• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Fandom New Here👉👈


New Member
Hello, I’m unsure how this place actually works so forgive me if I don’t know what I’m doing. My name is Ruarcc, you may call me Ru if you’d like.[I DID READ THE GUIDELINES AND RULES. Putting this here so you know.]

I’m strictly a fandom roleplayer. I don’t roleplay as an OC and I don’t role play with oc’s. I do however, allow AU’s and headcanons. I’m not extremely picky as long as you aren’t entirely out of character things should be fine. I’m literate to advanced but will occasionally do semi lit.

I’m currently looking for someone familiar with MHA at the moment. Plots can be discussed in messages. For pairings[If you want to do a ship related roleplay] I’m most comfortable with BxB. I do enjoy roleplaying as females for BxG pairings though.[Once again I did read the rules.]

The characters I want to roleplay as right now:



-Miss Joke

-Present Mic



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