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Multiple Settings !NEW! interest check - adv./lit, 18+ ...beastars, warriors, His Dark Materials + multiple other original interests.


Roleplay Availability
I am not looking for any roleplays currently.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
Please note I have declining physical health and have had a couple of hospital visits this week so (not that anybody has stuck with me) if I do not reply rapidly just be mindful of this… I did keep my previous interactions in the loop but I do understand impatience and I’m sorry to have inadvertently caused it.
Hey, stop scrolling! [or do scroll while you are now here].
Before I get carried away with the interesting role-play stuff, let me just introduce myself calmly with some basic information and facts. A lot of this is of irrelevant venting, like some kind of filler episode in a t.v series, the ins and outs of my development as a writer, poet and idle procrastinator.

My name is Syd, I am over 22 years old so it would be most appreciated if anybody interacting is 18+, if unfortunately you are younger, then please do not interact . My current schizophrenia state of mind is crippling, affecting every aspect of my creativity, sociality and structure so I would be humbled by patience if I am not as active as I may promise. My pronouns are she/her but there is not much relationship with my identity to care what you refer me as-- long as I am treated with reciprocated respect and decency then we'll be great. If we find interest in something mutually, you won’t get rid of me. That being said, I find it extremely difficult to stop committing time to a creative project and admittedly become fixated on things- so please don't ghost me, just let me know if you don't want to continue.

I love out of character discussions, especially about animals. A great ice breaker to begin a conversation with me would be regarding my 'house' skunk. She lives with me at home and is my life at the moment, the only thing apart from a few other things keeping me going. Just a pre warning though, be prepared for an onslaught of photographs and information about her once we are comfortable as writing partners. Honestly, that cutie controls me very being. I also have a fascination in invertebrates and have invested a lot of time [and money] into having my own collection of tropical species.

It may also be good to know that I am situated in the GMT+1 timezone, residing in ol’ isolating England. Most of the time, my partners are not of similar waking hours which I don’t mind because I am currently experiencing debilitating insomnia which I am praying discontinues.

The only triggering conversation and writing themes I find distressing are accidental drug overdoses. I also feel relatively icky if there are active, graphically violent depictions of sexual abuse. I don't know about anyone else, but isn't it a bit strange to want to describe sex in that way?

Anything else that suits the rules and regulations of RPNation I am chill with.

I will be hoping to explore character psyche through third person, past tense formatted characters that we can create with depth as the story progresses.

Word length doesn’t bother me [at least a few, well constructed paragraph at least, though lol] and neither do writing samples but I guess I could gush out something if you want me to prove my capacity [see spoiler for my most recent writing example ‘24]. I do like to read and enjoy a story and it makes me very unmotivated to continue when a partner does not have the same enthusiasm--.

Writing samples are not needed and I guess I judge on enthusiasm only.

At long last, the glacial helms of the sawtoothed mountains had begun to recede . They had, once again, defended Arendelle from the blistering winter storms that battered the mainland fjords surrounding the kingdom. The introduction of the warmer weather allowed them to shed their rounded snow caps, leaving their jagged scalps bare. Their formidable omnipresence remained unwavering, reflecting off the quivering water. Working men busied themselves under their watchful eye, hurriedly preparing for the arrival of incoming foreign ships. A vinous fragrance caused by over twelve-dozen oak barrels currently consumed the dock’s occupation. Over six different varieties had just finished being offloaded, on their way to the main castle by cart. It was rare that Arendelle received such exotic imports; their ostracised nature made them rarely contacted by oversea land. However, considering the importance of today's arrivals, the gift from the Mediterranean was graciously accepted by Queen Elsa.

The Queen had meticulously planned to restore and strengthen relationships with those far and surrounding. Last winter, despite Arendelle’s protected bay, had proven devastating for the Spring trade. Reindeer herds travelled further south, to escape the bitter cold and seek edible vegetation and fishermen rightfully did not set their sails in dangerous storms… The situation was not aided by a sudden influx in illness, mainly affecting the vulnerable and young, caused by the frosty atmosphere and isolation. Elsa of Arendelle’s wicked abilities caused further detriment; rumours began to unlawfully plagued her pessimistic subjects deeming her at fault. If it was not for Princess Grethe’s compassion for the public, then Elsa would have found herself vulnerable for treason.

Further inland, women darted around, completing quaint touches to the port. They hung newly bloomed flowers, replacing the oaky scent with floral sweetness, while teenagers aided with pitching bunting to posts. A stray elkhound scampered his way in and out of the crowds, his maw dribbling with saliva as he held something in his mouth. He was so intent on a path, that he accidentally bowled over an unaware child (who immediately combusted into tears) in his primal excitement. The large dog was bounding toward the castle, a place where he received scraps from the kitchen staff and kindness from Princess Grethe herself. Such a heavy bodied animal hurdled over obstacles as elegantly as a goat on a mountain, the obscenities of an angry mother had been long drowned by the scents of blood sausages and freshly baked pastries. As tempting as they were, nothing could distract him from his mission up to the castle.
Daylight trickled through the drawn curtain of Grethe’s chambers. The princess, who lay encased in blankets made of various pelts, did not appear enticed by the dawning sunshine. She groaned, rolling onto her side, smacking her lips in an attempt to return to sleep. She probably only managed to save three minutes, before an immense knocking echoed through the room.
“Grethe!” called a low, yet starkly feminine voice, “That dog of yours was caught causing mayhem down in the dock now! Mauled a child they say!” Grethe, at last, jolted awake. Kristoff, as much as he caused mischief, would not dare harm a fly! The wild haired princess leapt from her bed with immediate haste, stumbling in her sleepiness and threw the oversized door open, panting breathlessly in panic.

Mathilde, a rather hardened woman, stood impatiently in the middle of the frame. She tapped her foot methodically against the granite floor. Her face drooped down into a saddened frown, noticing Grethe remained in her nightwear. The housekeeper shook her head slowly, disappointment radiating like steam from melting snow,
“Oh Grethe… You know what day it is, no?” she paused, muttering something under her breath before continuing gently, “The whole village awaits your attendance and the Queen orders you–” she was abruptly halted by the clang of armour.
“Stop!” a yell painted the hall with panic and Mathilde gasped in shock as the incompetent guard slipped on the tiles, “Stop that dog!” Grethe could not help but exhale a sigh of relief that turned into a fit of hysterics but laughter irked Mathilde further. It had seemed Kristoff had managed to outsmart the guards and reach the princess, who welcomed his presence by bowing down to meet him. She allowed for slobbery kisses as the dog’s tail slapped the angry housemaid on her thigh, his eyes wide with innocent pride. Steadily, the irritation evaporated and Mathilde to joined in with the joyous reunion and petted the dog's back, chuckling softly. “My dear, if you want him out of harm, then you must learn to control him…” Mathilde sneezed, the moulting fur that floated up from the dog tickling her senses, “This thing stinks and like yourself could do with a hot bath,” the older woman pointed to the guard who just about recovered from his fall, “You here, see to it that this wretched dog gets the best treatment! Rid the mutt from fleas, even if you have to pick them out one by one- I don’t care! I will not see any harm to come to him by orders of the Princess!” It was often Mathilde spoke for Grethe, however this occasion she proved very appreciated. Returning from the floor, Grethe hugged the housemaid who in turn muffled another sneeze with her spare hand. Kristoff attempted to join in with the love, balancing on his hind legs to reach them. Frustrated, he began to spin round in circles yapping through his closed mouth, realising he could not get to the women’s faces for another peck. Despite his heightened happiness, discontent wracked his brain. He needed Grethe to be alone, to give her the artefact he found earlier.

The disgruntled guard, who was immediately demoted from his position to care for Kristoff, pulled out a chain from his pocket to restrain the dog who again evaded his seizing and out of sight again.
Princess Grethe finally released Mathilde from her warm and earnest grasp.
“I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to keep Kristoff properly now… You know how much he means to me, that ‘wretched mutt’ got me through some of my hardest chapters, you know, with Elsa’s breakdown and all…” She trailed off, abruptly remembering the cause for the gathering! She swore aloud, much to Mathilde’s shock, and threw the door in her face. Suddenly she felt a painful tenderness in her chest, locking the door from the inside. A sharp coldness clawed on the left side of her breastbone, the scar from five years ago suddenly seemed to be reopening. During Elsa’s quest for freedom she found herself struck in the heart by her sister’s destructive ice magic. The dire quest to restore the summer resulted in the almost destruction of Arendelle and Grethe’s near death. However, did it reveal Arendelle’s truest allies.

She fastened her eyes shut, seeking some sort of composure in the darkness. The princess was often reminded of the Big Freeze in times where sociality was concerned. Whenever the Queen opened up the gates did the sore reopen on her wounded heart.

I’m doing this for fun as a self-soothing activity, a hobby so to speak- definitely not claiming to be professional or wanting to be strict… In turn, I do expect effort, respect, understanding and appreciation.

What I am looking for is for somebody to be as passionate as I am, I hope you can see that through this essay regarding my requirements LOL. I really, really wish to make new friends because I am so very lonely and can’t deal with it healthily which is why I’ve tentatively dipped back into writing.

My writing interests are conflicting, this is where it gets complex.

I love fantasy, whether it be modern or high. Creating lush environments and intriguing characters is my forte though it does take time for me to find my footing and establishing basic plots. If I have no flow that day, please be patient with me and we can talk through it together.

I ♥ mythical creatures, werewolves, dragons, vampires, merpeople etc. Focuses surrounding secrets, hidden /dual identities, mental ill health and eventual recovery are all themes I am willing to explore. Please, I will write anything to just feel free. I am losing this battle at the moment.

plots are non-existent at the moment but it probably is best to make plots together!

OC x OC fandom I am currently interested in are listed below [vvv]
-Beastars. [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
-- I adore all the dynamics of this series/manga. The new season regarding hybrid carnivores and herbivores conflicts is just too irresistible not to explore...! Forbidden romance is a piqued topic of mine and I do have a personal interest regarding animal instincts realistically. I was also going to mention the meat addiction subplots sound so daring. If somebody else is interested in creating a role-play with me based on Beastars it really would be great.
-Warrior Cats.
I do not like to know what happens next, in a story. I must admit I’m not much of a planner or ‘dungeon master’ but will need a general gist of a plot otherwise I know it’ll become messy and perhaps confusing for us both.

Please PM me or message below if you want to get to know each other!
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Hi! I'd love to do a Beastars roleplay. I also really like the dynamics of the series, it's all so interesting
I pm’d you, I hope to chat soon!

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