New here, Hi


New Member
Hello, names Dan. I've been doing RP for a while but never on a forum so this is my first. Be kind and correct me if I need to do something please. (Or if I missed something)

Hello Dan! I'm your friendly neighborhood atomic explosion waiting to happen! Kidding xD

Anyways I can help you if you need it, just ask a question :D

Oh and check your account for a welcome message! It has a lot of useful info!
Hello and welcome! Well I've only been on a short time myself, but I'm thinking this will be a fun experience for both of us!
Hey there, Dan! Welcome to the site. It's pretty easy to navigate around in this town, so be sure to first check out the recruitment threads! The shortcut to them is right below above the "Moderators Online" section. You can even create a new thread in the boards to introduce a roleplay idea/plot. With the right marketing technique, I'm sure you can find some interested folks pretty quick.

Enjoy your time here!
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Welcome to RPnation Dan! This is my first time roleplaying on a forum too, you should add an avatar. c: Hope to see you around.

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