New Girl Here

Hey everyone,

As you may have read, I'm the new girl around here. :)

I used to roleplay on hyves but I wanted to try RP on another site. So here I am.

I'm looking forward to roleplaying with you all.


hello there, i am backlash. it is good to see that you decided to join us. If you need anything, just feel free to ask.
Welcome to the RpNation! As backlash stated, if you have any questions or concerns - Don't hesitate to ask!

Your new friend

Random thread stating your new: takes a day or two to get a reply from people...

Thread stating your the new girl: You get instant replies from the two most inactive people on the site :8D:

jking, jking

Welcome to RPNation Vivian, and i hope that you like it here. you don't wanna go to these two for help, you wanna go to me :P just cause... uhm... -taps his foot and thinks- i'm awsomer?
Random thread stating your new: takes a day or two to get a reply from people...
Thread stating your the new girl: You get instant replies from the two most inactive people on the site :8D:
I hate you & your theory! haha. Just so happens I got all my website work done early =P
Hahah. :P

Thank you all for your welcoming. You too, Rynmaru.

And as a matter of fact, I do have a question. How many chars are you allowed to play here? And does playing the same character in different storylines count as 2 or more characters? ^_^
How many chars are you allowed to play here? And does playing the same character in different storylines count as 2 or more characters? ^_^
We have no set limits. We ask that you do not create more characters than you can handle. I feel putting a limit on characters is absurd. If you can handle 2-3 characters then great!

If you are constantly flagged as an idle character, it may be harder for you to have your characters approved in future RP's.
[QUOTE="Vivian Ramona Star]Hahah. :P
Thank you all for your welcoming. You too, Rynmaru.

And as a matter of fact, I do have a question. How many chars are you allowed to play here? And does playing the same character in different storylines count as 2 or more characters? ^_^

First of all, welcome to the board here's to you have a long and jubilant future with us.

As to your question, the short answer is there is no character limit, have as many or as few as you desire.

The long answer is:

RPNation does not have a board wide roleplay, each thread is it's own contained role play with it's own rules, characters, backstory, setting and plot. That being said, you usually have to make a different character for each role play or even multiple characters in each roleplay (that's dependent upon whose running each RP and what their preferences are) That isn't to say you can't use the same character in multiple RP's but that would be up to the discretion of the people running the RP you wish to bring your character into.

Outside of the main forum rules the rules regarding each role play is left to the member(s) running it and if no RP's exist that allow you to do what you want, you're absolutely free to make your own. I can tell you from experience, I have very picky tastes when it comes to RP and I spend more time creating new RP's than I do actually participating in them.
Oh, ok, thanks! :) I'll start off slow then. One character is enough until I get how this whole forum works. :)

Um...I don't believe I got flagged yet. Do you recieve a notification when that happens?

--- Merged Double Post ---

Thanks for the information GgAcE and Rex That Betrays , it really helped me out! :)
If by flagged you mean approved to RP, then there is no flagging, you just go off and join an RP whenever you're ready. Each RP has it's own rules for who they let in. Some RP's are specifically between just a select group of members, other require you to fill out a character sheet or form and to have your character approved, and some are very open and just require you to post in the thread to join up. Like I said before we are very free-form around here and leave almost everything to the members to do as they are most comfortable.

Find an RP you like, then become a member of it in the way that the person running the RP (usually the person who made the thread) asks you to do.
Well, I got accepted to 2 of the RP's allready. I didn't see when the RP will actually take off, so can you just start randomly or wait until the creator of the post ays so? :) I'm sorry if I'm overloading you with questions at the moment. ^_^ "
hello there! Welcome to RPNation, I hope you enjoy your stay. As for your question, do you mean for threads already up? Because if a thread is posted, has people RPing in it, and you've been accepted, then you should be free to just start posting. It's usually a good idea to have a post to introduce your character to the world, but just jumping in can work too, depending on the thread. If its a new thread, sometimes its best to wait to make sure. After time, I'll sure you'll be able to tell when it's good to post and when its not. Regardless, I'm sure you'll do fine.
Thank you, Supsdg. :)

Um...Well, the posts are pretty recent and there wasn't any real RP post starter yet, only accepting the chars. So, I think I'll wait then. :3

And thanks again. I hope so, too.
Oh, ok, thanks! :) I'll start off slow then. One character is enough until I get how this whole forum works. :)
Um...I don't believe I got flagged yet. Do you recieve a notification when that happens?

You would know =)
Ok so, for as far as everything that has been said: It's true. However, I would like to take this time to go a little more 'In depth' with some of this.

First of all, there are three sections in each category of roleplay, and lemme explain what i mean by that:

A category of Roleplay would constitute as the type of Role plays that you can select from, and are as follows:


Video Game


Other / uncategorized


Inactive RP's

Each of these are pretty self explanatory. for example "Anime" would include all RP's that are based on an Anime. the thing to note is that even though it is based off of an anime, it might not be "Exactly" the same as the anime. Meaning, that something about the story or settings can be different while sticking to the general principles.

Now, the Three Sections that you will find inside of each Category are:

Role Play: In which you will find the thread of the actual RP itself. Most people do not post any OOC (Out Of Character) continent in these threads, and stick to being In Character (IC)

Storyline and Info: In which the author of the RP will post any related information regarding the RP, and allow others to comment on it, and have a discussion about it, without cluttering up the RP.

Character sheet / sign-up: In which the Author of the RP will ask for those, that are interested in the RP, to post their characters, and be accepted into the RP.

Now, in these descriptions, I was very basic. If you wish to know more, you may follow these links and get a better understanding of how it works:

Role Play thread:

Character sheet thread:

Storyline and info thread:

Also, I will take the time to show you how to use the "Approved Member" feature, that the Founder and Admin of the site: GgAcE, was so generous to give us.

To use this feature, it is very simple, post in the character sheet thread, and I will "Approve" you. (Being a test thread made for newer members to understand how the site works, all that wish to learn are going to be accepted. This will not always be the case however, and sometimes you will not be accepted. it depends on the Author of each RP that you wish to join.)

I hope that this has helped you out in some way, and that you will be able to get around the site a little easier :)
Welcome to RpNation, hope you enjoy your time here and find something you'll enjoy ^^

You don't HAVE to ask only AcE if you got questions, most members of the site know a thing or two, so just ask someone. If they don't know, ask another person xD

Either way, welcome, again, to RpN.

Wow, what's up with the dude infestation?



Incase these guys ever bother you, come to the osm female mods C:

...I keed, guys xD

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