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New Guy (Reserved for Reiluna)

"Well Akuhei... It's your lucky day." Leon said. "I happen to have an extra room that you can have. Don't worry, you won't have to pay anything... It just pains me to see someone in need and not help... What do you say?" Leon asked.

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"Oh, no no. This place already seems to have a lot on it's hands. I'd hate tk be a burden.." Akuhei noticed they had just gotten done with something big, and he didn't want to slow their rebuilding process. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to help much, either.
"Trust me. It is no problem, we have plenty of room. I won't take know for an answer Mr. Akuhei." Leon said with a smirk.

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"Hm... Ok." Akuhei smiled, happy this happened. Though, it would take him a a while to get used to the new place. He doesn't usually linger in places long... but maybe this will be different.

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