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Futuristic New Land: A Discovery of Inner Earth


New Member
New Land:
A Discovery of Inner Earth


The Story -

The Inner Earth, also known as "Agartha" by its citizens, is the best kept secret on Planet Earth. It is populated by alien races, alien human hybrids, and some pure humans, as well as dozens of animal and plants species that are thought to be extinct, such as airplane-sized crows and migrating trees. The entrances to Agartha are hidden around the entire world, leading into a vast network of tunnels that span the whole globe. There are many settlements throughout these tunnels, but the largest is Capital City, located at the center of Inner Earth and surrounded by a huge fresh water ocean called Lakesea. Agartha has its own weather systems, rivers and waterfalls, forests and fields, and even an artificial sun to help sustain life. The artificial sun rotates around Capital City, periodically casting one side in warm light and the other side in gloomy twilight, and the various caverns use bioluminescent crystals for light.

Agartha was initially created by the aliens who visited Outer Earth in ancient times and began introducing advanced sciences and technology to the Human Race, but when they saw that it was negatively impacting their evolution (Humans becoming lazy and dependent on them) they decided to go underground and leave the Humans to their own devices, only bringing a small number of Humans with them to whom they had either fallen in love or forged deep relationships with. The Inner Earth was truly a utopia, peaceful and untouched by aboveworld problems for countless eons...

Until now.

The elected chief of Agartha, Leader Echthelion, has given a nation-wide announcement on every screen that their Outer Earth spies have just reported that the United States government has discovered their hidden world. A brilliant military scientist named Doctor Jacinta Warren has invented a radar beacon powerful enough to pierce their anti-detection forcefield and, before they could block the signal, their whole civilization was scanned and recorded like a blueprint map by her device. Now the United States government was in possession of their complete schematics and there was much talk in the White House about invading the Inner Earth. But Leader Echthelion urges Agartha citizens to be calm as he calls for a conference of all the Wizards to decide what their next course of action should be.

A Head Wizard will be named, something that only happens in the gravest of circumstances, and he or she will be given the "State Staff", an ancient metallic staff created by Merlin himself, as well as absolute authority over the other Wizards.

Gameplay -

I, myself, will be Leader Echthelion.

You are the Wizards that are called for the Emergency Council.

In Agartha, the title "Wizard" denotes a person gifted with highly advanced knowledge of technology. They can create devices that approach the realm of magic and are given high places in their society. Normally, all Wizards are left to their own devices, funded by the Agartha government to work on whatever crafts they dream of and only asked to help maintain the power grid. But in times of great importance, the Leader of Agartha can summon them to Providence Tower to lead the defense of their secret nation. The Leader is responsible for overseeing the wellbeing of the peoples of Agartha, but in the case of an emergency the Head Wizard is appointed with equal leadership command and the other Wizards are basically his/her War Generals.

Just so you know, the Head Wizard will be chosen using an online randomizer site. Every roleplayer will be given a number starting at one based on the order in which you submit your character sheets and the site will randomly choose the HW out of the number of players that elect to join.

You will decide what your character specializes in and what their interests are. Other than the powers of the State Staff, the rest is up for you to decide. I will explain which alien races reside in Agartha and you can choose to be one of them, be a Pure Human, or a mixed alien human. Each alien race has its own inherent powers and mixed humans can have a combination of these powers or something altogether unique. And, of course, a Pure Human Wizard would be a highly functioning genius to be able to compete with the others.

This story has a predetermined catalyst and a middle, but the end will be up to us to create together. It starts with the discovery of Inner Earth and the Council preparing for an invasion, as previously stated. The middle will be the aftermath of our decisions at the Council and how we proceed depends on the choices of all of your characters.

I will post a full list of the Alien Races in Agartha and their genetic traits (gifts/physicality) when enough people (three or more) decide to join the RP. Please let me know if you're interested here and we will get the story rolling!

(For anyone interested, the powers of the State Staff are that it controls all electronic devices and shoots plasma rays that can disintegrate a tank or lay waste to entire armies. And another interesting factoid, people in Agartha usually have a long fancy first name and no last name.)

"These are troubled times...and we need fresh ideas to reach a solution. So, what say you, my Wizard friends? Are we completely f**ked, or is there yet a way to avoid the f**king?"

- Leader Echthelion quote.

Edit: Also I will post under the other threads I started that they are closed because my other RP idea got very little traction. Any mods reading this, if you can assist me in deleting them I would be grateful as I couldn't see an option to do so myself. Thank you in advance.
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I'm intrigued.
Thanks, you're Number One in the Head Wizard randomizer.

I'll give you guys the Character Sheet for you guys to complete whenever we start, or you could do it ahead of time. Private message it to me first and after approval post it here for all to see.

Agartha Wizard Character Sheet


Age, 18 to 1,000 (Aliens and Mixed Humans can live hundreds of years):

Species (Alien, Mixed Human Alien, Pure Human):


Sexual Orientation (Optional):

Appearance (Picture or Description):


Home Type (Regular House, Boat Home on Lakesea, Penthouse Apartment, Mansion, Palace, Luxury Treehouse, etc.):

Weapons (Up to Three):




Tools (One or Two):



Short Bio:

(Note: If you'd like, you can remove one Tool and add a fourth weapon, or you can get rid of a weapon and add a third tool. Weapons and Tools are technological devices that your Wizard has custom made themselves. Weapons can be anything, but Tools must be something that cannot also be used as a Weapon, X-Ray Goggles and Super Hearing Earbuds for example. Feel free to take one of those ideas if you'd like!)
Example sheet.

Agartha Wizard Character Sheet


Leader Echthelion

Age, 18 to 1,000 (Aliens and Mixed Humans can live hundreds of years):

53 years old

Species (Alien, Mixed Human Alien, Pure Human):

Mixed Human Alien



Sexual Orientation (Optional):


Appearance (Picture or Description):



Echthelion brands himself as a Leader of the People, unlike some Leaders of Agartha he does not pretend lofty, he listens to the people and walks among them and doesn't try to look or act a certain way (although he does wear suits to fancy meetings or events, but that's to be expected). He is down to earth and believes everyone, not matter the genetic inheritence, should be treated fairly.

Home Type (Regular House, Boat Home on Lakesea, Penthouse Apartment, Mansion, Palace, Luxury Treehouse, etc.):

Lives in the top suite of Providence Tower, the Agartha government headquarters, at the center of Capital City.

Weapons (Up to Three):

Laser Contact Lens - Echthelion's clear eye contact lens generate their own power and can fire short laser blasts with alarming precision. These contacts are activated with pure intentions, just look and think "Shoot!" and they go "Pew! Pew!"

B.) Ring of Air - With a simple touch, Echthelion's plain silver ring will make a whistling sound and call on the winds to lift and throw objects or people. The ring can produce mighty gust winds that can even wear down stone to pebbles with extended use.

C.) N/A

Tools (One or Two):

Suit - Echthelion's suit is impervious to lasers, bullets, fire, and heavy objects or physical blows.

2.) Nano-Spray - A thumb-sized cannister kept in his pocket and heal even the most lethal wounds with a spray or two. The expelled nano-bots will mend and repair the injuries and then evaporate like mist.

3.) Watch-Out Watch - A platinum watch that is connected to the nation-wide surveillance cameras in public places. It is artificial intelligence technology and will beep rapidly if it detects any dangers in Agartha, and it can also project a live 3D holographic map of any area in Agartha with camera views.

Short Bio:

Echthelion was raised in the most wooded region of Agartha in a nameless cavern with a small community. He was surrounded by wondrous plant life and exotic animals, bathing in streams and sleeping in a suspended tree home the size of a regular house. His father was an Arcturian and his mother was a Pure Human. His father gave up life as a successful CEO of a vehicle company in the Capital City to be with his mother after living hundreds of years and finally falling in love. When Echthelion reached thirteen, and his parents realized he had the potential to be a Wizard, they hired the best tutors to teach him sciences, arts, mechanics, ancient history, fine literature, philosophy, and more. At nineteen, Echthelion received three million dollars from his father and he decided to move to Capital City and pursue a career in politics. He became a community spokesperson, then a senate representative, and worked as First Security of the Providence Tower under two different presidents before he was finally elevated to Leader of Agartha at the age of 49. To celebrate, he went on a tour of several local bars and ordered free drinks for over a hundred people, drinking one half-full glass of whisky at each stop until he started walking crooked and needed to take a flying taxi home. He is in his last year of office after a four year term, but because of his Arcturian blood he is still physically young.

List of Alien Races:

Arcturian - Arcturians are typically six feet, leanly muscled, and have grey hair. They are considered to have great minds, with crystal clear memory and the ability to multitask and problem solve at a high level. Arcturians come in many skin colors and some can even use telekinesis to move objects at will, making them excellent architects, miners, and tunnel diggers.

Pleiaidean - The Pleiadeans look like a Nordic race, only slightly taller than average. They are pale with long white or blonde hair and glowing blue eyes. They are exceptionally beautiful people and known to be the best healers, able to heal with a touch, their voice, or just their presence. They are so light that they can run fast and jump impossibly high, or float while falling.

Sirian - Sirians are the most human-looking of the alien races, some with bright green eyes. They are mostly brown people with dense curly hair that is worn long or cut short. Sirians are interdimensional beings, as they alone can travel at lightspeed to any destination in the known universe while meditating or dreaming in their spirit form, also known as the Astral Body. For this reason, the Agartha Spy Force employs many Sirians. They can spy on Outer Earth governments and report back to Leader Echthelion in real time.

Mixed Human Aliens - Humans mixed with one of more of the alien races that either directly inherit the gifts of their heritage or a unique blend. Some look completely normal, but with incredible gifts, and others look completely Alien but don't have any genetic powers. Its a toss up. They are also the fastest growing population in Agartha, but Aliens are still the majority.

Pure Humans - Regular joe shmoe going to the market to get some ice and soda pop for dinner. Pure Humans are the minority in Agartha and are therefore treated as a novelty, which can be a hinderance to some but others think its a blessing. Pure Humans are seen as "fragile" by some Aliens and Mixed Human Aliens, so they are a highly protected class and get special treatment in a lot of areas.

Life in Agartha:

You can work if you want to afford pricey items or lifestyles, or you can live off the $500 weekly government check that every citizen of Agartha receives except for the very rich or the government officials. If you choose to work, all you have to do is inform Providence Tower and they will give you the job you want, or something close if it isn't available. Of course, everyone must prove they are capable of their chosen jobs and too many mistakes can cause you to be demoted. Education and job training is easily accessible and totally free. Only private schools and colleges charge for tuition and such.

Wizards receive a ten thousand dollar bonus monthly for their crafts, and can make an appointment at Providence Tower to ask for more if needed.

Food is plentiful, as it grows everywhere in local gardens, on trees, and on vines and bushes. Meat comes from farms in caverns that breed animals on open fields and all manner of fish are bred in cave ponds. There is also lots of fishing in Lakesea, the vast ocean that surrounds Capital City.

Many people have exotic pets and a wild beast might somehow get to the Capital City island and attack, but this a rare occurrence. Most animal attacks reported come from flying creatures, like giant avians or flying lizards, but there are automatic defenses in place for those types of assaults.
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