Looking for New friends to talk to about anything


New Member
Hey you all,
I just wanted to make a quick thread in case any of you look for other people, to potentially be friends with :-)

I'm 25 y/o and I love making new connections. I sometimes struggle with it irl due to autism and social anxiety, but I swear I don't bite at all, I just don't get social cues sometimes :D
I love to play TTRPGs and I dip in and out of playing video games, mostly either fun and cozy games, like Stardew Valley or Minecraft (although I tend to optimize the fun out of games by having the wiki open on my second monitor while playing and burning myself out that way), or "spreadsheet" type games (Football Manager, Crusader Kings, etc).
I love to talk about worldbuilding and just brainstorm about a world or character.
I also love to cook and bake, so any and all of your favorite recipes are very welcome, I love to challenge myself without any preparation (apart from a recipe) and either make a mess or something actually edible and a base to build upon :D

I love to listen to what excites other people, so even if I maybe don't know something you love at first, I'd still love to hear about it and why you can't get enough of it. Feel free to infodump about literally anything!

I'd generally prefer chatting at first, until I overcome my anxieties and actually talk on Discord. I hope that's not a problem :-)

Feel free to just shoot me a DM if and start talking to me about anything that you're passionate about, tell me about an rp character, or anything at all.
In case you're shy and don't know what to say, either just reply to this thread with anything (single letter is enough :D) or a DM with the same content, and I'll show you pictures of my pets :D
Yo! Nice to meet you!
Autism can be a bit sucky for social anxiety and making it worse. I’m a perfect example of that, haha.

Video game idea; No Man’s Sky. Hear me out, apparently prices are up since I bought it but it’s done by a game dev company local to me and that have done an insane turn around on the game. Six years ago, the game was a massive loss, but now? It may not have the hype but the team behind the game actually care; there’s no DLCs and no pay to win, and it’s a survival game at its core. The new updates are always amazing for different reasons and even the small ones you can appreciate; but when the big ones drop, they are big.

Food idea; ever cooked tortellini and found it bland? The key to success is to use unsalted butter to coat the tortellini and give it extra flavour and to add good seasonings to it. I personally love chorizo tortellini (Idk where you are but they have it in Tesco’s) as it adds a whole level of flavour. Add some garlic and a little bit of herbs and it adds a whole level of flavour to the pasta. This is my favourite comfort food because it’s simple, quick and easy (you can do it in roughly 5 minutes) and I haven’t been let down by the taste so far. A little goes a long way, you know?
If you want a challenge, perhaps try to improve on my idea. I’m curious to see what you come up with!

Worldbuilding is cool. Hands down, a good story starts with a well-built world.
Hey there! Thank you so much for replying!

OH MY GOD! I LOVE No Man's Sky! It's one of the other few games I still regularly play! It's so fun, and the dedication of the team is so heartwarming! I've had a phase of playing it every day for as long as I could only recently. It really scratches my Sci-Fi itch!

Oh, that's such a good idea! I usually don't love tortellini, but I do love butter and garlic. I sadly have never seen chorizo tortellini, but maybe I've just not noticed it yet. I did plan on making tortellini from scratch soon, though. I'll definitely keep your tips in mind, and as soon as I'm happy with how they've turned out, I'll experiment so much with them.

Feel free to tell me about the worlds you've built! I'm eager to hear about them.

May I send you a DM, btw? Or rather, if you want to, feel free to send me one as well :-)
No problem! I believe people should always reply to a post if they can if it’s positive.

Yes! Fellow player of No Man’s Sky! That makes me very happy! I’m currently trying to get the last two achievements; Take A Deep Breath and To Live Forever. I’m doing this by doing a permadeath save as that supposedly gives you both, which I’d hope.

Ah, that’s a bit annoying. I’d say any strong meat flavour tortellini would work, it’s just the chorizo has a stronger yet satisfying flavour to it. Downside to that is I end up eating it a lot; I love a strong flavour.

I will do once I’ve made myself some lunch; I’m currently off my laptop and I do need to eat.

That’s absolutely fine! I’d love that!
Hey you all,
I just wanted to make a quick thread in case any of you look for other people, to potentially be friends with :-)

I'm 25 y/o and I love making new connections. I sometimes struggle with it irl due to autism and social anxiety, but I swear I don't bite at all, I just don't get social cues sometimes :D
I love to play TTRPGs and I dip in and out of playing video games, mostly either fun and cozy games, like Stardew Valley or Minecraft (although I tend to optimize the fun out of games by having the wiki open on my second monitor while playing and burning myself out that way), or "spreadsheet" type games (Football Manager, Crusader Kings, etc).
I love to talk about worldbuilding and just brainstorm about a world or character.
I also love to cook and bake, so any and all of your favorite recipes are very welcome, I love to challenge myself without any preparation (apart from a recipe) and either make a mess or something actually edible and a base to build upon :D

I love to listen to what excites other people, so even if I maybe don't know something you love at first, I'd still love to hear about it and why you can't get enough of it. Feel free to infodump about literally anything!

I'd generally prefer chatting at first, until I overcome my anxieties and actually talk on Discord. I hope that's not a problem :-)

Feel free to just shoot me a DM if and start talking to me about anything that you're passionate about, tell me about an rp character, or anything at all.
In case you're shy and don't know what to say, either just reply to this thread with anything (single letter is enough :D) or a DM with the same content, and I'll show you pictures of my pets :D
Hi Skyl!! I'm Dai :]
I'm in my 20s, and while I do have some amount of social anxiety, it's much more prevalent in person, and practically non-existent over the internet. I also don't have autism, but I've grown up alongside those with it, and continue to have many friends with it. As such, I think I've picked up a few habits that resemble autism (some hyper-fixating that is mostly manageable, some stimming, occasional eye contact trouble), and I even have auditory sensitivities, but I'm still quite certain I'm not on the spectrum.

I wouldn't consider myself a TTRPG person but I did just get into D&D a bit ago! I'm still on my first campaign, but I'm loving it so far.

I'm also not too much of a gamer but I am pretty competent at video games. I've been a big fan of Minecraft ever since it was in Alpha and Beta days, though nowadays I feel like I'm pretty behind on all the new features.
I also am discovering that I really love platformers. I've been going nuts trying to get all of the content in Celeste, and I think I'm nearly there!

I love that you know how to bake though, that's something I would love to get better at! I just have never found the time or drive tbh. I think that's super commendable.

I'd say my own most prevalent interest is my own stories 👀
They mean everything to me. I have gobs and gobs of history, backstory, and behaviours for nearly every character I create - this includes my D&D one, which has become my latest muse.
But I take it seriously enough that right now, I'm dedicating my time towards anything I can do to create my own animated series. Historically, I've had difficulty sticking with anything for too long, but I think this is exactly what I want to do with my life. I've been practicing animation since the beginning of 2023, I've been slowly but surely expanding the lore and managing the characters and backstories, and I have contacts in the film industry who have been very receptive to helping me when I finally get to the point where I'm looking to carry it into production.

So if you ask me about Ava, I will infodump for a good few paragraphs, starting with the elevator pitch. Please, ask me for anything, I have concept art, backstories, world ideas, and I'm currently working on character profiles and progressions throughout the series - I just hit 7 pages of content for one character, so I'm not scarce on things to talk about.

I'm perfectly happy to chat on Discord too, as it's where I'm most active! I can also show you pictures of my darling Hershey, the 12lbs rabbit >:] big girl!
Hey Gray! I'm 26, go by she/her as well as they/them (honestly I don't really care about my pronouns or my gender, I'm just... me, I guess) and, hey neighbor, I'm from Germany, too! I don't have Autism but ADHD (although I am questioning whether or not I might be on the lighter end of the spectrum) and I am a sucker for world building, too! Oh and cats. Love cats, I have 3.
Something else I have are migraines and problems with auditory overstimulation. Just love taking the bus to work 🥴

No man's sky is AMAZING, by the way, I just came across my first wine red planet a while ago and holy heck it's so beautiful!!
I think my favorite game is and will forever be Skyrim, though (though I am deeeeep in the FFXIV rabbit hole rn. Got baited; it worked.)

I'm also a huge fan of ATLA and Star Trek and I'm collecting the old Animorphs books, if you happen to know the series. Oh and I also play DSA (basically German and more complicated DnD) and am working on my own world for a homebrew campaign DnD style. Super excited for that one! 🤩

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