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Realistic or Modern neverland : interest check


New Member

Growing up, they tell you that Neverland isn't a real place. Peter Pan and The Lost Boys were only fairy tale characters, and magical islands with fairies and pixie dust just don't exist. Maybe Tinkerbell and the gang were only a work of fiction, but Neverland isn't. Or Maybe it is. Maybe you're dreaming, maybe you're dead, but it seems real.

You woke up one day on the island, unsure of where you were or how you got there, but you soon realized you weren't alone. There were others like you who had found the island by no choice of their own either. One day you were alive on earth, going to school or work, hanging out with friends, engaging in relationships, moving through life... and the next, you were here, with no way out. For some, the idea of living here on this deserted island for the rest of eternity seems like paradise. Life back on earth wasn't great, and here they're freer and happier. For others, it was a transition. They had things going for them back home and though they may have grown to love their newfound family and friends on the island, there's still a piece of them that craves their old life.

Only one person on the island truly know the secrets of the island. He was there before the others, and at one point, had been part of an original duo... but the story of the other part of that duo isn't important right now. What's important is that even if there is a way back to earth, and even if the island isn't as all sunshine and butterflies as they make it seem, no one is going anywhere. And if they try, they may just pay in blood.

\\ ooc //


wooo, so thanks for reading! essentially, the story is going to revolve around a group of young people (18+) who live on an island quite like neverland. it's not an actual island on earth, and exists in its own world so to speak. no one ever knows how they've gotten there or why they're there, but they wake up one day and never wake up from this dream they think they're having. neverland is their new home, and they're forced to make the most out of it.

it won't be as simple as that though; i'd love for this to have a dark spin. the backstory of the island would involve a young guy, THE CREATOR, who was supernatural to an extent, who created this alter-dimensional world. it was his hiding place from the world, and he was able to come in and out of it, to and from earth, as he pleased. while doing so, he created (for lack of a better word) a glitch in the universe. rarely, people were ending up slipping through to his dimension, by no choice of his own, or their own. at first, it was only one person. he would go on to be CHARACTER 1's best friend, as CHARACTER 1 was in great need of an escape from the dreadful life he lived on earth, and saw this as a blessing and never wanted to leave. some time after, CHARACTER 2 arrived. she was less enthusiastic about the sudden shift in her life, but soon grew to accept it, and eventually went on to have a romantic relationship with CHARACTER 1. CHARACTER 1 felt like he could never lose her, and made THE CREATOR swear that he wouldn't tell CHARACTER 2 that there was, in fact, a way out of this dimension. THE CREATOR reluctantly agreed, but after months of playing along, his conscious got the best of him, and he told CHARACTER 1 that he was going to tell CHARACTER 2 the truth and offer her an opportunity to return to earth. CHARACTER 1 was distraught. he had finally gotten a chance at a good life, and he wasn't going to let anyone get away with it. not even his best friend.

so, what choice did he have other than to kill THE CREATOR? in his mind, there was no other option. he killed THE CREATOR secretly, telling CHARACTER 2 that their friend must have attempted to leave the island by boat during the night, betraying them and dying somewhere out at sea. he felt bad about it -- still does to this day, but he still stands by the idea that it was what he had to do.

in the weeks and months and maybe even years following that, others fell upon their island. for the most part, everyone accepted CHARACTER 1's insistence that there was no way off the island, and moved on. the ones who didn't and who posed too much of a threat met fates similar to that of THE CREATOR. the newest arrival might just be the force that can't be reckoned with, though, and the one needed for the secrets to start coming out...

i can go into more detail on the island and the plot if there's interest ;D. it would be a modern roleplay, and no one would have superpowers fyi, but yeah, lmk!
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