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New plots- need more partners!


So basically I'm looking for a male to become a long term partner in a roleplay. I have a few ideas of my own as to roles but more than willing I hear yours. My ideas for roles are along the lines of

• My sisters fiancé and my new boss. My father hates how wild I am compared to my sister. She is proper and well mannered. I'm more into going out and having fun. He puts me as your assistant to give me a sense of responsibility. Your at first completely against it but how bad could it be?

• Your famous and well known everywhere by mistake one night we get photo graphed by the tabloids and suddenly everyone is in love with the new young couple. Your Public relations tells you it's giving you the new boost you need so to play along.

•We dated for the longest time. Everyone seemed to be sure we was that forever couple until you leave no warning. I am crushed but eventual life goes on. Years later I've focused solely on my career and become a doctor. You've moved back to town.

•The town bad boy that skips school. He drinks, smokes, parties and ignores everyone. Somehow the town good girl has been dating this guy for so long. As predicted he messed up at a party and and cheated. Now cleaning up his act because he misses the one good thing in his life...(like to start maybe the morning of the break up)

•You have been my brothers best friend for our whole life. When we slept together we both swore it was a one time thing and never spoke of it again. Now on summer break from college we are all back around except you have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend. That doesn't stop the sparks.

Clearly I could go more into depth with these but I require a partner :) my rules are simple:

• Capable of at least a paragraph. I hate one liners and need something to work with.

• Actual be able to use grammar. I can let mistakes slide we are all human but spelling "you" isn't hard.

•I like using pm for my stuff it's easier on me to reply faster to you. I prefer we at least try to everyday but if you can't a few days it's fine we all have lives outside this.

• I only play female!
"You're famous and well known everywhere by mistake one night we get photo graphed by the tabloids and suddenly everyone is in love with the new young couple. Your Public relations tells you it's giving you the new boost you need so to play along." I like this idea a lot! I would appreciate it if you would PM me, I cannot do it myself just yet. I could easily play a guy, I've had a bunch of experience with doing so.
"We dated for the longest time. Everyone seemed to be sure we was that forever couple until you leave no warning. I am crushed but eventual life goes on. Years later I've focused solely on my career and become a doctor. You've moved back to town. "

Totally open to this!! I actually have a million plot additions I want to add, but I w2 ask- have any sample writing?

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