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Futuristic New Panzer Saints: Juokuman Yokaigun!

Jedi Sentinel

Truth Seeker

The Rules:

Pretty much the same as anywhere. You should have an idea by now of what you should and shouldn't do. Really, just don't be a dick and there shouldn't be any problems.

The Plot:

Short Version:

It's the future, You have a Giant Robot. Giant monsters are coming out of big holes in the ground. Use your giant robot to kill giant monsters and close the holes in the ground.

Long Version:

For as long as anyone can remember, Mankind has always looked to the heavens and wondered if anyone was looking back. Imagine our surprise when the first signs of life beyond us was found, not among the stars but buried deep beneath our feet.

in the year 2020 an American research station near the south pole official tasked with monitoring the effects of green house gasses in the earths atmosphere was the epicenter of the most powerful earthquake ever recorded, a nigh unthinkable 11.5 on the Richter scale, tearing open a massive gash in the earth's crust. The station and all of its inhabitants were lost in the disaster and the aftershocks were felt along coastlines around the world. Casualties numbered in the hundreds of thousands. The international community was quick to investigate.

No trace of the research team or their facility was ever found, but that's not to say the search was fruitless. Deep within the Gash, the investigators discovered vast quantities of a bizarre crimson mineral that proved to be both highly effective at producing vast amounts of energy even in small batches and far less harmful to the human body than Uranium, at least initially. Dubbed Nilium for Henry Nile, the lead scientist of the lost team, the mineral would soon prove to be a turning point for mankind.

This miraculous energy source was immediately the focus of international discourse, nations and corporations debated endlessly as to who should have the rights to process the new energy source while environmental activists fruitlessly protested any action towards mining the pristine continent, with a few voices even putting forward the idea that the Nilium mineral had some how caused the disaster. This Theory was initially laughed off by most until more earthquakes, less powerful than the original began tearing further gashes in the world, each time revealing more Nilium to the world, and with its appearance in greener areas, a new side effect was discovered. Wherever the crystals were uncovered plants would wilt and die, the soil would grow barren and unable to support life, and most animals would grow weak. The only species that suffered no obvious adverse effects was Humanity itself, who found that not only did it serve as an excellent source of power, but direct exposure actually made them stronger and healthier on the whole.

By 2050, humanity was in a golden age, with easy access to near limitless energy, longer life spans, and unprecedented leaps in technology as science continued to search for the limits of what Nilium could do. With the development of advanced weaponry and energy shields, the invention of the mag-lev flight system which used a Nilium reactor to easily allow heavy objects to fly, as well as a variety of mechanical advances which made bipedal weapon systems much more viable, this was the era that gave birth to the SAINTs. Unique pilotable superweapons which were initially ignored by the world in favor of more conventional weapons, only really seeing use as propaganda if at all.

However Humanity's upswing came to an abrupt stop in 2054 as the Nilium reserves began to disappear as quickly as they arrived, leaving vast empty holes where boundless treasure had once been. From these holes came massive, horrifying monsters which began attacking and consuming every living thing they could get their hands on. many cities fell within the first few days asmost of humanity's weapons failed to counter them, weapons made from Nilium and the Saints themselves managed to even wound the beasts.

now, in 2055 humanity clings to life, fighting a war against an enemy that can pop up almost anywhere. The Saints are our last hope.
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