New here, can't wait to rp with everyone :3


Dogs are scary
Hi everyone!

I'm new to this site and still a bit new to rping in general; i found a chat group a month ago and i've been rping with a bunch of small communities since. So, you can say i'm still pretty new to all this. I'm interested in any kind of rp, i do however want to improve my writing so i'd prefer detailed rp like 1 paragraph responses or more.

Some more info about me, you can call me Tayy, or Tay, or Taylor. I game a lot, i'm on the internet a lot, i'm Canadian, and i'm really bad at introducing myself haha. I'm hoping to make new friends here, thanks for reading :3
No worries, Tay, I'm pretty bad at introductions myself. ^ ^

Hello, and welcome to the community! Though, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are, being new to the site. I've floated around on RP sites for a few years, surprisingly enough just stumbled across this one. It's an oddity.

So, yeah, hey! If you need anything, just hit me up. No issue. c:
i'm sorry for making this awkward ahaha
Welcome to the site Tayy! Glad to have you! I'm ~kinda~ new to the site as well! Well, not really. I was on here last year before I took a break that lasted a little over a year, so I'm rusty and trying to get back into the swing of things. It's a great place! :)
Iridescent said:
No worries, Tay, I'm pretty bad at introductions myself. ^ ^
Hello, and welcome to the community! Though, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are, being new to the site. I've floated around on RP sites for a few years, surprisingly enough just stumbled across this one. It's an oddity.

So, yeah, hey! If you need anything, just hit me up. No issue. c:
i'm sorry for making this awkward ahaha
Just read over you 1v1 interests... and wow are you interesting! Your writing flows so well even though you're just listing what you want. I always have trouble writing essays or anything longer than two paragraphs. And nope not awkward at all :3 well anyways, hope we get to rp together sometime in the future!
Jasminum said:
Welcome to the site Tayy! Glad to have you! I'm ~kinda~ new to the site as well! Well, not really. I was on here last year before I took a break that lasted a little over a year, so I'm rusty and trying to get back into the swing of things. It's a great place! :)
Thanks for the welcome Jasmium! It's a bit overwhelming trying to follow along on some of the long posts i've been reading but i think i'll enjoy it here C:
Tayy said:
Just read over you 1v1 interests... and wow are you interesting! Your writing flows so well even though you're just listing what you want. I always have trouble writing essays or anything longer than two paragraphs. And nope not awkward at all :3 well anyways, hope we get to rp together sometime in the future!
Ahaha, wow, thank you! You know how to make me blush. Just try mixing in how you might talk into your writing! It makes it feel more personal, more interactive, almost. Something my English II teacher taught me. c:

I hope we get to RP sometime soon, too! I wish you well!
Iridescent said:
Ahaha, wow, thank you! You know how to make me blush. Just try mixing in how you might talk into your writing! It makes it feel more personal, more interactive, almost. Something my English II teacher taught me. c:
I hope we get to RP sometime soon, too! I wish you well!
Haha i've actually had people tell me i don't sound like myself in my writing. The thing about typing is that i can take it back before i click send. The backspace is my favorite key ;-; This also leads to me taking forever to respond not because i don''t see it but because i'm never satisfied with what i write... help me..
Tayy said:
Haha i've actually had people tell me i don't sound like myself in my writing. The thing about typing is that i can take it back before i click send. The backspace is my favorite key ;-; This also leads to me taking forever to respond not because i don''t see it but because i'm never satisfied with what i write... help me..
Don't get me wrong, I'm nowhere near as confident as I should be when I write, either. At the end of every reply I post, I often just glare at it before just sending it because I don't want to let myself tear it apart and rewrite it when my partner may see it just as a perfectly fine response.

Every time I let myself doubt and let myself edit this tiny piece, this piece I feel might not belong, I end up erasing entire
paragraphs before becoming frustrated and wiping it all clean, coming to regret the decision half-way through the second rewrite.

Believe me, I know what you're feeling. You just gotta go with what
you write, making the writing your own, and don't try to replicate other's writing, because that's not you. I don't know any other way to put it. You'll know it sounds like you when you feel comfortable with it, when you feel like you put a little piece of yourself in your writing. This can be in the way you describe something, in the way you convey a character, or even in little comments you might squeeze into the writing to make it amusing or more interacting. I do this a lot, but I can't really explain it or give much of an example, I'm sorry. ; ;

It's not much help, but it's what I offer for can ask me anything, if you want! I won't bite 'cha, promise.
Iridescent said:
Don't get me wrong, I'm nowhere near as confident as I should be when I write, either. At the end of every reply I post, I often just glare at it before just sending it because I don't want to let myself tear it apart and rewrite it when my partner may see it just as a perfectly fine response.
Every time I let myself doubt and let myself edit this tiny piece, this piece I feel might not belong, I end up erasing entire
paragraphs before becoming frustrated and wiping it all clean, coming to regret the decision half-way through the second rewrite.

Believe me, I know what you're feeling. You just gotta go with what
you write, making the writing your own, and don't try to replicate other's writing, because that's not you. I don't know any other way to put it. You'll know it sounds like you when you feel comfortable with it, when you feel like you put a little piece of yourself in your writing. This can be in the way you describe something, in the way you convey a character, or even in little comments you might squeeze into the writing to make it amusing or more interacting. I do this a lot, but I can't really explain it or give much of an example, I'm sorry. ; ;

It's not much help, but it's what I offer for can ask me anything, if you want! I won't bite 'cha, promise.
Ahhh you get me so well. I feel like a lot goes on in my head, literally paragraphs of things i could write but when i get to actually writing it i hesitate and usually end up writing a fraction of the things i want to say. I think i get what you mean by owning my writing, if you gave me something i wrote a year ago i couldn't tell you for sure if i wrote it because it probably wouldn't be something i say usually. I guess i'm more comfortable ruthlessly editing what i have to say to the point where it doesn't sound like me anymore... Something i have to work on :P Anyways, Would you like to start an rp with me? :D
Iridescent said:
Hey, man, sure! What'cha got in mind? c:
umm from your list you mentioned polar opposites. I'm thinking something like the murderer working for the detective, unbeknownst to the detective that the partner is the killer, or maybe mortal enemies forced to team up to defeat a common enemy. Something like that would i think would make for an interesting dynamic :)

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