New and doesn't know what to do.

Sarah Kanade

Things and stuff.
Hi! I'm, er, really new, and I have plenty of ideas and such. But I don't know much about the site or creating a RP of my own. I know I should join some other RPs, but I'm afraid I'll get bored or something, and I'll leave the others hanging. To be honest I have no clue what to do. So I guess I'll just pitch my idea?

My idea is sort of like the seven deadly sins crossed with the four horsemen. The seven deadly sins are somewhat of anti-heroes. The world is split between the human side, and the side only the sins and creature like them can see. This side is Ragnarok, a apocalyptic world where the seven both destroy and give into evil, keeping a balance between light and dark.

I don't feel up to going more in depth, considering it is only an idea. I just sort of want some advice and help, I don't really know what I'm doing.
If you get bored, the correct action to honestly explain you've lost interest and will have to withdraw. Of course, ideally, you find a way to remove your character gracefully. And are picky enough not to join something that will bore you.

It's a pretty rough idea - is there a plot to go with it? Themes you want to explore? From here it looks like moral ambiguity, self-control, duality, and responsibility. Could be worthwhile, with some work. If you can sum up what you want do with the idea in a sentence or two - conveying basic setting, plot, and themes - that's a good jumping-off point from which to proceed.

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