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Multiple Settings New stuff (Nov11) angst and/or fluffy stories ( plots, and pairings)


THE Singular Lamb, still here even if idle
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

I'm Alex! I do 18+/20+ mostly because it's what I'm comfortable with. I have class and work, but with this latest 'that-which-shall-not-be-named' outbreak in my area, I'm home ALL THE TIME. So bored. Please, help. My crossed-the-line is way out there, so hopefully, you'd also be okay with a wide variety of fluff to dark angsty types of scenes. If you are uncomfortable, just say so and I will adjust based on your preferences too.

I’m looking for an RP. I do a WIDE variety of genres and types of RPs. I don’t really have many requirements or anything. My biggest concern will be my ability to read your post. If I can’t read it, I can’t reply.

I do both Mxm and mxf. Fxf is good but I haven't found one that sticks. My favorite rps tend to be LGBT-themed. I'm open to all pairings to combinations you can think of.

I am completely relaxed about all this. Really. I don't mind the length too much or content. Even if I respond quickly, I don't expect you to. Even if you take a week to respond back. I'm good. I'm not trying to push you to respond as fast as I do or anything. Sometimes I can sometimes I can't. I understand if you can't

Some pictures in the character slot below.

UPDATE: I am reallllly craving some uniform action. I need someone to be a police officer/soldier/etc please. I need. If not I'm cool with others


1. He's known as the porcelain king. His outward beauty is just that. Skin deep. He is cruel, merciless and arrogant. Kailyn rules his kingdom without compassion. The other kingdoms have sent their daughters to appease him, so he won't invade. Beautiful, fair, dark, of all kinds. He has put them all away like unwanted toys. He doesn't love them and they don't love him. It's gotten boring though. Kailyn is always talking about how something needs to happen, which generally means war. Appease him, or make war with the most powerful king in the known world. (Can be done fantasy with a dark fantasy creature pairing.) (fiction or fantasy) (this is a fun one)

2. Hermit is tasked with finding the next hero but they tend to always die. Whenever he finds someone, someone that comes to him, they are incapable of passing all of the tests and die. He had promised the gods he would search as long as it took. Accepting the promise, they made the hermit immortal, though that’s not what he wanted. He has searched far and wide for the hero but he wasn’t of the time he was in. Giving up, he put himself up in a cabin in the woods. ‘Heroes’ or potential heroes show up every once in a while, hearing the call of the gods, but they never last. He’s become bitter as he watches the world pass while he stands still.

After the latest hero dies, he goes home late to find someone, a pretty face looking up from his cushioned chair. She’s small fitting easily on the chair. A voice whispered in his ear that this would be the next hero. He frowns not believing it, but agrees to let her spend the night. Little does he realize, She is a He. (Fantasy, romance, action) (fun one)

3. "Please!" Sam stumbled forward. "I...I just want...want something to eat!" He held his hands out to the passing people. The men and women in the city ignored him. Sneers lit up around him. They jostled him muttering he should get a job. Didn't they understand?! Why couldn't they? He was dying! If only, if only someone would give him something to eat. He fell to the ground crawling back to his friend who lay there no longer able to move. Didn't anyone have any compassion anymore? It was just food. A heavy hand fell on his shoulder making him flinch. When he looked up, there you were with a bag of food and an offer Sam couldn't resist.
(its pretty clear but Sam will be my character, romance, angst tragedy) (I'm up for it)


Sitting in your room doing homework, you are messing around doodling on the paper and singing badly in another language. The paper erupts into flame. There on your bed appears a demon.

“You summoned me.”
(shenanigans. I'd love to be the demon but I can be either. )


He staggered down the road trying to keep balance. All he wanted to do was sleep. Just sleep. He had something he had to do. He’d know when he got there. Or he hoped he would.

His arms hung uselessly by his side; his feet scuffing across the ground. He couldn’t even see where he was going anymore. Any time he wanted to just lie down a sense of urgency overwhelmed him. His eyes would open up and for a moment he could see the street he was on. It was dark but the streetlights provided enough light to see by. Why was he standing here?

He turned glancing around the wet street. The smell of wet refuse drifted from the alley near him. Someone in the alley looked at him wide-eyed then immediately turned around and hurried off. What was his problem?

Turning back to the road, he stumbled back into a walk. His feet shuffled, but he couldn’t really feel them anymore. It’d been so long. How long had he been walking? It didn’t matter. He wasn’t there yet. Where ever there was. He had to keep. Moving. A cat startled by his movement darted away hissing.

Little pieces of something drifted around him. It wasn’t snowing though, or raining anymore. What was falling?

He looked around him again, but he couldn’t find the source. Sighing, he let out a ragged breath. Was he just looking for excuses to not continue or…He wasn’t sure what he was even thinking. He shuffled forward not even thinking about where he was headed. The night was getting colder. He could see his breath in front of his face in small puffs. His vision was blurry like his glasses were dirty. Did he wear glasses? He moved to reach up to his face and blacked out.

His eyes opened again. He was standing on a cobblestone street. No one was anywhere nearby. Nothing moved. Though it was dark and the streetlamps were lit, so it must be in the middle of the night.

That’s right. He had someplace he had to be. Turning, he lurched back into walking forward. His feet sliding on the stone echoed around him.

Someone closed their window blinds quickly and the light went out. His eyebrows pushed together. Why did everyone do that?

Still, he continued forward. Cold touched his skin making him open his eyes. He stared through a gate. He had reached a fence. The road had reached an intersection. He hadn’t noticed the change. Weird. Maybe…

“There’s no place for you here. Move along.”

He turned around, but there didn’t seem to be anyone there. When he turned back, there was a man standing on the other side of the fence. The man held up a bat like he was ready to swing.

Lifting his hand, he tried reaching for the man. He needed-

The man shoved the bat through the fence knocking him over. He lay on the side of the road staring up at the sky. It was so beautiful tonight. Rain was starting back up falling on all around him. It was beautiful to watch it coming down into the light before disappearing again. How much time passed lying there? He turned to get up. Everything went black.

“Poor fool. The man called it in. He thought it was someone casing the place but when he just fell over and didn’t get up he called us.” The officer crouched beside the body. His hand held a cloth over his nose along with everyone else here. The stench of burnt flesh and sulfur was too strong for anyone.

“What do you think happened?” A young junior officer asked holding her cloth more tightly than most.

“Probably demons, witches, who knows, but get the dark magic team down here. This doesn’t look like a normal one.”

(dark fantasy, mystery, possible horror) (I'd love to)

Colonel Dragos Alin Dalca is a highly decorated military officer that currently works for the NASA space center in Houston, TX. He is stoic and serious, precise and efficient. Yet, his days in the war has taken it's toll on his mind. He has found one of the only ways to get relief is by service to his community by volunteering anywhere he can. When he's at work, he is the lead commanding officer in the next shuttle mission. Now, it seems someone wants to take his place. With his life in danger, he has to try and continue the progress of the mission so they can launch on time, but also try not to get killed. Romance(m/m or m/f)/ action/adventure/mystery/drama.

(I'd love to)

7. disney/grimm's fairy tales esque plot lines? Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, etc. Not the characters but the story. Rich person meets poor person, never can work but some how does. or Man who is terrible and woman who is kind teaches him a better way or gets him to fall in love with him. Etc.


Sear is an elder god. Forgotten perhaps, but not gone. He wanders the world not paying much attention to the humans. They don't see him or don't believe they did when they see him. There is no reason he exists. Not to him anyway. Perhaps if he had something specific he had to do, but he doesn't. There are no followers or worshipers like there used to be. The world doesn't believe like they used to. Time has taken reason for anything. That all changed. With you. You didn't know he was a god. Your oblivious ass saw this man with white hair, and eyes and just thought oh cool that's awesome. No matter what he does you just thought it was a trick or didn't even really pay much mind to it. YC begins to fall in love with him. Sear finds it harder and harder to disguise himself as the days pass. His power grows though he's not sure why. He just doesn't want to reveal himself to YC and scare them away.

(yes, please.)


A new substance known as '6' has hit the black market. At first, no one knew what it exactly did or why people were taking it. Any research or studies randomly seem to vanish. No one can get any information on it as it promptly disappears. A detective went to Santa Fe to investigate but he vanished too. Character A, child of the detective, travels to the city to try and find out what happened to their father, and maybe solve the mystery of what '6' is.

(horror, mystery, crime) (maybe)


“I know. I’m the evil guy. Yes, I burned down that village or something, but seriously these other guys are so much worse, like seriously I just watched them kick a dog and I just can’t deal with them any more, so yes, I guess that means I’m a good guy now or whatever, but seriously can we just focus on the fact you aren’t the one with the sword through your chest?”

(fantasy, adventure, drama, romance? maybe) (sounds fun)


“As punishment for your crimes, you must serve eternally bound to another. It will be a random lottery pull. So you can’t possibly mess with them beforehand. Heaven help whoever you end up with.”

The searing pain caused MC to scream out in agony as the magic was twisted and bound inside him. Manacles gleaming steel formed on MC’s wrists. When he tried to get up, he found he couldn’t use any sort of magic to assist. He was dragged away as the magistrate pulled a piece of paper from the portal. When shock showed on his face MC laughed.

“How did you do it! How!” The magistrate yelled as MC is thrown out the doors toward YC.
(fantasy, drama, ) (yes, sounds fun)


“But I didn’t…do it?” The man looked up at the executioner. Tears formed in his eyes as he was forced to his knees. “Wait! A last request. Please! You still do those. Right?” He looked around desperately to (INSERT CHARACTER) who nodded. Relief flooded his features. “My child. They’re alone without me. Please, take care of them.”

It was an unusual request, but (CHARACTER) could do that. How bad could it be?
(drama, romance etc) (it's a good one)


The ‘hero’ broke 1C. We had been together for so long. When I told them about how happy I was to help, they laughed and told me I didn’t really do anything. One thing led to another until he was screaming that I was worthless to him.

When 2C showed up to kidnap 1C, they were surprised at 1C’s compliance. He went with it. When the villain sat down, he got curious. Why had 1C left the ‘hero’ so easily? THat’s when 1C explained what happened, and that. That was truly evil. You’d commend the hero if you weren’t so pissed at him for doing that to someone who HAD been so loyal.

(a nice flip story, dark, angst, romance, action) (could be fun)

A look of confusion passed over his face as the hero stalked over. He glanced around him at the dead guards. Blood splattered the ground. The hero stopped ten paces in front of his throne. He turned to him.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” The hero growled. It was clear he wasn’t expecting much of an answer. The hero expected some spiel about how he would dominate, or will come back stronger, or be back, or something. What he said shocked him.

“I’m…I’m the villain. Aren’t I?” He stared back at the hero confusion played across his face. “People….hate me?”

“That’s the only thing you heard?! Out of EVERYTHING I said. All the atrocities. Everything. You only heard the part about you?!” The hero took another step aiming the point of the sword at him.

“I thought…I was…” He fought for an answer and couldn’t find one. “I hadn’t thought of these things in the light you spoke them.”

The hero took another step. This had to be a game. Some ploy or trick but when he reached the villain’s throne to his surprise again. The villain tilted his head back.

“If it is as you say, that I have earned my death. When I ordered the buildings to be made, I did not know slaves were used and beaten to death. I tried fixing the infrastructure so people wouldn’t starve. When I sent the soldiers, I did not know the war crimes to be committed. I sent them to protect you from the enemy.”

“Then, what of you? If you are innocent as you say? What of the blood your hands of spilled?” The hero spoke in a mocking tone. “All those heroes who tried to stop you?”

“I only killed people who attacked me first.” He stared at him. The hero realized the man was right. The villain had never sought out anyone specifically but only fought someone who had tried to kill him. He lowered the blade staring at the king.

The hero put a hand to his head. What he said made sense. Who had told him the king was evil? An awful realization dawned on him. Someone was trying to use him to assassinate the king.
(romance, fantasy, drama, action)(m/m I'll be either or but prefer the king)(I'm down for it)

He watched him ranting and raving about how much he wanted to kill him. That he had spent all this time infiltrating his people. He had spent long hours gaining his trust to get this close and how he was so excited to kill him. That his death was going to painful, sweet, and long. His death was going to be fantastic. Amazing really. Everyone would know how bad his death had been.

MC rolled his eyes. “I’m really beginning to doubt your commitment.” He stepped closer to YC who sputtered to a stop. “I mean you certainly talk enough but…” He stopped in front of YC. “I have yet to see any action.” He took YC’s chin in his hand. “And I really think you would rather.” He bent down and to YC’s surprise kissed him.

(Romance(m/m), action, drama)(sounds really fun)


* for preference otherwise. I don't care. I do all types m/m, m/f, f/f, and any combination. Bold Italics for craving

cop x civilian*

Human x vampire
Human x were
Genius/ADD x extrovert
Fighter x non-fighter
Centaur x other fantasy creature/human
Mafia/mobster x oblivious person (not stupid)
Mafia/mobster x person needing help
King x knight
MtF x m or f
FtM x m or f
Fem assertive personality x male assertive personality
Veterinarian x dog/cat owner
Marine/soldier x civilian
Doctor x patient
Psychic x human/psychic
New psychic x mentor (like Mob Psycho 100 but only OC)


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Half-Celestial (not angel)

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Flamboyant Russian
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MMA Fighter
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Ex-MMA businessman
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Male model
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Homeless man
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Czech refugee


Mute survivalist
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Goth chick
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Insane goth

Italian Mafia
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Russian chef

Male dancer
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Punk Social worker
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Escort dancer
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Kailyn the King
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FtM Cowboy
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“Wait!” He slammed his hand into the door stopping you from shutting it in his face. Here was the jerk who dumped you years ago. The memories were horrible. A terrible time in your life. He was a jerk. When he dumped you, he’d strangely done you a favor. You realized years ago what a terrible person he’d been.

“Please, I’m not asking for you to take me back or anything.” He shoved his barefoot into the doorway.

What was he doing barefoot?

“Please,” He dropped his head. “Just hear me out. I just…I just want some food.”

His dark eyes searched your own. You almost closed the door anyway. “You shit in your bed now you have to sleep in it.” As you go to close the door, your eye spies a little boy hiding behind his leg.

“I..I know I did wrong. I wasn’t a good person back then, but please.” The emotion in his voice brought your eyes back up to his. “I don’t ask to be forgiven. I don’t know…where else to go. Please, he’s hungry and I” His voice broke. “I don’t have anything to give him.”

writing sample Long

Kailyn threw the lower half of his shoulder cape behind him pinning it with a badge to the left side of his chest. He looked into the mirror of polished silver. His appearance was immaculate and things couldn’t be going better. A smile twitched to his lips. With his clothing in order, He straightened his jacket that didn’t need straightening and turned. The servant opened the door letting him walk out without having to do it himself.

As he passed, servants, guards, nobles, everyone, bowed to him. He didn’t look at them or seemed to acknowledge how much taller they all were to him. It didn’t matter. As soon as his hand dropped to the hilt of his sword, they all miraculously vanished. The effect was not lost on him. He fought the urge to smile all the way down to the throne room where he’d meet the delegates.

Shoving the double doors open, he strode in. The slam of the doors announced his presence before the Steward could do his job. The tall lanky man immediately held his hands to his face cupping his mouth as he shouted.

“Make way for the king! His majesty is now in court. Take station and stand ready. Court is now in session. King of Kasae, defeater of adversaries, honored son of High Ruler Kalabhiti, Conqueror of nations, and to the dividing asunder has entered and ascended the throne. Can any challenge him?”

It was an old tradition based on the old practice of the strongest rules. In the first days of his rule, many had stepped up and all had lost their heads. No one knew how. He was over a foot smaller than anyone else, but the little demon had won every time. Now, no one ever dared challenge and his rule had gone uncontested for years.

The Stewart, seeing no challengers, continued. “Court will continue unhindered. Clear the center aisle for the procession. His majesty will begin to see the dignitaries.”

With a wide sweeping gesture, he motioned toward the double doors at the end of the throne room. His cloak fell around him in a dramatic gesture. His clothing was in colors of gold and blue. They weren't as nice as the king’s, but he was expected to look his best.

The servant at the end of the room opened one of the doors disappearing behind them for a moment, list in hand of who was to come in. A few minutes later the double doors swung open and two dignitaries walked in pausing a few feet beyond the door to be announced. Their entourage was just behind them. The servant rushed forward and yelled across the room. By the end of the day, his voice would be hoarse.

“His royalty prince Ante Jelic of Gamlauma and his sister Vanja Crei Dutchess of Ledoia wish to approach his majesty king of Kasae. Do they have permission?”

The two royals bowed to the king and stayed in that position waiting.

Kailyn turned in his chair picking at his nails for a moment. A few glanced at him. He seemed to be thinking then tilting his head side to side he shrugged. “Prince Ante Jelic and Dutchess Vanja Crei may approach the throne.”

The two young royals straightened up waiting for the servant to take the lead. The shorter man rushed ahead but not without dignity. Every ten feet or so, he would bow prompting the two following him to also bow. They stopped about twenty feet or so from the throne.

Leaning forward, the king put his elbows on his knees and steepled his fingers in front of his face. The servant watched the king for a second then made a wide gesture much like the Stewart’s toward the prince and princess. The two royals bowed again.

After a moment, Kailyn sat up with a deep breath. “What is it that GamLauma wants with me and mine?” His light lilting voice seemed to echo without any effort at all. When he didn’t say anything else, the two had to resist looking at each other as the brother stepped forward.

“Sire, Majesty of Kasae, GamLauma has long acknowledged your superiority in all ways. Your education far outclasses those around you. Your military might is well known and established. Your medical prowess is well renowned for its usefulness. There is nothing that Kasae has not done that is not better than ours.” The prince paused to take a deeper breath.

“This is why GamLauma wishes to continue our peace, negotiations, and trade with Kasae.” Almost as if knowing what to expect, the princess stepped up next to her brother. Her head was down and a veil drawn over her face. “This is why GamLauma wishes to offer a daughter of the kingdom. Dutchess Vanja Crei.” His hand extended briefly to motion toward his sister. Without meaning to, he looked over at her. His eyebrows twitched together and lips turned down, for just a fraction of a second, but Kailyn had obviously seen. The king was smiling afterward.

The Dutchess bowed her head sweeping her red dress out to the side but not a full curtsy.

Kailyn looked her up and down. His smile turned feral. He didn’t even bother hiding it at all. The prince grit his teeth taking a deep breath to calm himself.

“Royal Majesty of GamLauma Duje Jelic would like to also extend this, his treasure.” He motioned behind him where the servants set down and opened chests containing precious metals, gems, and trinkets. “As you wish, Sire.”

He bowed again wishing the king would take the treasure and not his sister. His eyes traveled to her. It was probably only he who could see the slight tremor in her frame. Her face hidden behind the red veil was probably streaked with tears. There was nothing he could do, but try to sweeten the deal. His father had warned him to not make any promises he couldn’t keep. What else could be done? Everyone knew what happened to the women who went into Kailyn’s possession.

“If...his Majesty King of Kasae would prefer, I offer myself as a replacement to show we have only goodwill to you and yours.”

A few court noble’s raised their eyebrows and a few talked to each other quietly.

The king’s eyes were more half-lidded and his smile faded as he watched the other. He hummed to himself as he thought. “I like both options actually.” When the prince paled, he almost felt a shiver of excitement. “Having both children of GamLauma at my service would be a tempting deal indeed. After all, I have many women and much treasure. Surely it would require also a prince?” He phrased it as a question, but everyone knew it wasn’t.

The prince bowed. He tried desperately to calm himself. While he loved his sister and did want to help her, he hadn’t thought of the king replacing her with him. The way the king was phrasing it, that was exactly what was in his thoughts. “I am well versed in combat and can provide an excellent sparring partner.” He started trying to negotiate over to an area he was more comfortable with.

“Do you wish to accept the deal?” The king asked now resting his jaw on his fist. “Your sister, treasure and...you. In exchange for safety.” His voice was softer but loud enough for the two royals to hear. It made it feel like it was a secret just between the three of them, though there was no illusion what this was.

This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go! The prince barely managed to keep his calm. They needed the protection. Without it, Leth Fauba would easily defeat them and had already threatened them. When their tradesman had been returned as a head on a spike, they knew without Kasae backing them, they would not win and everything would be lost. “If this is the deal, His Majesty, prefers then this is the deal Gamlauma will make.”

The servants came and took the former royals away. Nobles talked back and forth on the upsides and the downsides of the actions the king took. Their voices were low and respectful. The chattering stopped when the namespeaker fetched another and brought them in.

Kailyn put his cheek to his fist half-lidded eyes lifting to the one who had just come in. It was going to be like this all day. He was so tired of it. What else could he do? What must be done, must be done.

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