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Futuristic New Group Search - Open Sandbox Sci-Fi Roleplay


Unlucky Member
Hey there! My name’s Lycanious, but you can go with Lyca or Ly or whatever else is convenient really. I’ll take just about any nickname or pronoun that’s thrown at me after all. I’ve been roleplaying on and off for a good decade or so, but it’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to pour my time and energy into something long-term and have it stay afloat. I’m also very new to RP Nation and have only heard the name in passing a few times before, but otherwise have jumped around on a few different rp forums in the past.

I’m looking in particular for a new rp group that’s interested in world-building and setting things up for a long-term story, or at least an ongoing series of smaller sessions and side-stories tied to the same world, etc. I have a few premises of my own to offer and dozens upon dozens of stray OCs looking for a new story to adapt to, but I’m otherwise pretty open to ideas and welcome any alternative suggestions or invitations to something pre-existing in my DMs, if you think I might like to join.

Please feel free to post here or DM me with any questions, or even if you just want to introduce yourself. I’m new and a bit of an introvert so I welcome anyone wanting to help me out a little here with anything haha. Likewise, please let me know if there's anything else I should add here or if I've made an error in posting here and I'll be happy to fix it.

I’ll fully admit, I tend to be a lot more character focused and be better at coming up with premises rather than planning out huge, sprawling plotline ideas from beginning to end. For this reason a lot of my ideas are very-much open to new suggestions and I highly encourage anyone who wants to piggyback off of them with their own ideas to feel free to pitch them.

RP Idea - The Cosmic Alliance

A futuristic roleplay revolving around a section of the galaxy overseen by The Cosmic Alliance, a federation trying to keep the peace amongst dozens and dozens of planets and alien societies. This one has more of a world-building/sandbox type of goal in mind as of now, where I’m hoping to find a few people that love creating new species, worlds, societies, etc and then just letting their characters loose on this world to see what kind of plot we can stumble across for them.

Would love for this to be a long-term project, and have tried but failed to get it up and running in the past so I have a lot of old ideas, OCs, and unnecessarily long wiki-style entries on some of the things one could encounter within this roleplay if people are interested. Probably the roleplay I'm most keen to try to get off the ground again as it's the world that I've poured the most time into at this stage.

Update (26 Sep 24): Focusing on getting a group together for the above, and am currently in the process of setting up a Discord for OOC conversation and tidying up some of my older documents to hopefully use as a base. If interested in a link to either please feel free to post a message here or DM me.

A few more things about me:

I identify as non-binary and most, if not all, of my main OCs probably have some sort of LGBTQ+ identity attached to them. While there’s no guarantee that such identities will be focused on or even pop up much in the actual roleplay, I’m only interested in writing with people that are at least comfortable with this.

I’m currently on AEST time living in Australia, but my available/waking hours tend to be odd and often unpredictable ones. Usually I can find time to sync up with other time zones if we want to chatter back and forth, but I’m also very used to slower, overnight replies and such for anyone who works at a less rapid-fire pace.

I’ve just hit my 30s, so I’m hoping to find some fellow writers closer to that age specifically.

Relatedly, I’m assuming that people are going to be busy with careers, education, family, etc from time to time. My time is pretty free right now, but that can change and I imagine it’s the same for anyone else. At a base level I’d like to find a pace where we’re posting at least once a week or two with this in mind, ideally more, but that’s a very flexible suggestion and I can likely adapt to a shorter or longer waiting period.

Honestly I think for me the most important thing when it comes to time commitments is communication and honesty. I can wait a day, a week, a month for a reply, as long as it’s a predictable delay or a consistent pattern to work with, but I find it disheartening when someone keeps moving that goal-post or promises they’ll post some time this weekend, this month, etc and yet never does. If you’re stuck, or you’ve lost interest, or otherwise have no idea when you can post again, that’s 100% alright. Please just say something about it, and we can either try to work around it or, alternatively, bring the roleplay to a close and move on.

I’d consider myself a literate writer, but a flexible one. I’ve been known to write a monstrous wall of text for a single character in some roleplays and then a short paragraph or two in others. Generally speaking I’ll try to match the length and tone of the people I’m writing with, so no worries if you tend to write shorter replies. As long as someone can give me a decent chunk of a paragraph and something I can bounce off then I’m happy.

In terms of genre and content, I like to think I’m pretty flexible. I don’t mind dabbling in darker or more mature themes (within the confines of the site rules of course), though I much prefer a well-earned happy ending after a series of hardships to a bleak one at the end of the day. As for romance, I’m fine with it, and even have a bit of a soft spot for well-written relationships whether they’re pre-established or developed over the course of the roleplay. But this of course should stay within the rules of the site, and be respectful to the comfort of any players involved. I wouldn't want it to be something that overtakes the story at all unless everyone involved is onboard for it.

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Hey there! At this stage I'm leaning towards OOC being on Discord as it's a format I'm more familiar with and I feel like it'll be easier to chatter and such, share media, etc. But I'm open to hosting something on RPN instead though if it's preferred. Do either of you have a preference?

As for Voyages, yes! I'd love to focus on this one in particular. I'm currently looking around in the hopes of gathering up a few people that are interested, so there's not too much to share or start discussing in the way of plotline and such just yet. But I do have an older 'master doc' of sorts I can polish up and post here in the meantime, if people are interested? No obligation to read any of it, especially if we're potentially changing large chunks of it, but it might at least help give a general vibe for the world and introduce a few species ideas or OCs I have planned, and such.
K yeah most people are into discord for OOC. Sooooo like Imma just lurk your thread to see if you do end up choosing discord k?

Oh welcome to RPN! BTW lol
I think Discord would be easier for communication purposes, but either method works for me.

I’d definitely be interested in reading some of the word you’ve come up with, it’s been a while since I’ve had a good read lol.
Sounds good! I guess I'll lock in using a Discord OOC for now as I'm much more comfortable with it, and then we can discuss whether we need to shuffle some things and such at a later date.

Still in the process of setting up said Discord and polishing up some of the old information I have, but I'll sent out a Discord invite to the both of you now :V

Anyone else reading this message please feel free to DM me or post here that you're interested and I'll be happy to send the invite link to you as well. Even if you just want to hang out and get a vibe for the roleplay, do a bit of world building, or just chatter to people with no pressure to actually join the writing side of things.

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