New Occult Charm - opinions wanted

This was an idea I had a while back that was inspired by the werewolf rite that let you awaken the spirit of an object and then with spirit commanding gifts you could make it do kooky things. I thought it would make for a neat Occult charm tree. This was the only charm I got done, but if there is intrest I will get around to finishing my idea.

Rouse the Spirit

Cost: 2 motes per bonus die

Duration: Scene

Type: Simple

Minimum Occult: 1

Minimum Essence: 2

Prerequsite Charms: All Encompasing Sorcerer Sight

By forcing essence into any mundane object the exalt can awaken the least god conected to the item. Stiring the least god to action allows the exalt to get bonuses towards certain actions taken with the awakened object.

For every two motes spent, you gain a bonus die towards any one specific action, specified at the time of activation. Storyteller must approve the bonus granted by any item. The maximum motes spent on this this charm is equal to your permanent Essence times two. Because this bonus is from the item's least god and not of the exalted's own, it doesnt count against the maximum dice granted by charms.
Why don't you submit this Charm to... say, the Lore5 system that memesis has worked very hard to create for us?

It even has a feedback system built into it! Whodathunkit?

So what? My boss is my mom, lol!!

Hey I cant find the thread for the submissions, all I see is the character one and the discussion board.

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm a doofus.. I found it
Ive never found the character one where is it? ive wanted to submit some characters for review but havent figured out how.
Lore5 doesn't handle characters yet. Post those to the characters forum.

Go to the main page. Look for "Character submissions"


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