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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides


Yarne Dragomir

Scene: Acid Reign
Location: West District
Participants: X LazyDaze LazyDaze
Babarutthoth Vorifengrous Vorifengrous
Time: Post-Arc 3, July 15th (Evening)

Yarne soon saw their destination in sight. A simple apartment complex, at least that’s what the outside showed. For a civilian it seemed like a fairly decent place to live….but to a Tiger like Yarne? It was basically in ruins. He stood at the front door taking a moment to look up at the building before rolling his eyes. “Ugh….It always the hole in the walls…why can’t I steal from someone with actual money…?” He grumbled, a bit of disgust in his voice before heading inside, rather reluctantly.

Yarne roamed down the various hallways lightly like a pathogen flowing down a street. He hummed a soft tune to himself as his eyes traveled between each door they passed, searching for his target. This was his favorite part of his job. The search. The hunt. He wondered if their target knew they were coming? Were they just nervous with anticipation, ready to crack at the first sign of trouble? Or were they blissfully unaware that their world was about to come crashing down? His eyes widened slightly as he suddenly stopped walking. “Ah…here we are~”

The man decided to take this moment to adjust his suit and dust it off so he looked presentable, after all what would he be without his vanity~? Once that was done his lifted his hand up and gave the door a couple of solid knocks. “Let’s see what kind of game we’ll be playing today.”
Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha nodded when Yona mentioned how rough the police situation was, with her being the daughter of two military generals it really didn't take a genius to understand how bad it was to be encircled by enemies. Not exactly a situation that anyone would envy themselves to be it, but she supposed the Central Police Department has been able to handle themselves enough. Though as Yona grabbed her takoyaki, they soon returned back towards the table area, where Welsha ended up taking a seat across from Yona along with sliding her laptop case next to her, before placing her bag and coffee down onto the table. Welsha had opted to partake first in one of her pastries, taking a bite out of it before letting a smile crease her face as she savored the sweet flavor. Though it wasn't long before Yona asked her next question set of questions, at first they seemed pretty standard but when she mentioned that she figured that she was part of one, Welshas eyes widened a bit but she remained calm and collected for the most part.

Welsha swallowed the rest of her pastry down, before saying "Welllll I suppose I do know a few Tigers, but I mostly just do Secretary work and errands for them." Welsha wasn't really all for 100% confirming themselves as a Tiger, but after a moment she then looked around the to see if anyone was paying attention to what they were saying, before adding "Not really fond of most of the other gangs to be honest, especially the Dragons and their ideological beliefs, I mean if they really cared about bringing order they should of just joined the Department." her words hinted a bit of annoyance in her voice. "But it is what it is, best you can do is adapt to the system that is in place, and maybe use it if you really want to" Or figure out a way to change it, but Welsha opted not to say that part out loud. She wasn't planning to test the boundaries of what she could say without some wandering ear opting to tell others about what she is talking about. Though when Yona eventually beckoned her to take a try of her takoyaki, Welsha decided to offer to make it a trade between her Takoyaki and her pastry, figuring that she wouldn't want to take anything from her without her getting something in return especially after she helped protect her laptop from earlier.
Yona Kowloong
Pre-Outbreak: June 21, 2022
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong, Welsha Reaper Peckinou Peckinou
What's the Tea
Yona picked up on some information that she'll have to keep in mind. It would seem that Welsha didn't have a very positive very about the gangs, especially the Dragons. It isn't what she thought, she thought everyone hated the serpents. What with all the stuff she heard about them in the East District, she thought it was the same everywhere else. In fact, no. Of course, Welsha is just an individual and not the entirety of the west. But to her, it was information she'll hang on to. She considers her a friend but what about down the line when she reveals to her that she's a Dragon? Looks like she'll just have to break it to her someway or another. Just not today, Welsha right now is too valuable a friend for her in this city.

After the two scarfed down their snacks and downed their drinks, it was about time to go. Yona was the first to stand and stretch a little, a few faintly audible cracks were heard from her person. It's been awhile since she's put her body under the hands of a masseuse. She wondered if there was some good massage parlors back in the East District? She wouldn't even be surprised if they had a more secret menu of services which we all probably know what it would be considering the East's general culture. "Ah... That was a good meal. Your pastry was amazing. I should order it myself the next time I come over." She said, carelessly saying 'come over' which had the possible implication that she wasn't from this district. But it could mean other implications as well. "Oh, right. You said were here for college. What are you studying?" She asked curiously. She didn't attend college herself, maybe only a few years after graduation and dropped after figuring out that it might not be for her. Besides, she can think up a couple of business opportunities that could give her a steady income.

Elias Yumin
Outbreak End
July 13th
Eternal Night Palace, East District
Elias, Meirin
Outbreak End

Satins and silks lined the walls of a surprisingly normal waiting room; Bold colors to contrast the minimalistic decor that was prevalent in most Eastern designs and the wooden, lacquered furniture arranged in a way to preserve harmony and balance. Peace and serenity.

Seated in a cushioned seat, sipping the tea provided to him by the attendant while he waited for the property owner to be notified of his presence, Elias couldn’t help but feel the lull of tranquility–a lull that was disturbed as soon as the person he’d come to see entered the room.

“Sorry for the wait!” Meirin opened the door with a bang, each step chiming due to anklets she wore. “Who knew one dress could kick up such a fuss?”

Despite the fact that she'd been beneath the earth, in Lower Central, fighting chimeras, Elias saw no visible signs of injuries on Meirin's bare skin . So he concluded that the HP either had some form of naturally enhanced recuperative abilities or someone had healed her…the latter being more likely, since he couldn't ever recall his ex girlfriend having such abilities.

Then again, many things about the homo potentialis have yet to be uncovered and Elias had seen, through his own eyes, that evolution of potential was possible through effort. Or stress. Or both.

“Why are you dressed like a dancer?”

“Why can't I be dressed like dancer?”
Meirin's eyes narrowed as slid into the seat opposite to his, as if daring him to comment on her wardrobe choice. There was a time in Elias’s memory when the girl called Meirin–the 14-year-old who trained with monks–would've shied away from his roaming eyes, when the very thought of wearing indecent clothing would’ve turned her beet red from embarrassment, but that girl no longer seemed to exist in the woman before him. She’d grown. Become a gangster. She didn’t owe him any explanation, so he was surprised when she let out a sigh. “The girls and I were trying out some of the newly ordered outfits when Long informed us that you’d come to see me. I didn’t feel the need to change.” Straightforward and without a hint of shame. “So? What do you want?”

“I’d like to hear your account of the events that occurred in Lower Central yesterday,”

“The events that you and Lu played no part in helping?”

“You wound me, Mei.”
Elias set his teacup down, bringing his hand to his chest in mock pain. “It couldn’t be helped that there was electrical interference preventing us from contacting you. By the time we’d located the interference and convinced her to stop fighting in the general area, you and your friends had already been teleported thousands of feet under the earth; Practically disappeared. We had to hijack a different set of waves just to communicate with you.”

“You what?”
Meirin tilted her head confusedly, but then shook her head. “Nevermind. Doesn’t matter. If you hadn’t notified me about the police surrounding the place, I doubt we would’ve been able to escape the chaos as quickly as we did, so I’ll admit I owe you that much at least.” Meirin slumped in her seat. “Seriously, the cops are so useless. They only show up at the last minute and only do the cleanup.”

“Cleanup is an important task.”
Elias brought the teacup back to his lips. Chimeras captured. Victims rescued. “I’m more impressed by their timing.”

How had the police found the location of the ritual site so fast? Not to mention the speed in which they mobilized their forces and the organization they displayed. It was their impeccable timing that led Elias to suspect that law enforcement had more information than they let on.

Or, at least, a certain sector of law enforcement.

“Whatever,” Meirin rolled her eyes before folding her arms over her chest. “There’s not much to say ‘bout my account. We–my Dragon friends and I–were fighting chimeras, then soldiers, when Lawson betrayed us and some power-hungry freak kidnapped us to use in some ritual. We fought back.”

Meirin had never been good at explaining herself and Elias, having dated her for 2 years, knew that better than most. It was one of the reasons she had few friends in her high school years–that and her strongly opinionated sense of justice. But, it was for that same reason, that Elias felt comfortable asking his next question. “May I view your memories?”

“Fine.” Meirin held her palm forward after a pause. “But if you try anything funny, you’re not getting out of here alive.”

Elias nodded, taking her hand. Even before Meirin had joined their ranks, he’d been aware of the dangerous sort of place Eternal Night Palace was. Behind the glitter and serene sex appeal, was an operation owned and operated by the Azure Dragons. Each worker, whether staff or courtesan, was likely trained to defend themselves and Elias hadn’t failed to notice the hidden dagger the attendant carried even as he brought out tea. Fortunately, they had no reason to poison him.

As Elias dove into Meirin’s memories, seeing the events of yesterday from her eyes, he pondered its significance. “Hm…”

“Is that all you have to say?”

“Anton Velling Bower.”
Elias revealed. “That’s the name of the Steward that tried to sacrifice you…at least, according to the memory of a different Steward who’d known him.”

“They’re part of the same group that attacked you beneath the mine, right? Sacrificing NPs. Sacrificing HPs. I don’t get it. Why are they doing this?

“Their individual reasons all seem to differ, ranging from saving the city to claiming the deity’s power for themselves, but it all revolves around reviving their sleeping god. I assumed you’d know more about it given the story you’d told us. You’re the religious one, after all.”

Meirin snorted. “My story was about a savior not a demon. All this sacrificing shit sounds like deviltry to me.”

“Was there anything in those stories about how to wake the sleeping god?”

“Er, no?”
Meirin brought a finger to her chin in thought. “The only thing I can think of is the part at the end of the scripture that says something along the lines of ‘the god of potentiality will awaken on the day when his four beasts gather, when the world needs him most.’ If you want to know more about it, I suggest you visit Wuyang temple. They’d give you the entire picture-book story. I stepped off the enlightened path when I decided to join the Azure Dragon gang and am more interested in what the heck was going on with the Chimeras in Lower Central.”

It seemed to Meirin like something the Sable Serpents would do, given their numerous labs and research into potentiality, but the Serpent King had been the one to stop the chimeras and the Serpent Ace the one that killed Anton.

Elias drummed his fingers. “Anton likely used the power of that red jewel to create the chimeras.”

“How can you tell?”

“It’s just a hunch, one that Zach could explain better, but seeing as Locke is ‘resting his eyes’ at the moment, I suppose I’ll do the work. You know how his potential works, don’t you?”

“Lu has good eyes,”

“Yes, but that’s not all there is to it. He’s able to differentiate HPs and NPs by the aura he sees. Let’s just call that aura Potentialis Energy, not to be confused with Potential Energy which is–,”

“I don’t need the science lesson. Just get to the point.”

“The chimeras seen in Lower Central gave off a distorted Potentialis Energy, same as the jewel. If we assume the jewel was the source of the Potentialis Energy, and used to confer potential to NPs living in Lower Central, everything fits…but, the fact Deacon's potential seemed to cut off their connection to the jewel suggests that there’s more to it than that. Pathogenic substances? Contaminants? It’s hard to say exactly what Bower did to create the outbreak without looking through his notes…”

Meirin sighed. “Well, whichever the case, he’s dead and the rock is broken. Good riddance too. Something like that’d only cause chaos in the world.”

“I don’t know about that,”
Elias postulated. “If the jewel had such tremendous power, enough to give potentials to so many NPs, the reverse should’ve been possible as well… ” He could practically see the gears of his ex-girlfriend’s brain churning. Had Elias been present, he wouldn’t have advocated the destruction of jewel. Study it, maybe; One didn’t blame the tool for the actions of the user and, if someone like Bower could use the jewel to control chimeras, it wasn’t far-reaching to think someone like Kanna or Meirin could’ve used it to control the horde. To retract the potentials given to NPs.

However, Elias hadn’t been present. Nor could he be certain of the jewel’s capabilities. At the end of the day, it hadn’t been neck on the line yesterday, and there was little use in dwelling on what-ifs. Between them, Meirin had always been the more decisive one. “...But who knows what sort of powers the Phoenix Eye might’ve held? What’s done is done. Good job staying alive.”


“Oh, and before I forget,”
Reaching into the inside pocket of his coat, Elias pulled out a letter, placing it on the table between them. “This is for you.”

“An invitation to…”
Meirin scrutinized the letter, flipping open the envelope and quickly reading “...my class’s high school reunion? Why do you have this?”

“None of your old classmates knew how to contact you, but they remembered we used to date,”
Elias shrugged. He wasn’t the sort to burn bridges. “...and I couldn’t turn down the earnest request from a Student Council junior. I’ll only be providing the venue.” He was fairly sure they only contacted him because they knew he was loaded anyway. “The majority of the get-together will be organized by your old friends.”

“They weren’t my friends,”

“Is that so?”
Elias stood to leave. “Well, it’s up to you whether you’d like to attend or not. I’m only the messenger…but I do think it’s a good idea to catch up and get a glimpse of what your old classmates have been up to. Who knows? It might inspire your own steps forward.”

“...I’ll think about it.”

Exiting the gates of Eternal Night Palace, the heir of Yumin Entertainment considered his next steps. Since he was already in the East District, Wuyang temple seemed a plausible destination…but he was fairly certain that Feng Wuyang, Meirin’s childhood friend, didn’t like him very much. Was there really even a point in putting the pieces of the puzzle together?
Perhaps Meirin had the better idea. Leave it. Some mysteries weren’t meant to be solved and the chaos in the city, from the earthquake to the outbreak, was caused by people messing with powers that shouldn’t have been messed with.

Despite his inner turmoil, Elias was glad to see that the girl who’d fascinated him all those years ago hadn’t changed too much. Outwardly maybe. Living in a brothel, adopted by an Azure Dragon, and joining the gang had certainly changed her outlook on life. Tempered her. However, based on the memory he’d seen, the speech she’d given the Dragon Jack, and her willingness to stand her ground against a horde of chimeras, Meirin was still as opinionated as ever. An irksome sense of justice that made her as many enemies as it did friends.
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Boltius "BLITZ" Beckman
Honesty, Open Heart
Post-Arc 3 — June 9th, 2022; Late
For Vacancy Bar, East District
Boltius, Dyne
Boltius didn’t know how to feel, other than knowing he felt like shit and the muscle relaxers that Shady prescribed him were doing little to help, but apart from that. He didn’t know how to feel about her.

Behind the wheel of the piece-of-shit SUV his dad had gifted him at fifteen years, Boltius crossed the South-East bridge into the East District. His phone played music from the cupholder, as there was no aux port to link up, and wind hissed through the slightest of a crack in the passenger window, for it wouldn’t roll all the way up by a bend in the frame.

He bit his lip, one hand on the wheel, the other in a sling. At night like this, one couldn’t tell the districts too far apart. Everything was dark and dappled with city light, a commonality between the five territories. A closer look, however, told him he was definitely where he’d rather not have been. The only thing that made him feel better was that Hector knew where he’d be tonight; though, Boltius had taken care not to fill the Queen in on every little detail.

“Thought I should let you know I’ll be takin’ a trip into East this comin’ Thursday… Gotta chick I’mma look into. She helped us out durin’ the raid but something tells me there’s more to her bein’ there when she was.”

He was roughly ten minutes into the district when he decided to pull up the GPS location Dyne had dropped him on his phone, and the rest of the way to this For Vacancy Bar carried on in silence, save for the occasional robotic voice telling him where to go. For the most of it, he’d been zoned out. It was the final: “You have arrived at your destination,” that brought him back to reality in time to slam on the brakes right out front of the fancy little bar.

There, crooked, he put the replacement cheapjack SUV in park, giving hardly a shit about the portion of the road he hampered, and he made for the entrance with all the readiness of a bull to charge. A part of him expected an ambush, so he opened the door to the bar with a hot fist. As it swung wide, revealing the property’s interior, his citrus glare found Dyne and…

It was just her.

Well, there was another guy, but Boltius dismissed him the instant he saw and was reminded of Dyne’s beauty.

Pursing his lips, Bolt suddenly rubbed the nape of his neck and averted his gaze. “...Uh… Yo…” was all he managed, at first, being somewhat overwhelmed by the calmness of the situation. Had he been hoping for a fight? Boltius grappled with his thoughts for a long breath before correcting his approach, at which point the deep furrowing of his eyebrows returned, and he decided to get down to business.

“What were you doing at the precinct the other day?”

He had reason to believe Dyne was a cop… but there was more reason to believe she wasn’t. After all, she did help the Phoenixes by getting the injured rookie to safety.

In this city, one could never be too sure about anything.
— —POST RECAP: Boltius busts into For Vacancy Bar and starts asking questions.


— —TATTOO: (Click Here)

— —WEARING: Black tank top and basketball shorts; Also wearing his regular bling

(Interacting w/ Dyne)
(Mentioned Hector)

Damafaud Damafaud
Dyne Enjyre
Post-Arc 3 — June 9th, 2022; Late
Honesty, Open Heart
For Vacancy Bar, East District
Dyne, Bolt
Honesty, Open Heart
The burglar bell rang as harsh as the fire in the guest's eyes; fire that swiftly demured at the serene scene he intruded. Dyne raised an eyebrow and couldn't help her lips doing the same. Had she been expected to arrange a different type of welcome? Faris had enough poise and character to kept a calm surface, but she did not.

"Hello, Darling."
Dyne cupped a hand against her smile as giggles inflected her tone. His washed her concern ashore. He might be a Phoenix, but he was still the hothead with too much heart to burn mercilessly. "Drink is on the house tonight. Faris can also make you something non alcoholic if that worries you."

Faris, playing bartender, gave Bolt a short nod before he returned to his job of looking busy. Dyne removed her jacket from the seat next to her; an invitation to sit.

Still, whether Bolt took the offer or not, she shrugged as she folded the grey jacket in half. "I was shopping in the area when your attack happened. It's not every day you can see the inside of the police headquarter, no? It was an awful decision, really. I was wearing heels and white."

"And I had just wore that pair once." Dyne slumped and her eyes dimmed. "And of course flying out like so draw attention from people all over. I had to hide out in fear of the police came knocking on the door, day after day spent in worry of the end of peace as it is..."

Lower and lower, Dyne hunched on the counter until her temple rested on the surface. Then, she bounced back and rolled her shoulders. "But really, nothing of sort happened. No one would suspect a Dragon in a Phoenix' invasion, after all-"

She bit her lips. Did she just say that aloud? She did. It was Dyne's turn to rub her nape and averted her gaze. What a mistake. She had planned to breach the topic more subtly. Anything but this way.

"...I'm still a Rookie, if that worries you."

— —POST RECAP: Dyne tries to answer and lighten up the mood and accidentally drops a bombshell.

— —WEARING: white dress shirt, blue jeans, flats; soft glam makeup

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
Anger Management
Daytime, Pre-Arc 1, August 1st 2019
South District
Charlie, Daigo
Anger Management
Charlie's hand, previously outstretched for the young man, recoiled in reaction to the backlash, the two youngsters being absolute worlds apart, the cerulean haired boy was incapable of understand why he would get such a venomous reaction from an act of kindness.

It was only natural for people to be helpful to each other...right?

His short moment of hesitation proved to be a fatal flaw, a clear sign of Charlie's nearly-null experience in combat. He was yanked away by an appendage that sneakily wrapped around his wrist, knocking his balance off. A fist to the face, followed by a kick to the back, the young man was helpless against the coordinated assault against him. It was painful, it was violent, it was just like how he observed the group gang up on the poor child just moments ago.

Why would they be so cruel? Why do people enjoy commiting such acts? For a sheltered soul with an upbringing of silver platters, this world of bellicism confused him and scared him. How could anyone ever want to be part of it?

But then, something clicked within. The phylosopher and pacifist took a step down, shades of amaranth taking center place in his mindspace. His heart beat faster as his brain re-coded itself, priorities shifted, and fear was put at the backseat.

Planting his foot firmly on the floor, Charlie stopped his fall, his long locks throwing themselved forward, obscuring his visage. The criminals spared but a second before continuing his assault, tongue wrapping the man's arm once more, however, his mouthed-agape face stared quizzically, as his efforts to yank him again proving fruitless. Charlie firmly gripped on the tongue with his free arm, resisting the urge to squirm at the touch of the slimy surface.

The kicker went for another go, aiming to interrupt whatever the boy had in mind. The attack landed cleanly, his foreleg striking against the boy's lower back. But Charlie remained steadfast nonetheless, pulling on the tongue with a forceful tug, lifting him off his feet. He flew across the alleyway, landing against the opposite building, a cry of pain echoing as bricks cracked against his back.

With both of his arms free anew, Charlie shifted his attention to the attacker behind him. The two of them exchanged blows, the latter might have been physically weaker, but his superior combat experience was clear as day, an unexpected kick sending the boy back a few feet.

"Run away, kid!" He shouted right before a new combatant jumped behind him, climbing atop his shoulders and pressing a pipe against his neck. Charlie grit his teeth as his fingers wrapped around the metal bar, twisting his body left and right until he finally pushed them man away, only to be met with another haymaker from a fourth attacker. "I'll be fine, just go!" He responded while kicking the new opponent.

Both his and the child's life were in danger, even if all of his reason shouted at him to run away, the thought of leaving the boy for dead was something he could never forgive himself over.

joshuadim joshuadim
jericho s. madden
life after
hospital, central district
post arc 3
tatsuo, jericho
Life After
Jericho got more than a few strange looks as he ran through the hospital, followed by yelling from surprised nurses and doctors as they tried to stop him. He disregarded all of them as he skidded to a halt outside one of the patient rooms. Looking at the number he had written on his hand, he double-checked that it was the right room before knocking on the door, carefully peeking inside when someone gave him the okay to enter.

The first thing Rico saw was Kairi fast asleep on the bed and he wasted no time in rushing to her side, gently taking one of her hands as he sat on one of the chairs at her bedside. He didn't talk for a while, just staring at his friend and wondering what he could have done to prevent this. Eventually, Jericho looked over at the stranger who stood at the foot of Kairi's bed, eyes narrowed, “Who are you? Do you know what happened?"

AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
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Little Red
Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth
The Roost, South District
June 20, 2022
Pei, Helva, Charlie, Corvo, Eleanore
Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth
The silence that met her dug daggers into her skin. She was met with nothing but darkness and the echoes of her horrified question.

How could she be so careless? The pain of losing family was a type of suffering she wished on no one. In a rare moment of retrospection, Red’s face grew dark with pressurized shame.

Before she could croak out despondent apologies, the shadow shattered like glass before her. Smoke billowed from the wreckage and the imprisonment dissipated, and all that remained was Red; vulnerable Red.

Before she could even begin to comprehend what had happened, the gravity was snatched from beneath her.

Red’s voice was sliced into small gasps of shock. Her tiny hands clawed at Charlie’s grip. There was no great strength in her pull; her tugging would amount to nothing but an annoyance. She knew this perfectly well, and still she tightened up her shoulders and kept trying to shake his grasp.

Her eyes settled to match the rookie’s. She knew this look well: Beneath that emotionless veneer, there was anger; and more importantly, arrogance. That the only thing holding him back was moral conflict. Charlie believed, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that he held her life in his hands.

Red believed the opposite.

She grabbed onto the wrists that hoisted her up. The fire in his blood burned against her cold hands. She tightened her grip, her nails digging into his flesh. A slow, insidious attempt at getting under his skin and smothering his flame.

Her gaze turned sharp, the low light flickering against the icy color.

“Who the hell do you think you are?”

The horror of betraying her former friend faded beneath the rage. This boy was testing her. As if she was an animal that acted on instinct alone. And she made mistakes—she could never deny that. But damned be the fools who thought her less than capable.

It could be over within seconds. How tempting it was—she could snatch her machete from the hilt and cleave his skull into two even halves. He wanted her to act, and she wanted to strike.

Her eyes twitched. Within a few more breaths, she would firmly decide. Strike.



celestine renee cadieux
since when do they teach us to look up?
construction site, north district
vague shrug
asti, celestine
since when do they teach us to look up?
This was unfortunately going far too well and Celestine couldn't wait for it to be over. She hated hurting people, but she knew they wouldn't show her the same mercy she showed them. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone else she had to deal with, the only one left was the HP woman and it seemed Asti was in the process of dealing with her.

Celeste took a moment to clean her blades as her companion and the shadow woman scuffled, sheathing them. When she looked up again the woman had Asti in a full-body hold. What was she doing? It didn't look like she was trying to impale him or anything like that, so what was her plan?

Her question was almost immediately answered as she spotted more shadows rising above them and cutting through supporting beams that held metal pipes. As a result, they came crashing down, but not before Celestine rushed towards Asti. She yelled at them to watch out as she approached rapidly and shoved them out of the way just as the pipes landed with a loud crash.

Celeste yelped- not because she was in pain, but because she was surprised. She had hoped she might be able to get out of the way in time, too, but instead, her legs were pinned to the ground. Celestine could feel some of the pain, indicating that perhaps it was worse than she thought it would be, but that thought quickly left her mind as she looked over at Asti.

"Are you alright? You did not get hurt, yes?"

Eteri Eteri
August "TAZZ" August + Raphael "BLOODFIEND" Shaw
Pre-Arc 3 — June 1st, 2022; Mid-day
North District; Serpent HQ
Raphael, August, Peyton
1 (1).jpg
It started dull, the ringing. August tossed and turned, found something to wrap his arms around, clumpy but soft. Uncomfortable but sufficient. He buried his face in the cushion and the world beyond his eyelids became darker. That’s when he realized he was awake, if just on the brink of wakefulness. Enough that he could hear the world—the real world, that is—whatever real was—and recognize it.

The buzzing of a fly in and out of earshot. A deep, atmospheric humming what’s source he couldn’t pin in his resting state. And the smell of mildew to remind him he was still in the North.

The North.

That’s right. He remembered the blacksite and how he’d banged his head. The ringing was sharper now. He winced, rolled onto his back and let the pillow he’d been clutching slide from the bed’s edge to the floor.

Eyes closed, August took a moment to remind himself of his goal.

Raph. Or Raphy?... Next, someone would tell him that neither of those were his real name.

Raphael. It was just a guess, but he figured it was a good one. What else if not? Raphucius? Raphyleas? August smirked, amused, and laid an arm over his eyes to shield them from the harsh brightness of whatever room he was in.

Speak of the devil, and the devil appeared. The devil opened the door carrying a tray of something steaming. He looked very preoccupied, as if he were ill-accustomed to carrying trays of soup, or as if he were mildly concerned he might drop it and spill its contents all over the dirt-stained floor of Serpent HQ. Then again, he thought looking at the sad state of the tiles already, a little splash of color might actually be an improvement.

"Y—" Raph glanced up from his task long enough to spy August on the bed where he’d been deposited. Not asleep, but not looking in his direction, either. His eyes were covered with a draped forearm. Raph froze like a deer in headlights, soup sloshing over the sides of the bowl.

Had he been noticed? He could just slip the tray onto an end-table or something and slink back out the door he’d come in. August hadn’t looked at him, yet. He could always come back later. Or wait for him to come out. Why hadn’t he looked at him?

"Ahem," He cleared his throat loudly before dropping the tray on the end table beside the bed with a practiced recklessness. "Hate to interrupt your beauty rest, darling, but I was told that even prisoners need food to survive, so…"

Raph’s heart was beating in his throat. He glanced not-nervously from the boy on the bed to the tray by his side. He worried for a split second that he might’ve made a terribly un-funny joke, what with the Serpents’ penchant for kidnapping and what-not.

"Oh, relax!" He said out loud to himself more than anyone else, "You’re a free man, still, able to come and go whenever you please… For now. ~"

Raph said the words and winced. He was prattling too much.

Meanwhile, August was still fixed in the bed, shielding his eyes from the light—quiet. The atmospheric humming, which came from the, perhaps, scrappy ductwork of a central air conditioning system, filled the role here that crickets normally would have.

An awkward moment dragged on. Then…


Seems he was awake after all.

Quickly, August sat up with defensive arms—just in case. “Jus’ kiddin’. ‘S only a gag, mate. Ah was listenin’.” Instinctively, his eyes drew toward the tray upon the nightstand beside the bed. He’d heard a clatter just seconds ago, so that’s what it was. Soup?

He said it aloud, too. “Soup?” The scent of broth reached his nose and his stomach rumbled in response. He hadn’t had many opportunities for a proper meal since returning to New Oasis. Everything was happening so fast.

"Observant," Raph crooned.

He paused.

Silence filled the space between them. He guessed he had… Better be going, then? After all, he’d delivered the tray. It was ‘mission accomplished’, wasn’t it? There was nothing more for him, here. And yet…

And yet he had questions… Sort-of. They weren’t so much fully formed, cogent thoughts that he could rattle off on a whim. They were fuzzy, nebulous wisps circling like carrion clouds around his mind. They were also mostly one-word sentences, like, ‘Why?’, and ‘How?’

‘How did you find me?’

‘Why did you save me?’

"Well, then…" His fingers fidgeted, noticing at last the lack of a tray to occupy them. "Enjoy! Or don’t. I’m not your mother. ~" A shrugging Raph said by way of ‘farewell’, as he sidled half-heartedly toward the door, half-expecting to be stopped. Half-hoping to be.

August looked up from his bowl of soup, mouth full with another spoonful incoming, and blinked curiously at the other’s back. Didn’t he want to know what the stranger Tiger from Geronimos was doing with the Serpents? Perhaps he had gathered the wrong impression of the tipsy—or, in other words, totally hammered—sharp-eyed succubus that fateful day.

Swallowing quickly, August discarded his unfinished soup to the side. It clattered upon the tray, broth sloshing.

He stood up off the bed and his blood pressure dropped, sending fuzz straight to his brain. Pain throbbed at the back of his cranium. Dizzy, he staggered but recovered in time to stir the room with a blast of wind that would prevent the Serpent from opening the door.

By the time the gust settled, August plopped back onto the bed and ran a hand through his hair until his fingers found the rough texture of stitches in the back of his scalp. Still, his hair was a mess—matted and stained filthy with blood—and his mouth tasted like cardboard from the lack of a brushing.

Wincing through the headache, August said to Raphael, “Was ‘opin’ we could talk.”

"!.." When the winds rose, Raph made a sound of alarm, bracing himself involuntarily as the half-opened door slammed shut in his face. When he didn’t get tossed like a ragdoll across the room, he relaxed some, but didn’t turn around. When he heard what August had to say, his brow quirked.

He turned slowly, hair tousled, falling across his face. "You want to… Talk..?" Feigning incredulity, Raph blew a stray lock of raven hair out of his eyes as he sauntered towards a straight backed, rusty metal folding chair positioned across from the bed. He spun it around and sat, arms draping over the headrest, head tilted. "... I’m all ears, darling.~"

Some time later, when the exchange of words neared a point of conclusion, sounds from the hall floated in through the cracks in the closed door, alerting the room’s occupants of the approach of another.
— —POST RECAP: It's the day after Thicker Than Water. Raphael is saved, but Caio is lost. August wakes in Serpent HQ to find Raphael uncharacteristically serving him some soup.

— —WEARING: (See post image) White turtleneck; Teal jacket; White pants (smeared with blood); Black shoes; Earrings

(Interacting w/ Raphael)
(Mentioned no one)
Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha enjoyed the snacks and drinks that they had, the Coffee having did it's job in rejuvenating so that she can continue her work later on, and the new experience of taste testing Takoyaki had made her more open to the idea of getting it later on. Perhaps the next time she needs to grab a cup of Coffee though, but as of right now with their food finished Welsha had turned their entire attention to their new friend. When she mentioned how she loved the Pastry Welsha nodded in agreement before giving her compliments "I also thoroughly enjoyed the Takoyaki, I'll probably most definitely order it the next time I come back as well." she didn't really get the hint that Yona left when she mentioned come over figuring that she probably just meant the cafe. Overall the meeting was quite the eventful from Welshas view, but when Yona asked what she was studying Welsha blinked a bit, before contemplating on what to say.

Hearing her word choice Welsha figured that she thought she was still in college "Welllll, I started college at a early age, so I kinda already got my degree, and if you wanna know what it is, then it's a Science Degree, a Masters if more specifically." She didn't give specifics on the type of Science degree she had as it wasn't something she wanted flaunted around. Especially here in the West where snooping eyes and ears would try to overhear what they were saying. "Didn't really get much out of it besides the college experience, since the jobs I'm currently doing don't really have much correlation with the aptitude for science." it was mildly true since her desk job didn't really require much scientific expertise, but her degree did help her in some case, though Welsha wasn't gonna say what.
Peyton Xiong
June 1st, 2022; Midday
Serpent HQ, North District
August, Raphael, Peyton
It seemed that despite Peyton being absent from the North for about four years, everything was as he remembered it. The trash that littered the streets, the buildings that were hanging on by their last legs, and the rude, prideful residents. It was the dictionary-perfect definition of freedom, and it was as if he had never left.

The only difference was how hostile it was to Peyton now. On his short walk, he had already been jumped by two people who had remembered Peyton's betrayal four years ago. And Peyton knew that if he dared to try to step out of the North right now, the people watching him in the shadows would kill him. The perfect utopia of the East with its carefully crafted architecture and fragrant flowers was now forever out of reach for Peyton.

It wasn't like he didn't expect this outcome. He had discussed it thoroughly with his childhood friend Nai before the events of the black site. If he went to rescue Raph, then he could kiss his old life goodbye. And he had successfully done so, so it was all worth it.

Around the corner from the Serpent HQ was a street food stall specializing in soups. Peyton was delighted to see that it was still in business, and he eagerly strided up to order, "Hi auntie! Can I get some chicken noodle soup and the daily special?"

Moments later, Peyton was handed a thin plastic bag, which held two disposable plastic containers filled with piping hot soup. He had made the trip today for August. During the rescue mission, the guy had hit his head pretty hard and split it open. Peyton was getting him food so that he could catch up with the guy. After all, since when was August a Serpent?!

The walk to the Serpent HQ and to August's room was mercifully without anybody trying to kill him. If someone had jumped him while Peyton was carrying the soup and caused him to spill it, Peyton would've been quite miffed. He knocked on the door, and before anybody responded, he declared, "Hi August! I'm coming in!"

But when he opened the door, Peyton's grin was replaced by a look of surprise. What was Raph doing in August's room? Peyton immediately thought back to the black site, when he had watched Raphael's fingers flit up the side of the side of August's body, and the way August had stiffened up. Had the two of them been doing... that sort of stuff just now?! Peyton would've felt jealous, if not for the sudden fear that he felt at Raph's presence.

Peyton had avoided Raph after the mission, knowing that when he did talk with Raph, there was going to be grief that Peyton was gonna have to suffer. But oh well. He wasn't going to be able to avoid Raph for long anyway. It was about time for them to talk.

"Raph! You're here too!" Peyton exclaimed. He caught sight of the discarded bowls and trays that littered the room, "And you brought soup! No fair, you beat me to it!"

Peyton untied the plastic bag to put the two containers of soup on the endtable with the tray, and he sat down on the bed to ask August, "If you still have the stomach for more, feel free to dig in! Also, what were you and Raph doing? You guys weren't snogging, were you?"

Peyton for his part, took the container of chicken noodle soup and began digging into it with a plastic spork. If either of the others wanted some, they'd have to grab it from him.

"That goes for you too, Raph!" Peyton said to the hemomancer. He offered his container of chicken noodle to him, "Have some soup! You gotta make up for the eight months they starved you!"

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
CS Link
Anger Management
Pre-Arc 1; August 1, 2019
South District
Charlie, Daigo
The blue haired masochist was taking the brunt of the punishment now, as the gang was more concerned with his presence and interloping than Daigo's slight to their leader. This was the perfect opportunity to slink away - freedom was rihgt around the corner. A part of Daigo wanted to run and get out of dodge. He'd need to get back to the others and tell them that they were skipping town, that they were no longer safe to be around here. But now, there was someone else in the firing line. Someone who was going to die - because of their stupidity - in his place instead.

A foot planted itself onto Daigo's back, taking advantage of his disoriented mental state and pushing him back onto the wet pavement below. "You ain't going nowhere boy!" the mohawk goon shouted with a toothy grin, which was then followed by another scary sight. The rubble where the leader had been pushed into by the newcomer stirred, before coming apart as the behemoth of a man stood tall. He only looked annoyed that his suit was dirtied by the impact, as he was otherwise fine. He let out a chuckle, cracking his knuckles as he approached a restrained Charlie with menacing intent.

"Not bad. In any other situation, I would've commended you. But, see, I can't have fucking upstarts ruining my chances of getting noticed by the Tigers." the Ringleader spoke, before jamming a fist straight into the blue-haired samaritan's belly. The blow was strong enough to cause him to reel back in pain, and for Daigo to grit his teeth. He didn't want this. He didn't WANT to fight. Every cell in his body was terrified of a repeat of the last time he allowed such things to break through. The cracks were already forming in his mind's dam, threatening to pour out entirely.

"But now, I get to add two names to the list of people I've killed."

Daigo's eyes widened as he felt his heart drum in his ears, seeing his would-be saviour take another blow, then another, at full force from the Ringleader. The heat rose from his throat and straight into his breath as he gritted his teeth. This wasn't right. Someone dying because of him... he couldn't live with himself if that happened. The cracks in the dam became gashes, and Daigo began to slowly rise despite the pressure being put on him from the bat-wielding goon - much to his shock. "W-wha-?"

Sometimes, you need to fight for what you want in the world.

"Any last words?" the Ringleader asked of the bloodied Charlie, before a sudden explosion of air burst out from nearby to still the mood.

The dam then became a flood.

CS Link
Anger Management
Pre-Arc 1; August 1, 2019
South District
Charlie, Daigo

"Forget it."

A deep golden light took root in the atmosphere as Daigo stood up, the mohawk goon's neck in his hands - threatening to snap it entirely - as he rose up. The Ringleader turned around with a bemused look, while his lackeys looked on with surprise, confusion, and terror. They tasted it in the air, it was practically dripping from every possible molecule. A feeling so primal that it was inherent in every human being, yet made manifest and physical in the real world in front of their very eyes.


"Well, well... the runt grew some teeth." the Ringleader said, composing himself with a smirk.

"And I'm going to knock yours out, fucker."
Daigo spat back, his golden aura flaring around him as he emphasized the ending. With a flick of his hand, merely a gesture, the mohawk goon was sent flying from Daigo's grasp and into a nearby wall with a sickening crack. As he slumped down, he cried out in panic. "I... I can't feel my legs! My legs!!!"

By this point, the attention had been drawn away from Charlie as the grasp of the goons was released from him as they prepared to fight this wild beast in front of them. "Get this shithead. Bring me his head." the Ringleader then said confidently, pointing to Daigo as a battle order.

Roda the Red Roda the Red
Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha enjoyed the snacks and drinks that they had, the Coffee having did it's job in rejuvenating so that she can continue her work later on, and the new experience of taste testing Takoyaki had made her more open to the idea of getting it later on. Perhaps the next time she needs to grab a cup of Coffee though, but as of right now with their food finished Welsha had turned their entire attention to their new friend. When she mentioned how she loved the Pastry Welsha nodded in agreement before giving her compliments "I also thoroughly enjoyed the Takoyaki, I'll probably most definitely order it the next time I come back as well." she didn't really get the hint that Yona left when she mentioned come over figuring that she probably just meant the cafe. Overall the meeting was quite the eventful from Welshas view, but when Yona asked what she was studying Welsha blinked a bit, before contemplating on what to say.

Hearing her word choice Welsha figured that she thought she was still in college "Welllll, I started college at a early age, so I kinda already got my degree, and if you wanna know what it is, then it's a Science Degree, a Masters if more specifically." She didn't give specifics on the type of Science degree she had as it wasn't something she wanted flaunted around. Especially here in the West where snooping eyes and ears would try to overhear what they were saying. "Didn't really get much out of it besides the college experience, since the jobs I'm currently doing don't really have much correlation with the aptitude for science." it was mildly true since her desk job didn't really require much scientific expertise, but her degree did help her in some case, though Welsha wasn't gonna say what.
Yona Kowloong
Pre-Outbreak: June 21, 2022
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong, Welsha Reaper Peckinou Peckinou
What's the Tea
Yona listened to Welsha and nodded in acknowledgement. "Quite a commendable graduate! Tis a shame you're not yet able to put the knowledge to use. But, the application of it is what matters most." She said. Soon though, she began to feel that Welsha was wary of her surroundings. She could feel it too. Prying eyes and open ears. Was it caution or paranoia? She was sure as it felt similar to when she was in the East. They're being watched. From afar? Up close? Too hard to tell, very little details. Dragons or Tigers? Eyes nonetheless.

Perhaps they should relocate, either to lose the watchers or expose them. She looked over at Welsha and motioned her head outside. "Shall we take a stroll? The weather outside is nice. It'd be such a waste not to." She offered. She was being really friendly throughout the whole ordeal, she wouldn't mind sticking around Welsha a little longer. "Perhaps if you have a spot you like to frequent, we can take my car and driver there instead."

Of Moose And Murder
East District, Not Far From the Eternal Night Palace
Sebastian, Mirza
“What do you need help with, Sebastian?” He glanced to the side quickly, ensuring a path remained open, but he stood his ground, intent on making it clear that he wasn’t the least bit worried. He looked up to the killer. Despite his steadfast demeanour, the tension combined with a sudden chill in the air raised the hair on his arms.

“Are you okay?” No, of course not. Mirza didn’t need the answer. This guy was a freak, it seemed. He flinched at the draw of the blade but had the confidence that he could deter any attacks. He could do a lot more than that if he wanted. If they were in one of those lawless lands like the North, Mirza was sure the guy would be skewered across bone by now, but things worked differently here. He couldn’t have people seeing that.

“Why don’t we put the blade down, Sebastian, and we can have a chat about it. I’m sure you don’t want to do anything you’ll regret, so let’s just slow down.”

An eery stillness surrounded them, like the world had stopped. Thank God that this deranged man had chosen him, and not someone less fortunate, he thought.
Operation Burning Heartthrob
South District
Pre-Arc 1, August 10th 2021
Charlie, Vulken
Operation Burning Heartthrob

Vulken squinted at Charlie, a puzzled expression on his face as he gazed into the younger man’s eyes. Drinkin’ before a job? He repeated the words within his head. What the hell is this kid talkin’ about? I ain’t invite him ‘ta go on a job with m–

OOOOHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” He drawled, finally remembering how he had gotten his blue-haired junior to show up here in the first place without even stopping to consider how he had forgotten about it in such a short period of time.

Riiight. I lied.

With an obnoxious guffaw, he took a sip of the drink he had ordered before patting Charlie on the back.

Kiddo, ‘yer doin’ too much ‘fer the Phoenixes.” He started, swirling the whiskey inside of his glass around. “Not that that’s a bad thing, of course. But you gotta live a little– gotta balance life an’ work… y’know?

It probably sounded like tipsy babbling to the young Phoenix, but Vulken swore he was spitting facts. He tilted his head back, demolishing his drink before slamming the glass down on the bar, which prompted a violent stare from the bartender who was manning it. Thankfully it hadn’t broken, or they would have surely been kicked out before the night had even started.

...” Vulken struggled to catch his thoughts. For a few seconds, he stood there, staring intently at nothing while he fought for dear life to get the right words out.

SO!” He suddenly exclaimed, pointing a finger at Charlie. “I’ve taken it upon myself ‘ta help you. It’s still technically a ‘job’, I guess. ‘Yer gonna find any chick (or guy, Beckman's don't judge) you think is cute in this bar…

His sentence was interrupted by a quick hiccup. Get a hold of yourself, Vulken.

...And get their number.

The smirk plastered on his face had the smallest hint of malice behind it. Sure, he was genuinely looking out for the kid– but depending on his skills with the ladies (Vulken was nearly one hundred percent positive that Charlie didn’t have any to begin with), he might get a good laugh if the kid was the type to get all nervous and start blushing while talking to girls. He’d be spectating Charlie’s every move from afar, after all.

We ain’t leavin’ ‘till you get at least one, so you’d better down that drink and get ‘ta work!” He shoved his thumb into his own chest with a triumphant grin. “If ‘ya need any tips or help, you can call in big bro Draken ‘ta assist. Let’s call this mission…

He looked up at the bar’s wooden roof for a moment, before widening his eyes and snapping his fingers.

Ah! What about, ‘Operation: Burning Heartthrob’?! Pretty fuckin’ sweet, right?

Roda the Red Roda the Red

[ Art by gxxberkit ]
August "TAZZ" August
Unlikely Encounter
Pre-Arc 2 — September 20th, 2021; 1:00 AM
North District
Raphael, August
August steered the mustang into the parking lot of Hel and parked in the first spot available to him, which was all of them. The lot was vacant, either from the lack of business or the lack of patrons owning cars.

“Lucky for us, business is boomin’, ay?” he joked, straight-faced, and put the vehicle in park. One glance at the Serpent melting into the passenger seat and he had to look away.

Dangerous. That was the word that crossed his mind whenever the strings of attraction grew taut and nearly reeled him like a fish from the water.

He killed the car’s engine and got out, leaving the Serpent with only a swift, “Be roight back,” before striding across the lot, a glance here and there to check his surroundings, and disappearing through Hel’s doors. Inside, he purchased a single room, one bed, and paid said room a visit to gauge its quality. But not just that… August wouldn’t deny that he was skeptical of all things North. Had he walked into that room and found a gun to his head per some sort of small-fry hustle, he wouldn’t have been surprised.

Fortunately, the room was as empty as it should have been, and the accommodations would do. Not a bad spot, he figured, for a place called Hel in the middle of the North District.

Back into the night, August appeared on Raphael’s side of the car and rapped on the window with a knuckle before opening the door himself. “Guessin’ this is the end o’ tha road, ay?” he said, fixing his hair. “Probly nevah see each other again.” Though he said that, something in the back of August’s mind—perhaps delusion—gave him an otherwise kind of feeling. Even deeper, a part of him wanted to draw out this final encounter, learn more about the dark-haired mystery in his passenger seat, but he was tired, and he didn’t know how much longer he could last before opting to purchase a room himself. How strange of a morning that would make for, he pondered.

Deciding that their night should reach its close after all, August held out his hand for the Serpent. “Was noice meetin’ ya Raph. Can’t say ah’ve had many an encountah like ‘is one… Don’t forget me too quick, yeh?” In his other hand, he jingled the keys to Raph's hotel room. “Room twelve.”
— —POST RECAP: August and Raph arrive at Hel Hotel and August buys Raph a room to stay in for the night before deciding to conclude their encounter.

— —WEARING: (Click Here) + Covered in red, wine stains

— —CAR: (2020 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 (Click Here)

(Interacting w/ Raphael)
(Mentioned no one)
Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Boltius "BLITZ" Beckman
Honesty, Open Heart
Post-Arc 3 — June 9th, 2022; Late
For Vacancy Bar, East District
Boltius, Dyne
For once, drinks weren’t on Bolt’s mind tonight.

As Dyne spoke, with each word, his furrowed brow deepened, fist tight at his side, but he kept his composure. Approaching slowly, he kept it all the way up until her mention of being a Dragon flipped the switch.

“...I'm still a Rookie, if that worries you.” Boltius didn’t give a shit. Before even he could stop himself, he reached out and placed a hand around the woman’s throat, pulling her out of the chair. However, the fact that his hands were of normal temperature meant he was still willing to hear her out.

Without looking at the man behind the bar, Boltius screamed, “YOU FUCKIN’ MOVE AND I’LL BURN THROUGH HER LIKE FUCKIN’ PAPER, YA HEAR?!”

He paused, holding Dyne there, squeezing but only hard enough to show he was serious. She could breathe, and she could speak—he left her that much.

Looking between her eyes, he glared hard, breathing heavy. “You tryna play me like a fuckin’ fool?” His voice was low. At this moment, she was no longer the beautiful gem he’d met in the Nightlife District. She was the enemy, so she would get an enemy’s treatment.

“Fuck around with me knowin’ I’m a Phoenix?! Not to mention I met you in Nightlife, dawg?! Fuck were you doin’ there!?” A Dragon waltzing around the South as they pleased didn’t sit right with Bolt. He felt betrayed. “Give me ONE... fuckin’ reason, Dyne… why I shouldn’t burn this place down with you in it.” A part of him wished she would have lied, that she would have sold him an elaborate story to maintain his trust. Another part of him hated that he was okay with that idea.
— —POST RECAP: Boltius assaults Dyne. Sort of.


— —TATTOO: (Click Here)

— —WEARING: Black tank top and basketball shorts; Also wearing his regular bling. His arm is in a sling.

(Interacting w/ Dyne)
(Mentioned no one)

Damafaud Damafaud
Boltius "BLITZ" Beckman
Hot and Bothered
Post-Arc 2 — January 11th, 2022
South district, Phoenix HQ; Fitness Hotspot
Boltius, Charlie
The girl started and Boltius nodded to show he was listening, albeit still twisting that towel around and around itself until it could twist no further, at which point he reversed the motion and twisted it the opposite way. Being that it was looped around his neck, it gave the impression of a man endlessly adjusting his tie.

At the mention of the fella with a fire potential and Phoenix lives lost, his expression turned from intrigued to serious, and he left the towel alone. He wondered where she was going with this, almost interrupting. What was his name? Did they ever catch the guy? Who else was there? But the girl’s sudden, powerful gaze quieted him before he opened his mouth.

Charlie slammed her fist into her palm, and her declaration split a wide smile across Bolt’s face after a quiet pause. He started to nod approvingly, “Al-fuckin’-right, dawg!” He flexed then, hunching slightly forward with his hands cupped low in front of him, and rammed a shoulder into Charlie’s, “Let’s fuckin’ get it then! Why didn’t’cha say so sooner, huh?! Listen, I gotta place we can spar, if yer interested? It’s an old ball court a couple miles out from my parents’ place. But, 'ey, if you gotta place in mind, then by all means let's fuck it up... 'Course, we got that old car lot right around the corner, too. Like, the kind of place that smashes cars, or some shit. Owner left it to rot, so.”

(Interacting w/ Charlie)
(Mentioned no one)
Roda the Red Roda the Red
Dyne Enjyre
Post-Arc 3 — June 9th, 2022; Late
Honesty, Open Heart
For Vacancy Bar, East District
Dyne, Bolt
Honesty, Open Heart
She did not expect this reaction. Not the hand around her throat, not the wrath ablaze in his eyes. She expected anger, surprise, yet the pressure around her neck told a different magnitude than what she had predicted.

Dyne had always danced at the border of gang politics. She joined through a backdoor, a favor for a favor. Since, she never seek to advance the cause of the gang, either. Her relationship with the Dragon was more transactional than anything; her manpower for their name and protection. She took it as simply as yet another form of employment. She thought that he would be the same, too.

Clearly, she was wrong.

"I- I didn't know it mattered so much." Her answer was but a pale whisper. She had seen his fire. Even if she was to push all of her strength to push him away, she could not escape his heat. Her eyes betrayed confusion and fear both. "It's just more bustling down south than east."

Dyne, in disregard of the gang politics, still traveled around as naturally as any citizen would around New Oasis. She frequented clubs to the south, the casino eastward, and the megamall at the center. Relatives loomed over her shoulder for the first 23 years of her life, criticizing her every decision and wary of any move to steal the heir's chair. Now that she was banished to Amestria, she could finally pursue her heart's desires. She was used to ignoring politics. That was how she had always avoided scrutiny and suspicion; by avoiding the big picture and focusing on the insignificant.

"I was just... there to have fun."

In some way, she was more innocent that anyone her age. Dragon and Phoenix, Rookie and Ace, does it matter so much?

Murderous intent poured from behind the counter. The table cracked under Faris' grip. Steel chains slithered around him, needing only but a thought to pounce. His scowl ran deep, wishing to tear into Bolt if he could.

— —POST RECAP: Dyne claims ignorance and actually not seeing what's the problem here.

— —WEARING: white dress shirt, blue jeans, flats; soft glam makeup

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
CS Link
Get(ting) Help
Post Arc-3
Jiro's Dojo, South District
Hector, Hitoshi, Ashley, Charlie, Gideon and Kaede

A wave of emotions surged through Hector’s mind. Indescribable shame hearing how Charlie responded to him. Of course he’s panicking, I know that. But he didn’t. When you’re panicking, you’re meant to fight harder, not huddle up like a helpless baby. Hector pitied Hitoshi. This isn’t how a Phoenix should respond to a little bit of sparring. Maybe he wasn’t as ready as he thought.

”Hm.” His voice began to form words, he had to say something, after all, but there was nothing for him to say. He took a step back while he watched the others rush in to calm Hitoshi down. It was a little infuriating, and Hector grew more uncomfortable by the second. What was he supposed to do?

”I’m gonna go smoke.”

Hector didn’t wait to see if anyone responded, walking out the door, though he did hesitate for a moment to look back at Hitoshi. The fresh air was a relief from the growing tension.

What would happen if that were me?

Hector supposed that would never be him. He was too strong for that. But there had been times when he felt something like that. Hopeless? Like when his eye was taken out and Reika was…

Bolt was there for him, gave him a good pep talk. Yong-Yut visited him too. And he had the support of countless others. Hector sighed. He’d talk to Hitoshi later, he decided. It was too awkward right now. He’d wait outside for at least a few minutes.

Anger Management
Daytime, Pre-Arc 1, August 1st 2019
South District
Charlie, Daigo
Anger Management
Stranger hands moved in a coordinated manner, clutching tightly onto Charlie's arms. Two, three...A total of five criminals were suddenly gathered around the boy, keeping him in place with vice grips, pinning him in place despite of his struggling. A cold chill ran down his spine as his entire body was darkened by a shadow cast by an imposing frame.

Streaks of saliva were forced out of his mouth, as an inhuman fist smashed itself against his soft belly. A blow unlike he had ever experience before, he could only grunt as the strike was followed by another. For the young man, his rock-like skin had protected him from such levels of pain in the past, an feeling of safety had always followed him wherever he went. But today he learned that such safety was but an illusion born from ignorance, a lack of knowledge on the true threats that plagued the crime-riddled streets of this city where mercy was put out of its misery.

The only thing that brought him peace among the torture, was knowing that he had, at the very least, allowed for the child an opportunity to make an escape, now, even if the chances were slim, Charlie needed to find a way to make one of his own.

However, instead of a meager silver lining, he was met with a golden gleam.

The child had risen from his own assault, bright like the sun, he threw his attacker with mighty determination. Despite his efforts to save the teen, he had instead opted for fighting the tide on his own, making the blue-haired man realize how he has just allowed himself to get pathetically dragged by the stream.

Feeling the grips on his limbs loosening up, amber eyes darted across the now scattered criminals. The heart beat louder and stronger with each instant passed, if that kid wasn't giving up, then he wasn't going to either, no way in hell.

Fighting through the pain, through the fear and even his crimson-blurred vision, Charlie made a move of his own, dashing towards two criminals who had foolishly given him their backs. Arms outstretched, he rushed through both of them, his steel-like forearms smashing against the back of their heads, brutally sending them straight forward into the solid ground, a nasty sound coming from their faces as their noses probably broke.

Now part of the group had turned their attention back to the boy, his confident smile spelling trouble for them as the young duo stood there, now on the offensive.

"Thanks for the distraction, Kid! Should've done that sooner though" He retorted, rolling up his sleeves as he prepared for the imminent confrontation.

joshuadim joshuadim
CS Link
Anger Management
Pre-Arc 1; August 1, 2019
South District
Charlie, Daigo

Daigo didn't respond to the blue-haired man's words as his gaze remained affixed onto the Ringleader, before dashing forward with brazen recklessness and ferocious energy around him. His fist arced from the right and straight into the face of another of the jobbers, sending him spinning on his feet before tumbling to the ground on his back. A steel bar shortly thereafter slammed into Daigo's side, breaking two ribs, which he ignored through the heat of the moment and simply jabbed his fist into the man's stomach. The forced from the impact caused the goon to spit out from his mouth for a moment before vomiting onto the ground below in spectacular fashion.

He hadn't finished vacating his stomach's contents when Daigo headbutted the man's face, breaking his nose and sending him careening backwards screaming in pain. A knife stabbed itself into Daigo's side, sliding between his other ribs, which he also ignored as he simply slapped the man away before charging straight towards the Ringleader with bared teeth and eyes that betrayed no semblance of care in the world. "Come on then, amuse me!" the Ringleader said with a sadistic grin as he invited this impudent upstart into a duel to the death. One that he was ever so confident in decisively winning.

Charlie in the meantime was assaulted again by other goons, including one that had managed to recover from his earlier dumpster attack. A tongue lashed out towards him again, while another wielded a hammer made of his own blood, and a third brandished a chain that was glowing red hot from heat. Charlie had his own arena to deal with in the meantime, as the one that had stabbed Daigo previously also turned his attention to Charlie - out of fear - as he left dealing with the golden-haired brat to his boss.

Roda the Red Roda the Red
CS Link
Feelers in the Deep
Just outside New Oasis, closer to the North District
Ryutaro, August
Feelers in the Deep

July 18, 2022 - POST OUTBREAK

A lure had been sent out into the dark waters, casting a small shadow amidst a void that swallowed both information and people. A beckoning call to a particular individual, promising what they want most. Was it a siren's call? Meant to lure them out into the open to then be disposed of just as quickly? Or, perhaps, a window of opportunity for what they desire most in this world? One must always be wary, especially in this underworld of society. Even the clearest waters, if deep enough, can drown.

The Queen of the Albino Tigers sat atop the hood of the car that had brought him towards the destitute wasteland that was the outskirts of New Oasis. Littered with the corpses of failed businesses, abandoned suburbs, and ruined dreams was an old parking lot. Cracks webbed across various parts of the old asphalt, and grasses grew in many of them to signal the age of the area. The soft purr of the engine remained hanging in the air as Ryutaro awaited for the meeting he had desired; he had heard back from his contacts, whom in turn had relayed information given to him about setting up a rendezvous.

August, a former Tiger now Serpent, was very careful - for good reason. To even hear a response back was a turn of good fortune enough to have any person going for the nearest lottery ticket. And now he was awaiting to speak to the young man in person for a particular matter at hand. Ryu's chief of security, Jackie, was much less enthused that he was the only one accompanying his boss in such a potentially dangerous situation in the first place. The imposingly tall man stood near the car itself and scanned his surroundings warily, making his displeasure of the situation known.

"You don't approve, I take it?" Ryu asked to break the silence.

"With all due respect, sir, you're completely exposed out here." Jackie responded bluntly, as he crossed his hands in front of his belly. "The security risks-"

"I'm well aware of the risks I'm taking. But a lead like this can't be passed up." the Queen responded just as sharply, shutting down the opposition just as quickly. But he then turned his gaze to Jackie and gave a half-hearted smile: "Besides, if things do go poorly - I imagine you'll have a bit of fun in it."

Jackie frowned, but otherwise said nothing on the matter as he returned his attention to remaining on guard.

Doctor Llamabean Doctor Llamabean
Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Two People Hungover is a Hangover But Three People Hangover Is A Crowd. The Point Is, Everything That Is Bad Is Better With More People To Suffer With You
South District District
January 8th, 2022 | | Pre-Arc 3
Hitoshi joshuadim joshuadim , Tak
Two People Hungover is a Hangover But Three People Hangover Is A Crowd. The Point Is, Everything That Is Bad Is Better With More People To Suffer With You

“Tch! Fine!” Tak spat out and then used his body to move his weight. But, instead of going right, the genius that he was went left instead. Was that his right? It didn’t matter because now Hitoshi was under him, and he was on top, just how things should be.

“Alright-” Tak was about to shout in the elation of getting somewhere, and then the next thing he knew, he was the one eating pavement, rocks, and gravel, stabbing into his face for a second, and then the sun glowing into his eyes, the next.

The world was starting to spin, the roads and buildings began to blur, and he was being pulled out of pain and darkness and dragged back into light and agony so quickly he was starting to feel sick.

Safe to say, they were rolling down the hill.

“YAAAAH--AAAAAA--AAAA--AA--AAAAAAA-” Tak screamed in between faces full of cement, Hitoshi and his body melding together of a blur of black and red as they spun down the hill like a barrel, picking up more and more speed.

Kids on their bikes stop pedaling to watch the screaming mass roll past. One of them was blowing a gum bubble and froze as the bubble expanded until it popped.

A woman with her babies in the stroller had her eyes nearly bulging out of her head before quickly picking them up out of the carriage and jumping out of the way as their bodies launched the thing up in the air.

Two movers held a ramp in their hands, trying to move it up the pair of steps into a house, looking at each other with deadpan expressions as they did their job.

“Who the hell puts a ramp like this in their house?” One of the movers asked, only earning a shrug from the other.

They didn’t even register as Tak and Hitoshi careened up it, flying off into the distance as the screaming slowly faded, becoming nothing but a faint whisper in the wind. They stood there silently for a moment as if they were going to say something in response to what had just happened.

“...Welp, time to get this thing inside.”

Hitoshi and Tak flew through the air, and the sky melded with the cityscape in their version. The feeling of being weightless was short-lived as gravity beat momentum, and then they were falling, more accurately, crashing like a meteor of poor decisions. They were brought back down to earth.

With a slam, their bodies landed right into a metal trash can, their force causing its contents to spray out; banana peels, apple cores, papers, and wrappers in the like flew through the air and spilled onto the ground, as the bottom of the trash can rattled while the two spun around inside like a pair of sausages, blooding rushing to their head as their legs were left dangling out.

“Wazzat that?” A homeless man slurred as he peered out of his tent, placed comfortably underneath the nearby bridge; his head looked around as he tried to peer through his one good eye, “God, is that you? Have you finally sent an Archangel to come bring me to heaven?”

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case, and as he looked around and saw no rapture and no archangel, his focus instead narrowed on the trash can that was stuck wiggling around with two grown men shoved into it. He pulled himself up to his feet, hobbling along across the ground as he reached the trash can and tipped over pathetically.

“You two got stuck tryin’ to dumpster dive, huh? I’ve been there before! Don’t worry, fellers, I’ll help get ya outta there!” The old homeless man exclaimed, and true to his word, he grabbed their legs and pulled.

But instead of pulling them out, he just ended up pulling off their shoes as he fell backward, and the shoes flew through the air before landing in the nearby river. The homeless guy slowly pulled himself up to his feet, watching with a blink as the shoes slowly sunk down into the murky depths.


There was a moment of silence, and then a loud bang of metal; the trash can distorted around Tak and Hitoshi’s bodies as a fist protruded out from the inside, leaving its mark, and then more and more followed suit, until they had torn their way through the metal, and gave enough room for both of the men to shimmy out of the aluminum container.

They were covered with trash and still stuck together. Tak’s eye had a twitch, his intense grimace as veins protruded out of his forehead. The air seemed to heat around him as visible wisps of red anger began to hug around the outside of his body. He was about to snap.

“Oh, it’s you two!” A shout of recognition stopped him from teetering over the edge, his glare shifting towards the old-timer. He looked at them with wide eyes, a dopey smile coming across his face, showing his missing teeth.

“You’re back again? Did you come to share some more drinks with this poor old man? You truly are saints!”

Tak’s hand reached for him as soon as he said those words, gripping tightly around his collar like a vice, and pulled him in close like the strike of a serpent; the look in his eyes was anything but saintly, as his dilated pupils stared into the homeless man’s, despite having a piece of rotting salami hanging from his forehead, he somehow was able to make himself look menacing.

The old guy’s body began to quiver and shake, shivering as sweat began to pour down his body.

“Old guy…what do you know about us?”

It was a question, but the way Tak asked it made it sound more like a threat. Instead of getting an answer, he got blubbers and stammers from the man’s dry lips as he tried to formulate any type of sentence that would keep him from getting executed then and there.

“Hurry up and answer me, geezer,”
Tak put more pressure on him, giving the old man a little shake. He clearly was a trained thug, someone who hadn’t asked for anything nicely since he moved out of his mom’s.


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