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Multiple Settings Nesy's RP check! | (Ignore reply count!)| Always looking for new players! | Come and brainstorm with me!

Please read my interest check before carrying on with a roleplay! Thank you. This is my second interest check because I wanted to make a better version! Hope you like this better! ^^ Can always switch to the other one if needed.

------------------------------------------------------------------An introduction---------------------------------------------------------

Ayee! What's up, pal? Welcome to my more organised RP-check! Thanks for clicking on this thread! I'd love to be called by the name Nesy. I'm a Swedish 14-year old roleplayer looking for partners out there. I have written for about 2 years and I mostly write in the forums but I can also do discord. I am a dude who adores fantasy, Sci-fi or any involving medieval-themed stories. I consider myself as a big genius in making up new ideas... Let's get into the fun stuff yes?

My writing style and expectations.

-- My roleplay information --

I can write up to Novella. (Don't believe me? Try me, I have the entire bowl of words here.) Maximum of 5-10 paragraphs.

I can play more than 3 OC's at once as I could be open for 3 roles at the same time.

I usually play MXF + MXM.

I can play OCxCannon + OCxOC

I'm proficient with playing NPC's

I can typically respond anytime during the UTC +1 timezone during the mornings and perhaps a little later.

RP SAMPLE? Ask me in PMS and I can produce a sample.

-- What I expect from you --

I expect that you know the basics of roleplaying. Meaning that you know what you are doing. For example, basic character creation and writing in general. I even expect that you should try to write more then you should. I accept anything from a Paragraph minimum from you. If I do a mistake or go overboard, do not unfriend me immediately. Tell me straight out what I'm doing wrong and I'll halt the roleplay. Please do not hesitate to ask me questions if you are unsure or if you want to quit. Not resulting in you doing so will result in some... Pretty negative reactions from me. I am very lenient about it but it makes me worried since I might put you through psychological harm without knowing it. Please tell me what the issue is and I'll halt the roleplay. It'll be great if you tell me if you have any conditions or issues with life that you want to share. That way I can understand you better and bump down the requirements.

Likes: I do usually love roleplaying with anything, for example, Historical, Fantasy, Medieval, Futuristic, Science-fiction and high fantasy. I mean, I don't like canon roleplaying that much but I'll try! I do love making story-driven roleplaying and come up with new solutions. Hey! I also love worldbuilding too, so if you want to do that then please head over. I'm open for any genre about worldbuilding stuff. I adore doing so! Hey, I even love anime as well so if you're up for doing any MHA or anything similar then I'll be glad to take you in.

Dislikes: Well, I don't like NSFW. As I'm a kid and I must abide that everything that is smut is not allowed. I'm sorry, but romance is fine. Just...Not smut, please.

Yes, now let's get into the plotting and what ideas I have come up with. Pst, if you don't feel like any of those suit you. Please PM me! I can try to negotiate a good plot with you.

My plots and ideas!

Plot: The world of magic has already corrupted with Dark magic. The evil group that was called: "The Dark Sun" apparently had caused a high death-toll world-wide in the magical world. There is a furious war between 2 sides called: "Divine Light" and "The Dark Sun". With no way of avoiding the war, there was a legend being surrounded by a boy with a pure soul; A hero with the purest hearts. The prophecy tells about a legend that will save the magical world, a boy with a pure heart, and with the golden heart. He's the one to fulfil the prophecy and save the era of magic and with an intent to stop the extinction of the era of magic as it was on the verge of extinction and including the source of all goodness itself. However the magical artefact the boy that has been intended to carry has been crafted by the "Goddess of Magic" She, therefore, hid it somewhere to conserve powerful artefact until one day to be found by someone with the purest heart. But he has to be careful because he does not know the unseen dangers with "The Dark Sun" with the intent of corrupting everyone under the Dark Empress/King of magic; Who wants to conquer the world for herself/himself to finally get what he or she wants.

(She or he) wants the artefact that can change the world and capable of changing the globe itself! But the "Divine Light" alliance lead by the Light Empress/King wanted to do the opposite and wanted to fight against the Darkness and they intend to stop them from invading their territories including pushing them back. But currently, the war is all haywire and both sides are in a stalemate due to them fighting for possible locations where the artifact may have been in and one day when the boy had found the artifact; Would truly change the war. There is a constant magical war between "The Black Sun" and the "Divine Light" due to this artifact and one day when the boy finds the artifact. The situation would be directed on the boy because everyone would be looking for him and he would be pretty easy to spot due to the big artifact on his back. The boy himself is the key to the end of the war although there will be epic scenes of fighting and such on both sides.

Nesy newly arrived on a planet that he didn't know whoever inhabited on it. Suddenly Nesy found a city with a castle in the middle. He thought it was a monarchy kingdom which was indeed correct. On the way there he'd suddenly stumbled upon a noblewoman/nobleman who didn't know who Nesy was.. The city was filled with elves with many kinds and apparently the planet was an elven planet with a lot of nations. Nesy had a mission! To improve relations with this planet because the Celvestians wanted to extract an unknown mineral which can enhance technology on a whole new level.. But without the elves permission, they cannot. Will Nesy make it? There will be a lot of discomfort when Nesy comes because of an alien/stranger. We can mess around with the plot too! If you prefer another race we can do that!

There are 2 mighty queens in this battle fighting each other for many or just specific purposes..The Queen of darkness and the Divine Queen. An epic war has broken out! Many fleed from their homes and villages and they attempted to seek shelter with the Divine queen. The Queen would welcome them with open hands and they were thankful. They wished to create an alliance and many other alliances joined along with the Divine Queen.. But some did the wrong choice. Who is the Queen of Darkness? She is ruling a kingdom filled with evil and despair. Darkness and pure evil. She wants all the power she ever wanted. She has executed many people who have turned against her or who she thought was deceiving her. She is powerful indeed... She wants all the land for herself and nobody else! She's indeed a power hungry queen. The Divine Queen did not like this! She decided to declare war upon her forces! She rules a kingdom with good and purity..The entire alliance agreed with this! They decided to fight them. So far they have done well.. They have managed to keep them out for a long time.. But The Queen of Darkness won't give up that easily. They might strike again.. Who knows? However, there may be undiscovered alliances who are left behind.. Roles: The Queen of Darkness,The Divine Queen and etc.

Who will I become? Nesy Celvius! Basically, Nesy is a leader of an unknown alliance that the queens/kings have not discovered yet.. His race race are martial-arts people which are called: Celvestians... But the Celvestians were very few and small in numbers.. But they were very famous for their kung-fu practice and KI practice.. I'd be a leader of a small alliance of 10 people What side will I join? It all depends on the roleplay...

The war of the worlds: 4 worlds collide into one!
This setting will happen in 2019. An alternate future where humanity is technologically advanced although it's just advanced enough to exist a mars-base and a moon base. Nothing major really. One day we've got news about 4 anomalies colliding with our planet or at least within a collision course towards our planet. But there is one problem. These are 4 gigantic portals that resemble a shame of a dome heading towards our planet and once they crash into our oceans or somewhere in the world there would be new alien-like beings coming through. This is like a sci-fi + fantasy with a little twist.

But now the year is 2020 and the world is in chaos and war with other nations but there are also other alliances and nations who wish to protect or annihilate our species. But for what reason? Is unknown. But so far the allies are in a union but the enemies are still trying to annihilate the planet but there are also beings who want to protect it. These 4 worlds host fantasy-resembling creatures along with aliens or other strange beings we haven't discovered before at all and all that kind of stuff. There could even be a war between gods as well! Goddesses and devils all over the damn globe! Along with the huge military activity that is present on the planet.

The planet is mostly a battlefield that resembles to be mostly post-apocalyptic with a few cities and countries left along with many nations included. They can be from Fantasy-nations to sci-fi nations and whatever you want. This is your imagination to create the race you like and that's your limit.

Angels vs Demons: Earther'n war. After thousands of experiments in the hadron collider, the scientists have detected something unusual with the collider itself. Two separate portals have formed under the collision under 2 particles which caused the entire collider to malfunction and shut down. The world later discovered that these 2 mini-portals have been separated across the globe. One is at the pacific ocean and one at the Atlantic. Suddenly 2 large continents emerged from underneath which contained presumingly what the people call: Heaven and Hell and the holy war began shortly after as demons and angels flooded the battlefield. What will happen to everyone here on Earth and will they able to stop whatever wants them dead to take over the world or at least stopping the demons or the angels from turning the planet into a dead wasteland of warfare..

An epic quest: The war of the 5 realms.

A war has begun between 5 realms. The war has turned into pure chaos. Due to the heavy war that raged as a massive storm, once built villages and kingdoms were now chaotic warzones that expanded across landscapes. Causing the people living in these settlements to be homeless. Some regions were intact and while some were utterly decimated. The war that started on the mortal plane unquestionably caused a lot of devastation.

The people spoke of a legend about a boy in his late teens. A prophecy was made. He was the saviour of the 5 Realms. A legendary hero that everyone craved for. It remained unknown to this day. People craved for this day to become a reality but so far the war continues. It continued to rampage upon the land, cities and small towns alike. Alliances defend their territories from enemies coming from the rival realms. Some realms remain peaceful while some get into the action to help the mortals.

A boy named Nesy was a seeker who had always wanted to find the unknown. His parents told him not to but to their dismay, he did nothing to listen to them. Because of that, he left home and went on to pursue his dreams. What will happen to Nesy? He will surely meet other companions along the way.

Will he achieve divinity or will he fall down into darkness and become consumed by it?

What is the story about?:

It's about a human boy in the modern world. Who's got into a horrible accident by falling into a rift out of nowhere. But in the Elven world.. Falling through a rift to the other world means that it's almost godlike! Something so legendary that it's considered to be a gift from the gods. This caused many factions to conflict for this single human being because this is considered to be a treasure and including the fact they conflict about him joining them. You and I shape this story. It doesn't have to be this way!

How the story starts:

Nesy was casually strolling around a street back in his own modern world. But all of a sudden he felt time has stopped and the only thing he remembered is falling through a hole into darkness. He woke up to the sight of a world that he hasn't seen before. A world filled with staggering ammounts of elves and beings originated from fairy tail itself! This was a crazy sight to comprehend. Nesy eventually noticed that there was an ongoing war raging within the horizon. Such crazy sight to behold! He meet a fellow Elf that happened to find Nesy by accident. (Can be anybody.. Even a royal). The elf explained to Nesy about a world that has an ongoing battle between corruption and divinity.

The question is... Which side will he take? Will he become a hero? Or will he bow and conceal his true bright self?

(Alien x human romance)
They meet on the beach. Somewhere in the modern world where the technology was currently in it's advanced states. Nesy (The alien) had meet this strange female being.

(Alien x vampire romance)
1. An alien being lands on a medieval style planet where he meets strange people. Nesy's blood has always been a sweet and a very valuable type of blood which attracts vampires. One of them was this strange girl. (Whatever you call them) and Nesy was here to explore but he had gotten love for some reason because the vampire showed some sort of affection to the alien. They meet when they were walking paths and they somewhat crossed eachother's paths.

(Alien x demon romance)

2. An alien being accidently rifts into hell! That is not good at all! Oh no! What is he supposed to do now? When he meets this strange horned female being who had appearently didn't know who this stranger was. This appeared to be an alien encounter of some sorts! But sure they would be asking a looot of questions and how they live and eat. But Nesy wasn't aware that this strange horned being may had some feelings for him potentially. For now it's a mystery.

(Alien x elf romance)

3. An alien has arrived at a fantasy world. Somewhere in space he had detected the planet which was already developing it's technology. But Nesy has discovered something and that's magic. He never had seen anything like it and it's definently facinating. What will Nesy react now? Then he meet a fellow elf who had shown him around and no wonder what happens next.

(Alien x Alien romance)

When Nesy landed on a desolated planet. He seemed as if he was here to explore because he loved to see if there were any leftovers. But then he saw a female-alien being who had appearently been standing there and watching him the entire time. Whoever she was was a mystery that nobody knew. Nesy was currently confused to why she was watching him but there might be a little secret that she's in love with him.

(Alien x Angel romance)

Nesy somehow rifted into heaven/Maybe he died too. When he entered heaven or what looked like heaven he noticed that there were other beings there. Angelic creatures with wings as white as snow and a strange golden city. What will happen is that a girl who's currently inhabiting the place that noticed the alien and some suprising stuff would definently happen!

Celvestia was a highly technological planet that had multiversal travelling capabilities. It was a planet at the size of Earth with 4 moons. Celvestians are humanoid beings bearing high technology that could potentially wipe out other races. Skyscrapers rising to the highest skies above the clouds of the planet. One day, a gate appeared in the middle of town and everyone was starting to flee. Medieval beings: (Orchs) rushed out of the gate attempting to invade the town but was stopped by the Celvestian forces and there were many injured and some casualties. One of the people was Nesy who was a regular dude in the eighteens. He had rescued many people while on the streets by escorting injured people. His legs had apparently started to run without thinking just like most heroes were born. How he saved so many people was a mystery.

Years later Nesy trained in basic training for months. Learning discipline and much more. Eventually, he became a soldier. The gate has been sealed by a huge control building where it was militarized. Nesy was chosen to lead a platoon because of his heroic actions of the past which truly inspired people. That platoon was going inside of the gate and set up a base to where they could possibly negotiate with the beings. There were going to be many missions, many wars and making so many allies and enemies. Will the inhabitants beyond the gate make peace with the Celvestians? Or will there be a massive ruckus where no peace deals were made. The choice comes to them.
Did nothing spark your curiosity yet? Ah, then perhaps you might want to jump into my PMS and ask me what I am up for too. All ideas and plots including your concepts are welcome!

For example Sci-fantasy pairings MXM-MXF

Alien x Demon
Alien/Human x Demon Queen/King
Alien x Angel
Alien/Human x Angel Queen/King
Alien x Alien
Alien x Human
Human x Demon
Senpai x Ayano Chan
Human x Alien


Nothing interesting? You are still free to ask me anyway. Thanks for reading all of it! Once you're done reading all of this and interested: Say: Hi! In my pms.
Thanks for reading. Good luck with the roleplaying out there.
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