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Multiple Settings New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings [Season 2]

Elenion Aura

Two Thousand Club
"Vhat? Not who you vere expecting?

Leetle piece of advice, dirt-bag. Get used to disappointment."
  • 「 BEGIN 」
    The date is February 2nd, 2023. Over the past year, the city of New Oasis has fallen victim to violent gang wars, devastating natural disasters, virulent plagues of madness...

    Everywhere you look, you will find pain, suffering, chaos.

    The citizens of this once-shining city deserve better. And soon, they will have it.

    No longer will the powerful be permitted to conceal the truth from the masses. And so it is in this spirit that today I share with you these grim tidings. The secrets of the past, long forgotten, remain buried no longer.

    Beneath our great city, below your very feet... Sleeps an Entity. Scientific study has posited that this Sleeper may very well be the wellspring from which the phenomenon known as Potentiality originally arose.

    It is believed that the Sleeper will remain dormant so long as the polarity of power remains in balance—North, South, East, West.

    And thus, the scourge of criminal enterprise has been permitted to thrive. And is preserved.

    Many of you may remember the hurricane that ravaged our Southern District. It may not surprise you, now, to learn that this was no accident, but a coordinated effort executed by covert shadow powers to reinstate balance, to keep the tension lines drawn taut, and prevent the Sleeper from awakening.

    Your leaders, and your government, have kept this from you. In fact, they have conspired together to perpetuate the very situations which have led to catastrophe after catastrophe, all under the guise of the Greater Good.

    I stand before you today to affirm what you know in your hearts to be true: this is not good enough. Which is why I vow to you that the status quo ends today.

    We believe we have come upon a solution. To eradicate the Four Kings and destroy the Sleeper, and in so doing, wipe out the cancer of Potential from across the face of the world.

    With your support, we will rid this city of the stains of organized crimes.

    Together, we will make New Oasis worthy of its name once more.

Stick around to learn more about what's been happening with the Sable Serpents...

Shen, the former King of the Dragons, is gone. The former Dragon Queen is dead.

Who will come forward pick up the pieces of a broken dynasty?
Stick around to learn more about what's been happening with the Scarlet Phoenixes...

Ryutaro Hashimoto has ascended to the Throne, deposing the former Tiger King, Markus Weiss.

His victory may be short-lived, though, as daggers fly in the dark, and fresh eyes watch hungrily.
Feel free to use these code templates to write IC posts (or not). If you have questions about where stuff goes, lmk. A few general tips:
- put a url to the character image you want to use in the character: url('') command line
- if the image is off-center, try playing with the 'background-size: xx%; background-position: xx% xx%' parameters in the border box following the 'background-image: var(--character)' command
- paste a link to your character's CS for easy access in the '[/url=]' box

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//Name of scene

[/comment]Serpents Arc x: Scene x [xxx][comment]

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//Name of scene

[/comment]Dragons Arc x: Scene x  [xx xxxx][comment]

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//Name of scene

[/comment]Phoenixes Arc x: Scene x [xxx xxxx][comment]

[/comment][/font][/border][/border][border=0; border-top: 1px solid rgba(100,100,100,0.40); padding: 6px 0 8px 2px; margin: 5px 15px 0px 15px; font: 18px Jost; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: rgba(60,13,13,255)][font=Akronim]LOCATION: [/font][border=0; padding: 0; display: inline-block; color: #e1363e][font=Mukta][comment]

//Location of scene

[/comment]xxxx, xxxx District[comment]

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// Name of scene (again)

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//Name of scene

[/comment]Tigers Arc x: Scene x [xxx xxxx][comment]

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//Location of scene

[/comment]xxxx, xxxx District[comment]

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//Name of characters involved

[/comment]xx, xx[comment]


//Start of Post

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// Name of scene (again)

[/comment]XXX XXXX[comment]

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[b][color=#5F6075]“Dialogue format.”[/color][/b]

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New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
February 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
Albino Tigers, Sable Serpents, Azure Dragons, Scarlet Phoenixes

Known officially in its day as the Center District Purification Chamber, Purgatory was originally a grand feat of engineering, built over 150 years ago as part of New Oasis' first water management system. Designed to purify and distribute water from the underground reservoirs beneath the city, Purgatory was a sprawling, arcing facility, its stone walls carved from the very bedrock itself and reinforced with steel to withstand the crushing pressure of the surrounding and impending earth above and around it.

Eventually the city expanded and modernized much of its infrastructure, and the old purification system was decommissioned and subsequently abandoned, left to rot beneath the growing metropolis. Over the decades, its existence faded from public memory, and the space was eventually swallowed by the chaotic bustle of Lower Central.

To the gangs of New Oasis, however, Purgatory was sacred ground, a rare sanctuary where, in dark times such as these, truces were (temporarily) respected... And even then, it had remained untouched for years. That it was being used again pointed to just how dire the situation had become over the past few months.

New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
February 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
Various Phoenixes

God, he hated this place.

Purgatory. It was a fitting name—because that’s exactly where they all were. Waiting. Waiting for something to go wrong, or waiting for someone to give them a reason to fight.

On February 2nd, the Chief of Police had stepped in front of the world and dropped the truthbomb of the century. She'd laid it out plain: the existence of some kind of entity called the Sleeper, and her promise to rid New Oasis of its gang infestation, and the world of its HP infestation, all in one fell swoop. It sounded like something out of a nightmare: awaken this Sleeper—whatever it was—and then kill it. In theory, its death would burn the Potential out of every HP in existence, severing them from their powers forever.

Milo'd be lying if he said he didn't see the appeal. Some say Potentiality had cursed the world, after all. A blessing with too sharp an edge... So much had been lost to the ravenous, angry flame of undeserved power...

But the police? These new police? They were somehow worse. In the intervening weeks since the announcement, they had hit the gangs with a brutality so severe it made even his stomach turn. Hunting them like animals. Raids, executions, lockdowns—everyone was fair game. They had made their intentions clear: to burn the city clean, regardless of how many lives they ruined along the way.

And as a result, the Four Heavenly Kings of New Oasis were on the backfoot for the first time in a long time... Maybe the first time in forever...

Milo crouched near a far wall, shoulders tight and hunched, a lit cigarette balanced between his lips. His arms were crossed, one hand gripping the bicep of the other a little too firmly, as his eyes flitted restlessly across the dusty stone floor. He didn’t want to be here.

An assortment of fellow Phoenixes had arranged themselves nearby, while members of the other three rival gangs all milled about, all mostly keeping to their own, for now, standing in their own loose clusters. Usually, it was battle to the death on sight with these types. But not tonight.

His mind conjured an image of a pile of blackpowder kegs, just asking for a spark.

Nevertheless, this all was just the backdrop. The real show was going on inside the centermost pillar of Purgatory: the old control room, the dais which had been converted to a circular meeting table. That place had doubtless played host to its fair share of shady deals and uneasy truces among the gangs over the years. But surely never a thing like this...

The Kings and their inner circles were all already inside. Discussing. Negotiating. Hopefully not killing each other.

And all any of the rest of them could do was wait.

Purgatory, huh? He thought bitterly. "Seems about right..."

Lloyd Sorvocah
Febuary 28th, 2023: Post Midnight
New Oasis S2: Arc 4, scene 1 - The Fourth Seal
Central Underside: Purification Chamber - a.k.a Purgatory
Every gang, every member
New Oasis S2: Arc 4, scene 1 - The Fourth Seal
"Oh how things took a turn for the worst," Lloyd thinks while having joined the gang leaders - of which he is now one - in the old control room, now a meeting hall for intergang realtions. While, technically, being a Jack is quite a promotion, the circumstances leave little room for any sort of celebration. A lot of members were lost recently, and Lloyd was simply one of the remaining few. It didn't leave the new King and Queen a lot of choices for their right hand, which is the makes him question his worth as Jack. Of course, none of this means he isn't going to fulfill his duty to the fullest, but he is mainly uncertain if Kana, the new King, is truly satisfied with him filling the position.

Agh, it is no good to dwell on it now. There are more important matters at hand. As much as Lloyd hates to admit it, it seems the Dragons took the largest blow to the scale of their organisation, which doesn't bode well for their position in possible negotiations. Then again, none of them really are in a situation where one stands to gain more than the other. All of them are being hunted equally. It doesn't matter who you are, or what gang you are a part of. This new enemy will come for you no matter what. That fact is the entire reason they are here. Well, that, and the fact that their entire future may take a drastic change if this new enemy of theirs succeeds. The Sleeper, Potentials being tied to it, balance between the districts, outside interventions.

Now they are here, in this sacred place where, as far as he knows, a truce is truly upheld. It remains to be seen if everyone here will uphold this tradition for as long as they are here. This might be one of the most important moments in the coming future. Because of that, as a show of good faith and to uphold the truce, he did not bring any weapons with him. He will have to trust that no fights break out, and that they are actually safe here. His job now is to do what every Jack has done before him, protect the King, and be a representative to the extent his new position allows.
Tigers Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
The Kings and their Inner Circles
The Tiger King sat at the table, as did the other rulers of New Oasis, but not in a dignified manner that one would have expected them to be. Gone were the days of their regal, above-world palaces from which they controlled their fiefs. Instead, they were now reduced to a rabble skulking around in the dark - away from the prying eyes and ears of a new law that has shown no restraint in its crusade. The vestibule, a conclave once reserved as a meeting ground for the Kings of old, had been reduced in the decades since it had last seen anyone within its halls.

The lighting was pale and dim, leaving much to be desired as many in the room remained cast in shadows; and the smell did little to provide relief, damp, stale and riddled with tetanus. The leaky pipe somewhere added to the charm of such a destitute place, as Ryu tapped his fingers at the round table - eyes observant like a cat. A few wrinkles had formed underneath in the months following his ascension, as he had been waging a ruthless guerrilla war in the West against the NOPD.

And, like the other leaders, he was nowhere near to victory. Being on the back-foot was a position he was used to being in, after all his plot against Markus had been always at a disadvantage. But in this scenario, it as certainly was never at this bad of a disadvantage prior. But still, he made use of what cards he had. Samira sat next to him, as did Stratsimir to his other side. Samira's new Ace, Missy, was also nearby in the room to keep an eye on things. The full leadership of the new Tigers was present, but remained silent thus far as had the rest of the room. Watching, scoping for weaknesses even in these times, waiting for someone to make the first move.

And so, Ryutaro seized the initiative as he slowly stood up and leaned with palms pressed against the table: "We are all here because we stand upon the brink." the Tiger King spoke at last, eyes trailing between the three other Kings sat at other points across the table. "The police, and the Board, have declared a war of extermination upon us. Upon our kind. Those who wield Potentialities." He let the words sink in for a moment before continuing: "They fear us, and that thing that sleeps below the city. And so have chosen nothing short of genocide. There is only one course of action that can be taken in this moment."

He looked first to the new Kings across, sparing only a glance to the Phoenix King - still embittered and hateful towards their whole rabble - before continuing: "We will either unite as a common front against this existential threat, or we will all die."

The ball was now in their court.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- FabulousTrash FabulousTrash WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten

Daigo Asanuma
Phoenixes Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
Various Phoenixes
It had barely been a year, and already Daigo found himself in the shit with this gang business. The South had been ravaged by the NOPD's ruthlessness, and only by some miracle had they overlooked where his family was. Being holed up in an abandoned warehouse-industrial region certainly had its benefits, but now they were terrified of heading outside for fear of his association with the Phoenixes. It was already a source of regret, as Daigo silently cursed himself for dragging them into this. He had joined the Phoenixes originally to protect the ones he loved, and to give them a better shot at a future. Instead, now, they were in worse danger than ever.

Daigo watched where the doors to the inner sanctum were with a hawkish gaze, squeezing his hands into fists as a means to keep himself preoccupied from the thoughts racing through his mind. He remembered having to practically drag the old man 'Toshi out from his dojo as it was set ablaze, leaving the elder Phoenix with nothing material - and he remembered how much pain was caused to so many people who weren't even Phoenixes themselves. Bastards, all of those cops were. An angry shudder passed through Daigo as he squeezed his hands into fists again before gently kicking a small pebble on the floor nearby.

The waiting was painful, for any sign of what was going to happen as a result of this. And so, rather than mull about in misery, Daigo instead sat next to Milo and let out a shivered breath: "Smoking will kill you, y'know?"

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Robin Krantz
New Oasis S2 - A4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central - "Purgatory"
Numerous Members of Every Gang
Standing silently just a few feet behind Ryu, dressed in one of her favorite suits, was Robin Krantz. As Ryu's bodyguard, she had the privilege of being one of the few non-leadership gang members allowed into the inner sanctum. Thus, she was allowed a rather special vantage point from near the wall separating the meeting room from the room full of gang members outside. Her red eyes slowly rolled horizontally, her focus shifting between the different members of each gang's leadership. Including her own.

Normally, she wouldn't have cared about these sorts of matters. She wasn't all that attached to the Tigers. That was evident with how she slaughtered several of them, without a single ounce of remorse or pity, in the coup that placed Ryu at the top of the Tigers hierarchy. When Ryu said it was time for the harvest, she became his scythe. Blood ran like rivers, and she enjoyed every moment of it.

However, this meeting was of particular interest to her. The coming days? Also of particular interest. The new Chief of Police in New Oasis, as well as members of the Board, had proven themselves to be a legitimate threat to every gang and everyone with a potential. Including herself. She didn't quite understand what they meant by a 'sleeper' under the city, though that might have stemmed from her caring little about the idea of 'gods' or divine beings. Still, that particular tidbit of information didn't sound appealing either.

The raids that had decimated the Tigers businesses annoyed her as well. She had to go into temporary hiding during the first major wave, under Ryu's instruction. Killing a few cops would have been... exhilarating. However, she'd get her chance to kill again when Ryu instructed her to work alongside the new Queen and Hiachi. Stem the loss of Tiger assets, destroy evidence, put down any 'up and coming' gangs trying to cash in on the chaos. Eliminate obstacles preventing the Tigers from maintaining their choke-hold on the West District.

Things were going according to plan. Now, after the Chief of Police and the Board's little stunt on television, a meeting was called between the gangs. Thus, she was now here. Serving as the King's 'Royal Guard', so to speak.

Christina Winchester
New Oasis S2 - A4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central - "Purgatory"
Numerous Members of Every Gang
Purgatory? This place felt like a waiting room just outside the first circle of Hell, with where it was located.

Christina stood amongst her fellow Phoenixes, quietly leaned against one of the walls of the spacious room just outside the inner sanctum. Her hands shoved in her coat pockets, she simply glanced about the room at the various other Phoenixes as well as the members of the other gangs scattered about. It took a hell of a lot to get two gangs to meet. The newest iteration of New Oasis's law enforcement had managed to get all four gangs to meet. This was quite a situation, and hopefully one that would lead to something beneficial to everyone... except the cops.

Christina didn't like the NOPD already, but this new Chief and her special little task force really got under her skin. They were far more likely to just kill you than arrest, and had proven that time and time again lately. She was honestly curious as to if that new vigilante that showed up recently was also involved with the NOPD. Rumor was they had a potential too. Would make sense that they could tangle with other HPs, but why help the police that were dead set on stripping everyone of potentials?

Eventually, Christina glanced over to Daigo nearby. He was talking to Milo about smoking, which she smirked at. Plenty of other things would kill you a lot faster. She wasn't going to comment on it, though. Instead, she drew one of her own cigarettes out, slipping it between her lips before digging for her lighter in her slacks. Which pocket did I put it in again?
February 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
Albino Tigers, Sable Serpents, Azure Dragons, Scarlet Phoenixes
What interesting times they were living in!

Henry hardly expected the honor of getting to guard meeting between gang leadership, let alone a summit between all four Kings of the gangs. Skadi and Helva were definitely impressive to get Henry the authorization to hang out here. At the time, Henry had promised to make the most of the opportunity, but looking back now, that was a bit silly. Everyone was just milling around, keeping to their own gangs and avoiding everyone else. There was a tasty sense of dread emanating from everyone-- Henry didn't blame them. With so many gang members here, it only took one for the cops to bust their asses. And there was always the chance that things could go sour in the meeting room.

The sprawling aqueduct had no insulation, and thus the cold weather of the waning winter permeated into the area. The cold was nothing compared to a Graadian winter, but Henry pulled his jacket closer regardless. He was dressed to impress, not to dress for a nuclear winter.

Henry overheard one of the Phoenixes talking about how cigarettes kill people. And in true comedic fashion, a few people around them pulled out cigarettes and began to smoke. Henry for his part smirked and pulled out a plastic baggie full of multicolored pills. He took one of them at random and stuck out his tongue to place it on the tip, letting his saliva melt the outer coating of the pill for a few seconds before swallowing. And just as luck would have it, it did not go down smoothly. Henry coughed as he choked on his drugs and he desperately looked around for help, "Cyka! Does anyone have water?"

How ironic, considering they were in the middle of a water purification facility.
New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
February 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Henrik, everyone else.
Akira’s footsteps tapped on the grimy floor as she weaved her way through the little cliques of people that had gathered outside the room where it happens. Her eyes flicked between the downcast faces of the gang members that were brought down to this musty old reservoir. It had rotten over the years since it was last in use, and that stale air permeated the atmosphere beneath the ground, seeping into the bodies of those who await within it.

In short: everyone seemed miserable. And that was why, beneath the Kitsuné mask that obscured her features, Akira had a smile on her face. It would’ve sparkled, if only it were visible.

Serpents, Dragons, Phoenixes, and Tigers alike were all stuck down here. Their patience collectively withered away like dust, unease settling between them all. It made Akira feel light as she skipped past the sad little toys people called competent gangsters.

Her gaze landed on the few groups of Tigers idling about, just as everyone else. Old playmates of hers— well, not hers. Of the man whose identity was gifted to her. She recognized some faces, new and old, although she was sure none of the ones in the vicinity actually knew Akira in return. Which was so disappointing, in all honesty. How could she have fun with her new identity when none of her old pals knew who she was?

But, that wasn’t what she was here for, was it? Not really. What she was here for was the goldmine of intel that was having so many gang members in one place. The information she could wring from them, if she just chose the right person or people? Invaluable. Priceless.

Well, no. She could easily put a price on it. And that price went up to a whole lot. And since she had a trusted puppet on the inside getting the juicy details, Akira had free pickings over the ripe fruit scattered across the waiting area.

The question here and now was, “Who was the right person?”

The sound of choking drew her attention. And yet, when she looked towards the source, it was not a fight that had silently broken out, but some poor sap that had tried to down a pill without water.


Akira disappeared for only a moment before reappearing in front of the Phoenix, a crystal clear bottle of water sloshing in her hand as she scraped the sole of her shoes against the floor. “Water?” she offered before pressing the bottle into the man’s hand.

She didn’t quite recognize anything about this one. Descriptions of Phoenixes fluttered through her head, but no dice. And no dice meant hidden variables. It was entirely possible he wasn’t worth a moment of her time, but she wouldn’t know until she found out, would she? And she’d already come so far with the offer of the water bottle.

Straightening up, her gloved hands slid into the pockets of the unfamiliar jacket —the usual one was a bit too iconic for this arrangement— and hummed. “You don't seem as glum as everyone else does. But you’ll be having a better time soon, won’t you?” Akira laughed. Dim red eyes pierced through the mask concealing them, locking onto the face of her soon-to-be acquaintance. “And who are you? You seem cold. I hope your little treat warms you up, haha!”

Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
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Kanna Katsura
New Oasis S2 - A4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
The Kings and their Inner Circles
The Fourth Seal
"Doesn't sound like we have much of a choice then, do we?"

If Kanna had a nickel for every time she was in an enclosed space with rival gang members and they weren't killing each other, she'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Though this occasion was more serious.

Time was not her ally in this moment. She had barely any of it to fully acclimate to her new position as King of the Azure Dragons, and already she had to deal with a new threat against the East. The NOPD had severely damaged the former Dragon HQ, forcing Kanna to have it decommissioned and its most critical assets moved off site. The site was now open to the public, and served as a shrine for those that perished during the coup against the former king, Shen.

Her eyes drifted from one person to the other. Some faces, she was familiar with. Others were new to the table, her own leadership included. Kanna looked over her shoulder to where Llyod stood, who now held the title she once did. There weren't many others who she could pick for the job, but she was satisfied with Lloyd and had faith in his abilities. The same, however, could not be said Kanna's new Queen. Lars Albrecht was an anomaly, and quite frankly if Kanna had a say, he wouldn't be in the room with her. But following the internal coup, he had managed to rally many Dragons to his message, forcing Kanna's hand. She'd just have to keep a close eye on him.

Kanna's attention returned to the matter at hand.

"And if we're successful. What then? We turn our aggressions back to one another?"

She had her doubts. Any sane person would. If she was still Jack, she'd be urging Shen that they handle it on their own terms without the other gangs. But perhaps a little insanity was needed to fight against this new threat. And that insanity was what brought Kanna to the table now.

Ryo Katsura
New Oasis S2 - A4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central - "Purgatory"
Numerous Members of Every Gang
The Fourth Well
To say that Ryo felt out of place was an understatement.

Normally, she'd either be home. Or at her recording studio. Anywhere but an abandoned, old, creepy, and rancid water processing plant. But these weren't normal times.

She and her other half had tried their best not to get dragged into the conflict, but eventually they were forced to pick a side as Ryu sought the Tiger throne. As if that wasn't enough, a lot of the Tiger's illicit dealings came out to public light. By a shred of luck and a lot of preparation for a scenario like this, Ryo was spared and had little fallout to deal with. When the NOPD raided her music studio, they couldn't any incriminating evidence to pin against her. The same couldn't be said for others though, and Ryo knew her temporary grace wouldn't last long.

Now, Ryu was behind closed doors, speaking with the leadership from the other gangs, one of whom she was particularly familiar with. All Ryo could do was wait. Her hand reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone. But there was no service, Figures, since they were underground. Ryo sighed as she pocketed the device, before sinking down and sitting on the floor, leaning back against a wall.

Her eyes went from one person to the next. Ryo recognized none of them, but it seemed like some of them were making small talk with one another. Eventually, her eyes landed one a woman with a cigarette in her mouth. She was digging around in her pockets, presumably for a lighter. Ryo stood up and walked over to the woman. Unsure what else to say, she spoke up quietly, but loud enough for the other woman to hear her.

"Need some help there?"

How the fuck was Ryo going to help? She didn't have a lighter on her.

She was really out of her element here.

Infab Infab
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CS Link
The Fourth Seal
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central - "Purgatory"
Arc 4
The Kings and their Inner Circles
The Fourth Seal

Khydnah's amber eyes glimmered faintly beneath her dark hood as she studied the room's occupants. Her frail yet towering form cast a long shadow, the dim and flickering light unable to diminish the commanding air she exuded. She stood slightly apart from the Sable Serpent delegation, watching as the tense negotiations unfolded before her. The Tiger King had spoken, and the room buzzed faintly with murmurs of approval and skepticism. Her focus shifted to the Azure Dragon King, Kanna, as the latter raised a question that echoed a truth few here wanted to admit.

Khydnah’s lips curled into the faintest hint of a smile, her voice cutting through the low din like a slow, winding river carving its path through stone. "̵Y̷o̸u̸ ̶s̶p̶e̷a̵k̵ ̷o̵f̷ ̷w̸h̶a̷t̷ ̶l̴i̷e̷s̶ ̸b̵e̸y̶o̵n̶d̶ ̵t̵h̷i̸s̸ ̷i̵m̶m̶e̴d̶i̴a̶t̴e̶ ̴t̵h̵r̸e̴a̶t̴,̶ ̵K̸i̶n̸g̴ ̴o̶f̵ ̸t̶h̴e̴ ̶A̵z̴u̷r̶e̵ ̸D̷r̶a̴g̷o̸n̷s̸.̷ ̷I̷t̷ ̷i̵s̷ ̸a̶ ̸p̸r̸u̵d̸e̸n̶t̸ ̶q̶u̶e̵s̸t̴i̴o̵n̴.̷.̷.̷ ̴t̵h̵o̸u̸g̴h̴ ̷p̷e̵r̷h̵a̴p̵s̶ ̷p̶r̸e̶m̶a̶t̴u̶r̶e̸.̷"̴

She stepped forward, her movements deliberate, like an ancient predator whose mere presence disrupted the balance of the ecosystem. Stopping at the edge of the table, she turned her hooded head toward Ryutaro, addressing him first.

"̶Y̶o̸u̴r̷ ̷s̵u̶g̵g̵e̸s̵t̵i̶o̸n̸ ̸o̸f̷ ̷u̵n̴i̶t̵y̴ ̶i̷s̴ ̴a̵s̷ ̵n̸e̴c̶e̶s̴s̴a̷r̵y̵ ̸a̶s̷ ̷i̵t̶ ̵i̸s̸.̸.̴.̶ ̵u̵n̸n̷a̴t̶u̴r̷a̷l̴,̵"̶ Khydnah intoned. Her voice carried a certain gravity, rich and aged like oak smoke, though it lacked hostility. "̸F̶o̸r̶ ̷c̸e̸n̸t̷u̴r̴i̸e̶s̶,̷ ̶t̷h̵e̵ ̸l̵i̴f̴e̶b̴l̵o̷o̷d̴ ̷o̴f̶ ̸t̵h̸e̶s̵e̷ ̵g̵a̷n̵g̶s̷ ̴h̴a̴s̵ ̵b̵e̵e̸n̸ ̸r̶o̸o̷t̵e̵d̵ ̸i̴n̶ ̵d̷i̵v̷i̸s̸i̶o̴n̵ ̸a̴n̴d̴ ̸c̴o̷n̸q̶u̵e̶s̸t̸.̶ ̸Y̶o̵u̶r̵ ̸w̶o̵r̶d̷s̵ ̸c̸a̶l̵l̵ ̴u̵s̵ ̶t̶o̸ ̸a̵c̶t̵ ̸a̶g̴a̵i̶n̶s̶t̷ ̵o̴u̵r̸ ̶v̸e̴r̴y̶ ̴n̸a̶t̷u̷r̴e̵.̵"̷ She tilted her head, her blackened sclera and dull amber irises flickering briefly in the low light. "̴Y̶e̶t̷,̸ ̷i̶t̶ ̷i̷s̵ ̸a̸ ̶n̸a̵t̶u̶r̸e̵ ̷t̷h̷a̸t̵ ̸m̷u̶s̶t̵ ̵b̵e̵ ̸s̷u̷b̴d̴u̷e̵d̷ ̶i̴f̷ ̵s̸u̴r̸v̷i̷v̷a̵l̵ ̴i̷s̴ ̸t̴r̴u̴l̶y̴ ̵w̵h̸a̷t̷ ̷y̵o̸u̶ ̷s̴e̵e̶k̸.̴"̷

Khydnah turned her attention to Kanna. "̷B̴u̴t̸ ̸y̸o̵u̶r̷ ̴c̶o̷n̴c̷e̵r̵n̴ ̶i̶s̶ ̴w̵e̷l̶l̷-̸f̶o̶u̵n̵d̵e̴d̷,̷ ̴y̴o̵u̴n̶g̸ ̴K̵i̷n̶g̴.̵ ̸E̷v̷e̴n̶ ̶i̶f̵ ̵w̶e̴ ̶s̶u̸c̷c̵e̴e̴d̶,̷ ̷w̵h̸a̴t̵ ̶i̶s̵ ̵t̴o̵ ̵k̵e̸e̴p̴ ̴t̷h̴i̸s̴ ̷f̷r̸a̸g̸i̵l̸e̷ ̴a̴l̴l̵i̵a̷n̷c̴e̵ ̴f̸r̴o̴m̸ ̶s̵p̸l̸i̸n̴t̶e̴r̵i̵n̴g̸ ̸t̵h̴e̵ ̷m̴o̵m̸e̵n̶t̶ ̴o̴u̴r̸ ̵b̵a̶c̶k̵s̷ ̸a̶r̴e̸ ̸n̸o̴ ̸l̷o̶n̵g̴e̸r̴ ̴p̵r̸e̴s̴s̶e̷d̸ ̸a̶g̴a̴i̸n̵s̶t̸ ̷t̷h̶e̶ ̵w̶a̷l̸l̴?̶ ̷W̵e̸,̶ ̴t̸h̵e̷ ̵r̴e̸m̵n̶a̴n̴t̷s̴ ̸o̷f̵ ̵e̴m̶p̷i̷r̵e̸s̴,̴ ̶h̷a̴v̵e̸ ̷n̵e̷v̷e̴r̸ ̴t̴h̶r̴i̵v̵e̵d̸ ̴i̴n̷ ̵p̴e̴a̸c̶e̷.̵"̵ She clasped her long, claw-like fingers together, the glint of her aged jewelry catching the faint light.

"̷Y̴e̵t̷,̶ ̶t̵h̶e̷r̷e̴i̴n̶ ̶l̶i̷e̶s̷ ̷t̵h̴e̸ ̵o̸p̴p̵o̵r̷t̶u̸n̵i̶t̶y̸.̴ ̸I̷f̶ ̵t̴h̴i̵s̷ ̶S̵l̵e̷e̶p̸e̴r̸ ̸r̵e̶p̷r̵e̵s̷e̴n̷t̶s̷ ̵t̷h̶e̶ ̷b̶a̴l̷a̴n̷c̵e̷ ̵t̵h̶a̸t̷ ̸s̶u̵s̸t̶a̵i̸n̷s̷ ̶P̶o̵t̵e̴n̵t̴i̷a̶l̴i̴t̶i̶e̶s̶,̸ ̶p̸e̸r̵h̵a̴p̴s̷ ̴i̸t̷ ̷i̵s̴ ̸n̷o̵t̶ ̸m̷e̴r̷e̶l̶y̵ ̴a̴ ̵t̸h̵r̵e̶a̵t̸.̷.̴.̷ ̶b̷u̵t̴ ̷a̵ ̸b̶a̴r̴g̶a̴i̷n̴i̵n̵g̵ ̶c̷h̸i̷p̵.̵ ̷A̸n̸ ̷a̸x̴i̴s̵ ̶u̵p̸o̵n̸ ̴w̷h̴i̷c̶h̷ ̴w̷e̸ ̷c̶a̷n̶ ̷r̴e̴n̵e̵g̷o̴t̴i̸a̸t̸e̶ ̶t̷h̴i̴s̷ ̴c̴i̶t̵y̸'̴s̵ ̷p̵o̷w̸e̵r̷ ̴d̵y̴n̸a̸m̷i̸c̵s̸ ̷e̷n̴t̸i̷r̷e̴l̷y̶.̷ ̴I̵t̴ ̸i̸s̴ ̶n̷o̶t̵ ̸o̷n̸l̵y̷ ̴t̷h̷e̷ ̶g̸a̸n̵g̶s̵ ̸w̶h̵o̵ ̷s̶h̶o̵u̷l̵d̵ ̴f̷e̸a̷r̴ ̸i̷t̸s̴ ̶a̶w̶a̵k̶e̸n̴i̵n̵g̶ ̵b̷u̴t̴ ̸a̸l̷s̷o̸ ̶t̵h̷o̶s̵e̶ ̵w̸h̵o̷ ̶w̷i̴e̶l̴d̴ ̵t̵h̷e̷ ̶i̶n̶s̸t̶r̶u̴m̷e̷n̷t̸s̶ ̷o̷f̴ ̵t̶h̸i̷s̷ ̴o̵p̶p̷r̷e̵s̷s̵i̵v̶e̸ ̸l̸a̷w̸.̸"̵

Khydnah’s gaze swept the room, a glimmer of satisfaction flickering behind her inscrutable expression. "̶I̶f̵ ̷w̶e̴ ̸a̴r̴e̷ ̸t̵o̶ ̷u̸n̵i̷t̴e̵,̵ ̸i̷t̷ ̶s̸h̴o̸u̵l̴d̵ ̷n̷o̵t̸ ̶s̷i̵m̷p̶l̸y̸ ̵b̶e̸ ̸t̵o̵ ̴e̴x̶t̷i̷n̶g̴u̸i̵s̶h̸ ̸t̵h̵i̷s̸ ̵e̷n̶t̵i̵t̶y̷.̴ ̵I̵t̵ ̶s̴h̶o̶u̴l̸d̵ ̷b̶e̴ ̶t̶o̷ ̶s̸e̵i̶z̴e̷ ̸w̴h̴a̶t̵ ̴l̷i̷e̴s̵ ̶b̷e̴n̴e̶a̵t̷h̴ ̵a̴n̶d̸ ̵e̶n̸s̵u̴r̵e̴ ̴i̵t̵s̶ ̸p̸o̵w̸e̸r̵ ̶i̸s̵ ̷h̸a̷r̷n̵e̵s̵s̵e̵d̶—̷n̴o̵t̷ ̸f̵o̶r̶ ̵t̴h̴e̴ ̷p̶o̴l̶i̶c̷e̴,̷ ̶n̸o̷r̴ ̸t̵h̷e̶ ̷B̷o̵a̶r̵d̵,̵ ̴b̵u̴t̶ ̶f̵o̵r̴ ̴u̸s̸.̵ ̴F̵o̸r̷ ̶N̸e̶w̴ ̷O̷a̴s̴i̸s̶'̴ ̴t̷r̴u̸e̷ ̸a̵r̴c̶h̴i̴t̷e̸c̵t̶s̵.̶"̷

Her words hung in the air, heavy with implication. Her gaze shifted between Ryutaro and Kanna once more. "̷O̷r̷ ̴s̵h̴a̸l̸l̸ ̷w̶e̸ ̸e̵x̸p̴e̵n̴d̴ ̸w̶h̸a̵t̶ ̸l̷i̴t̶t̶l̵e̵ ̵w̸e̷ ̵h̸a̸v̴e̴ ̷l̸e̷f̵t̷,̷ ̵m̷e̴r̸e̴l̸y̸ ̸t̴o̶ ̴d̷e̵s̸t̴r̶o̵y̴ ̸t̷h̸e̷ ̴b̷o̷a̴r̶d̸ ̴u̵p̵o̴n̷ ̵w̷h̸i̷c̴h̶ ̴w̷e̶ ̷a̵l̵l̸ ̵p̴l̴a̵y̸?̵"̸

joshuadim joshuadim FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
February 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
The Kings and their Inner Circles
Even as her gaze was magnetized away from the Tiger king, Luna’s ghosts screamed at herself.

Pay attention. PAY ATTENTION.

And her eyes would focus back on the tall man. He spoke like a president, loomed over the large table like a general. He was blond, he was king, he was Ryutaro Hashimoto: she knew this much already. She had to learn more about him.

He sounded… certain. Of whatever plot he had cooked up in his head. He spoke regally, assuredly, as if they really were four kingdoms and he had brought his queen and most trusted advisors with him to strike a deal.

A bright red red-head lurked behind him. She was a fifth party, so to speak. Not Queen, nor Jack or Ace. Joker?

A guard. A knight.

What is this, Medieval Hour? It’s clearly an assassin. A king’s gotta have an assassin.

Luna glanced at her own fellow leaders. All she could think was: MAN, these guys have got their shit together. Way more than us...

Their Queen didn’t like her much. He didn’t want her to be Jack. The only reason she even made the cut was because they didn’t have anyone else who wanted to step up. But she did; her and Anna did. She wouldn’t be surprised if the Serpent King didn’t even know her face, despite being the one to promote her. Almost nobody wanted her there, she was told.

But Ara—Akira did, and that’s what mattered.

She was here to smile and wave—agree, nod, applaud. She wasn’t supposed to question a thing. She was here to observe.

The Dragon King agreed too. Less enthusiastic. Utilitarian, perhaps?

Akira probably knew that already. She needed something new. Pay attention. PAY ATTENTION.

Kydnah spoke, and she would not. She would never. She wasn’t supposed to talk. She would just agree. If they were uniting, if this was a truce, then she was supposed to agree. Remember. Remember.

Her mouth strained as it opened to a mouth full of teeth.

Akira will be proud.

And the corners of her mouth stretched a little wider.
Lars Albrecht
Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
The Kings and their Inner Circles
The Fourth Seal
"Keep an eye on these scumbags," he'd said to Jesper. "These 'people' lack honor and humanity. Who knows if they are even capable of respecting the truce of this wretched place..." He scoffed as a few flies buzzed past their faces.

It was a harsh order that Guardian answered with a stern nod. Not that Lars knew the boy behind the persona was drifting asleep, but as long as the appearance served its purpose. Leaving Guardian and a couple of its drones drifting around the Dragons, that was enough assurance for the new Queen to leave them be. As long as they could defend themselves.

And never has he felt more at ease than when he entered that room. These were the almighty Kings and Queens of New Oasis? So-called leaders that demanded fear and respect? The Tiger King, who in all honesty had garnered the most respect from Lars, needed a guard. A guard. A babysitter caring for a 40 year old man!

And he couldn't even hide the sneer from the Serpents' King—a disgusting creature like something crawling out of the sewers their gang was born in. Someone like her wouldn't last long—just like every other leader that came before her. Maybe that needly twat behind her was raring for her throne. The thought amused him greatly.

Then of course, was Lars' fellow leader. The great Kanna Katsura, ascending from Jack to King in the cowardly Shen's wake. What an unfortunate victim, getting thrust into a position she's clearly not ready for. She gets the privilege of having his pity rather than ire.

Despite Lars' swirling internal judgments, he has kept an ear out on the unfolding conversation. And one common group has reigned in on everyone's terrain. Unfortunately, an alliance must be made for now. Once Khydnah finished speaking, he laughed. A loud, confident laugh. And he rose.

"That Serpent... creature is correct, and her words surprisingly resonate with me." Lars looked down at Kanna. "If you are ever going to reach the bare minimum of a great King, your first step will be your manner of speech. Because this is a matter of when we win. Of when we will wipe those degenerate barbarians parading in the name of justice off the map! And of course, having a plan for what comes after."

Lars spawned a metal cube hovering in his palm, spinning on a delicate axis of his will. "The NOPD has overstepped their legal boundaries, meddling in perfectly legitimate businesses and disrupting our rights. And seeing as Amestria's government is too negligent to stomp out this blatant overstep in authority, we as sovereign citizens wield our natural, inalienable right to fight back against the powers that oppress us. We will fight back tooth and nail, showing them that we will not be tread on!"

His tone turned to a passionate yell, a toothy grin finding its way as he preached. "These so-called powers have shown absolute weakness! They have shown themselves to be absurdly foolish, and we are letting them run us down like insects on the street! Albrecht Industries will wage a war tenfold back! I have been preparing for something like this since my company's very inception, and I will bomb the ever living shit out of these louts!"

"The Board!"
Lars sent the cube crushing a fly against the wall. "The police!" Another cube, another fly. "None of these groups deserve power. That power belongs to the group that can rebuild New Oasis—make it an even greater city than ever before. And to maintain the peace, order and control must be in play."

He turned to the Circle. "Therefore, it naturally falls in place that the Dragons, as New Oasis' true architects, will pick up the mantle once this is over. Not blood-hungry druggie barbarians. Not the occult-like family fetishists. Not a gambling and debt reliant economy. And if this challenges your substandard common sense, then so be it. But what you think does not stop the advent of progress and innovation, as they are the wheels of human civilization itself."

Lars finally sat back down, more than pleased with himself. "So with that said, accept this as my condition, and I will aid this alliance with every asset my company can offer."

FabulousTrash FabulousTrash joshuadim joshuadim Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- miki miki Infab Infab
New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
February 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
The Kings and their Mice

Muffled voices reached her. Hashimoto’s voice was easy to recognize. It was booming, aggrandizing. She could tell he was dripping with self-importance just by his tone.

She didn’t sigh, nor did she fidget. Her limbs locked before the crucial notion of her survival. If she was found, Hashimoto would forfeit her life in a heartbeat.

The other voices would remain faceless. It was surprising: for as decrepit as the walls were, peeling and hollow, there were no holes. It made for a good hiding spot, but a poor place to utilize her Potential.

The good thing was, though hesitant, this new voice leaned towards agreement. They had to stop the Police from waking up this Sleeper thing, even if it meant going against all natural law and joining forces as one.

Only something like an elder god could bring the gangs together. She smirked, toning her sick laughter down to a quirk of the lips. The memory of the humming TV screen made her eyes roll to the back of her head. She really couldn’t make sense of it. The announcement sounded like the sort of thing that would be featured on a supernatural TV show, or a conspiracy channel in the dead hours of the night. Not the news.

Nothing made sense and the world was upside down. To cope with it, she had to change gravity. Abandon all her logic and face reality: if Potentials were wiped out, she really would lose everything.

Her only advantage would be gone. Her only hopes of getting her brother back, gone. Her chances at making the killer pay would be gone. She had no clue what that sort of eradication would do to her. And to chimeric HPs, well…

It made her feel physically sick. No matter where things stood between them now, she felt the same: she could not lose him. It would be a cumulatively tougher blow than any of the stuff she’s faced before. It would break her. What would she have left?

And she rolled her eyes at herself again. Pathetic. They all screamed it. They all knew it. She carved at the sinews of her heart with a knife made of those fractured moments. She listened in again.

…These people were really bad at being diplomatic. It almost made her look upon Hashimoto favorably.

Well. Not almost. It was hardly even close. But a spark is a spark.

Either way, the point still stood that it was going in the wrong direction. These points had no point. She didn’t care if everything fell apart after they stopped the police. All she wanted was her own safety, for long enough to run away with what she holds dear in her clutches. And that made her just like every other selfish bastard lounging in that room.

She grimaced at a particular voice. A voice so familiar it was killing her that she couldn’t place it. She should take out her gun and shoot that idiot directly in the eye. She would be applauded, really. Their lives were in the balance and this fool was dancing in the maw of the beast.

Hiachi shut her eyes tightly.


New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
Henry Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , Akira gxxberkit gxxberkit , Charlie Roda the Red Roda the Red , Numerous Members of Every Gang
New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Purgatory was one of the last places Helva wanted to be, which is why Hiyma was sent in her place along with many other different reasons, including the fact Helva actually didn't respect nor truly like any of the so called leaders that were here and instead was taking her time to continue in forging relationships with other Phoenix Veterans for her potential future agenda. While Helva herself didn't really attend this meeting, nor did Skadi for that matter she did have herself, Charlie and Henry in their place in order to pretend they care for their new Phoenix King, but Hiymas main objective was to take notes and look out for Charlie and Henrys well being. Although Helva and Skadi both knew that Charle and Henry could look out for themselves, they were both still rookies and to Helva their lives were more valuable to her than their supposed leaders.

Regardless of what she thought of this sad display of a diplomatic meeting, Hiyma began dutifully taking notes on the many different people here using her phone as a form of data collection. However when Henry, Skadis sponsoree asked if anyone had any water Hiymas eyes landed towards him and before she could offer her own assistance a shadowy figure went up to them offering their assistance, by how they look and acted it almost screamed Snake. Hiyma let out a sigh before calling out to him "Gem, sei vorsichtig im Umgang mit diesen jungs und erzähl ihnen nichts, was wahr ist.." she said that in another language so that not many people here would understand what they said, though she wasn't completely sure if Skadi had taught them basic Almereian so just in case she added a subtle hint by nodding their head to the person that they were conserving with before shaking their head and delivering a glare to the woman.

Though after a moment Hiyma went back to her phone, gathering intel about other gang members through observation and subtly taking the occasional picture of the others in order to create a profile about them. Though she did make occasional glances towards Henry and Charlie to make sure they were doing alright, she didn't want any of the scumbags here to attempt to take advantage of them after all.
New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
February 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
Various Dragons

Hissss-POPwent the sound of the aluminum tab giving way, a crisp snap followed by a short burst of pressurized air escaping with a fizzy, almost whispering exhale. The hiss lingered for a bare moment, before fading into the faint fizz of carbonation as bubbles sprung to life inside the can.

Retsu lounged in the crook of the ancient stone architecture, her body sprawled like a lazy lioness in a tree. One leg dangled carelessly over the edge, booted toes kicking to an unseen rhythm, while the other bent lazily at the knee, propped up like she owned the place. Her back slouched against the weathered curve of the structure, one hand idly swishing the freshly-minted beer can to and fro. The gentle sloshing of amber liquid rang softly against the tense silence of the gathering.

Her head lolled to one side, cheek pressed against her bare shoulder, a lazy smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as she regarded the scene with glassy, half-lidded eyes. Strands of her wild, disheveled mane hung loosely over her face, catching the faint glow of flickering, fluorescent lights from far, far overhead.

At last, as if she simply couldn't bear it any longer, Retsu let out a long, exaggerated sigh that reverberated off the stone walls, breaking the oppressive silence like a pebble dropped into still water. She shifted in her lounging spot, using the motion to take a long, gulping swig from the can—downing its contents, crushing the empty remains with her fist, and discarding it into the shadows of the corner with a practiced carelessness—all in a single motion.

"Jeesh"—hic!—"What's with all the long faces?" She asked of no one in particular, glancing around with mock curiosity, pink eyes flicking from face to face. “Y’know, if you wanted someone to lighten the mood, ya could’ve just asked. I’d have brought a whole keg. Maybe even a clown.”

She clucked her tongue, letting the awkwardness settle around her before at last she shrugged, adding, “Ahhh, but don’t mind me. You all can get back to scowlin’ at each other now. It’s riveting, really.”

And with that, she slouched back down and inexplicably produced a second can of beer, letting the process repeat.

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Christina Winchester
New Oasis S2 - A4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central - "Purgatory"
Numerous Members of Every Gang
Just as Christina found her lighter, tucked into the left rear pocket of her slacks, she heard a female voice seemingly directed at her. She glanced up as she drew the lighter out, and smirked. "Nah. Thanks, though." she responded, before noticing it was a member of the Tigers that had approached and spoken to her. She cocked an eyebrow briefly, before eventually striking the lighter twice and lighting the cigarette hanging from between her lips.

It seemed people were starting to mingle between gangs. That was nice and all... as long as it stayed peaceful. Didn't need a fight breaking out over some remark or act taken the wrong way. She exhaled a few puffs of smoke, flicking the lighter closed and slipping it back into the same pocket where it was found. Then, she looked back to the Tiger.

Christina hadn't really had much interaction with the Tigers. Business sorts, mind on the money and money on the mind. Money made the world go around, and the Tigers were all for that. Last she heard about them, they had just went through a bloody civil war, then a series of bloody raids by the new police task force. Messy stuff. She knew that the Phoenixes and Tigers really didn't get along either, but... well, which gangs did? Especially here in New Oasis.

Her mind drifted briefly to the Dragons nearby. She tried to avoid them whenever possible, thanks to her father and his pushing for her to join them before his passing. Which she refused. She understood the lineage and all that, but... she wanted to be able to choose what she wanted to do with her own life. Not have it dictated by her father and ancestors. Her mother either, as she had tried to get Christina to leave the Phoenixes for a different gang. The Serpents.

Her accountant, Karina, did the dirty work of trying to convince her. Making it seem like there were no alternatives. But, of course, Christina told her to fuck off too. She was where she wanted to be... even though things in the Phoenixes were quite rough at the moment. New power hungry king, who didn't give two shits about the concept of 'family' or the way things were supposed to be run. Nah, gotta go after that top prize: lording over all of New Oasis. Fuck everything else, like making sure you were on good terms with your own gang. You know, the very people backing your ass as you climb to the top.

She didn't like 'em, and there was a large chunk of the Phoenixes that also didn't like 'em. She could smell a rebellion brewing, just like what happened with the Tigers and the Dragons. Probably not good for anyone, especially right now with the cops breathing down their necks. Hopefully something productive comes of that meeting inside the inner sanctum.

"...Real weird times we're living in, eh?" she asked finally, smirking at the Tiger that had approached her. She bumped the ashes from her cigarette off onto the floor, before slipping it back into the corner of her mouth. "Christina, rookie Phoenix. You?"

Her attention briefly shifted to a Dragon across the room, sitting on some of the stone architecture and drinking beer. "...Hell, if we were going to just start drinking, I'd have brought proper liquor." she said, softly chuckling at the sight.

Interaction: FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
Mentioned: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
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Karina Zemova
New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central - "Purgatory"
Karina, Christina, Ryo, Various other gang members
The Fourth Seal
Years worth of work gone just like that. A moment of carelessness and you're busted back down to street level or worse, scoured underground like a rat. Karina hid her frustrations to the best of her ability, but it was obvious that even she was having a rough time with their new circumstances. No matter what the results of this meeting between the kings brings, she has to rebuild her system and network from the ground up. Find any rat that might have leaked information to the NOPD and exterminate them.

But all good things come to those who wait and patience was something she has cultivated over the years. Every operation can be brought back up, every connection can be replaced or remade, everything can come back. The question was, will they do this alone? The Tigers, Phoenixes and Dragons suffered along with them in the raids. Many members of the four gangs were killed or taken into custody. 'Poor Sherridan, your fancy place was such a relaxing spot.' She mused for a second. The authorities were no longer a side attraction or a nuisance, now they were out for blood. No one gang could stand alone after the wake of destruction that had swept the four districts. Matilda's lawyers and money was enough to get Karina out of a jail cell just by a hair, but that's not something they could all rely on.

Karina's eyes scanned the room again to look through the gathered gang members and spotted one in particular- Christina Winchester. The Serpent made sure to make eye contact, put on the most innocent smile she could and waved to her. Despite the setbacks, things were not over between them. Not until Christina yielded and since they were on neutral ground perhaps it was time to put on some pressure and figure out how the Phoenixes were fairing.

"Hello, miss Winchester." Karina greeted Christina as she walked over, only pausing to acknowledge Ryo as well. "And to you as well, miss." Two for one if the conversation would be nice enough. Back to Christina "I hope that recent events have been kind to you both Many of the gathered here have suffered at the hands of the authoritiesm myself included. I was fortunate enough to have a generious sponsor to avert the worst of it."

Infab Infab FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
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Zentsupa Pei
CS Link
New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central - "Purgatory"
Febuary 28th, 2023
All the bozos.
The Fourth Seal

These dilapidated walls told stories. Just how much history soaked through the weathered rock? Far beyond the dried tapestries of neolithic cave paintings, the scars that decorated the cracks were still fresh and deep. The world had been shaken multiple times, carrying the weight of thousands of feet over millions of days.

The Earth continues to spin, regardless. If the walls caved in, and everyone found themselves stuck in this cavern to never see the light of day, no one would hear them; the sun would still rise. That was the true meaning of Purgatory. The sorrows that had trapped many souls down here made breathing the haunting and claustrophobic air difficult. Everything went dark, swallowed by darkness. Silence, a long drawn-out void.

“Kekekekek! Everything ready!?”

A hoarse voice called out from the black.

"Pi pi pi! Everything is ready to go, professor!"

The synthetic cherry chirps of another replied back.

"Alright! Let's get this fuckin' party started!"

A click of a flashlight brought a return to vision. A pair of block-shaped eyes had been overcome with effervescence, filling the room with a blinding glare. Screams erupted around the room.

"Kyaaaaah! I can't see! I'M BLIND!"


With a pat on his neck, the robot's eyes dulled with a blink. He sheepishly chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.

"Pi pi…Sorry, po," It apologized with a bowl of its head before a stone came from behind, an audible hollow clang as the robot's head jerked forward.

"Just do it already shit can!"

With an affirmative nod, the robot reached down; it lifted upward a pair of thick ass cords. They were dense, barely fitting in the circumference of the robot's large hands. It took both connectors and brought them closer; threads of electricity visibly danced and linked to both, only growing denser as they got closer and closer. There was a brief moment of hesitation before he linked them both together.

With a visible glimmer of sparks, the current poured into the robot. It completely coated it in a blue hue as its body lifted off the ground. A shrill scream came from its mouth as its whole vibrated and smoked until its hands were released from the cord. Its body flew backward through the air until it slammed into the wall, an outline forming around it as it was embedded into the stone.

There were a handful of flickers as the power routed through until everything balanced out and light filled the room. Immediately, music began to echo through the surroundings. A whole assortment of furnishings had been forged out of stone. A billiard table sat in the center of the room with stone balls painted. A poker table nearby had already been accosted by a group of dogs surrounding it with the cards already dealt. Tables and chairs were embedded into the ground as part of the foundations.

A bar had been chiseled out of the wall, shelves were lined with bottles of expensive alcohol as the barkeeps, a group of tiny sombrero-wearing chipmunks leaped across the bar and worked in tandem to deal with the large bottles and poured out the drinks, a plank sat down going from the shelf to the table to roll down stuff from the higher parts of the assortment.

A stage had been made out of dried mud and clay. A band of walking and talking fruit kept the energetic ska going as everything began to bustle. The atmosphere was active with the numerous plastic staff wandering around.

Televisions had been hooked into the wall, and numerous wires traveled up the walls and then disappeared into pockets that traveled who knows where. Game consoles were plugged into them, and the controllers were tangled and sprawled across the floor for anyone to grab. The local news and ongoing wrestling matches were the other visual entertainment sitting on the walls.

A pair of hands dusted themselves off, punctuated by the sleeves of purple pinstripe patterns. An expensive watch was barely visible underneath. Hands came to the man's hips as he looked upon his work. The corner of his lip slowly contorted upward, gangly and gnarled, as it revealed his pink gums and jagged teeth. "Kekekekekekeke…."

A dry laugh left his lips before exploding into a full-blown cackle as he raised his arms wide to brandish his creation, "The Purgatory Playhouse is live! Kekekekekek!"

Pei stretched his hand out as a tiny hula dancer spun past, snatching a foaming glass mug off her metal tray and bringing it up to his lips to chug, letting out a sigh as he kicked his lips clean of the foam.

"Oh yeah, I forgot one thing," he realized, a raid of his mug as he shouted off to a random corner of the room, "Wheel in the TV!"

On cue, the sound of creaking unoiled wheels came from out of view; grunts of weary tiredness followed the giant bulk of a CRT TV slowly coming into view, a pair of orange and blue colored plumbers with G and U on their caps. They fell on their backs as the television rolled the rest of its way to its spot in a secluded corner of the room. With an unceremonious raise of his hand, Pei held a remote and clicked a button to switch the television off. The old screen showed another room of Purgatory, the tables, the rulers, the kings and queens of the board, and the jacks and aces within those decks. The dirtied, muddied sounds of the recording came from the speakers, barely relaying the sounds happening within the inner circle. It was clearly poor on purpose, a lack of care for ensuring the eavesdropping was even correctly done; it was left forgotten in the corner of the bustling room without much of a care, just left there just for the sake of saying there at least was some form of engagement with the actual reason they were here at all.

Pei placed his hands into the pockets of his suit, prancing around his small, literal hole-in-the-wall club that he had forged in Purgatory, the purification chamber and its history regarded as he chuckled under his breath, "Kekekeke if everyone's going to be working together, I might as well sweeten the deal. That's what a good Tiger would do," he said dripping with irony, it was clear he only did all this just because he could, and was relishing in the complete disrespect in all his actions. What a nuisance.

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New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
February 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
The Kings and their Inner Circles
It had started with a silence.

The air was tense. Grimy. Difficult to start trudging through, like thick mud. There weren’t instructions on meetings like these. No great ruleset descended from the Kings and Queens before the ones sitting here now. A truce was rare. A truce between all four gangs was even rarer. So for the first few seconds, or moments, or minutes, or hours, there was silence. A brief moment taken to scope, to sniff, to weed out the faults in everyone else standing here, to understand, deeply, what there was to be done.

The first to take a step into the mire of armistice was the Tiger King, followed by a friend: Kanna. Then the rich intonation of the infamed All-Mother.

Despite their differing backgrounds, everyone seemed to be in agreement. They would take the silt and clay beneath them and fashion a brittle truce from it like a child’s Mother’s Day gift. It would be appreciated, for a time, before it soon came to shatter.

And then the man behind Albrecht Industries rose.

Yong-Yut had her opinions on many of the people before her. Ryutaro: an enemy. Kanna: an ally. Khydnah: probably a freak. Sura: an inconvenience. Those were all built up over time, from stories and interactions. And, though Yong-Yut couldn’t say she was the least judgemental person in the world…

Never had she ever formed an opinion on someone three words in.

(Okay, well. That might be a lie. But that’s not the point.)

As did everyone else, Yong-Yut kept silent through the man’s self-aggrandizing speech. The audacity and condescension audibly seeped through every word. It reminded Yong-Yut of someone that she had lost contact with a long, long time ago.

She was lucky her jaw didn’t drop from the nasty impudence spilling from his mouth by the time he had finished speaking.

“F… Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Sura, Hector,” she offered as if either of them would care, “but are you serious, Albrecht?” Yong-Yut’s hands trembled in her lap, curling into fists to steady them as she spoke. “I mean, I… heard you were a dick, but I hadn’t expected it to be so bad in person.”

Tilting her head forward, eyes on his nose, she continued, “Do you… think that’s how this works? You… You flaunt about how… bad and inferior everyone else is and, and everyone folds? You don’t have the power to demand Central. You’re in as much shit as everyone else, you’re just… too full of yourself to see it. I mean, the… the people that actually read your autobiography think so, anyway.”

Then, in a delayed spike to her neck, regret hit. She quickly cleared her throat into her fist. “Just saying. Maybe… lower your expectations for this meeting. That’s all.” Yong-Yut gave a small half-bow to the Circle before straightening up her posture like she weren't suddenly feeling immense dread.

AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa joshuadim joshuadim FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central - "Purgatory"
February 28th, 2023
Dante Haze- Haze-
The Fourth Seal

"This is ridiculous. Can you believe this shit?"

"No sir, it's pretty ridiculous, I can't believe it."

A trio walked through the hallowed halls of the purification chamber; their footsteps echoed across the withered walls and rebounded up and down the hall. The man in the center was portly; his muscular frame was hidden underneath layers of baby weight he could never work off, his voice as coarse as Brillo pad, larynx torn down through those years of smoking, almost sounding like it was giving out on him. His hairline had undoubtedly given up on him years ago; it was pushed back to the 80s, slathered with grease, and stained with black to keep a facade of youth.

"Seriously, we're down here crawling around like mice--, no rats. Filthy little rats, and not like those kid's movie ones where they end up being adopted or running their own restaurant, just plain old oversized trash-eating rats," the older man continued to complain, digging through his fancy suit to pull out a trusty Nabuc cigar.

"Yes, seriously. Flea-ridden and mangy rats. We're so disgusting, it's almost enough to make me sick," on his left, there was a lanky-looking rookie; he was a generic-looking suit with a snaggle tooth and dyed blonde hair, and a terrible fashion sense; he looked at the older Tiger with admiration, a bit too much focus on a man riddled with wrinkles, moles, and the aroma of oozing fatty acids.

The older man gave him a look out of the corner of his eye, an exasperated slouch of his face as he gave a weary smile, "You don't have to echo everything I say, you know…" he explained with a small raise of his hand, in response the rookie straightened up like an arrow, "Yes sir! I don't have to echo everything you say!"

A sigh in defeat came from the veteran Tiger as he brought the cigar to his lips. As soon as it did, there was a click of a lighter as the man to his right leaned in, cupping the flame of the fancy-looking silver zippo to bring it to the end of the thing on his lips; the man gave it a few puffs to get the embers started before the flame had engrossed the end in a vibrant orange. The lighter clicked close with the dance of sparks that fizzled within the atmosphere.

"Thank you," the older man acknowledged, before blowing a puff of smoke. The cigar hung out of his fingers, floating in front of his lips. They walked silently until the man spoke up again, his eyes turning to look towards his right.

"What's your take on this, Roach? You've been real quiet since we got here. I'm used to you being tight-lipped, but…"

There was a trail off, as slowly the perspective shifted sideways. Those finely polished shoes, the plain black of the slacks rose up to a simplistic suit, the only interesting color on it was a red tie. His faded bronze skin was soaked in the darkness, his hands were hanging from his sides, and the cuffs were kept neat. Similarly, in the clean-cut, he wore a short haircut. Hightlightless blueish green eyes blinked, before shifting downwards, looking towards his boss with a weak smile, a sheepish rub of the back of his neck.

"Sorry, I must have been spacing out," he apologized, a halfway bow as if he had done something wrong, earning a scratch of the forehead from his boss, "What are you apologizing for kid? You’re too much of a doormat sometimes, you know?"

"Ah, yeah…sorry."

"Like I said…'

Once again, the older man couldn't help but sigh, stuck between these rookies who lacked backbone. He put his hands into his pockets as he blew smoke out from the corner of his mouth: "Still, I'm surprised you insisted on coming. You don't seem like the type to be interested in this type of…function."

Roach's eyes looked off into the distance; he straightened up, only slightly, hands staying put at his sides, almost like he was stifling something, showing his uncomfortableness, whether it was the suit or the atmosphere, "Yes. I can see how it's out of character for me, but--"

"Yeah, you told me. You want to be here to see what happens with your own eyes. I get it, I get it."
The man quickly shut down another episode of his explanations with a dismissive shake of his head. "You're here now, right?"

"...Yes. Thank you for letting me come," Roach finally relaxed a bit more, his posture returning to its natural slouch as he afforded just one hand into his pocket. A small fatherly smile came across the old man's lips, the wrinkles around the corners growing taut.

"Don't mention it. I owe Ms. Gaspari a lot. This is the least I can do for one of her friends," the old man gave Roach a rough pat on the back, causing him to stumble a bit, rubbing the sore spot.

"You've done more than I think she could ever ask for, sir. You've really turned my life around with this job." Roach freely admitted to his boss, turning his head to the side. "I owe you and her so much, I just don't know what to say…"

"Then don't say anything,"
the older man quickly cut him off, closing his eyes as that smile went away, "The only thing you gotta do to pay an old fart like me back and her is…keep on living, kid."

Roach's footsteps slowed until he came to a stop. The other rookie and his slicked-back hair looked over at him in a confused tilt of his head, but the big boss didn't stop at all, only affording his employee a glance from the corner of his eye.

"Go ahead, I won't hold you back."

Roach stood there for a second, a solid breath before he nodded his head, "Thank you, sir."

Roach turned away, walking off in a hurry, the sound of his pants legs brushing against each other in his rush.

"You two are both here, right?" He was sure of it. And if we're all here, then at least one of us is doing something stupid," he scratched the side of his head. It used to usually be him. But ever since things had changed, he stopped being the usual suspect.

It had been a minute since they had talked. He tried to remember if he had even replied to the texts. Everything felt so far away until now, but the situation was real. This whole thing with the police and with the Sleeper, in any other situation, he would have laughed it off with a cheap beer and some Xian food and slept the day off, but that wasn't a luxury he was afforded anymore.

He needed to stay informed, he needed to stay aware—not for his own benefit anymore, but because the jaws of this gang refused to let go without at least tearing some flesh off the bone.

His footsteps slowly came to a halt. Amongst the labyrinth's sameness, he finally found something he recognized. He breathed to catch his breath, balancing his pulse as he stepped through a door. From the depths of purgatory, he left the musty, humid air for the atmosphere of the dark night.

He was sure there were people out here, guardians of the entrance, just in case any unwanted visitors came, but he was sure another person was brooding and enjoying his seclusion in this darkness. A grin came across his face as he straightened up. His hand raised upward, as if he were holding a pizza box in his palm.

"Pizza delivery for a Mister…" Agh Realer?" He acted as if he was reading a receipt, "Arg Wheeler? Act Gurellia…" He continued to mumble off mispronunciations.

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New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
February 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
Various Individuals
The Fourth Seal
Augie's exhausted, unblinking stare flitted from one gangster to the next; they took note of their faces, the emotions each put on display without realizing, and the air of misery they all seemed to share. Augie closed their eyes and let their head hit the wall behind them, exhaling and pinching the bridge of their nose. Why did I come to this... The negativity was palpable, weighing heavily on Augie's shoulders and making their skin itch uncomfortably. But what else should they have expected from a meeting where all four gangs were present? At the very least, no one had gotten into any fights yet.

Definitely just jinxed it, Quinn. They lit a cigarette, taking a long drag and blowing the smoke into the air, watching as it swirled around and eventually dissipated. Augie wondered if it would do them any good to interact with their fellow Tigers, or perhaps they could try to connect with the other gangs. That could be worthwhile.


Not really.

In Augie's experience associating with new people was rarely ever worth it, and they were far less inclined to speak to anyone knowing the majority of others here were from the other gangs. The very thought made them cringe, pinching the lit cigarette between their pointer finger and thumb absentmindedly. It was the quiet hiss of something opening that drew them from their thoughts.

A woman with pink eyes and wild hair broke the silence simply by popping open a beer, only to take it a step further by addressing no one in particular as she rambled about... nonsense. Augie stared at her for a while, blinking slowly as she pulled out a second beer, before dropping their cigarette and crushing it beneath their heavy boot. At least she didn't carry that same miserable aura the others did.
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New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
February 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central — "Purgatory"
Henry, Akira, Hiyma, the Four Gang's Outer Circle
As he buckled over as he wheezed for breath, Henry vaguely remembered that as a Chimeric, his current form was nothing more than a disguise that he could adjust so that he wasn't choking on the pill. It'd be risky, as a small sudden change in his appearance might make other suspect him. Just as Henry was going to attempt it, a savior appeared in front of him, water bottle in her hand.

Henry snatched it with desperation and gulped down its contents, wheezing for a few breaths before finally getting a hang of himself. He passed the plastic bottle back to his rescuer, "Thanks. Would be a shame if I kicked the bucket cause of a pill."

Finally, Henry looked up to meet the eyes of the kitsune-masked woman, red on red eyes. She was an unfamiliar face to Henry, but that was to be expected; Henry was only a few months into being a gang member, and he could hardly tell friend from foe. Thankfully, Henry received a bit of guidance from Hiyma a few feet away, although Henry had to strain to understand the Almereian. Eventually, Henry got the gist of it thanks to Hiyma's gesticulation, and Henry returned it with a thumbs up, "Verstanden!"

As Henry perceived Hiyma, as well as the other shadow friends, as an extension of Helva, Henry gave them the same respect as he showed Helva. In a way, they were one of the reasons why Henry was against Yelena's extermination of the Sleeper. After all, if Potentials were wiped out, what would become of Helva's Shadow Friends?

"Nah, the pill won't warm me up. I've survived Graad's winters with nothing more than djungelskog and vodka, this chill won't kill me. And it takes half an hour for that baby to kick in, and hopefully, we'll be out of here by that point," Henry chuckled as he turned his attention back to the kitsune-masked woman. The bag of colorful pills were essentially a low dose amphetamine that a student in the Chemistry department synthesized for Henry to try out. He offered a hand for the Serpent to dap him up, "The name's... Yegor. Nice to meet you. You seem to be in good spirits too. Don't get why the others aren't. If we all work together, that means that maybe I can get invitation to Tiger parties. I can only imagine the ragers that they have there!"

Never mind the true reason that Henry was in such a good mood was the fact that he was practically feeding off of the dreadful atmosphere. Henry could taste people's fear like a shark's sense of blood in the water. But as Hiyma said, he wasn't to let any important information leak, not even his name... although he probably should've introduced himself with his alias.

Peckinou Peckinou gxxberkit gxxberkit
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New Oasis Season 2 - Arc 4: Scene 1 [The Fourth Seal]
Center District Purification Chamber, Lower Central - "Purgatory”
Bibi, Pei
The Fourth Seal
Like scattered leaves, the waves were breaking apart upon the shore. Nothing interested him here. It had been made clear that this was an exchange of words, something that he was cheerfully aware that he was quite deviant from. Worse still, he was not a particularly good listener either, especially if it came from parties that didn't particularly interest him.

Surely, surely, Rude and Vita would excuse his departure. Surely, surely, they would understand that his search for something much more entertaining was far more important than a jovial get-together of the greatest minds of the paradise that was New Oasis. Surely, surely, in this vast place of something or another, he would find something that would pique his interest than the dusty words of raggedy men and women of power.

And so, he flitted away like a black butterfly with clipped wings, drifting in the wind, carried by the breeze.

And carry him, it did, to a destination. He never doubted the winds for a second, for they have led him to a great many golden experiences. This particular one was a room of bright colours and noises, of televisions and sounds. He peeked his head in slowly, first with his eyes, then his nose peered around the corner.

Wicked, wondrous laughter echoed from within the chambers. It originated from the sole figure within the room. How beautiful, that utter disregard of appearances was. A lone soul bares itself the best.

The black butterfly fluttered in on broken wings, all smiles. “The red bloodied skies, whisper of darkened futures*,” He announced his entrance, and pointed askingly at the GameStation 5, positioned at one side of the room.

*(Hi, hello! What games do you have? Can I play them?)

thebigfella thebigfella
Hades // Cerberus
Season 2 - Arc 4: [The Fourth Seal]
Feb 28th, 2023 || After Midnight
Lower Central District; "Purgatory"
Takakazu thebigfella thebigfella
Fate Drags The Unwilling

“Seems about right…”

"Smoking will kill you, y'know?"

"We will either unite as a common front against this existential threat, or we will all die."

"Doesn't sound like we have much of a choice then, do we?"

"̶Y̶o̸u̴r̷ ̷s̵u̶g̵g̵e̸s̵t̵i̶o̸n̸ ̸o̸f̷ ̷u̵n̴i̶t̵y̴ ̶i̷s̴ ̴a̵s̷ ̵n̸e̴c̶e̶s̴s̴a̷r̵y̵ ̸a̶s̷ ̷i̵t̶ ̵i̸s̸.̸.̴.̶ ̵u̵n̸n̷a̴t̶u̴r̷a̷l̴,̵"̶

“Does anyone have water?"

“You seem cold.”

"Need some help there?"

A whirlpool of voices. Loud and incessant. Always loud and incessant.

The shadows had eyes and ears for them.

Observers, intruders, the devil’s little imp-things. The dull, echoing drip-drop of stale water and the hollow whistle from the open pipes intermingled with the chittering of their jaws, the click of their claws dragging and jumping across the walls.

The place must have been haunted.

There were a thousand blood-red eyes watching from the darkest corners of the room. Like vultures hanging about the great waterhole, where all the predators and prey gathered in the same spot, waiting— eagerly; unhurriedly— for someone to break the truce.

He watched every miniscule interaction unfold through them, every slight gesture, the vowels and syllables forming from their lips. Wordlessly, with the staunch indifference of a bored researcher, eyes dug on the fat guinea pig behind the glass, trailing its every move. Waiting for it to do something.

Everywhere. Nowhere at the same time. Hell, he wasn’t even there in the purification chamber with them. He was eavesdropping, ear pressed to the door, just one room apart from everyone else.

He’d jump from conversation to conversation, still indifferent, not hanging on a single word. Only flipping through channels, from one ‘point of view’ to another, and expecting to catch the first dumbass to pull something sharp from under their shirt.

It was a menial job, really, being the nightshift guy.

Gaspari would be proud of him, admittedly. From struggling to sneak into a warehouse at night, to now having an entire place mapped out in the span of a few seconds. He often wonders if she ever thinks passingly about him, whenever she sees something that reminds her of him, much like he does her.

She must’ve gotten the better end of the stick, now that she was behind bars.

Camila would’ve hated to be stuck in the here and now, down in that slimy water purification chamber, in the same room with all those mouth breathers. She was lucky, in her own way.

He wasn’t necessarily a ‘room’ apart. A couple of stories apart, rather. High above, perched at the edge of one of the taller buildings, a living gargoyle — We really don’t get paid enough to be doing this much, Dante.” — His nose scrunched ugly, he sneered, but didn’t turn to look at the direction of the disembodied voice.

He dug around his pant pocket, brought a joint up to his lips and sparked it after a few attempts at guarding the lighter’s flame from the night’s chilly air. He pulled, rolled his head back to the night sky, and puffed out — “We?” — Monotone, cold.

He heard a grumble, more of a guttural growl, then caught out of the corner of his eye the figure of a man hopping up to sit on the railing beside him. Dark fur, slender limbs— snout pulled to a snarl. The hound sucked in his teeth, wiped a slick sleeve under his snout — “Fuck’s the point of babysittin’ everyone at this point…Better off if all those freaks killed each other. Save us the trouble later.”

The gargoyle only blew a smoke ring into the clouds, shrugged.

Some ash was flicked off into the void. The orange embers clung to the wind like fireflies. Flickering, dying — “Be a bummer if our beloved king gets what’s comin’ to ‘im after I worked my ass off to get him to sit on the royal throne. Better to do too much than do nothing and be sorry afterwards. Specially now with all these…personalities around.”

“Mm.” — The hound chuckled, pulled his mask up to hack out a drop of thick black phlegm down at the poor passerbys — “Fuckin’ circus show.”

Dante took one last pull before finally letting the cheap cigarette freefall down the side of the building, giving it one last regard as he watched it pirouette into the cold hard pavement. It was going to be a long, long night — “And we better get going before they take our front row seats.”

“Smoke break's over?”


“Fuckin’ hell…”

The gargoyle and the hell-hound hopped off the railing, their silhouettes breaking down into basic shapes, shadows. Like the threads of a ragdoll torn down the middle. Splintering out, wiry little hands with fingers broken unrecognizable, they spread— and were gone in the wind. To stitch themselves back together somewhere else.

Unsurprisingly, he found himself sparking up another vice.

The new cigarette was already dangling from his lips, burnt almost all the way down to the butt. Not because much time had passed, rather, because he’d been dumb enough to lend the hound a puff. The fucker had almost drained the whole thing in one inhale.

He stood at the entrance of Purgatory like the bouncer of a nightclub. Arms folded behind his back, a stern, resting bitch face, and a cold look to spare to anything or anyone that approached. It had been a while, even after their ‘smoke break’, it had been a while of just…nothing.

‘I want to die.’

Dante grunted, nodded, earning him a handful of awkward stares from all the other ‘bouncers’ he was sharing space with.

It was a long, long night.

It wasn’t until he heard that voice behind him that he awoke from the drudgery of tending to the outpost, watching dust settle on the road and the occasional stray round an alleyway. His eyes shot wide open; the words barely came out. Dante whipped his head around — “What are you…?” — The words didn’t come out. He only stood there grinning wide, looking like years of life had been returned to his pale, lifeless features.

There was little that made the shadow of the West’s eyes light up.

It really has been a year, hasn’t it? Months since they’d seen each other in person. He barely recognized him, no matter how many pictures he’d seen of him. They were different people now; time had changed them.

He scoffed, bumped a fist hard on Tak’s shoulder — “Yo.” — Other things just hadn't really changed at all.

“Are ya’ tryin’ ta’ piss us off? It’s fuckin’ working.”

“Bring that over ‘ere, meatbag.”
— Tak would’ve felt something being snatched clean off his once empty hands. The imaginary pizza box he was holding, now fully materialized, clad in black shadows. The wolf took a slice, gulped it down in one go — “Still can’t believe yer’ rocking that thing over y’head willingly. It’s yer’ fault too, Dante. Y’were the one who told ‘im he’d be getting more play if he trimmed his hair. Puttin’ ideas in the poor kid’s head…”

“It’s AH-gee-lar. Over-pronounce the ‘G’. They teach you basic Messinian in preschool, y’know?”

“And don’t listen to him, that’s a good hairstyle.” — He coughed, fixed his tie. Half-muttered the next words — “Maybe it doesn’t look the way you think it does on you…but nothing the right comb-over can’t fix…”

Dante sighed, flicked the cigarette down and smothered the flame out under his boot.

“You know this is dangerous business, don’t you? Someone’s bound to start some shit at some point…” — He raised a brow at him, patting him lightly on the shoulder — “Y’ can come back up to me whimpering once it goes down, though— I’ll see what I can do. This ‘nightshift’ bullshit is starting to get on my nerves…It’d do me good to stretch the damn legs for once.”

— A hand reached inside his pocket, pulled out his phone. After a couple of taps and swipes, his screen showed a bank account. Anonymous, from a concerned citizen. With enough Amestrians to live lavish for a fleeting bit, but not quite enough to start a new life — “Here’s what I’ve been working on by the way. It’s been a real pain in the ass, but it’s as clean as clean can be…We should be about 50 something percent done, ‘less you’ve been slacking on your part of the funds.”

Speaking of…Have you seen Hiachi around down there? I think she’ll be happy to see you. Even if she won’t really show it.”
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