New, just new


Hello and good day/evening/night to you all~

As you can see and read, I'm new. To this site anyways. Not to roleplay but it has been a very long time since I've done that so I'm rusty as hell. Rusty.

I'll roleplay so long as I can stay as my DC Comics character because I'm in a DC mood. I don't know why but I personally blame Under the Red Hood and fanficition.

Anyways, that's all?

I have no idea what else I'm supposed to write here...Ask me questions I guess?
Hi there! How`s it going!

Welcome to RPN, I hope you have a great time here! Should you have any questions or in any way need assistance, feel free to ask.

Looking forward to rping with you someday!
Welcome to the RP Nation!

I hope you have fun here and

Do stuff that's fun

And RP stuff that's fun

And maybe I'll end up in an RP with you someday probably not
Mariemaia said:
I'll roleplay so long as I can stay as my DC Comics character because I'm in a DC mood. I don't know why but I personally blame Under the Red Hood and fanficition.
My love for the DC universe is at an obscene level, so I'm happy to make your acquaintance. Are you just a Jason & Batverse fan or do you dig all that is DC?
Thanks to all your replies!

Idea, I'm doing good, you?

Here's hoping Derpestein!

As for Bone2Pick, Batverse I guess? I'm willing to try something DC related though. I want to try new things.

Hope to roleplay with you all as well!

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