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Fantasy New Generation(Searching)


Just Me
The world is almost perfect. Everyone has their place and their own role. The government of Sylia rules all of the world, different military factions in charge of different continents. There is no war, crime is so low it hardly exist, poverty is smaller than the crime rate, the world is just about there.

Yet, it isn't perfect. To get here the military of Old America did secret alterations to their soldiers, making them super soldiers, calling them the Protectors. The Protectors are faster, stronger, smarter than any human. They are the reason the world was stripped of evil. Brought back home after the war the Protectors began to settle down, have families, and create a new generation of humans. All the chemicals and gene manipulation the Protectors went through caused a change in their offspring. The children of them began showing other worldly abilities, like moving objects with the brains, passing through walls, things like that. The new government didn't like this and what the new generation threatened. So they went about to exterminate them on the low while they were also trying to build up the new world.

Sylia couldn't kill them all though. Their super soldiers that they loved so much had back fired and now two hundred years later they are the only thing disrupting the perfectness that Sylia is trying to maintain. The New Generation as they have been so called live in ruins of an old town supposed to be filled with toxic radiation-it's not- and work to show the truth of the actual corrupt and evil government. We are the New Generation and we are here to disrupt the lives of those trying to kill us, and save as many others like us in the process, while evading the new, more perfect Protectors that the government has created just to make the New Generation extinct.
Would anyone be interested in this rp? Also if anyone wishes, I would like a leader of the protectors. I am very open about what powers people have, I just do not wish for your character to be perfect mic perfectson and can't get hit, can't bleed, blah blah blah. Give characters checks and balances, and make it fun. If I find that you are not able to handle and OP power and are ruining the fun for others I will ask for you to change, or leave.

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