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Realistic or Modern Neutralitas Corporum (Neutrality Corps)



this one wants a cookie
The Neutrality Corps, formerly known as Neutralitas Corporum, is an international team of mercenaries who's main purpose is to eliminate militaristic radicals around the globe in order to ward off the possibility of a third world war. Due to their secrecy, they are nor directly funded by any one nation, but rather through a system of intermediary businesses that act as fronts. The exact date and location of it's founding is unknown, but it happened sometime between 1966 and 1989. As of now, the group is recruiting members from groups like the United States' Navy SEAL's and MARSOC units, the French Foreign Legion, Germany's Kommando Spezialkräfte, British and Australian SAS units, and Canada's JTF 2. No members of the team are to know another member's country of origin, but they are permitted to their continent.

Current Members:

Vince "Shady" Wilco-(IITruenoWolfII)
Age: 27
Continent: North America

All other members have either been killed in action, retired, or have gone missing.

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For more details, feel free to DM me, but I can't guarantee any speedy responses.

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