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New and Looking to Dive Right In! (Fandom and Original Plots)

Plague Doctor

Healer With a Penchant For Harm
Ok, so from what I've read I need to post one of these threads in order to garner the interest of potential partners. A bit about me:

  • I am in the Eastern US Time Zone, and I'm usually on from 8am-4pm EST
  • I enjoy long and detailed writing, but I can be a stickler about grammar. Bad writing makes it hard for me to write! I know people have to practice and learn and all that, so I try to be patient!
  • People do profiles here right? I am a big fan of profiles --canon character or otherwise!
  • Communication is extremely important to me, I like being able to talk to my partners OOC!
  • Long-term RP is my thing! If we have a roleplay together and we both enjoy it, expect to start another one after the first concludes!
  • I use a lot of images for character/setting inspiration!

Ok, so that's me! Anyway, the original plots I have are as follows:

  • In a near-future setting, Earth is set upon by an overwhelming alien force who demolish our chances to fight back mere hours after first contact. Their goal however, is not conquest. They demand a champion of humanity to compete in a sort of gladiatorial tournament. The human is to be selected randomly by the aliens via census data and scanning, and it is the job of humanity to prepare their gladiator the best they can given a single Galactic Standard Year -- or 1.341 Earth years... defeated races are exterminated, after all. The selected gladiator is an unassuming person having always daydreamed about greatness, but suddenly green in the face at the prospect of shouldering the survival of an entire world. A 'secondary' gladiator is selected in order to ensure humanity has a backup should something happen to the primary gladiator before the games. This 'secondary' gladiator happens to be a famous individual (celebrity of some variety) who is used to the limelight. The plot follows them through training and into the games. The secondary character may be a real celebrity of some variety, if my partner so chooses --though they will have to be the player of said gladiator.
  • This plot is for any setting. Character A can see the future, but exists inside the scope of their vision and cannot change the outcome. Character B exists outside of time and can change the future, but not see what needs to be changed in order to achieve the desired outcome. The pair of course, meets and attempts to better the world. It is tricky however, to keep Character A's actions relevant but non-effective, as they would work toward causing the undesired outcome.
  • This plot is for a Victorian/Renaissance era fantasy setting. A massive city succumbs to a horrific illness that turns the afflicted into mindless husks and terrifying beasts. The unafflicted die or are infected within days, and in a few short weeks the monsters outnumber the survivors ten to one. The source of the plague seems to be misuse of magic, though the truth is far more sinister. Doctors and scientists that managed to crack the cause have utilized the same measures to inoculate themselves against the plague in much the same way the plague itself spreads. A sort of power is found in this 'vaccine' but far too late to save the general population. As of yet there is no cure other than death, and many of the former doctors and scientists have formed a loose coalition to both purge the infected and hunt down remaining survivors. They call themselves 'The Doctors' and they live on the cusp of insanity themselves. In this world of eldrich horror and madness, few are yet ambitious enough to seek the source and end the nightmare once and or all.

And here are some fandom plots:

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic setting. Character A is a former Sith, disillusioned with the endless cycled or death and murder. Character A believes in passion and controlled emotion, and following the heart. Sometimes this whimsy will read like weakness to a pure Sith --interested only in power. To a Jedi it might appear to be the path to the Dark Side. Unable to find solace in either camp, the formerly notorious force wielder assumes an identity as a Bounty Hunter. Eventually they encounter Character B who is in caught in the throes of Dark Side power, enveloped and fully submitting to the unadulterated rush of power. By happenstance or fate, the pair travel together on a mission of great importance where Character A slowly chips away at Character B in trying to redeem them. Then of course, Character B discovers that Character A is secretly a notorious Sith. Themes: Redemption, moral adventure, action, fandom.
  • Bloodbourne setting. The Nightmare of Yharnam has ended, and the hunter submitted their life to be free of the Hunter's Dream. But just because all was forgotten, does not mean all was lost. Fate followed the hunter to a new city and a new problem. The horror of the corrupted Great Ones sprout anew and the Blood Echoes return to once more make a Hunter out of the amnesiac veteran. When the hunter returns to the dream they find maddeningly familiar tools of the trade and a melancholy Doll.
  • Exalted setting. The Black Heron, a disgraced Deathlord, facing torture and suffering the likes of which no mortal can fathom, has experienced a forcible injection of humanity. No being can suffer as such and not come to understand the suffering they in turn have caused. Like any other, she yerns for freedom. She maintains a lone Exaltation --a single Abyssal Dusk. It is her only means of salvation, but if she is to be freed from her punishment she must choose the right champion. Yes, a soul strong enough to withstand what darkness she cannot shield them from. A soul who believes in redemption at any cost. Perhaps, a fallen Solar.

There it is! Any questions, feel free to ask. I'm a new member, so I can't send PM's so if you're interested shoot me a message!
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Hello! I'm interested in RP with you, but the original plots seem out of my character. So, maybe we can discuss this over in a PM? I look forward to speaking with you. ^_^
[QUOTE="Plague Doctor]

  • This plot is for a Victorian/Renaissance era fantasy setting. A massive city succumbs to a horrific illness that turns the afflicted into mindless husks and terrifying beasts. The unafflicted die or are infected within days, and in a few short weeks the monsters outnumber the survivors ten to one. The source of the plague seems to be misuse of magic, though the truth is far more sinister. Doctors and scientists that managed to crack the cause have utilized the same measures to inoculate themselves against the plague in much the same way the plague itself spreads. A sort of power is found in this 'vaccine' but far too late to save the general population. As of yet there is no cure other than death, and many of the former doctors and scientists have formed a loose coalition to both purge the infected and hunt down remaining survivors. They call themselves 'The Doctors' and they live on the cusp of insanity themselves. In this world of eldrich horror and madness, few are yet ambitious enough to seek the source and end the nightmare once and or all.

This seems very interesting to me and I'd love to do this rp with you. I am in love with horror and this just seems like I'd be very cool to do. Never seen such an idea from anyone before! I'll shoot you a pm tomorrow when I will be able to start conversations. Looking forward to this!

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