go undercover and the son/kidnapped boy.

  • When the World Ends...

"Isn't it splendid... Darling, how just one silly, selfless man can destroy kingdoms with his stupidity?"

When the hero betrays the world and his beloved, life as they all knew it – ended.

There was not a happy ending to this story, a hero was trained, his virtue was tested, his honor commended and he was sent on an epic quest to push back the forces of darkness and smite the evil at its heart. But even the good are led astray and when a misinterpreted prophecy has him breaking his heart and offering up his one true love as sacrifice, any shred of good and hope is destroyed when the woman he remembers is torn from her body and the thing that inhabits her from then on will lead the forces of darkness to victory.

With his one mistake, hundreds of thousands of their forces are massacred and the last pocket of rebellion against the darkness must retreat from the flood of death and decay unleashed upon their earth. Denounced by his people and haunted by a mute image of his beloved that he believes exists only in his mind he succumbs to the darkness and, numb to the world, takes his place as a knight of the Dark.

Surrounded by the hordes of gremlins, orcs, undead, drow and spectres supported by the magic of an enslaved dragon - Victory is only a question of when. But there are other forces at work and light always shines brightest in the darkest of nights...

-- This one is a little more all over the place with lots of characters, we could focus on just a few or all of them. Obviously there is the pairing between the fallen hero and his beloveds soul /the thing that now inhabits her body. Other characters include (on the dark side) a dragon enslaved by trickery, the evil master himself and any member of the dark forces/races. Then (on the light side) the last surviving kings/queens of the human, elf and fae races, the dragon bound to human form, the deserter drow, the last living mage and of course any member of their surviving rebellion.

  • To trust a magical lie.

'Do not smirk, Boy. For if you fail, she will destroy the world as we know it.'

When the Witch Queen gave him a special task, he scoffed at how easy it would be and was proud to prove his worth to her courts. But residing in the modern world is not easy for those born of magic. Bolstered with the knowledge that he wasn’t remaining just acquiring a power for her majesty’s' vault he seeks his prize quickly following the sense gifted to him by his queen and his own unique powers.

He didn't expect to find this strange wisp of a young woman, driven half mad by a world that didn't understand her. Locked up in an asylum and medicated up to her eyeballs in poison to dull her otherwise healthy and vibrant mind, there's nothing but suppression and denial keeping her strong gifts in check. He knows she is the one, but the second part of his task – to gain her trust and become her handler to harness her powers for the court - proves harder then he counted on. She shows him magic isn't just in their blood and what they do, but in the simple things in the world around them and precious emotions he never expected would grace his heart. Can he betray her trust and tame her for the courts? Or will risking the world he knows to her power and the Queens wrath be worth her smile?

-- Pairing would be the magic wielding 'Handler' and young woman. The Handler originally was a shape shifter but I'm open to any type of magical being or wielder. Side characters include but are not limited to: the Witch Queen and Members of her court.

Hmm, think that's everything. Boy its been a while since I've created a searching thread too! Hopefully mistakes are at a minimum... >.>
Hmm, did I scare most people off with the biting remark?
Hmm hadn't thought of changing the hetero pairings but probably would be easiest to do with the last plot 'To trust a magical lie',

I'll shoot you a message when I wake, about to collapse into bed =]
I'd rather they remain under my bed and I don't want to meet any in a dark alley. Writing wise... well what did you have in mind?
Are you interested in regular RPs not just 1x1?

Well, I have a walk-in RP. It is called Random Hotel. You can create whatever character you want. There is no limitations. :)

I also have a fairy RP that I just made. It is inspired by the TV show, Fairly OddParents. Kind of need people in this one.
When The World Ends looks like a good concept. I'd like to be the hero (And whatever side character(s) I think up.) Still interested in it?
Hi there! Sure I'd love to discuss the idea further with you so we can hash out the finer details. I'll send you a message! =)
My, my. You seem like quite the literate RPer, which is just what I need to stave off this summertime sadness. Do excuse my Lana Del Rey quip, won't you? I've just been listening to her recently. Anyway, I'd be interested in the "Everyone Has Secrets...But Can They Keep Them?" idea/theme/concept. And you are most definitely right... No, they can't...
I like to think so, getting back into things my starting posts have been quite the novels so far. Has been really fun! I'd love to do that roleplay with you! That plot was actually the straw that broke my poor camel back as I loved the idea so much but just couldn't get my head around the male character enough to be satisfied writing it. There were too many options and ideas! I'll send you a message so we can go over the details.
Very impressive! You most certainly did write a novel. Don't worry, I've been known to post my own walls of text, so I shouldn't hinder you too much. XP
Haha I don't expect people to match me paragraph for paragraph. Just when the words want to flow, they'll flow and I'm in no position to silence them! Expect a PM soon just have to write out some of the finer details I had in mind. =D
Hey there,

I'd be interested in trying 'Everyone Has Secrets... But can they keep them?' with you as well. I've played a different, yet similar character before, and it was a favorite. If you'd care to run it concurrently (as a separate 1x1) to your other taker, that would suit me. If you'd prefer something else, let me know and I'm sure I can accommodate.

- ES.

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