• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.



"I see you decided to stay...

Well then, I guess we better get started. First thing first, introductions are in order, don't you think? Tell me, what brings a person like you to this part of town?"
  • 「 BASICS 」
    Welcome the Moonshot CS page. Here you will find all the info you need to build your kick-ass character. World setting lore for both Atlantis and Earth can be found under the [ LORE ] tab. While the CS section below lists the information you will need to provide about your character. We have provided a code you may use for your CS which is spoilered at the bottom of this post but it is not compulsory.

    What's compulsory though are the following:
    1. If it is not already evident, all characters will need to be human;
    Cybernetics are however, a possibility but how advanced they are depends on which faction (we're going with faction until I can think of a better word) they belong to. More information on this can be found under lore.

    2. Please do not use a real FC in your CS;
    While I hate to dictate people's aesthetic preferences, it's also going to be weird trying to picture Zendaya's Chani next to Spike Spiegel for example. Don't ask me why those were the first two characters that popped into my head.

    3. All character should at minimum be 18 years old;
    The story may deal with some mature themes and I would very much like to avoid getting in trouble with rpn for bringing up questionable situations involving children. To add on, our story starts 15 years after the moon falls out of the sky. Do what you will with that info.

    With the exception of the above three points, the guidelines are as stated, simply guide lines. If you have a character that doesn't quite fit in with the lore provided, do shoot the GMs your ideas in a pm or on discord and we'll be more than happy to workshop with you how to make it work. That said, I have been warned to not say "anything goes" because it's likely going to come back and bite me in the behind if I do.

    With that, venture forth! I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.


    Full Name: "So I don't have to keep calling you pardner."

    Nickname: "Optional but if you hate your name for whatever reason, here's your second chance."

    Age, DOB: "Self-explanatory"

    Gender: "Touchy subject these days. Been told it's always better to check before I make any assumptions based on how you look."

    Height & Weight: "Lets us know whether we can continuously comment on their height following the characters' first meeting."

    General Description: "Sometimes the face claim doesn't fully convey how we want our characters to actually look. Go as crazy as you want with the details here."

    Personality: "The bane of most of our existence. Don't make this harder than you want to. Whether you want to write an entire essay about how you love riding into the sunset with the (dusty) wind in your hair or grunt out a couple of personality traits like Tarzan, both are acceptable to me. We just need enough to know how to best tailor the scenes to your character and so other players can decide if you are friend or foe."

    Biography: "This tends to end up as a spin-the-wheel-to-see-how-much-angst-and-tragedy-can-we-fit-in-one-character situation. I live for it, but wholesome is great too. Remember pardner, your characters are also entitled to nice, living, parents too."

    Abilities & Equipment: "Mostly so I can gauge your character's survival rate if the GM decides to release a beastie in your scene."

    Relationships: "Optional but serves as a great way to establish your :bishiesparklesl:prominence :bishiesparklesr:"
「 LORE 」

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// Nickname (if applicable)
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// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
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[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
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[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]
// Abilities & Equipment
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]ABILITIES & EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]

// Relationships
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border]
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Cole Morrow
36 (June 15, 2149)
Cain, The Unforgiven
5'11" (180.34 cm) | 180 lb (81.65 kg)
Bastard, traitor, annoyingly competent
Just shy of six feet, Cole's build is lean and athletic, shaped by the harsh hands of the wasteland he inhabits. He might've been handsome, once. If such a thing mattered anymore in a broken world. His hair's jet black and unruly, falling above his shoulders. His attire is practical and utilitarian, reflecting the nomad's life he's lived this past decade. When he travels he favors a dark, weathered coat that reaches his knee, adorned with pockets and belts that hold various tools and necessities. Underneath, he wears a simple, durable suit-jacket over a wrinkled linen shirt and a pair of dark, worn-out pants. Sturdy, golden-brown boots wear the remnants of the harsh terrain they'd traversed. He's rarely seen without a pair of dark-tinted glasses to shield his eyes from the beating sun, or Mercy, in her linen shroud, slung with care and reverence over his shoulder.
Rugged and resilient, Cole Morrow was forged in the crucible of adversity long before the moon crashed to earth. Hiding his humanity beneath a whip sharp wit and a stoic exterior, Cole knows that his life is over. All life is over. The planet is dying, if not dead already. The chosen have been spared, and the rest of humanity—sorry bastards—were left to rot and ruin... But he's just too damn stubborn to quit. And he isn't about to take the coward's way out. He needs to be punished. To go on living in this fractured world is his penance. To walk the badlands, the scorched wasteland in exile. To bear his mark across the desolate wilderness of a withering world.

Redemption's not in the cards for him. He wouldn't reach for it even if it was. He already has everything he deserves.
Raised in a time before the world had ended, but well after it had gone to utter shit, Cole Morrow was a soldier. His unit was one of the last holdouts of the belief that god was not dead, and that machines would not supplant him. As a kid, Cole went under the knife of a genius. This genius' life's work had led to the creation of Etherium, which he believed to be the key that would unlock humanity's latent ability for evolution. Even in small doses, it acted as a powerful sedative which was used on Cole as the doctor conducted his macabre work. When the Etherium no longer had any effect on Cole's altered biology, the doctor resorted to operate without anesthesia.

All the while Cole was a "willing" labrat. He could not see the writing on the wall, even as his mentor's brilliance turned to madness, watching on as he waged his silent war against the encroaching tide of cybernetic advancement, out of the fervent belief that humanity's salvation still lay within, in the unexplored lattitudes of untapped potential, rather than the cold embrace of silicon and steel.

He was wrong.

And what did Cole have to show for it, at the end of it all? He could punch a little harder, heal a little faster, and was left saddled with a heart that was fit to burst any day now.

With nothing left to lose, and waiting to get his ticket punched, Cole decided to do what he could. To help people. And make a little cash. He didn't intend on falling in love, or finding something—no, someone—to live for. As the years washed over him, he changed, metamorphosing from boy to man. The world around him changed, too. He was happy. He was content. Then the sky fell. Hell rose up to meet it. Humanity burned and boiled alongside their doomed world to the point of becoming unrecognizable. When it came time to draw straws, neither he nor his love were chosen to be spared. Cole had no hangups about staying behind, but never was there so insidious a drug as love...

Elysium—a covert cabal of the left-behinds—formed as a desperate response to the lottery that, at least in their view, had not been 'random' at all... Its founding could be traced back to a series of clandestine meetings, whispered conversations, and shared grievances among like-minded souls who refused to lay down and accept their predetermined fate. United by a common desire to salvation, these individuals resolved to take what they thought they deserved, a spot on the ships, by force, corpo shills be damned, drawn, and bloody quartered.

Cole, through contacts from his youth, found his way to the insurrectionist's doorstep, hellbent on saving the life of the one whom he loved. And so, their destinies entwined, a plot was hatched to usurp one of the departing transports. Only it wasn't meant to be. Despite the fervor that swept through Elysium's ranks, infecting even Cole's darling love with thoughts of retribution and revolution, Cole knew the truth. It was a suicide mission. Plain and simple. The Corporation had them outmanned and outgunned, five-to-one, and even if they did commandeer one of the transports to Atlantis, the victory would've been fleeting at best.

Rather than throw his life, and the life of his beloved, to the wind, Cole betrayed the knowlege of the insurgents' plot to a contact within Saturn Corporation, and struck terms to have his beloved placed upon the transport as payment for his cooperation. On the night before the eve of the Operation Starfall—a stupid name picked by stupid, desperate men—Cole and his darling shared a bottle of wine laced with Etherium. That same night, his sleeping lover was ferried quietly onto one of the ships and stowed away, as records and permissions were generated to validate their boarding.

This left Cole to deal with the aftermath. It didn't take long for his treachery to come to life. Too many eyes were on those transports. Acknowledging his sacrifice, and perhaps anticipating that he would need all the help he could get, his contact at Saturn Corp left him a cruciform—the first in a line of advanced weapons systems powered by potentiality that would eventually be decomissioned, due to the fact that no ordinary man could lift it without strain, let alone wield it to its full capacity—and a promise that his soulmate would be safe. He had saved one person, and doomed countless others.

When the day of judgment came at last, Cole joined the defense of the shuttles from the encroaching forces of Elysium. Even with the element of surprise and advanced foreknowledge of their assault, the shuttle security was nearly overrun, and when it became clear that Elysium would lose the field, and their last chance at a new life, they turned their fire on the escaping shuttle. Fearing that they might damage its hull and compromise his love's exodus, Cole unleashed the full power of the cruciform and devastated the Elysium firing line.

He disappeared from the field of battle amidst the smoke. He's been running ever since. As while the flames of vengeance have cooled some since the day that Cole doomed all of Elysium to their fates, there are many still left in the ruins of Amestria who would delight in seeing him suffer and die for stealing their futures from them.
Cole has no cybernetic implants to speak of, but he did undergo intense biotic experimentation from a young age at the hands of the mad government scientist, Daelos.

Cole wields Mercy. Mercy is a Cruciform, a weapon crafted from cold, weathered steel and powered by the soul of a dead god. Though often wrapped up in thick, cloth bandages, its darkened surface carries the marks of battles fought. Its sheer utility is matched only by its potential for destruction.
Dr. Nikolaos Daelos, PhD

Male / 62 / MOROS
The Luminary.
>Was declined access to Atlantis on moral grounds
>Offered Cole sanctuary at various points during the last decade
>Obsessed with finding the cure for a dying world

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Angelina Rowe
24 (October 26, 2161)
5'9" (175 cm) | 151 lbs (68 kgs)
Speed Demon, Flirt, Everywhere
Ever since the moon fell out of the sky, Angie has kept her dark cedar hair cut short. It’s easier, safer, and makes her look cooler. She’s built up some muscle over the years, gained from outrunning Abysslings to lifting exhausted people out of danger. She’s got a few scars out of that, too. She takes the most pride in the long one that trails down the side of her left leg. While it took quite a few resources to patch it up, at least she has the street cred.

Her clothes are mostly old things mashed together with new—patches of old clothes strewn together with random materials. She has a keen sense of fashion and likes to experiment with sewing to pass the time. She wears a pair of goggles on her head, mainly because she wants to be ready for a race at any time.
Angie spends her life in the present moment. It’s a fast paced world she lives in, one that’s frantically squirming as it slowly dies. She heavily relies on her senses to make decisions, and doesn’t like to leave things up to long-winded and ultimately pointless discussion. She can get intense when it comes to defending herself or people she’s decided she’s in charge of. Not that she’s particularly serious about anything, though—she can’t bring herself to care much about her future when it’s filled with nothing but death. Angie seeks cheap thrills to fill in the gaping chasm that she is to make the rest of her life. Street racing is her personal favorite, but she’s always up for trying something new. Other than exploring the Hole, that is. She hates the damn thing, and her main goal is to make sure no one goes near it without knowing the consequences.

Angie has plenty of friends, in both low and high places. She blends with whatever crowd she’s in well; She’s careful to highlight parts of her personality that make others comfortable. And in the case she finds someone attractive (often), she’ll flirt without shame; prepared to respectfully back off or happily continue. In this sense, Angie has very few meaningful relationships, but it’d be hard to argue she doesn’t have any allies. The only type of person she doesn’t mesh with are the power-hungry and controlling—people that undermine the needs of the many for the needs of the one, or believe that they are the smartest in the room. She’s never overtly mean, but most people can tell when she doesn’t like someone—and that is a dangerous notion to possess with such a well-liked woman.

And yet her greatest sin is ironic—asserting herself as the one in charge. If she decides a choice is best, she’ll leap before anyone else can think. While she’s learned to let loose over the years, she still has the baseline fear of someone getting hurt under her care. It’s the last thing she wants, so she’ll do anything to avoid it.
Angie had a good four years to experience the old world. She had been a sparkly-eyed nine-year-old then: endlessly curious and boisterous. With parents who researched advanced geological phenomena, she had free reign to study the evolving world around her. Even so, Angie’s parents made sure she had a fairly normal childhood. She had her share of elementary school, pbj sandwiches, and looking at the night sky in awe.

Easton hadn’t had any of that—they were only five when the moon fell from the sky. They were only five when their parents had been crushed under the debris of the moon. They couldn’t remember much, if at all.

The world was cruel.

The Rowe siblings were sent to their grumpy uncle—a man embittered by their parents’ success. Between his barely conscious highs and enraged lows, he called the Crash “an act of God”. After three excruciating years, Angie couldn’t stand it anymore. She took Easton and they began living on the run.

It wasn’t easy in the slightest. They only ate what they could steal, they slept under the bleachers of their school (if they didn’t get caught), and they lived in constant fear of the creatures. Frightening things that should have only existed in science fiction. Abysslings. Life was bleak.

But there was one last chance for them. Saturn Corp’s Atlantis. The rebuilding of society where everyone would be provided for and safe from the crumbling earth. Angie bought it—if people were willing to die for those tickets, then it was worth it. It didn’t matter if they hadn’t won that lottery, Angie had her own plan. She couldn’t hide in those tiny supply boxes, but her little sibling could. Angie took Easton to that cargo bay and didn’t look back as she locked them away, hopeful that the promised utopia would keep them safe.

Ten years she’s been apart from her sibling, and she’s lost her purpose in life. In her head, she’s done it—her sibling is safe. Sure, she can keep the peace on the ground, have fun until the moon blows up again; but if she died tomorrow, she wouldn’t be discontent.

That’s what she tells herself, anyways. Hey—it’s statistically likely.
Angie likes running fast, driving fast, and fighting fast. She could have been a track star if the moon hadn’t reduced land sports to dust. She’s fairly strong, and can lift someone and carry them as long as they're not super heavy. She isn’t very careful, though. She tends to throw herself at whatever comes her way and hope for the best.

Angie carries around a katana she found in an abandoned museum. She’s gotten pretty good at using it, but she would really love a gun if she could find a dealer and afford it. She keeps a small box-shaped bag with her to carry small things that she wouldn’t want stolen or could need on hand.
Easton Rowe - Angie's beloved little sibling. Even though she sent them away on a cargo ship against their will, she hopes they can find a way to thank her one day. She has to.

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Easton Rowe
20 (month xx, 2165)
Bigender, any pronouns
x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
On Earth, as far as the government knows.
Easton is rather androgynous, with their flat chest and weird hair that's mostly short save for the braids that fall to their butt. Unusually, they wear a rather outdated anime hoodie with the sleeves mostly cut off, clearly one from years ago, specifically chosen for them to grow into. It seems that, in a way, he's still stuck in the past, and doesn't want to catch up to the rest of Atlantean society.

That is not quite true. It's just that they haven't gotten the chance to get any newer clothes.
They're... resentful. Bitter. They don't want to be here, and it's obvious. She never did.

He doesn't like to be seen, and it's very clear why: he's not supposed to be here.

He'd say he wants to go home, but he's not very sure where home is. It's not in Amestria anymore, and it's certainly not in Atlantis.
Angie had a good four years to experience the old world. She had been a sparkly-eyed nine-year-old then: endlessly curious and boisterous. With parents who researched advanced geological phenomena, she had free reign to study the evolving world around her. Even so, Angie’s parents made sure she had a fairly normal childhood. She had her share of elementary school, pbj sandwiches, and looking at the night sky in awe.

Easton hadn’t had any of that—they were only five when the moon fell from the sky. They were only five when their parents had been crushed under the debris of the moon. They couldn’t remember much, if at all.

The world was cruel.

The Rowe siblings were sent to their grumpy uncle—a man embittered by their parents’ success. Between his barely conscious highs and enraged lows, he called the Crash “an act of God”. After three excruciating years, Angie couldn’t stand it anymore. She took Easton and they began living on the run, despite Easton's objections.

Life wasn't easy, that's for sure, but Easton didn't mind it. He and their sister were scared out of their minds, and starving hungry half of the time, but a hard life was nothing to Easton. Their eyes shined with the optimism of, not just a ten year old, but one with a zest for life, one with a sister they loved with all of their heart. His sister, however, found no light in the darkness.

So, as soon as things could, things changed. All because of Saturn Corp's Atlantis. Allegedly, a site for those lucky enough to be saved by the lotto, a site where the future of humanity can thrive. But only for the lucky few. When neither won a ticket, Easton wasn't bummed in the slightest. They had grown accustomed to the life they had, and she had no plans of changing anyway. Besides, what if only one of them got it? She would never want to leave without her sister.

Angie, though. Angie had a plan. One that Easton wasn't aware of until it was too late. Trapped in the cargo bay, they cried as they didn't even get to see the face of their sister as they took off. Again, despite Easton's objections, had he been dragged to another way of life. This time, however, without Angie.

Ten years they've been apart from their sister; an ample amount of time for resentment to grow. Occasionally, they catch themselves wishing that their sister suffered a fate worse than death. Despite what Angie wished, they weren't, or at least didn't feel, safe. Atlantis was exactly like home, but worse. Instead of horrors, Easton had to hide from normal people. Food had to be stolen and scavenged more often than home. At least at home they had school lunches, but here, they had to find everything on their own. Only a friendship grown with a detective on Atlantis —one that had initially come to turn her in— gave them any sense of security.

He hates it here. He wishes his sister was here. He hates his sister.
They have the resourcefulness of an Earthbound, with their 10 years spent in hiding within the borders of Atlantis and an additional two beforehand spent on the run from the Abysslings. They're a good pickpocket, and an even better sneak. She's not proud of it, though. It's just the consequences of the actions people have taken.

They also have a rather good grasp on the laws that have grown on Atlantis, and can finagle their way through it no problem.

As for equipment, they have an arm brace around their right arm, which might just be the part that most fits in with the Atlantean culture. As Easton isn't a fighter, the gauntlet can manifest a small shield, perfect for scuffles with people. They also have an old radio they've strapped across their body, along with earphones with gundam pieces attached to them. Just used for boredom, though.
Angelina Rowe - Easton's beloathed older sister. She had forcefully sent them away on a cargo ship, and she didn't even come with them. Did she hate him that much? Did she not care for his thoughts? Well, they'll hate her back twice as hard.

Angel Gauthier - The contractor that found Easton. Thankfully, he turned the other cheek to their illegal activities, and is Easton's only friend that hasn't been turned in for one reason or another. He also offered Easton a place to stay, which Easton graciously accepted.

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Gilbert Griffin
36 (September 23, 2149)
Gizzy, Glizzy, Griddy
5'10" (178 cm) | 162 lb (73 kg)
what the fuck
Gilbert makes no attempt at making himself conspicuous. Wearing a body suit that shows his defined muscles, a very colorful and oversized jacket, and an equally colorful helmet that makes his face, he struts around in a motorbike he constantly adjusts everyday. If you haven't seen him in person, you've probably seen him on the signed autographs often rained along streets (courtesy of himself) or on advertisements and on the face of billboards and vehicles. He is everywhere, whether you want to see him or not.

His voice, too, is remarkable in that it has developed a Californian surfer dialect from centuries ago.

Under the helmet, though, is someone a lot less "glamorous." He sports a trimmed beard, a pair of glasses, and a straightforward haircut—by all accounts an appearance akin to a middle-aged office worker. Some feel disappointment upon seeing this, but Gilbert is still the same Gilbert.
Gilbert always gives 100% of himself for everything he does. Wild, optimistic, charismatic and aburdly lucky are his defining traits. Gilbert is famously charming, and he embraces it happily. He takes life step by step. Seeing how his inventions always work (even though he doesn't know how), he's developed a belief that he's a secret genius and takes pride in his career as an inventor.

Another overwhelming aspect of him is his love towards his daughter. Gilbert could go hours on end, raving about the things his daughter has done and fond memories. He will show you pictures and videos of Gwendolyn whether you asked for it or not.

Despite all his unpredictable ventures, Gilbert is consistently one thing: loyal to the bone.
Gilbert "Gizzy (or Glizzy, or Griddy, whatever you prefer)" Griffin. The most recognizable and loved "face" in the community, if you meant the helmet he dons everywhere. Gilbert is responsible for the creations of hundreds of inventions that look bizarre, shouldn't work but do, and most of the times both.

Gilbert's early life wasn't too special. He came from an average family and developed a passion for technology and inventing. He learned all the basics and concepts, graduating his classes with flying colors despite being known as a wild party animal. It was rare to see him not drunk or buzzed up on something.

While drunk and near the end of school, he accidentally signed up to an art school instead. Ever gungho and carefree, he went through with it... and excelled. He developed a very unique sense of art which can be seen in his current inventions and choice of attire.

He graduated with a degree in arts.

After college, Gilbert attempted to re-pursue his passion with technology... only to find he had forgotten almost everything he learned. Nevertheless, he refused to give up! He still knew the basics, and combined with his artistic integrity, Gilbert decided to put his unique spin on his inventions to create... something.

It was during this period of experimentation that, at 21 years old, the moon fell to Earth and changed everything for everyone else. Gilbert didn't realize until he stepped outside for the first time in a week.

One such impacted person was Gabriella, a poor student who suffered the misfortune of having her home and family lost to the moon's debris. Alone and in despair, she met the wildly optimistic and bubbly Gilbert... in an alleyway at night. She thought he was a homeless guy, but he turned out to be testing a metallic mishap of wires and expanding foam, splashed in rainbow paint. The two got to talking, and she was charmed by his lifestyle. At the time, he became the spark of hope she needed in her life.

Fast forward many years, the two are married and have an adorably baby daughter who Gilbert especially adored. It was around the time baby Gwendolyn learned to walk that Gilbert's career truly took off. His bizarre inventions that never should have worked—worked.

The first case was a two meter tall robot so clunky with metal and filled with plutonium (who knows where he got it) and meant to be used as a playground device. Instead, it found a purpose as a high-grade, self-maintaining battery for machines like satellites and the like.

His next invention was a four-legged helicopter thing larger than a two story building, able to drive around with massive high-powered hoses as "the new fire truck." Somehow, every part of it functioned exactly as intended (not that it was practical by any means).

People demanded to know what crazy inventor was coming up with these ideas and successfully throwing them together. In the heat of the moment, Gilbert donned a colorful costume and helmet, and met the eager crowds with pizazz. It was a hit with the public, a spark of hilarity especially needed in the aftermath of a moon falling on everyone.

For the same reason Gabrielle fell in love with him, he captured the hearts of everyone else. At the same time, this was the start of a rift in their relationship, as Gilbert became increasingly absent for his family. He accepted every invite to a party, demonstration, talk show, amassing wealth and fame—all of which was devoted to his laboratory and inventions.

Gabrielle started to feel like he was rising leagues above her.

The saving grace was their daughter; Gilbert's fondness for Gwendolyn rubbed off on everyone else. One of his defining characteristics became how he showed off a picture of his adorable daughter and bragged about her. Every. Chance. He got. Incidentally, Gwendolyn was always around when he was building his inventions... Also making it bearable was the fact that, in the few moments he could spare for his wife, he put all his effort into making her feel loved. At the same token, this only made her feel more trapped in a relationship that was becoming too much for her to bear.

At some point, Oliver James approached him. Intrigued by Gilbert's skyrocketing popularity for his "genius," he was invited to become Oliver's protege. Naturally, GIlbert accepted—and spent the next 30 minutes talking about his beloved daughter and showing pictures on his phone.

Then came the lottery for who was coming to Atlantis. In a stroke of luck that never left him, he won a ticket!

But not his family. Only he was going to Atlantis... and Gilbert would have none of it.

In another stroke of luck, Gilbert's cousin's son's half-sister's mother's uncle's father (who was as old as stones) won the lottery, and he wasn't going anywhere. Through dozens of calls and contacts and requests and discussions, he secured a second ticket!

He offered to secure another one (through means he didn't know) for Gabriella, but she insisted on staying. Knowing how much their daughter loved her father, she relinquished her chance of coming along to Gwendolyn.

They divorced on mutual terms as a result. She earned a welcome break from his rampant lifestyle. Gilbert packed all of his WIP inventions and equipment and important tools and albums upon albums of his adorable daughter. The future was space, and the people needed his inventions for a life well lived!
"The Ray Gun!!™" - According to Gilbert, The Ray Gun!!™ harnesses electromagnetic power from the surrounding air through the metallic discs, reverberating through the radar dish barrel and through the antenna as a laser bolt. For ammunition, it relies on a clip of nuclear charged energy capsules in a shell of plutonium.

Somehow, it works as a weapon, shooting invisible waves that act like a weaker taser, stunning people for a short duration. Some of the stuff is probably unnecessary.
Gabrielle Griffin - Gilbert's now ex-wife. They divorced on mutual terms after she relinquished her chance of boarding the Atlantis with her family.

Gwendolyn Griffin - Gilbert's 11-year-old daughter, the most adorable, pudgy-wudgy littlest thing her father loves! She came with him to board Atlantis, and rarely leaves his side. She's spoiled and watches things not even Gilbert understands, but that's to be expected since genius runs in the blood! Every time his inventions start working as intended without issue, she's always around—Gilbert believes she's a good luck charm! Incidentally, this even happens when he falls asleep...

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Can't save everyone - will try anyway
Elena Olivia Clairmont
34 (March 6th, 2151)
5'9" (175 cm) | 139 lb (63 kg)
Well-liked, considering how many asses she's saved by this point
Lena is a tall, blonde woman of average build, with bright blue eyes in which you can see her intelligence and curiosity. She sometimes wears glasses, more often nowadays that contact lenses are a bit harder to come by. You can see her in her white coat often, even off the clock, because she sometimes just forgets to take it off.
Elena is a doctor, a curious and compassionate idealist, a caring older sister, and also unfortunately a big ball of stress and anxiety. She tends to focus on making the world a better place to the point she sometimes forgets to take care of her own needs. Lena is a person of many faces - most of the time, she's really sweet and caring, which her patients love her for. At times, she can get really serious, especially if her patients are doing something they shouldn't, if the situation is dire, or when she's dealing with medical equipment suppliers and constant shortages. Finally, there's her private side - she tries to not show it to anyone, but off the clock, she's really struggling, trying to cope with the fact she won't be able to save everyone, and soothing those thoughts with a strong drink more often than she'd like to admit.
Lena's childhood was a pretty normal one. She had loving parents, who provided everything she might need, she was pretty smart from a young age, so she had no problems in school, and she had lots of friends she could spend time with. Life was pretty great, and even if her father did leave not too long after her brother was born, for the most part, her life was moving along smoothly. She graduated high school as a honors student, and quickly moved on to med school, driven both by her curiosity about humans and what makes them tick, as well as her mother's teachings that she should always help others ("because you never know what struggles they're going through").

Unfortunately for her, that's when things got... catastrophic. Not two months had passed since she started her studies that it happened. The moon (or at least a part of it) literally came crashing down, sending the world into a spiral of chaos. Despite this, Elena was determined to see her plans through, and so even though it was even harder than it would've been normally, she pushed through the next few years and got her degree. Finally, she would be able to make a difference in the world.

But then, as if mocking her plans for herself, a ticket arrived in the mail. A ticket that would allow her to flee this crumbling Earth, leave it behind to collapse while she lived in what was basically a utopia. Worse yet, her mother also recieved a ticket... but not her little brother. She didn't have to think long about what to do. She went to her brother, gave him her own ticket, and told him to take care of their mother. He did ask her if she's sure about her choice, and said he's fine with staying on Earth, but with a determined look in her eye, she told him that people down on Earth are going to need her more than ever, and it's her duty to help them out. He didn't argue with her, just gave an understanding nod and told her to make him proud then.

The ten years that followed had been... difficult, to put it lightly. As she expected, the more time passed since the cataclysm, the harder it was, resources dwindling as it was much harder than before to replenish them. She could even see it in her own work environment - she started off working at a pretty large hospital, but eventually, it had to be shut down and she moved to a small clinic... though that clinic too is not doing all that well these days. Still, she's doing her best to keep it afloat, and she does her best to patch up any and all patients that come to her. The stress of being the person on whose so many lives depend has been really getting to her over these years, and with how much death and suffering she's seen, she sometimes wonders if the world can even be saved. She nevertheless clings to her mother's words, helping out those in need because she believes it's the right thing to do, even if they all might die any day now.
As one might expect from a doctor with years of experience, she is well-versed in medicine, knowing the human body inside and out. She was training to specialize in pulmonology (treating the respiratory system) but with the current situation she has to take on a role of a more general doctor, mostly treating injuries of those unfortunate or foolish enough to face the Abysslings.

On top of that, she has taken basic self-defense classes and small firearm training, just in case, but she's not exactly a fighter in any sense of the word, and she doesn't have her own gun.
Nathan Clairmont (29) - Lena's five years younger brother, whom she gave her ticket to Atlantis, while she stayed behind to help out those in need, seeing it as her mission. That wasn't the only reason though, she cares a lot about Nathan, and she was thinking of this as an opportunity to let her brother have a good life, despite the state of the world. The two have a very close bond, with Lena always looking out for him. She misses him dearly, but she doesn't have much hope of seeing him again soon.

Joanne Clairmont (67) - Elena's mother and ex-teacher. Specifically, she taught English, which made the fact her daughter went into medicine quite the surprise to her. She's a loving mother to both Elena and Nathan, and has been great support to both of them. When Lena chose to stay on the dying Earth, Joanne had quite the mixture of feelings. On one hand, she was proud to see her daughter make such a brave and selfless choice because of her teachings... on the other, understandably, she was sad to leave her darling little girl behind. She understands that it was either her or Nathan, but she still quietly hopes that she can some day see her children together again.

Angelina Rowe - she can thank Elena for the scar on her left leg remaining as just a scar, and not something much uglier and harder to function with. At this point, she's her regular patient, even though the doctor keeps telling her to be careful and at least try to get less maimed out there.

Marion Szalay - despite Elena's stance on religion being more or less "if there's a god, he left us on our own", she has a mutually beneficial agreement with Marion, since their goals of helping those in need align, and she's more than happy to look past ideological differences if it means they save more people.

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Whitney Choi
34 (February 12, 2151)
Whit, Wi, Wichi
Ciswoman (she/her)
5'6" (168 cm) | 140 lb (64 kg)
Oh yeah, her
Whitney's a professional so she always maintains her appearance with a clean (more or less) bob cut and formal wear. Don't be fooled by her size, she might appear small at first glance but she could bench twice her size, comes with consistent work at the gym. When she's not on the clock she'll be in sweatpants with a decent top and maybe a jacket if she's up for it. You'll also catch her with the same sweatpants inside if you catch her with a messy tank top.

The bags under her eyes seem to never go away no matter much makeup she uses or the amount of sleep she gets. But when you're as busy as Whitney then sleep is usually the last thing on your mind and you'd rather be doing something than nothing.
Living is how Whitney would describe herself. She revels in adversity and loves to be challenged because she loves to test herself, but she spaces out as she ponders her existence. Many think she's cold and sinister, but that comes from her rough exterior. Whitney is actually a very warm and friendly person, she has a few friends she keeps in contact with but to strangers she just seems intimidating at first glance.

Then again, when you're one of the engineers developing technology to save the human race and you want to spread the benefits of your research to those back home, sleep would be the last thing on at least one person's mind. Thus, Whitney takes her work extremely seriously and is a very stern and strict woman as are many of her colleagues. This attitude translates to her personal life, as she finds trouble unwinding in social settings. Sometimes she talks a lot or doesn't talk at all, akin to research meetings where her colleagues would go back and forth on applications and theoretics. Whitney always preferred solitude whether it be in her office or at a spa. She likes taking care of herself and enjoys the wonders Atlantis provides for her. But then again she thinks about her parents who she had to leave back on Earth, despite their superficial relationship. Thanks to Atlantis healthcare, Whitney has been seeing a therapist regularly for such quandaries but the thoughts still eat her.

She keeps trudging on though. Whitney's goal of saving humanity is her main concern, and as long as she can be fed, clothed, and have a warm bed to come back to every night or so then she's happy.
TW: Mentions of Suicide

Whitney's story is a tragic one, but things turn out alright for her. She came from a construction empire that she was going to inherit. But her parents were never really around, so she spent a lot of time alone in her penthouse towering above the city skyline. She wouldn't speak to her parents often except for the odd hello and goodbye, as well as mandatory family dinners that were a pain to sit through. Life was dull for the most part, at least until the moon fell.

She was old enough to remember it happening, her parents told her that her things were packed and they told her that she was chosen to go to Atlantis and be saved from what came. She was confused, sad, and frustrated. Her life was changing and she had no control over what was happening. She was brought to one of the shuttles, hugged by her parents for the first time, and was on her way to safety. She screamed, she had no idea why it was her but she just grieved the entire trip.

Survivors' guilt was pretty common as many were separated from their loved ones, some tried to even open the airlock on the way. Whitney even considered getting one of the shuttle guards to shoot her if she could get to the airlock controls. When she made it to Atlantis there was a grim atmosphere as people walked off the shuttle. Despite the warm greetings and calming ambiance, it's almost like everyone collectively heard the cries of people saying goodbye or people desperate to board despite not having tickets. There were many that did not want to be here, Whitney included. There were many panels and seminars where the arrivals vented their frustrations to the Atlanteans who wanted to see their loved ones again. Whitney was just silent though, she just felt empty.

Because she was still quite young, she was put under the care of a woman named Lamisa. She was homeless, a divorcee, and dealt with a miscarriage, and was thrilled to be given the opportunity to start over. The two lived in a very accommodating apartment with all the utilities and necessities they needed. Lamisa and Whitney were both stark contrasts of one another and there was resentment on Whitney's end. She already had everything and this woman she just met was now her caretaker? Their relationship wasn't the worst but it wasn't great either. Whitney was dismissive and avoidant of Lamisa's affection, but their bond would become cordial after one simple gesture. Lamisa had a bowl of mandarins and Whitney tore into them. They were the one snack that she enjoyed as a kid and the one thing that made her happy which Lamisa took notice of.

Whitney would soon open up to her adopted mother pretty slowly, but the result was soon a loving relationship. Whitney while still remorseful, found freedom in Atlantis and began to make her own life. She was on track to work for the technology sector due to her aptitude in math, science, and analytics. Because of her field of study, she had a broad stroke of opportunity to work on various engineering projects involving biomedical technology, urban planning, cybernetics, space technology, and materials science. Despite her rigorous dedication to her projects, Whitney is still an assistant researcher in the technology sector. She one day hopes that she could spearhead research to save humanity, but she counts her blessings as she accepts the life she was given.
Whitney can bench at least 280 lbs and is looking to top that. She's also got pretty good cardio, being able to run far distances. While some people may resort to augmentations and enhancements to explore new horizons for their bodies, Whitney is content with being 100% flesh and bone.

She also knows how to operate a lot of the equipment in the technology sector's elaborate laboratories, starting out as a technician before working her way up.

She doesn't carry much except the odd mandarin in her pocket, printed by the agricultural sector.
Lamisa Chowdry (61) - Whitney's adoptive mother whom she still lives with. She spends her days working at community gardens and doing activities with her friends at the local senior center.

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Plus l'offenseur m'est cher, plus je ressens l'injure
Angel Gauthier
33 (November 11, 2152)
Angie; Les Yeux du Ciel
179 cm | 82 kg
Competent, of few words.
Soft, beautiful features, and unique eyes with strange colourations that seem to peer past anyone he speaks to, Angel Gauthier gives the idea that he has never suffered a day in his life. The scars that mar his muscular body, both hidden under his obscuring sets of clothing, however, tell a different tale. His stark, snow-white hair trail past his shoulders and to his elbows like a blizzard. Angel prefers loose clothing with dark colours, choosing drab jackets and dark tops, paired with baggy pants and combat boots. His choice of fashion is practical and pragmatic, while retaining some laissez-faire style. He carries his favored weapons in shoulder holsters, hidden most of the time with the combination of his choice of clothes.

To most, Angel Gauthier is a quiet, contemplative man. The eyes of heaven seem to stare off into the distance when he is asked questions, and he speaks and answers in the softest, lightest voice, like a small song from God Himself. Within those beautiful eyes, and underneath the gentle voice, there is a black, burning fire. He is a man of convictions, and of decisive actions. He believes in 'what should be done', more so than 'what must be done', and his ways of thinking have earned him ire from his peers. He is not above using brute force, threats, and other distasteful means to get what he needs. Where the utopian years have dulled the senses and abilities of many around him, Angel Gauthier has only honed his arts, borne from his time back on Earth. None will go through him, and none will surpass him.

He finds solace in his sobering solitude. Years and years and years have passed him by, and yet, he cannot forget, and he cannot forgive. His place should be down there, below the smoke they call clouds now, fighting, surviving, and, most importantly, loving. He holds the people responsible for his safety and their perceived 'happiness' of his new life within a special part of his heart, where hatred and love coexist. The many others that wrong him, however, would earn only the eternal begrudgement from the Eyes of Heaven, and, more like than not, they will not survive once he has his hands on them.

Angel Gauthier's father died when he was 10. By some turn of fortune, that was the first time he encountered death. From that day on, Angel was devoted to keeping his loved ones safe from its cold grasp. Even when his mother tried to provide for him, Angel tried to make do with as much of his skillset as possible to help her live the rest of her life in easy peace. When he wasn't studying, he picked up odd jobs, faking his age in order to get them. He was tall for his age, and it wasn’t too hard to pass off as someone several years older than he was.

Try as he might, however, death would visit him again. Even in his dreams now, he still remembers clutching onto his mother's hand, begging her to live, holding on to the slightest glow of hope in his heart, promising her that he would take her to places she had never been, and then he wakes up in cold sweat, knowing that all that hope, all that light, was in vain. The inherent grip of life and release of death was as whimsical as the wind and as inevitable as the rain. Still, he held on to what remained of his wishes - he had to live for her, if nothing else.

He survived, dragging himself through odd jobs here and there, before signing up with the police. He did not survive for long in there. Picked on for his features and build, Angel Gauthier was removed from service after he made a fateful reunion of his fist with one of his colleague's chin. He joined a private investigator firm immediately after, following one of his other colleagues who had also left the police for other infringements.

He would have never thought he would fall in love in this line of work. Perhaps it was his partner's own skills, perhaps it was the way he was so cool about it, perhaps it was simply just natural attraction. Who knew? All it mattered was that he fell, and he fell hard. For the first time in some years, Angel found someone he cared for, someone he wanted to protect once again, someone he could devote his entire being to.

Especially when the sky fell.

The injustice of it all, through some accursed balloting system drove Angel to speak up against it. Why should it be that these people are allowed to be happy, and why not them? His rancor was not unnoticed, and he shared it with the several members of a motley gang of protesters, otherwise known as Elysium. He could see it - they would die in this cesspit they used to call home, to some uncaring raiders, unsympathetic government dogs, or worse, the monsters that had become more and more prevalent. If it meant that the government would take notice of their pleas, if it meant being able to give his one and only beloved safety and a home, he would do whatever it took. Even if it meant running a suicide mission. As long as he was safe, it didn't matter. He held on to that hope, that flickering light in his heart. He would survive, they would succeed, he would be able to provide for his beloved, they would be happy.

Betrayal stings the hardest when it comes from the one closest to you. Angel awoke on the day of the fateful Operation Starfall aboard a ship heading towards the moon, with only strangers by his side. He clawed, punched, struggled, begging to be brought back. He could put two and two together - the fool was saving him from death. That was not his place to do that. Struggle as he might, there was no turning back now. He could only watch in despair as the world beneath him began to get smaller and smaller with each passing minute, further and further away.

It wasn't fair.

Angel Gauthier was processed at the moonbase and allocated living quarters. He put his skills as both a private investigator and a police officer to good use, becoming one of the original Peacekeepers. It aggravated him. In a place like Atlantis, the present, and ever-existing peace was no place for a warrior like him. He found some entertainment, instead, by pursuing a much more covert line of operations. Lost items, missing people, information, secret trysts, stalking and following and tracking - they were not much by way of bloodshed, but it kept his mind away from the fact that he had been made to abandon the person he cared for, again. He currently operates a private investigator firm while still working with the Peacekeepers.

Outside of job, Angel did not interact with many, if any at all. For 15 years, Angel lived in solitude. His anger and frustration dissipated, giving way to complete apathy. He lives every day by the day. There is light, there is hope, there is still a single candle burning in his heart, for the wish that he would see him again, but with each passing day, the wick grows shorter and shorter, and the wax ends at the barrel of a gun.

Angel's muscular build is testament enough to his strength. While certainly not special, and unaugmented in any way at all, he can hold his own with the best of them through sheer amounts of perseverance, experience, and skill. He is no slouch with a gun either, and, as a matter of fact, regularly uses his Mlé 60 as both a melee and a ranged weapon. He is also very well-versed in tracking and finding people in urban environments.

Angel possesses a trench knife that has been modified for concealment and urban use. He also has a Mlé 60, a 9-round handgun that chambers .45 ACP. It is customised in several ways, such as its magazines being given studded bottoms, and an attachment to the front of its muzzle that gives it a jagged front, allowing for melee combat. Its slide is also etched with the word 'ToMorrow'. Both of these weapons were from his days back on Earth, and even with the development of newer and better weapons, Angel still sticks by both of these weapons for reasons known only to himself and, perhaps, two others. He has his own set of 'spy equipment', which include bugs, tracking devices, and miniature cameras.


Rowe, Easton: A stowaway. Located during a job to search for illegal immigrants. Lets them go, reported that there were none. Noted that they share the same...problems as he does.

Alison, Irene: His lover's collaborator. Assisted with his living conditions, key to his current success and easy livings. Has not forgiven her for her hand in bringing him here; it doesn't matter now. Completely apathetic about her.

Cole Morrow: Lover. Location unknown. Status unknown. Holds on to the rest of his light and hope.

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Lenora Ndiaye
30 (July 31, 2155)
Nora, Rose of the Black Market
5'7" (170 cm) | 120 lb (55 kg)
Your friendly neighbourhood arms dealer
Beautiful. That is the word that pops into most people's minds when they first meet Lenora. If beauty could be a personality trait it would most definitely be hers. Lenora is a slender woman with a surprisingly toned physique. Her long, dark hair is worn in thick locs that frame a small face and defined features; Large hazel eyes, a small perky nose, and full petal-like lips. Despite the brutality of the environment around them, it is evident that she does what she can to take care of her appearance. Her warm brown skin is often covered in delicate patterns painted on with a natural skin salve made from ground-up tree bark. Her knee-high leather boots, while well-worn, are always kept clean and polished. She owns an assortment of brightly colored shawls that not only help her stand out against the dismal landscape but also serve as a shield from the harsh sunrays and occasional dust storm.
Bubbly, personable, and easy-going, Lenora exists as a contradiction to the dying planet around her. Her optimism can be disarming and leaves people wondering how someone can be so happy in a hellhole like Amestria.

Taking after her father's charms, Lenora knows her way around people, often utilising her feminine wiles and a few carefully chosen words to get what she wants. She is one of those people who calls you 'darling' and 'honey' and it just seems all perfectly natural. While capturing the attention of many she exhibits a distracted quality. As if she isn't quite there. She doesn't quite latch onto you with a vivid gaze the way you might expect. Instead, she always seems like she's not quite paying attention to you specifically because she's paying attention to everything, all at once. And somehow, that only makes her more intriguing.
Lenora has grown up in the black market all her life although it should be noted that they weren't always the black market. Before the Market of Wonders there was the Circus of Wonders, a circus group that travelled all over Amestria performing fantastical shows to excite and entertain people of all ages. Unfortunately, that all came to an end when the moon fell out of the sky. People deprioritized the enjoyment of life and turned their focus to just suviving.

Being the astute businessman he is, Lenora's father quickly pivoted the nature of his business, diversifying out of the entertainment industry and moved into logistics. Tapping into their knowledge of transporting unique cargos across the country, they started with simple supply runs and gradually expanded the business till it became what it is today. As resources grew more and more scarce and people's faith in the government waned, the Market of Wonders grew in popularity. Setting up base in New Oasis, the circus spends half the year scavaging the lands for anything that is of worth selling in the market. Their wares range from healthcare supplies, to exotic foods that are almost impossible to find in the current climate, and Lenora's specialty, firearms.

She fronts as a fortune teller, spreading bite-sized fun and optimism to the curious passerby. Her real work however deals with the brave and foolish. Those willing to walk along the edge of danger and are in need of protection.
Lenora is a firearm specialist. She has an extensive knowledge about different types of firearms and is extremely skilled in using them. Her weapon of choice is a double barrel shotgun.

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Protector of Paradise
Curtis Merrill
31 (January 17th, 2154)
6'5" (195 cm) | 180 lb (82 kg)
Always by the rules
Always sporting a serious attitude, it's not hard to tell that he's a peacekeeper. His cybernetic arm sets him apart from the other peacekeepers, being crafted just for his service as a peacekeeper. He has a lean but chiseled build, staying in shape to make sure he's prepared for any encounter. Curtis typically has a well groomed appearance, keeping his hair tied up to prevent it from going everywhere. His attire never really changes, wearing what he was given. Only on his off time does he spruce up his look.
Curtis is a rather duty driven individual, giving up parts of himself for the greater good of Atlantis. He struggles to show emotion, especially in situations that warrant it. He never expresses how he is really feeling, bottling up his feelings for later. Curtis tends to look at most things with indifference. The only thing that differentiates people is whether they are good or evil. His black and white view of the world results in immoral decisions for the greater good. He is quick to judge others, jumping to quick conclusions.

He doesn't have much fun, in fact, the only thing he could consider fun is drinking. He operates like a robot, taking orders and fulfilling them in every capacity he can. Curtis has the ability to critically think but chooses not to. He thinks thinking weighs him down, wanting to be a cog in the machine. Curtis isn't afraid to use violence to fulfill a task, finding it necessary in certain situations. The only thing that matters to him is Atlantis.
Curtis was born to a family of miners, his family having been in the trade for generations. Curtis's only expectation for when he was growing up was that he would be in a mine, mining copper. His expectations never changed, even when tragedy struck. He never understood the dire situation that the planet was in. When he heard there was going to be a lottery to leave the planet, he thought it was all nonsense. Even more to his surprise was to be selected by that lottery.

He would have thrown away his chance to leave if it weren't for his parents, begging him to make a good life for himself. The only thing he respected and continues to respect is his family. Because of their feelings, Curtis took the opportunity to leave on a shuttle, to go to Atlantis. At this time, he thought that he had no purpose in life. He had spent most of his life thinking he was going to be a miner. Being suddenly uprooted took a toll on the direction of Curtis's life. Even when he arrived in Atlantis, he had no plans. That was until he had heard about the peacekeepers.

Curtis didn't enjoy being directionless and he found that direction with the peacekeepers. The peacekeepers honed him into a fine blade. His time with the peacekeepers turned him into a robot, doing everything at the behest of the government. He didn't mind doing the dirty work for the city, in fact, it's one of the things that kept him going at the end of the day. Serving this purpose made Curtis at peace, even though this peace came at a cost of his autonomy.

Most of his time spent with the peacekeepers was uneventful, except for one violent day. Criminals were a rarity in the city, especially violent ones. Curtis came into contact with a criminal with advanced weaponry, an energy rifle that he can not describe to this day. The rifle disintegrated his arm, leaving him in pain and unable to apprehend who was responsible. To his luck, Atlantis had the technology to get him a new arm, one that he could help him with his duties. With his new arm, Curtis continues to work for the peacekeepers, continuing to be that cog in the machine.
Curtis's main weapon of choice is a lance, one that was forged using advanced Atlantean techniques. It gives his lance a unique sharpness, making cutting through individuals effortless. He also carries an automatic pistol, in case he can't reach somebody with his lance. He rarely uses his gun, but he practices with it to ensure he doesn't miss.
None at the moment

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A Manager of Paradise
Irene Alison
27 (January 17, 2158)
5'11" (176 cm) | 163 lbs (74 kg)
A bright talent in a dim room
A demanding presence, a gaze cold as ice. A stubbornness rooted deep in high confidence. Her experience and achievement ground her attitude; a backing strong enough to nourish it.

Blonde hair flowing, a body well-exercised, and eyes that do not flinch.
Irene has a strong drive for success and an ambition to equal. She holds firm confidence in her capability and, as an extension, in presenting them. Pride and stubbornness, naturally, born from the high self-esteem.
Maria Alison, a medical researcher of Saturn Corporation, married Burton Ackoryd before separating two years later. It was not good for a political leader to look too close to the largest conglomerates on Earth. Irene Alison, their daughter, was destined to follow their grand footsteps. She finished high school-equivalent at the age of 15 and was on-track to finish her political science degree when her father pushed her into the rank and file of Saturn Corporation.

The job of a new administration employee in resource and logistic was tedious. Still, Irene was not deterred. Atlantis would be a new opportunity. She had with her three opportunities the others don't: wealth, connection, and time. She could wait.

The logistic team soon became accustomed to a young woman that always greeted them at the arrival of every new shipment. The supervisors, too, was satisfied. Her father's position as a shareholder was a known subject. Favoritism bred hostility, but Irene did not care. Resources were meant to be used. And in truth, the flaunting of her connections brought over an opportune chance.

One day came a man with the scent of blood. The man spoke of insurgents and a deal to be made. A chance to plate her achievement gold. So, she took it. For a ticket to the moon and a high-end weapon, Irene received accolades that clinched her promotion. There was, of course, an afterhour service for the darling that man of blood forced to the moon, but it was a small matter; a problem money could solve was no problem at all.

Irene settled as stability replaced the period of chaos; the moon shattering to Earth left an impact that required scapegoats and cleaned spots for new officers. Still, now sitting in the middle management, the room for promotion was narrow. Internal politic grew in importance and work less so. At the same time, her relationship with her father turned cold. Once at the moon, her half-brother appeared out of nowhere. Her father perhaps planned for them to work together, but Irene and her mother scoffed and turned the other way.

Losing her father support and fighting her half-brother eventually led to a change in Irene's post. She was moved from her position as the financial manager of Technology Sector to that of the Resource Sector. Not a downgrade on paper, but in terms of power and opportunity to advance, the Resource Sector was stillwater.

Still, Irene was not deterred. She no longer had her connection, but she still had her youth and wealth.

With time, she would get what she wanted.
Irene is a born civilian whose time is spent on administrative matters. She has minimal combat training and some familiarity with guns thanks to mandatory self-defense courses, but that is the limit of her combative prowess.
  • Hyposomnus Procedure: A minimally invasive implant targeted to managers of Saturn Corporation. It decreases the need for sleep to four hours a day and increases general cognitive functioning. High cost prevents its commercialization.

Burton Ackoryd - 51 - Father. A shareholder of Saturn Corporation. Has an unpleasant relationship with Irene due to internal family and office politic.
Axel Ackoryd - 35 - Half-brother. A senior project manager at the Technology Sector of Saturn Corporation.
Maria Alison - 54 - Mother. A medical researcher of Saturn Corporation. Currently working on a project to develop a dexterity-focused cybernetic enhancement.

Cole Morrow - 36 - Contact. A man with the scent of blood from Earth. His tip-off provides Irene an excellent stepstone in her career.
Angel Gauthier - 33 - Client. The darling of her contact. Irene provides Angel minimal support to fulfil her promise to Cole.
Curtis Merril - 31 - Acquaintance. A tester of Maria's combat cybernetic arm implant. They have a shallow relationship, but maybe it's time to call in the favor she gives him.

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Charleston Damien Wilks
"Call me Charleston again and we have a problem"
35 (October 1st, 2150)
Charlie Love
Cisgender Male
"Why you thinking about my bits?"
6'2" | 212 lbs.
6'6" in heels.
(of the Dunes)
Dark red locks that fall past his shoulders, with coppers eyes and a strong jaw. Well built with broad shoulders. He flip flops from looking like a debonair pirate, to a tempting 'jezebel'. Is know for extravagant outfits, incredibly ornate considering his surroundings. Devastatingly handsome out of drag(he knows), and jawdropingly stunning in drag(again, he knows).
Lover of most things grandiose, and always exuding a certain fabulousity that is hard to resist, Charlie is known for being an intensely zealous person. He is obsessed with restoring the beauty around him, and fervent on cherishing the beauty this new broken world holds.

Charlie's past isn't really worth talking about. Well, to him, at least. Who wants to hear another story of a queer kid not being welcomed by their blood? Not Charlie. Coming from a family of farmers, he didn't exactly fit into the mold his parents and brothers created for him. Ostracized and shamed for his love for things that were deemed feminime, Charlie knew he needed to be away from his family if he truly wanted to be happy. So, he did just that, running away right as he turned 18. Finding a way to make a honest living was not easy at first, and most folks didn't find fortune in their heart to give Charlie a shot. That was until Charlie met Old Man Stan.

Performing on an open street and panhandling for cash, Charlie was approached by Stan. Stan praised his voice, but shamed him for not dancing properly. Taken aback, Charlie asked what this old man could've possibly known about dance. That was when Stan made his offer. Work at his cabaret, The Last Drop, and apprentice under the many ladies who preformed on his stage. He told Charlie that he could bartend at first, and would have a place to stay on the upper floors of his establishment. If Charlie did well, who knew, maybe he could preform there as well? Charlie took this deal and never looked back.

Moving in with Stan, Charlie started to work feverishly for the cabaret. At nights he worked the bar, and during the days he practiced with the performers. Soon enough, at age 20, Charlie created his drag persona, Charlie Love, and started joining the ladies on stage.

At age 22, Charlie was headlining on the weekends for the cabaret, but used his weekdays differently, as Stan had some news. Stan was handing down his cabaret soon to retire, and he was handing it down to Charlie. So, with that, Charlie spent his time taking business classes and preparing for that very day. Getting his degree at 24, Charlie was handed the reigns and the deed to The Last Drop.

It was barely a year later that the moon broke apart, and everything went to utter chaos. Still, The Last Drop stood, and Charlie refused to leave it behind, and was even happy that he hadn't received a ticket to the moon. In fact, if he did, he would never had the chance to raise Penelope, as he would have given his ticket to her.

Penelope was found at the age of 5, roaming the dusted streets after the final launch to the moon. Left behind by her mother, and with nowhere to go, she was taken in by Charlie who refused to watch her suffer. From then on Charlie took on the role as provider and nurturer, hoping to give Penny a decent life, like Stan gave to him.
Brawler - "When you're this fabulous, people tend to find a problem."
Lives in the cabaret he owns, The Last Drop, which is fully equipped with artillery. Literal turrets are built in.
Carries a revolver - "Obviously I have a gun. It fits the aesthetic perfectly."
Equipped with knives - "Do you have your blade strapped to your thigh? A lady always comes prepared."
Penelope "Penny" Love - Adopted Daughter
Old Man Stan - Previous Owner of The Last Drop, currently deceased.

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Cyrus Metonia
Cyrus Metonia
31, Dec, 26th 2154
6'2 (188 cm) | 200 lb (82 kg)
Duty above all else, the greater good justifies all means
Dark hair and eyes with a bulky frame. Light scaring on his face, except large, faded gash that claimed one of his eyes. He is typically wearing his uniform.
The world he lives in has left no room for anything resembling light-hearted happiness or kindness. He does what he needs to do to survive, or to help Earth survive. He is often sarcastic, cold, stoic, and pessimistic (all side effects from living on Earth). He is calculating and strategic, and while he personally doesn't believe in half the crap he says he is willing to say what he needs to gain allies.
Cyrus was born to lead...or at least serve in Earth's government. From a young age he watched the government screw things up on earth and make everything move from bad to worse. He watched his parents, who served in Earth's military, fight time and time again for their pathetic government; giving everything for the dirt they lived on only to die face down in it. But worse than their government, the greedy tyrants that floated above the earth and enjoyed everything the Old Ones had built watched them and laughed. They had everything they ever wanted, living in paradise while the Earth slowly died. He watched, learned, and grew. At age fifteen he took up arms in the military and became an effective and fierce commander. For over ten years, Cyrus devastated the black market, protected settlements from Abysslings, and worked to strengthen the government's slipping grip on Earth.
Of course, ten years wasn't enough to time even come close to transforming the Earth's government into an effective unit. Cyrus was continually frustrated with lack of command chains, conflicting orders, and general chaos within the inner circles of the leaders. Despite the disfunction, Cyrus was able to make a noticeable difference in keeping Order within Earth settlements, though it taxed him greatly. On one of his Black Market raids his unit was attacked by a pack of Abysslings leading to a terrible loss of life and even his left eye. Shortly after this encounter Cyrus was "elected" into the government through a series of corrupt polls (he might have had a real chance to win them honestly, but at that point there was no reason to take chances).
He now serves the government as their General and is climbing steadily. He remains steadfast about keeping Earth strong, maintaining a hidden hatred for those in Atlantis. He believes Earth needs to unite under a powerful Government that will keep order and peace...and stand up to those who would take their last recourses.

Being a soldier, Cyrus is adept at hand-to-hand combat. He is also a talented strategist and can use almost any weapon.
Cyrus is armed with a shock absorbing armor and a plasma pistol, both extremely rare and valuable on earth. While they don't match up to Atlantis's most powerful weaponry, they are still very effective in keeping him alive.
He has a small assortment of other weapons, though most of them are all older and not as effective. His position in military and government have allowed him access to "newer" technology and weaponry.
He is a talented speaker, when he has to be. He might not have raw charisma, but he is a master political schemer.
Aside from his soldiers, who he protects like family, he has no real relationships to anyone. He tries his best to curry favor with his superiors so that he might take advantage of their patronage and advance through the government ranks faster. He has no living family.

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Burning Saint
Marion Szalay
29 (February, 06, 2152)
Rio, Vestal, Brother
5'10" (179cm) | 167 lb (76 kg)
The one you turn to in distress
His presence asks for attention, silence, and your complete and absolute faith. An air of tranquility follows him wherever he struts, filling the room with warmth and comfort.

He wears what one could consider typical priestly attire. Clothed in black with a silver cross around the neck, spots of white seen in the fur sprawled across his left shoulder or in his high collar. All of this is accentuated and completed with golden coloured seams and buttons.

With fitted glasses on his nose bridge, a glow in his amber eyes, and the raised corners of his lips indicating a gentle smile, he welcomes everyone to his sanctuary.
Seemingly untouched by the harshness and ruthlessness of the current world, Marion is filled with the love and kindness that many lack or have lost. Preaching the doctrines of his beliefs to everyone who is willing to listen, it is almost cruel how he is still able to speak of salvation in the face of the ongoing desperation. For that matter, he accepts anyone searching for a place to retreat or rest in his sanctuary as long as they uphold the peace he created there. Calmly, some would say detachedly, he listens to every plea and trouble that his community brings to him, giving them the comfort and guidance they need.

He is the standing pillar in the ruins, a shoulder to cry on, and the older family member for many. His followers look up to him, and he returns this admiration wholeheartedly without any doubt or uncertainty in his mind. If he could, that‘s it.

There is a seed inside of him. Having taken root long ago, it is spreading and sprouting uncontrollably, filling his head with thoughts more sinful than the last one. It keeps him up at night and troubled in daylight, especially because he doesn't know if he wants it gone.
To understand Marion's life, we first have to return to the starting point of his beliefs. The Concord of Voices, or as its followers called it; Concordia, was a cult created out of the eccentric and selfish pursuits of a few people. Long ago, before the world fell, they bought the grounds of an abandoned church, renovated it, and founded a new religion, Teraism, based on a completely new god called Lorelei. Calling themselves Prophets, they started preaching about this god catching the souls of the deceased in the form of birds before bringing them to Rhein, the paradise cloaked in gold and wine. Fooling the easily manipulated, they enriched themselves on their followers, keeping the lies up for years to come, which eventually ended up with Marion's parents falling for them, too.

His parents were fresh out of college, uncertain of their future, but oh, so dearly in love. Lured by promises of stability, safety, and a sense of community, they walked right into the open jaws of the beast. It didn't take long for them to birth Marion, although with some pushing by the Prophets, and for him to be officially indoctrinated into Concordia, as so many other children were before him.

Young and so malleable, his brain was filled with the propaganda of the cult. Ranging from learning how to spell and count based on symbols associated with Lorelei when he wasn't even two to knowing the doctrines by heart at five. He, like many others, believed wholeheartedly in the teachings and the promise of salvation.

Then the world ended.

There was chaos, and then there was nothing. Some of the members were able to leave after the initial catastrophe, using the cover of destruction to run; others were threatened to stay, most of the time with the help of family members; and others stayed voluntarily, believing that right now was the most important time for Concordia and their ultimate challenge before redemption could be reached. Marion and his parents belonged to the last category. But even with a belief stronger than the hardest steel, it didn't stop his parents from becoming one of the first victims of the Abysslings.

Alone and scared, having only turned fifteen recently and with no real other options, Marion stayed with the cult. His belief was unwavering, even with all the hardships surrounding him. It is hard to say if this was really because he truly believed in an otherworldly god or merely an attempt by him to keep the only other constant thing left in his life upright.

As a result of losing his parents, he now clung to the Prophets harder, even seeing one, next to being some sort of divine messenger, as a new father figure. That Prophet's name was Kayn. Surprisingly, Kayn returned these feelings, having always desired a family of his own, which was only prevented by the hoax that his friends and he created. Maybe, if nothing else changed, if Atlantis never started to rise and the tickets were never distributed, then Marion could've continued to live his merry life in his little bubble, waiting to be devoured by either man or creature to reach whatever paradise may exist out there. But this is a story of tragedy, so we continue.

Lucky little Marion won a ticket. He wasn't the only one, though; two others did too.

But the greed of the Prophets never stopped, and when dangling the key to the escape door in front of their noses, they were sure to snap. Immediately after the worldwide lottery was introduced and the tickets promptly delivered to the lucky winners, the Prophets declared this to be the Apple of Eden. A temptation of the devils to lure the believers of Lorelei away from their path to certain salvation, and to prevent any of them from falling for this trickery, they had to promptly confiscate those evil papers and safeguard them.

There was a small problem with this foolery, though. Next to Kayn, there were not two Prophets, but three, and they had no chances of finding another winner to trick them out of their promised survival. What now?

As every human being would do in this situation: They fought, and Kayn lost.

His friends departed shortly after, leaving Kayn alone to pick up the pieces of their departure and to soothe the minds of the confused members as to where the other Prophets disappeared to. But while the followers were able to consult Kayn about their problems and sorrows, he had no one to turn to. There was no god he could turn to like the others, no divine proxy to guide him, and no hope he could deprive from this wasteland of a world. So he broke, and the cult slowly with him.

Most members left, the sight of a lost and drunken man —their so-called last Prophetopening their eyes. Filled with the dish called starvation, they couldn't even muster an angry retort or a sense of disappointment. They left as quickly as their hope vanished.

Only Marion remained. Standing in the broken-down church, pieces of broken glass surrounding his feet, he looked down on the man he once called a god and father. The disappointment spreading through his veins was twofold. The early optimism and belief, even after the other Prophets left and he came to the slow realization that so did his chance of a normal life, faded and made way for emotions Marion had never felt before. There was sadness, misery, regret, and, most importantly, anger.

Nails digging into his skin, a heart beating faster and faster, and eyes glimmering with a blinding rage, he screamed. For questions, for answers, and for the thing he desired most, comfort. An empty beer bottle that missed his head by a mile and the sneer of a dying man were all he received. And so he returned this favor, blood blocking his view.

Standing over the now breathless body, the only thing glimmering in the shine of the last candles was the silver necklace all the Prophets wore. So Marion ripped it off his neck and made it his. The warm blood on his hands was a stark contrast to the cold iron.

He left the church and the body, his home and father, and turned his back on them—not to his belief, though. His mind too fragile to completely abandon all that made Marion him, he pushed the events to the back of his mind to continue clinging to the now-nameless god and religion in his head.

Traveling further, he reached a city, New Oasis, where he stumbled upon another deserted church. Candles melted to the ground, an altar plundered by robbers, and he stood there at the entrance, silent and still, before he closed the doors behind him and declared it his new home.

Slowly, he built up a reputation, restored the interior, and helped wanderers on their way. It didn't take long for others to build a community around that lost church—a safe haven in this desert of a life. At first, Marion didn't approve of it; flashbacks of the past haunted him whenever he saw those self-proclaimed followers. But then he saw the improvements this brought to the district and the smiles that started to creep unto their faces again; so he started to embrace it. Completely taking on the role of the one they could turn to, the silver cross on his neck was always a certain companion.

He dubbed the church The Eternal Kindling.
Marion has no special combat power or expertise to speak of; knowing how to handle a gun and knife are the boundaries of his knowledge.

He is much more familiar with diffusing situations or generally non-violent human-human interactions, though, and most of the citizens close to his church will support and protect him unconditionally.
Elena Olivia Clairmont - Acquaintances. Marion regularly sends her patients over that he's unable to help, while he receives the ones that need a roof over their heads. She voiced her clear disinterest in his religion, though, so he makes an effort to avoid mentioning it in her presence.

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Here Comes Trouble
Roberto 'Robin' Rodriguez
22 (May 22nd, 2163)
6'3" (191 cm) | 155 lb (70 kg)
Self-proclaimed 'Silverhearted Thief', also known as 'That Darn Pesky Kid'
With a sharp grin and a glint in his dark eyes, Robin carries himself with a certain roguish charm. At 6'3'', the young man carries his height with a peculiar mix of teenage awkwardness and cat-like dexterity. A product of his generation, his olive skin is mottled and sun-kissed from years spent out in the wilderness and covered in minor scars and bruises from various scraps and scrambles - so much at home in the sands and crowds that he can blend in despite his height. Unruly and unkempt, his dark hair reaches down to his shoulders, with rebellious strands frequently straying across his eyes - somehow his facial hair is kept just about in check, though it clearly lacks the refinement of a professional trim. His clothes are baggy and ill-fitting, scavenged from various adventures - the goggles on his hat, once clean, are so smudged that they've lost what practical utility they once had.

Robin has never been particularly self-conscious - hell, it's been so long since he last saw a mirror that he barely recognises his own reflection. If he had to critique himself... the nose is a bit on the large side, sure, and the ears too, and the eyebrows... but hey, genetics are as much of a lottery as the rest of life.

Picture source
Warm and easygoing, Robin is at once straightforward and charming. Earnest and warm, he wears his heart on his sleeve and bears his mind on his tongue, speaking with refreshing honesty and simplicity which makes him at once likable and approachable. Despite this, he's a firm believer in the mantra that a man is defined by his actions, not his words, and is lightning-quick in reacting to changes in circumstance. Whilst he lacks the thorough introspection to regularly rack his conscience, he's a fundamentally kind-hearted guy and is quick to go out of his way to right any would-be wrongs even at great personal inconvenience.

There's a certain pure-hearted integrity to him, and whilst he frequently betrays and screws over would-be allies and friends, he never does so maliciously. Rather, swindling is second nature to him, as instinctual and subconscious as drawing breath. So too is his resourcefulness, having fought for himself since he was a boy. He means no harm, but it's how he's always been - a fleeting shadow, outside of society and therefore unbound by its rules and trappings. Unchallenged independence and impulsive instinct are a dangerous combination, firing him from one danger to another, but he takes at all in his stride. Trouble is his companion, and he grins in the face of it. Doubt is an alien concept reserved for the blessed - survivor's instinct drives him ever forward, restlessly tackling whatever obstacle life throws at him.

Running is all he's ever known - running and not looking back. He's caught in an eternal game of cat-and-mouth, hooked on the adrenaline rush of the chase. Life's a lawless game and he'll take every shortcut available. It's the lot life dealt him, after all - so he tells himself. But unwittingly he's grown addicted to danger, and one of these days his luck will dry up. Then, perhaps faced with the fragile boy hidden dormant beneath the loveable rogue, he might finally realise what he's running from, and face up to where he's running to...
Born dirt-poor in the slums of a neon metropolis, Roberto had felt hungry for as long as he could remember. Begging by day and scavenging by night, being a cute child was an asset in making ends meet, guaranteeing enough sympathetic stray coin to keep he and his parents alive. The days were long, hot and uncaring, blending into one another. Even before the moon fell, he was well accustomed to the sight and stench of the deceased pauper. He'd helped bury his fair share of bodies. And when the slums were decimated by the fallen debris of the moon and his parents crushed, he couldn't afford to linger and cry. His belly wasn't going to fill itself. In time, even the warmth of their smiles had faded from memory.

Whilst the world around him was in a state of chaos and upheaval, it was business as usual. Maybe it was a cruel childhood, but he didn't have the luxury to sit and moan about it. Soon, passersby were too busy worrying about themselves to spare even a wide-eyed orphan like him more than a second-glance. Begging and scavenging soon evolved into pick-pocketing and thievery. The spread of disorder saw him move closer into the heart of the city, seeking out greater targets among the remaining elite. He learnt to fade into the crowd, watching how they spoke, walking in their footsteps. The growing unrest of the world only served to broaden his playing field. His escapades grew more dangerous, scrambling across skyscraper roofs, squeezing through open windows, hiding in cupboards, pilfering pockets in broad daylight.

Until one day, he pushed his luck too far. In the dead of night, his escape from a high-rise apartment was halted when he came face to face with a girl around his age. The pair found themselves at an impasse, she too scared to turn him in and he too scared to kill her. Fear quickly turned to fascination, and fascination to friendship. He seemed so unreal to her, like a character climbed straight out of one of her storybooks, as comfortable with a knife as she was with a pen, so scruffy and yet so kind, somehow so much more alive than her father's frosty formality. On the other hand, to him she was positively exotic, full of alien concepts like jobs and breakfast and pajamas (clothes just for sleeping, was she for real??) Under the midnight glow of her bedside lamp, she'd smuggle him food in exchange for hearing his latest tall tales, never sure where fact blurred into fiction; he insisted in turn that she read her stories to him, and eventually demanded to be taught how to read like her. When she vented to him about how her father's esteemed colleagues had been rude to her at supper, he made it his mission to steal from them next. She offered him refuge like he'd never had before, and he offered her a way out of the cage of her cold upbringing.

In essence, they were too young to know that they had fallen in love.

As they grew, their unlikely friendship remained a miraculous secret. She began to chastise him for his recklessness, though she knew he'd never stop. She read stories to him from the old world, including his favourite, the tale of a kind-hearted thief called Robin Hood who robbed from cruel tyrants and cared for those in need. He started calling himself Robin and made it his mission to emulate his deeds. Soon she started telling her own stories, going off script to give Robin all sorts of amazing adventures, and he hadn't the heart to let her know he'd learnt to read well enough to know she was making them up.

She told him true stories too, government secrets that trickled down to her through her father's dinner time grumblings. The planet is doomed, she'd been told, and the future was to be found in Atlantis. As high-ranking officials with important roles to play in the new world, she and her family were guaranteed tickets for the trip to the new world. But as far as the wider world were concerned, he didn't exist - too poor to matter, now a ghost on the edge of society. And a ghost wouldn't receive a ticket. She cried to herself, cursing the cruelty of it all. After all he'd been through, it was he who deserved a second chance in a bright future, not her. But he had none of it. She tried to give him her ticket over and over again, but he could not be persuaded - what would a scruff like him do in such a perfect, new world? They argued several times, but deep down they knew he was right and eventually they consigned themselves to their inevitable futures.

Then came the great migration, and there he remained behind.

He never doubted his decision. Life among the lawless remains suited him to a tee. Whilst others struggled to adjust to the ever-increasing anarchy, Robin thrived. Teenage years only helped perfect his talents and taught him new skills in firearms and deception. And still he never forgot her. He remembered her when fighting other outlaws and swore never to stoop to murder. He remembered her when the glimmer of the half-moon illuminated the sky and showed compassion on those struggling to survive. And he remembered the oath they swore before they parted - 'We will meet again.'

Still, time has not been kind to Robin. Resourcefulness can only get you so far when resources are dwindling as much as they are. He'd been pushed to the limits of his moral compass, turning his back on several companions and leaving several enemies in his wake, not to mention the ever-increasing threat of monsters from the abyss. For a time he found himself employed as assistant (aka: guinea pig) for a certain eccentric wasteland inventor before giving up and running away, experimental tech in tow. To the best of his ability, he kept his reputation quiet and his profile low. Despite everything, it was simply becoming harder to survive. He needed something big. And there was one place where he was guarenteed to find it.

New Oasis.
Having lived on the streets his whole life, Robin feels at home with a knife in his hand and a revolver on his hilt. Strong survival instincts and fast reflexes make him adept at making the most of any combat situation, though his self-imposed restriction of avoiding major harm to his opponent can be exploited against him.

He currently owns a pair of knives and an old-world pistol with a small amount of ammo remaining. He also managed to steal a number of experimental gadgets from a certain mad scientist, and whilst most of these have broken over time, one remains just about intact - a jetpack powered by a potentiality crystal. This was once his primary means of transport across the wastelands and he's grown expert at maneuvering it, although time and wear has made it unreliable.
Eve Stern, 21 - Daughter of Archimedes Stern, one of the highest ranked officers in Atlantian Law Governance, and Maria Stern, a high-ranked astrophysicist. She's the reason why he took the name Robin and they shared a close childhood bond, despite the strain of keeping his existence hidden. She has kept their friendship a secret to this day.

Dr Magnus Westling, 55 - an eccentric inventor hellbent on hunting down Robin and having his revenge for the young thief stealing most of his prized inventions. A true oddball whose extended exploration of the Abyss has forced him to replace most of his limbs with often faulty home-made prosthetics.

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Preselected Winner
Eve Stern
21 (February 15th, 2164)
5'2" | 128 lb (81.65 kg)
Hard Worker, Uptight, Validation Seeker
Short of stature, round of face, Eve Stern is a human built for fortitude, not for charm. Embodied with all the anger of a both a teenage girl and a military officer 3 times her age, Eve's gaze can shake even the sternest of peacekeepers if they get in her way (And with her Father's position, it may not be worth taking the chance). Her skin is unreasonably tanned, a contrast to the little time she spends in sunlight, artificial or otherwise. She is a natural blonde, with messy short hair that is out of the way of her work, but easy to tame when required for an emergency appearance by her father's side. She also bears a Lictenberg figure across her cheek, though it has faded with age, a grim reminder of being too eager to prove her place. Eve's outfit is the ugly rubberized onesie of an engineer, scarred with hard earned marks of long hours and difficult work. But it hides the resemblance to her parents well, and lets her walk without recognition.
Riddled with guilt but detirmined to do something about it, Eve's number one goal is to prove that she is a benefit to Atlantis, and is worthy of being saved. Detirimined to rise past her privilliged and nepotism-tainted upbringing, Eve is focused and intelligent, though can't quite shake the stern and business-like conversation of her upbringing. Her manner of speaking and acting betrays her childhood in a household where a wrong move could spell political downfall or heavy repercussions, Eve is cautious not to set a foot out of line if she can help it. Despite what may seem like an unyiedling and miltaristic exterior, she is capable of jokes, though they are often dry and a little too much ice breaker to be truly funny.

Above all, she wants to forget how she got the chance to reach Atlantis, and only prove she is worthy of it.
Daughter of one of Earth's foremost military leaders and a high ranking astrophysicist, Eve Stern's life on Earth was one of comfort and pride, often shown off at her parent's events and loved very much by her family. As her parents went from strength to strength, she was lucky enough to be carried on the wake of their successes, earning grander housing and greater rewards that she had achieved through pure luck. She became a piece of her parent's work as much as a strategy or theorem, the sweet little prodigy who would be another arrow in the powerhouse that was her family. She enjoyed the rewards of a station she barely realised existed.

As she aged, her close proximity to her parents work led to some of it rubbing off on her. Mathematics and Science came easy to her, orbital maneuver equations dancing in her dreams alongside Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan. A consequence of this was an attitude beyond her years, and even her parent's peers treated her with a level of respect one would reserve for an adult of equal position, not a child. Looking back, this could've been sarcasm, but Eve's memories are too spotty to be certain of if they were just humoring the attitude of an 8 year old. Under the surface, she was quietly aware of the changing state of the world. An event like the moon falling was hard to ignore, though easy to move on from when you lived so far away from it's repercussions.

It wasn't until she caught a young boy red handed in her home, trying to escape with an armful of jewellry and fruit that she learnt of life outside of her silver spoon. She didn't even know what to do with him, much less turn him in to the authorities. But he was new, and different, and that was exciting! He was straight out of her adventures, and felt so unbeleiveably different to everything and anything she had ever known or heard that it was impossibly for her to let him go. She had lived a life of routine and neat order, and while she bore no hatred of it, hearing of the sheer freedom that her new friend possessed was frankly the most exciting story she'd ever heard(taking things from people's pockets, how did they not notice??). Over time, transactions were shared. Food for stories, stories for skills, teaching for languages, and she quickly couldn't imagine an existence without him, her secret friend. And it helped that he was her little secret weapon against her father's less likeable colleagues.

She was eventually the one, maybe in a romanticized version of who he actual was, began to see him as the daring thief who looked after the poor and needy. A child's fantasy of course, but she tried to make up her own stories to go along with his legacy of petty crime. And he seemed to take to it, so what was the harm? He was also someone to talk to about the things she shouldn't know. With the world becoming more unstable and her time away from the 4 walls of her high-rise home becoming ever smaller, she became privy to more secrets that a little girl really had no business knowing. Earth was finish, and Atlantis was the next step in safety. With her parent's value to the new world apparent, she was already guaranteed to be leaving on a trip to the stars, sooner rather than later. Trying to do anything to help her friend, asking her parents how someone could just get a ticket, offering to give him her own, anything that would let her have more of a life, continuing doing more good than she ever had. Ultimatly she was resigned reluctantly to his choice. She left him on the dying world, with all the stories and food and safety that her home still offerred.

In the earliest days of Atlantis, Eve remained an anomaly. There weren't many families on Atlantis that hadn't been cobbled together from unlucky children and unlucky parents, forced to get to know a new status quo. But Eve remained with her birth-parents, and even without any knowledge of her position, it wasn't hard to guess there was something more than luck involved. What other children aboard that had acquired a place through connections rather than lottery were exactly what she feared she was becoming. Self-obsessed, vain, irresponsible. Were it not for Robin and understanding the fight to survive many faced, Eve would've likely ended up the same way. Over time, Eve put herself to use within Atlantis' engineering sector, asissting in the maintenance and upkeep of the city, at her most comfortable with a problem to solve, and also away from the offices and laboratories of her parents. Being privy to secrets she shouldn't helps as well, and gives her a certain advantage in her field. The engineers nicknamed her "Sparkplug" a testament to both her career choice and attitude. She isn't aware of what the labyrinth, or the potentiality crystal at it's center is, but she is aware of it's existence. She was smart enough and had enough connections to realise that the source of power lies within the labyrinth, and isn't the Helium-3 that they were previously told.
Eve is a gifted engineer, but beyond that, her combat training in real scenarios is somewhat sparse. She has received "hostage training" from her parents in case the worst ever came to pass, and is trained with firearms and hand to hand combat, though has little reason to practice it. She possesses a pistol, but more often than not it stays at home gathering dust.
  • Utiliarm - An invasive but common implant among engineers, Eve's right arm is a an interchangeable toolset, with different attachments available depending on the kind of job she is tasked with. Combat cybernetics were a relativley new endeavour, but utility tools have been around for a few years already. Eve possess a Unitether, a sturdy short wire with a magnetic end, used to avoid floating away from what you're working on in zero gravity environments. The wire can carry an electrical charge to jumpstart equipment or stun an assailant, though it's not designed for the latter.

Robin Redriguez - Her childhood secret and best friend, she has kept hidden from anyone and everyone else. Robin often crosses her mind, and she wonders what he would be doing in the moment, if he is even still alive.

Archimedes and Maria Stern - Despite her reservations about her place in Atlantis, Eve loves her parents very much, and they her. She never told them her feelings about being in the city unfairly, as she felt it served no benefit. They are proud of her goal to be useful to the city, and see her escape from their lifestyle as purely her way of doing her part in the city. THey would've been happy if she worked the entertainment district though. She could do no wrong in their eyes.

Whtiney Choi - Whitney and Eve have crossed paths a few times, mostly to talk about when theory and practicality don't quite add up, and changes need to be made to designs in order for them to work properly.


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